/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function openGenericBarcodeScanner() { scanBarcode(function (result) { var code = ""; var action = ""; if (result.startsWith("https://helena.express/track#")) { // tracking code from receipt code = result.split("#")[1]; action = "track"; } else if (result.startsWith("https://helena.express/dropandsend#")) { code = result.split("#")[1]; action = "pickupcode"; } else if (result.startsWith("https://helena.express/das/pickup#")) { code = result.split("#")[1]; action = "pickupcode"; } else if (result.startsWith("http") && result.includes("#")) { if (trackingcoderegex.test(result.split("#")[1])) { code = result.split("#")[1]; action = "track"; } } else if (paymentRequestRegex.test(result)) { code = encodeURIComponent(result); action = "sendcrypto"; } else if (walletPubKeyRegex.test(result)) { code = result; action = "cryptowallet"; } else if (trackingcoderegex.test(result)) { code = result; action = "track"; } switch (action) { case "track": openTrackingInfoPage(code); break; case "pickupcode": sendPickupCode(code); break; case "cryptowallet": router.navigate("/crypto/" + code); break; case "sendcrypto": router.navigate("/crypto?paymenturi=" + code); //app.dialog.alert("Not implemented."); break; default: app.dialog.alert("This app can't understand what's in that barcode.", "Error"); return; } }, function () { app.dialog.alert("Something went wrong and we can't scan right now.", "Error"); }); }