Ability to send money #1

skylarmt5 년 전을 오픈 · 0개의 코멘트
skylarmt 코멘트됨, 5 년 전

Send money to a QR code or a public account ID.

QR code format should be a URL to the hosted web app that includes the public account ID.

If the user is signed in, the app should open the send money page immediately when loaded with a URL from a QR code. This will give a smooth user experience if they use a third-party QR scanner app or don't have the packaged app installed.

Send money to a QR code or a public account ID. QR code format should be a URL to the hosted web app that includes the public account ID. If the user is signed in, the app should open the send money page immediately when loaded with a URL from a QR code. This will give a smooth user experience if they use a third-party QR scanner app or don't have the packaged app installed.
skylarmt First Release 5 년 전 마일스톤을 추가하였습니다.
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참여자 1명
기한이 올바르지 않거나 범위를 벗어났습니다. 'yyyy-mm-dd'형식을 사용해주십시오.

마감일이 설정되지 않았습니다.


No dependencies set.

Reference: Netsyms/HelpingHelenaApp#1
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