/* * Copyright 2020 Netsyms Technologies. * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function openEventAddScreen(machineid) { app.dialog.preloader("Loading..."); apirequest( "geteventtypes", {}, function (resp) { app.dialog.close(); catoptions = [ ]; for (const catlabel in resp) { var options = []; for (const optionval in resp[catlabel]) { options.push({ value: optionval, label: resp[catlabel][optionval] }); } catoptions.push({ label: catlabel, options: options }); } console.log(catoptions); router.navigate("/addevent", { context: { machineid: machineid, fields: [ { name: "event", label: "Event", type: "select", catoptions: catoptions, value: "", tabindex: 0 }, { name: "date", label: "Date/Time", type: "datetime", value: "", tabindex: 1 }, { name: "privatenotes", label: "Private Notes", type: "textarea", value: "", tabindex: 2 }, { name: "publicnotes", label: "Public Notes", type: "textarea", value: "", tabindex: 3 } ] } }); }, function (xhr) { app.dialog.close(); var error = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); if (error && typeof error.msg != 'undefined') { app.dialog.alert(error.msg, "Error"); } else { app.dialog.alert("A server or network error occurred.", "Error"); } }, getStorage("username"), getStorage("password") ); } function addEvent(machineid) { app.dialog.preloader("Adding event..."); var eventdata = { id: machineid }; $("#eventform .eventfield").each(function (i, o) { if ($(this).parent().is(".smart-select")) { eventdata[$(this).attr("name")] = app.smartSelect.get('#smartselect-' + $(this).attr("name")).getValue(); } else { eventdata[$(this).attr("name")] = $(this).val(); } }); apirequest( "addevent", eventdata, function (resp) { app.dialog.close(); if (resp.status == "ERROR") { app.dialog.alert(resp.msg, "Error"); } else { app.toast.create({ text: 'Event added!', closeTimeout: 2000, }).open(); openMachineInfo(machineid); } }, function (xhr) { app.dialog.close(); var error = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); if (error && typeof error.msg != 'undefined') { app.dialog.alert(error.msg, "Error"); } else { app.dialog.alert("A server or network error occurred.", "Error"); } }); }