Commit Graph

1728 次程式碼提交 (f4dbffa7e4b40c3d44f301320432bb66e4fcc018)

作者 SHA1 備註 提交日期
Mike Koch f4dbffa7e4 #544 Start updating to HESK 2.7.3 7 年之前
Mike Koch c606be50ef Output attachment contents 7 年之前
Mike Koch d461059cf0 Wrapped up retrieving ticket attachments 7 年之前
Mike Koch e54d5278ac More work, forgot to include security when creating attachment 7 年之前
Mike Koch c58867577f Attachments should be retrievable 7 年之前
Mike Koch 3cec244e15 Getting started on attachment retrieval 7 年之前
Mike Koch 999cb74865 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/master' into api-rewrite 7 年之前
Mike Koch d90d09b9ce Update installer 7 年之前
Mike Koch 10c7f00881 Fix audit trail when changing status 7 年之前
Mike Koch 47152eb7fb Fix hesk_POST 7 年之前
Mike Koch 6dbda6f653 Fix installation issues 7 年之前
Mike Koch 2b051ef97b Merge branch '3-0-4' into 'master'
3.0.4 Update

Closes #537, #516, #517, #521, #463, #504, #508, #519, #507, and #509

See merge request !50
7 年之前
Mike Koch 8b886737b8 Change 'More' dropdown to a modal 7 年之前
Mike Koch 44ab6fc1e9 Start moving the 'more' section to a modal 7 年之前
Mike Koch 85458aa975 Fixes #516 Add autolink plugin to auto-generate URL when entering in messages 7 年之前
Mike Koch 672a061f28 Merge branch '517-checkbox-edit-issues' into '3-0-4'
Fixes #517 Use consistent <br /> tag for checkboxes

See merge request !52
7 年之前
Mike Koch f28dc0f500 Fixes #517 Use consistent <br /> tag for checkboxes 7 年之前
Mike Koch 3bc61705b1 Merge branch '521-html-entities-when-merging' into '3-0-4'
Fix HTML Entities When Merging Tickets

See merge request !51
7 年之前
Mike Koch f8ede2240a Fixes #521 copy over html flags when merging tickets 7 年之前
Mike Koch 0b0d046d04 Update installer 7 年之前
Mike Koch 20b7643657 Merge branch '573-sql-fixes' into '3-0-4'
Fix some potention SQL injection vulns

See merge request !49
7 年之前
Mike Koch 59ebafdf81 Fix some potention SQL injection vulns 7 年之前
Mike Koch 60c5be549c Merge branch '463-suggest-kb-rich-text' into '3-0-4'
Fixes #463 Support suggested KB articles when rich text is enabled

See merge request !48
7 年之前
Mike Koch 55c6f4d093 Fixes #463 Support suggested KB articles when rich text is enabled 7 年之前
Mike Koch 48f5ad1810 Merge branch '503-align-message-to-custom-fields' into '3-0-4'
#503 tweak message format, also fix some missing changes for the calendar fix

See merge request !47
7 年之前
Mike Koch 80b6ef4c9b #503 tweak message format, also fix some missing changes for the calendar fix 7 年之前
Mike Koch 3a89bfeca1 Merge branch '504-custom-field-default-value' into '3-0-4'
Fixes #504 set readonly field names different to prevent incorrect values

See merge request !46
7 年之前
Mike Koch 7a723f5250 Fixes #504 set readonly field names different to prevent incorrect values 7 年之前
Mike Koch 0e04e44e1f Merge branch '508-calendar-select-deselect' into '3-0-4'
Fixes #508 Update category visibility after loading events

See merge request !45
7 年之前
Mike Koch 938bb20c3f Fixes #508 Update category visibility after loading events 7 年之前
Mike Koch 97a96b5947 UserToTicketChecker now checks for category managers 7 年之前
Mike Koch 37149ec831 Working on user ticket security checker 7 年之前
Mike Koch 5112a6a13b Make the endpoint only for ticket message attachments, not replies 7 年之前
Mike Koch 0556d07a56 Attachments can now be uploaded for a ticket. Still need to handle updating the reply's property 7 年之前
Mike Koch 8d484f62ea Mostly done with attachment uploading 7 年之前
Mike Koch 4fd6595ded Handle building the attachment and saving it to the FS 7 年之前
Mike Koch ffd3ac2edf Working on some validation tests 7 年之前
Mike Koch 8378d35149 Start working on attachments API. Fix .gitignore 7 年之前
Mike Koch f40eaf1a23 Fix tests 7 年之前
Mike Koch cc880a15fc Show stack traces on the message log page 7 年之前
Mike Koch f15cb63d32 Logging has been implemented for exceptions 7 年之前
Mike Koch 6af93506f1 Properly handle if the API is disabled 7 年之前
Mike Koch d0475b22c1 Add UserPrivilege enum, provide better 404 information 7 年之前
Mike Koch 25929d82f4 Fixed some email issues 7 年之前
Mike Koch ccbe2cd580 MFH Settings being loaded, emails being sent out 7 年之前
Mike Koch 06a38e9383 Autoassign logic is finished 7 年之前
Mike Koch af789a7060 Working on autoassign rewrite logic 7 年之前
Mike Koch ad2c96c667 Update composer.json and ApplicationContext 7 年之前
Mike Koch 64428872df Created an entity for user 7 年之前
Mike Koch abdc734833 Merge branch '506-customer-reply-form-location' into '3-0-4'
Put ticket reply form in the right place

See merge request !44
7 年之前