Mike Koch 6 лет назад
Родитель d2096f366e
Коммит 6cad99e6c3
Не найден ключ, соответствующий данной подписи
Идентификатор GPG ключа: 9BA5D7F8391455ED

@ -1338,12 +1338,12 @@ function hesk_getAdminButtons($category_id)
if ($can_edit) {
$tmp = $reply ? '&reply=' . $reply['id'] : '';
$mgr = $isManager ? '&isManager=true' : '';
$options .= '<a id="editticket" title="'.$hesklang['edtt'].'" class="btn btn-default" href="edit_post.php?track=' . $trackingID . $tmp . $mgr . '"><i class="fa fa-pencil orange"></i> ' . $hesklang['edit'] . '</a> ';
$options .= '<a id="editticket" title="'.$hesklang['edtt'].'" class="btn btn-default" href="edit_post.php?track=' . $trackingID . $tmp . $mgr . '"><i class="fa fa-pencil orange"></i> ' . $hesklang['btn_edit'] . '</a> ';
/* Print ticket button */
$options .= '<a class="btn btn-default" title="'.$hesklang['printer_friendly'].'" href="../print.php?track=' . $trackingID . '"><i class="fa fa-print"></i> ' . $hesklang['printer_friendly'] . '</a> ';
$options .= '<a class="btn btn-default" title="'.$hesklang['printer_friendly'].'" href="../print.php?track=' . $trackingID . '"><i class="fa fa-print"></i> ' . $hesklang['btn_print'] . '</a> ';
/* Copy ticket button */
$strippedName = strip_tags($ticket['name']);
@ -1508,8 +1508,8 @@ function hesk_getAdminButtons($category_id)
$dropdown .= $ticket['locked']
? sprintf($template, 'unlock', $hesklang['tul'], 0, 'unlock', $hesklang['tul'])
: sprintf($template, 'lock', $hesklang['tlo'], 1, 'lock', $hesklang['tlo']);
? sprintf($template, 'unlock', $hesklang['tul'] . ' - ' . $hesklang['isloc'], 0, 'unlock', $hesklang['btn_unlock'])
: sprintf($template, 'lock', $hesklang['tlo'] . ' - ' . $hesklang['isloc'], 1, 'lock', $hesklang['btn_lock']);
/* Tag ticket button */
@ -1526,8 +1526,8 @@ function hesk_getAdminButtons($category_id)
$dropdown .= $ticket['archive']
? sprintf($template, 'untag', $hesklang['remove_archive'], 0, $hesklang['remove_archive'])
: sprintf($template, 'tag', $hesklang['add_archive'], 1, $hesklang['add_archive']);
? sprintf($template, 'untag', $hesklang['remove_archive'], 0, $hesklang['btn_untag'])
: sprintf($template, 'tag', $hesklang['add_archive'], 1, $hesklang['btn_tag']);
/* Import to knowledgebase button */
@ -1537,7 +1537,7 @@ function hesk_getAdminButtons($category_id)
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-body">
<i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o fa-fw"></i> ' . $hesklang['import_kb'] . '
<i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o fa-fw"></i> ' . $hesklang['btn_import_kb'] . '
@ -1633,7 +1633,7 @@ function hesk_getAdminButtonsInTicket($reply = 0, $white = 1)
if ($can_edit) {
$tmp = $reply ? '&amp;reply=' . $reply['id'] : '';
$mgr = $isManager ? '&amp;isManager=true' : '';
$options .= '<a class="btn btn-default" href="edit_post.php?track=' . $trackingID . $tmp . $mgr . '"><i class="fa fa-pencil orange"></i> ' . $hesklang['edtt'] . '</a> ';
$options .= '<a class="btn btn-default" href="edit_post.php?track=' . $trackingID . $tmp . $mgr . '"><i class="fa fa-pencil orange"></i> ' . $hesklang['btn_edit'] . '</a> ';

@ -125,8 +125,6 @@ $modsForHesk_settings = mfh_getSettings();
// Print "end of ticket" message
echo $hesklang['end_ticket'];
require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/');

@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ function hesk_getCustomerButtons($white = 1)
$style = 'class="option' . $tmp . 'OFF" onmouseover="this.className=\'option' . $tmp . 'ON\'" onmouseout="this.className=\'option' . $tmp . 'OFF\'"';
/* Print ticket button */
$options .= '<a href="print.php?track=' . $trackingID . $hesk_settings['e_query'] . '" title="' . $hesklang['printer_friendly'] . '"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-print"></span> ' . $hesklang['printer_friendly'] . ' </a> ';
$options .= '<a class="btn btn-default" href="print.php?track=' . $trackingID . $hesk_settings['e_query'] . '" title="' . $hesklang['printer_friendly'] . '"><span class="fa fa-print"></span> ' . $hesklang['btn_print'] . ' </a> ';
/* Return generated HTML */
return $options;
