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* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
$sender = $database->get("accounts", ["[>]authkeys" => "accountid"], ["accounts.accountid", "balance", "type"], ["authkeys.key" => $VARS["key"]]);
$amount = $VARS["amount"] * 1.0;
if (!$database->has("accounts", ["publicid" => $VARS["to"]])) {
if (!$database->has("merchant_transactions", ["txcode" => $VARS["to"]])) {
sendJsonResp($Strings->get("Could not find the receiving account.", false), "ERROR");
} else {
$receiver = $database->get("accounts", ["[>]merchant_transactions" => ["accountid" => "merchantid"]], ["accounts.accountid", "accounts.balance", "accounts.type", "merchant_transactions.amount", "merchant_transactions.complete"], ["txcode" => $VARS["to"]]);
if ($receiver["complete"] == true) {
sendJsonResp($Strings->get("The transaction has already been completed.", false), "ERROR");
if ($amount != $receiver["amount"]) {
sendJsonResp($Strings->get("You must send the exact amount shown ($receiver[amount]).", false), "ERROR");
} else {
$receiver = $database->get("accounts", ["accountid", "balance", "type"], ["publicid" => $VARS["to"]]);
if ($amount > $sender["balance"]) {
sendJsonResp($Strings->get("Insufficient funds.", false), "ERROR");
if (($sender["type"] == 1 && $receiver["type"] == 2) || ($sender["type"] == 2 && $receiver["type"] == 3)) {
$success = false;
$database->action(function ($database) {
global $VARS, $sender, $receiver, $amount, $success;
$database->update("accounts", ["balance[+]" => $amount], ["accountid" => $receiver["accountid"]]);
$database->update("accounts", ["balance[-]" => $amount], ["accountid" => $sender["accountid"]]);
$database->insert("transactions", [
"amount" => $amount,
"fromid" => $sender["accountid"],
"toid" => $receiver["accountid"],
"datetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
if ($receiver["type"] == 3) {
$database->update("merchant_transactions", ["complete" => true], ["txcode" => $VARS["to"]]);
$success = true;
if ($success) {
} else {
sendJsonResp($Strings->get("An unknown problem occurred.", false), "ERROR");
} else {
sendJsonResp($Strings->get("Money must be sent from givers to receivers.", false), "ERROR");