/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var $$ = Dom7; // Detect platform and run platform-specific setup code // for Cordova, NW.js, or the browser initPlatform(); var app = new Framework7({ root: "#app", name: "Helena Express", id: "com.netsyms.helenaexpress.app", theme: "auto", card: { swipeToClose: false, hideNavbarOnOpen: false, }, popup: { backdrop: true }, popover: { backdrop: true }, touch: { tapHold: true }, statusbar: { enabled: false }, init: false, initOnDeviceReady: false, routes: routes }); var mainView = app.views.create('#view-main', { url: "/", animate: true, loadInitialPage: false }); var router = mainView.router; function restartApplication() { window.location = "index.html"; } router.on("pageInit", function (pagedata) { pagedata.$el.find('script').each(function (el) { if ($$(this).attr('src')) { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = $$(this).attr('src'); $$('head').append(s); } else { eval($$(this).text()); } }); // Stop text selection from popping a system toolbar even after changing pages if (window.getSelection) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } else if (document.selection) { document.selection.empty(); } }); /** * Perform back button behavior. * Call this function whenever the equivalent to the Android back button is pressed. * @returns {undefined} */ function handleBackButton() { // Close sheet if it's open if ($(".sheet-modal").hasClass("modal-in")) { app.sheet.close(); } else if ($(".popup").hasClass("modal-in")) { app.popup.close(); } else if ($(".searchbar-enabled")[0]) { app.searchbar.disable(); } else if (scanningBarcode) { return; } else { router.back({force: true, ignoreCache: true}); } // Stop text selection from popping a system toolbar even after changing pages if (window.getSelection) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } else if (document.selection) { document.selection.empty(); } } $(document).on("mousedown", ".hapticbtn,.input-clear-button,.button,.link", function () { doHapticFeedback(); }); $(document).keyup(function (e) { if (e.key === "Escape" || e.keyCode == 27) { handleBackButton(); } }); router.on("routeChange", function (newRoute) { console.log("Info", "Navigating to ", newRoute.path); trackPageView(newRoute.path, $("#view-main .page-current .navbar .navbar-inner .title").first().text()); }); function setAppTheme(theme) { if (theme == "light") { $("body").removeClass("dark"); if (platform_type == "cordova" && typeof StatusBar !== 'undefined') { StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#e8f9fe"); StatusBar.styleDefault(); } } else if (theme == "dark") { $("body").addClass("dark"); if (platform_type == "cordova" && typeof StatusBar !== 'undefined') { StatusBar.styleLightContent(); if (cordova.platformId == "ios") { StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#121212"); } else { StatusBar.backgroundColorByName("black"); } } } } function applyColorTheme() { if (getStorage("apptheme") == "dark") { setAppTheme("dark"); } else if (getStorage("apptheme") == "light") { setAppTheme("light"); } else { setAppTheme(appTheme); } } /** * Turn animations on or off. * @param {boolean} on true for on, false for off. * @returns {undefined} */ function toggleAnimations(on) { if (on) { $("#app").removeClass("no-animation"); } else { $("#app").addClass("no-animation"); } mainView.params.animate = on; } /** * Turn animations on or off while considering user preferences. * @param boolean enabled true to enable, false to disable, undefined to use animation=on/off setting. * @returns {undefined} */ function setAnimations(enabled) { if (getStorage("animation") == null) { setStorage("animation", "auto"); } if (typeof enabled !== "undefined") { toggleAnimations(enabled == true); return; } if (getStorage("animation") == "off") { toggleAnimations(false); } else if (getStorage("animation") == "on") { toggleAnimations(true); } } applyColorTheme(); setAnimations(); // Migrate from old to new account number storage key if (inStorage("phonenumber") && !inStorage("accountnumber")) { setStorage("accountnumber", getStorage("phonenumber")); removeFromStorage("phonenumber"); } var setup = (inStorage("accountnumber") && inStorage("accountkey")) || inStorage("setupskipped"); app.init(); if (getStorage("analytics") !== "false") { try { var _paq = window._paq = window._paq || []; _paq.push(['enableLinkTracking']); (function () { var u = "https://analytics.netsyms.net/"; _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u + 'matomo.php']); _paq.push(['setSiteId', '40']); var d = document, g = d.createElement('script'), s = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; g.async = true; g.src = u + 'matomo.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s); })(); } catch (ex) { // skip } } else { console.log("Analytics code not loaded at user request."); } document.title = SETTINGS.branding.apptitle; /** * Open the page set in the startpage URL parameter. * @returns {Boolean} true if navigated to a set page, false if app should open something else. */ function openStartpageURLArg() { try { var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); if (urlParams.has("startpage")) { var startpage = urlParams.get("startpage"); if (startpage == "") { return false; } router.navigate("/" + startpage); return true; } } catch (ex) { } return false; } /** * Get the cached dynamic page content if available, else return null (and try to fetch it for next time) * @param {string} page the page ID * @returns {string|null} */ function getDynamicPageContent(page) { if (inStorage("dynamiccontent_" + page)) { return getStorage("dynamiccontent_" + page); } apirequest(SETTINGS.apis.dynamicappcontent, {page: page}, function (resp) { if (resp.status == "OK") { setStorage("dynamiccontent_" + resp.page, resp.content); } }); return null; } // update dynamic page text cache setTimeout(function () { dynamicPages.forEach(function (pageid) { // Only update if it's been over an hour since last update if (!inStorage("dynamiccontent-lastupdated_" + pageid) || getStorage("dynamiccontent-lastupdated_" + pageid) < time() - 60 * 60) { apirequest(SETTINGS.apis.dynamicappcontent, {page: pageid}, function (resp) { if (resp.status == "OK") { setStorage("dynamiccontent_" + resp.page, resp.content); setStorage("dynamiccontent-lastupdated_" + resp.page, time()); } }); } }); }, 500); if (setup) { router.navigate("/home"); } else { router.navigate("/welcome", { history: false, pushState: false }); } openStartpageURLArg();