diff --git a/language/en/text.php b/language/en/text.php index 2cdbbcc9..3b757749 100644 --- a/language/en/text.php +++ b/language/en/text.php @@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ /* * Language file for Help Desk Software HESK (www.hesk.com) * Language: ENGLISH -* Version: 2.5.5 +* Version: 2.6.0 beta 1 from 30th December 2014 * Author: Klemen Stirn (http://www.hesk.com) * * !!! This file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding without byte order mark (BOM) !!! -* Test chars: àáâãäåæ +* Test chars: àáâãäåæ */ // Change "English" to the name of your language @@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ $hesklang['category_moved'] = '[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Ticket moved: %%SUBJECT%% $hesklang['new_note'] = '[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Note added to: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['new_pm'] = 'New private message: %%SUBJECT%%'; $hesklang['forgot_ticket_id'] = 'List of your support tickets'; +$hesklang['ticket_closed'] = '[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Ticket closed/resolved'; // New in 2.6.0 // ERROR MESSAGES $hesklang['cant_connect_db']='Can\'t connect to database!'; @@ -224,7 +225,6 @@ $hesklang['enter_real_name']='Please enter user real name'; $hesklang['enter_valid_email']='Please enter a valid email address'; $hesklang['enter_username']='Please enter username (login)'; $hesklang['asign_one_cat']='Please assign user to at least one category!'; -$hesklang['signature_long']='User signature is too long! Please limit the signature to 255 chars'; $hesklang['confirm_user_pass']='Please confirm password'; $hesklang['passwords_not_same']='The two passwords entered are not the same!'; $hesklang['cant_del_admin']='You cannot delete the default administrator!'; @@ -335,7 +335,6 @@ $hesklang['edit']='Edit'; $hesklang['add_user']='Add new user'; $hesklang['req_marked_with']='Required fields are marked with'; $hesklang['real_name']='Real name'; -$hesklang['signature_max']='Signature
(max 255 chars)'; $hesklang['sign_extra']='HTML code is not allowed. Links will be clickable.'; $hesklang['create_user']='Create user'; $hesklang['editing_user']='Editing user'; @@ -656,7 +655,6 @@ $hesklang['t_m']='minutes'; $hesklang['day']='Daylight saving'; $hesklang['tfor']='Time format'; $hesklang['prefix']='Table prefix'; -$hesklang['s_ekb']='Knowledgebase (KB)'; $hesklang['s_kbs']='Enable KB search'; $hesklang['s_kbr']='Enable KB rating'; $hesklang['s_maxsr']='Max search results'; @@ -1266,10 +1264,6 @@ $hesklang['n2ex']='No tickets found matching your criteria, nothing to export!'; $hesklang['sp']='SPAM Prevention'; // For settings page $hesklang['sit']='-> Image Type'; $hesklang['sis']='Simple image'; -$hesklang['sir']='ReCaptcha'; -$hesklang['rcpb']='Public key'; -$hesklang['rcpv']='Private key'; -$hesklang['rcsl']='Use SSL'; $hesklang['pop3keep']='Keep a copy'; $hesklang['err_dbconn']='Could not connect to MySQL database using provided information!'; $hesklang['s_inle']='Testing the language folder for valid languages. Only languages that pass all tests are properly installed.'; @@ -1316,6 +1310,207 @@ $hesklang['incorrect_try_again']='Incorrect. Try again.'; $hesklang['image_alt_text']='reCAPTCHA challenge image'; $hesklang['recaptcha_error']='Incorrect SPAM Prevention answer, please try again.'; +// Added or modified in version 2.6.0 +$hesklang['ms01']='Jan'; +$hesklang['ms02']='Feb'; +$hesklang['ms03']='Mar'; +$hesklang['ms04']='Apr'; +$hesklang['ms05']='May'; +$hesklang['ms06']='Jun'; +$hesklang['ms07']='Jul'; +$hesklang['ms08']='Aug'; +$hesklang['ms09']='Sep'; +$hesklang['ms10']='Oct'; +$hesklang['ms11']='Nov'; +$hesklang['ms12']='Dec'; +$hesklang['lcf']='List date format'; +$hesklang['lcf0']='Short descriptive'; +$hesklang['lcf1']='Date and time'; +$hesklang['lcf2']='HESK style'; +$hesklang['ticket_tpl']='Ticket templates'; +$hesklang['can_man_ticket_tpl']='Manage ticket templates'; // Permission title +$hesklang['ticket_tpl_man']='Manage ticket templates'; // Page/link title +$hesklang['ticket_tpl_intro']='Create and edit ticket templates that you can use to quickly submit new tickets from the admin interface.'; +$hesklang['no_ticket_tpl']='No ticket templates'; +$hesklang['ticket_tpl_title']='Title'; +$hesklang['delete_tpl']='Are you sure you want to delete this template?'; +$hesklang['new_ticket_tpl']='Add or Edit a ticket template'; +$hesklang['ticket_tpl_add']='Create a new ticket template'; +$hesklang['ticket_tpl_edit']='Edit selected ticket template'; +$hesklang['save_ticket_tpl']='Save ticket template'; +$hesklang['ticket_tpl_saved']='Your ticket template has been saved for future use'; +$hesklang['ticket_tpl_removed']='Selected ticket template has been removed from the database'; +$hesklang['ticket_tpl_not_found']='Ticket template not found'; +$hesklang['sel_ticket_tpl']='Select the ticket template you would like to edit'; +$hesklang['ent_ticket_tpl_title']='Please enter reply title'; +$hesklang['ent_ticket_tpl_msg']='Please enter reply message'; +$hesklang['ticket_tpl_id']='Missing ticket template ID'; +$hesklang['select_ticket_tpl']='Select a ticket template'; +$hesklang['list_tickets_cat']='List all tickets in this category'; +$hesklang['def_msg']='[No message]'; +$hesklang['emlreqmsg']='Require message'; +$hesklang['emlreqmsg2']='Ignore piped/fetched emails with no message'; +$hesklang['relart']='Related articles'; // Title of related articles box +$hesklang['s_relart']='Related articles'; // On settings page +$hesklang['tab_7']='Ticket list'; +$hesklang['fitl']='Fields in ticket list'; +$hesklang['submitted']='Submitted'; +$hesklang['clickemail']='View'; +$hesklang['set_pri_to']='Set priority to:'; // Action below the ticket list +$hesklang['pri_set_to']='Priority has been set to:'; +$hesklang['cat_pri']='The category priority will be used when customers are not allowed to select priority and a ticket is submitted from the customer interface.'; +$hesklang['cat_pri_info']='Your customers are allowed to select priority, so category priority will be ignored.

To use category priority instead, turn OFF the following feature in HESK settings:'; +$hesklang['def_pri']='Category priority:'; +$hesklang['ch_cat_pri']='Set category priority'; +$hesklang['cat_pri_ch']='Category priority has been set to:'; +$hesklang['err_dbversion']='Too old MySQL version:'; // %s will be replaced with MySQL version +$hesklang['signature_max']='Signature (max 1000 chars)'; +$hesklang['signature_long']='User signature is too long! Please limit the signature to 1000 chars'; +$hesklang['ip_whois']='IP whois'; +$hesklang['ednote']='Edit note message'; +$hesklang['ednote2']='Note message saved'; +$hesklang['perm_deny']='Permission denied'; +$hesklang['mis_note']='Missing note ID'; +$hesklang['no_note']='Note with this ID not found'; +$hesklang['save_reply']='Save and continue later'; +$hesklang['reply_saved']='Your reply message has been saved for later.'; +$hesklang['submit_as']='Submit as:'; +$hesklang['sasc']='Submit as Customer reply'; +$hesklang['creb']='Customer reply entered by:'; +$hesklang['show_select']='Show "Click to select" as default option'; +// Settings +$hesklang['mms']='Maintenance mode'; +$hesklang['mmd']='Enable maintenance mode'; +// Customer notice +$hesklang['mm1']='Maintenance in progress'; +$hesklang['mm2']='In order to perform scheduled maintenance, our help desk has shut down temporarily.'; +$hesklang['mm3']='We apologize for the inconvenience and ask that you please try again later.'; +// Staff notice +$hesklang['mma1']='Maintenance mode is active!'; +$hesklang['mma2']='Customers are not able to use the help desk.'; +$hesklang['tools']='Tools'; +$hesklang['banemail']='Banned Emails'; +$hesklang['banemail_intro']='Prevent certain email addresses from submitting tickets to your help desk.'; +$hesklang['no_banemails']='No emails are being banned.'; +$hesklang['eperm']='Permanent email bans:'; +$hesklang['bananemail']='Email address to ban'; +$hesklang['savebanemail']='Ban this email'; +$hesklang['enterbanemail']='Enter the email address you wish to ban.'; +$hesklang['validbanemail']='Enter a valid email address (john.doe@domain.com) or email domain (@domain.com)'; +$hesklang['email_banned']='The email address %s was banned and HESK will no longer accept tickets from this address.'; // %s will be replaced with email +$hesklang['emailbanexists']='The email address %s is already banned.'; // %s will be replaced with email +$hesklang['email_unbanned']='Email ban deleted'; +$hesklang['banby']='Banned by'; +$hesklang['delban']='Delete ban'; +$hesklang['delban_confirm']='Delete this ban?'; +$hesklang['baned_e']='You have been banned from submiting new support tickets.'; +$hesklang['baned_ip']='You have been banned from this help desk'; +$hesklang['can_ban_emails']='Can ban emails'; +$hesklang['can_unban_emails']='Can unban emails (enables Can ban emails)'; +$hesklang['eisban']='This email address is banned.'; +$hesklang['click_unban']='Click here to unban.'; +$hesklang['banip']='Banned IPs'; +$hesklang['banip_intro']='Visitors from banned IP addresses will not be able to view or submit tickets and login into the help desk.'; +$hesklang['ipperm']='Permanent IP bans:'; +$hesklang['iptemp']='Login failure bans:'; +$hesklang['savebanip']='Ban this IP'; +$hesklang['no_banips']='No IPs are being banned.'; +$hesklang['bananip']='IP address to ban'; +$hesklang['banex']='Examples:'; +$hesklang['iprange']='IP range'; +$hesklang['savebanip']='Ban this IP'; +$hesklang['ippermban']='Ban this IP permanently'; +$hesklang['enterbanip']='Enter the IP address or range you wish to ban.'; +$hesklang['validbanip']='Enter a valid IP address or IP range'; +$hesklang['ip_banned']='The IP address %s was banned and HESK will no longer accept tickets from this IP address.'; // %s will be replaced with ip +$hesklang['ip_rbanned']='The IP range %s was banned and HESK will no longer accept tickets from this IP range.'; // %s will be replaced with ip +$hesklang['ipbanexists']='The IP address %s is already banned.'; // %s will be replaced with ip +$hesklang['iprbanexists']='The IP range %s is already banned.'; // %s will be replaced with ip +$hesklang['ip_unbanned']='IP ban deleted'; +$hesklang['ip_tempun']='Temporary IP ban deleted'; +$hesklang['can_ban_ips']='Can ban ips'; +$hesklang['can_unban_ips']='Can unban ips (enables Can ban ips)'; +$hesklang['ipisban']='This IP address is banned.'; +$hesklang['m2e']='Expires in (minutes)'; +$hesklang['info']='Info'; +$hesklang['sm_title']='Service messages'; +$hesklang['sm_intro']='Display a service message in the customer area, for example to notify them about known issues and important news.'; +$hesklang['can_service_msg']='Edit service messages'; +$hesklang['new_sm']='New service message'; +$hesklang['edit_sm']='Edit service message'; +$hesklang['ex_sm']='Existing service messages'; +$hesklang['sm_author']='Author'; +$hesklang['sm_type']='Type'; +$hesklang['sm_published']='Published'; +$hesklang['sm_draft']='Draft'; +$hesklang['sm_style']='Style'; +$hesklang['sm_none']='None'; +$hesklang['sm_success']='Success'; +$hesklang['sm_info']='Info'; +$hesklang['sm_notice']='Notice'; +$hesklang['sm_error']='Error'; +$hesklang['sm_save']='Save service message'; +$hesklang['sm_preview']='Preview service message'; +$hesklang['sm_mtitle']='Title'; +$hesklang['sm_msg']='Message'; +$hesklang['sm_e_title']='Enter service message title'; +$hesklang['sm_e_msg']='Enter service message'; +$hesklang['sm_e_id']='Missing message ID'; +$hesklang['sm_added']='A new service message has been added'; +$hesklang['sm_deleted']='Service message deleted'; +$hesklang['sm_not_found']='This service message does not exist'; +$hesklang['no_sm']='No service messages'; +$hesklang['del_sm']='Delete this service message?'; +$hesklang['sm_mdf']='Service message has been saved'; +$hesklang['sska']='Show suggested articles'; +$hesklang['taws']='These articles were suggested:'; +$hesklang['defaults']='Defaults'; +$hesklang['pncn']='Select notify customer option in the new ticket form'; +$hesklang['pncr']='Select notify customer option in the ticket reply form'; +$hesklang['pssy']='Show what knowledgebase articles were suggested to customers'; +$hesklang['ccct']='Customer resolve'; +$hesklang['custnot']='Notify customers when'; +$hesklang['notnew']='A new support ticket is submitted'; +$hesklang['notclo']='A support ticket is marked Resolved'; +$hesklang['enn']='Except for Email piping/POP3 fetching if email subject contains:'; +$hesklang['spamn']='SPAM notice'; +$hesklang['spam_inbox']='No confirmation email?
We sent a confirmation message to your email address. If you do not receive it within a few minutes, please check your Junk, Bulk or Spam folders. Mark the message as Not SPAM to avoid problems receiving our correspondence in the future.
'; +$hesklang['s_ekb']='Enable Knowledgebase'; +$hesklang['ekb_n']='NO, disable Knowledgebase'; +$hesklang['ekb_y']='YES, enable Knowledgebase'; +$hesklang['ekb_o']='YES, use HESK as a Knowledgebase only (disable help desk)'; +$hesklang['kb_set']='Knowledgebase settings'; +$hesklang['kbo1']='Knowledgebase-only mode'; +$hesklang['kbo2']='

Visitors cannot submit new support tickets and are taken directly to the knowledgebase.'; +$hesklang['fpass']='Forgot your password?'; +$hesklang['passr']='Password reset'; +$hesklang['passa']='Allow users to reset a forgot password over email'; +$hesklang['passe']='Enter your email address'; +$hesklang['passs']='Send me password reset link'; +$hesklang['noace']='No account with that email address was found'; +$hesklang['pemls']='We sent you an email with instructions on how to reset your password'; +$hesklang['reset_password']='Reset your help desk password'; // Email subject +$hesklang['ehash']='Invalid or expired password reset link'; +$hesklang['ehaip']='Wrong IP address. Passwords may only be reset from the IP address that requested password reset.'; +$hesklang['resim']='Setup your new password in the form below!'; +$hesklang['permissions']='Permissions'; +$hesklang['atype']='Account type'; +$hesklang['astaff']='Staff'; +$hesklang['oon1']='Send me only open tickets'; +$hesklang['oon2']='Send me all my tickets'; +$hesklang['anyown']='Any owner'; +$hesklang['pfr']='Another POP3 fetching task is still in progress.'; +$hesklang['pjt']='Task timeout'; +$hesklang['pjt2']='minutes after start'; +$hesklang['sir']='ReCaptcha V1 API (old)'; +$hesklang['sir2']='ReCaptcha V2 API (recommended)'; +$hesklang['rcpb']='Site key (Public key)'; +$hesklang['rcpv']='Secret key (Private key)'; + +// Language for Google reCaptcha API version 2 +// Supported language codes: https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/language +// If your language is NOT in the supported langauges, leave 'en' +$hesklang['RECAPTCHA']='en'; // DO NOT CHANGE BELOW if (!defined('IN_SCRIPT')) die('PHP syntax OK!');