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Map of nearby receivers #2

aberto por skylarmt 5 anos atrás · 0 comentários

Givers should be able to view a map with nearby receivers. Tapping on a map marker will open the send money page.

Receivers will have a button on the home screen that "broadcasts" their current location to the map, where it will be visible for a period of time before expiring. The button should show the time remaining until needing to be re-pressed.

Givers should be able to view a map with nearby receivers. Tapping on a map marker will open the send money page. Receivers will have a button on the home screen that "broadcasts" their current location to the map, where it will be visible for a period of time before expiring. The button should show the time remaining until needing to be re-pressed.
skylarmt adicionou esta issue para o marco First Release 5 anos atrás
skylarmt se auto atribuiu para esta issue 5 anos atrás
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skylarmt fechou esta issue 5 anos atrás
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Referência: Netsyms/HelpingHelenaApp#2
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