/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var itemTypeCharacteristics = { "Parcel": {weight: true, size: true, lbs: true}, // USPS "Card": {weight: false, size: false, lbs: false}, "Letter": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: false}, "Flat": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, "FlatRateEnvelope": {weight: false, size: false, lbs: false}, "FlatRateLegalEnvelope": {weight: false, size: false, lbs: false}, "FlatRatePaddedEnvelope": {weight: false, size: false, lbs: false}, "SmallFlatRateBox": {weight: false, size: false, lbs: false}, "MediumFlatRateBox": {weight: false, size: false, lbs: false}, "LargeFlatRateBox": {weight: false, size: false, lbs: false}, "LargeFlatRateBoxAPOFPO": {weight: false, size: false, lbs: false}, "RegionalRateBoxA": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, "RegionalRateBoxB": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, // UPS "UPSLetter": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, "UPSExpressBox": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, "Pak": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, "Tube": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, "SmallExpressBox": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, "MediumExpressBox": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, "LargeExpressBox": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, // FedEx "FedExEnvelope": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, "FedExBox": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, "FedExPak": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, "FedExTube": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, "FedExSmallBox": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, "FedExMediumBox": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, "FedExLargeBox": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true}, "FedExExtraLargeBox": {weight: true, size: false, lbs: true} }; function updateRateForm() { if ($("#to_country").val() == "" || $("#to_country").val() == "US") { $(".citystateboxes").css("display", "none"); $("#ziptext").html("ZIP Code"); $("#to_zip").attr("inputmode", "numeric"); $("#to_zip").attr("required", "true"); $("#to_zip").attr("placeholder", "ZIP Code"); } else { $(".citystateboxes").css("display", ""); $("#ziptext").html("Postal Code"); $("#to_zip").attr("inputmode", "text"); $("#to_zip").removeAttr("required"); $("#to_zip").attr("placeholder", "Postal Code"); } $("#itemweight").css("display", "none"); $("#itemsize").css("display", "none"); $("#itemweightlbs").css("display", "none"); if ($("#itemType").val() == "") { // no selection, leave all boxes hidden return; } if (typeof itemTypeCharacteristics[$("#itemType").val()] == 'undefined') { // not in list of item type info $("#itemweight").css("display", ""); $("#itemsize").css("display", ""); $("#itemweightlbs").css("display", ""); return; } var chars = itemTypeCharacteristics[$("#itemType").val()]; if (chars.weight) { // show weight box for ounces $("#itemweight").css("display", ""); } else { $("#weightLbs").val("0"); $("#weightOz").val("0"); } if (chars.lbs) { // show weight box for pounds $("#itemweightlbs").css("display", ""); } else { $("#weightLbs").val("0"); } if (chars.size) { $("#itemsize").css("display", ""); } } $("#app").on("click change", "#itemType", updateRateForm); $("#app").on("click change", "#to_country", updateRateForm); function initRateForm() { $("#itemType").val(""); updateRateForm(); } function getRates() { app.dialog.preloader("Loading..."); apirequest( SETTINGS.apis.rates, { from_street1: $("#from_street1").val(), from_zip: $("#from_zip").val(), to_street1: $("#to_street1").val(), to_zip: $("#to_zip").val(), to_city: $("#to_city").val(), to_state: $("#to_state").val(), to_country: $("#to_country").val(), itemType: $("#itemType").val(), length: $("input[name=length]").val(), width: $("input[name=width]").val(), height: $("input[name=height]").val(), weightLbs: $("#weightLbs").val(), weightOz: $("#weightOz").val() }, function (resp) { app.dialog.close(); if (resp.status == "OK") { if (resp.rates.length == 0) { resp.rates = false; } if (resp.hints.length == 0) { resp.hints = false; } router.navigate("/rateresult", { context: resp }); } else { app.dialog.alert(resp.message, "Error"); } }, function (xhr) { app.dialog.close(); try { var error = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); if (error && typeof error.msg != 'undefined') { app.dialog.alert(error.msg, "Error"); } else { app.dialog.alert("There's a server or network problem. Check your Internet connection or try again later.", "Error"); } } catch (ex) { app.dialog.alert("There's a server or network problem. Check your Internet connection or try again later.", "Error"); } }, "GET"); }