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Gráfico de commits

294 Commits (bootswatch)

Autor SHA1 Mensagem Data
Mike Koch 3ca6b1a435 Add a URL rewrite setting for the API. Not using it in code yet... might not even do that lol 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 65110bd1b4 Update database-validation.php 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 13d7b70ac5 Fix regex, query order, and black preset text colors 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch f5933e8bfa update installer, fix colorpicker presets 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch f6283a4c13 Fix the API settings page, update validator, fix sidebar text hover 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch cebcefe7e2 Actually save the settings 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch f07358cb4a Set the right form names 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 7d6f3828fd Fixed some SQL and used proper settings names 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch daca2e6273 More work on admin UI colors 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 9f0fd7c657 Working on custom staff panel color schemes 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 858e14ee8c Remove RTL support 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 55a1d3d5ad Working on adding a login header image 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 22789540ec Form is pretty much done for login background 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 0956496b99 Getting started on adding login background customizations 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 5960afd237 Update the database validator 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch ac0df60a3e Category colors are properly saved, calendar pages updated 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch a043dced97 Getting started on enhanced color changes 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 2990eadd07 Replace old HESK headers with current ones 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch add02b208d Add endpoints for re-ordering elements, add arrows to page 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 25922d99f3 Separate each type, add a sort value to reorder them 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 8db64d903d Getting started on custom nav elements 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch df503face9 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/master' into api-rewrite
# Conflicts:
#	build.php
#	install/install_functions.inc.php
#	install/mods-for-hesk/ajax/install-database-ajax.php
#	install/mods-for-hesk/installModsForHesk.php
#	install/mods-for-hesk/js/version-scripts.js
#	install/mods-for-hesk/modsForHesk.php
#	install/mods-for-hesk/sql/installSql.php
#	knowledgebase.php
7 anos atrás
Mike Koch fe6b4b1c48 Update installer / build number 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 027ff8f029 Update installer the right way 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch bed05b0592 Fix version 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 7a8f960bc0 Fix installer 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 925ad5f538 #544 Rest of the 2.7.3 updates 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 95606d1f0a Update installer the right way 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 3556dd9618 Fix version 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch b266fe6e4f Fix installer 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 7277b5e4a2 #544 Rest of the 2.7.3 updates 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 999cb74865 Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/master' into api-rewrite 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch d90d09b9ce Update installer 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 6dbda6f653 Fix installation issues 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 0b0d046d04 Update installer 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch f15cb63d32 Logging has been implemented for exceptions 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 273feb676c Forgot to update installModsForHesk 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 80e69f3ef0 Bump to 3.0.3 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 2ca6d230e3 Revert back to old install script format 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch a43338a017 Fix columns 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch f63f141177 Improve database validation 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 92b4f8e4d0 Update version, tweak login CSS to perform better on mobile 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 27a1efafcf Fix unintall SQL 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 76d47a6f64 Update installer for 3.0.0 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 7fe7fa5450 Bump version to 3.0.0 RC 1 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch c9fc8ef28f Don't stop if a query fails. 7 anos atrás
Mike Koch 87275b80cb Fix some install SQL and properly 500 on error 8 anos atrás
Mike Koch 6eb97cd7c8 Merge branch 'hesk-2-7-0-final-update' into 'master'
HESK 2.7.0 Final Changes

See merge request !30
8 anos atrás
Mike Koch 34faefaf98 Bump version to stable for now 8 anos atrás
Mike Koch 9f3db36b71 Update modsForHesk.php 8 anos atrás