/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ class MapControl { constructor(mapboxElement, interactive) { this.mapObj = null; this.mapEl = mapboxElement; this.interactiveMap = interactive == true; } createMap() { if (mapboxgl.supported()) { $(this.mapEl).css("display", ""); this.mapObj = maplibreMap(this.mapEl, this.interactiveMap); } else { console.log("maplibre-gl not supported, disabling map"); $(this.mapEl).css("display", "none"); } } /** * Clear all markers from the map, make a new marker, and fly to it. * @param {string} classname CSS class for the marker, for adding icon and stuff. Default will be invisible and 0x0px. * @param {number} latitude * @param {number} longitude * @param {boolean} accurate set true to zoom to street level (z13), false to zoom to general area (z10). * @returns {undefined} */ clearMarkersAndCenterMapOnNewMarker(classname, latitude, longitude, accurate) { this.mapObj.removeMarkers(); this.mapObj.addMarker(latitude, longitude, classname); this.mapObj.animateMapIn(latitude, longitude, (accurate ? 13 : 10)); } loadMarkersFromGeoJson(geojson, iconname, name) { this.mapObj.addSource("markers-" + name, { 'type': 'geojson', 'data': geojson }); this.mapObj.addLayer({ id: "marker-layer-" + name, type: "symbol", source: "markers-" + name, layout: { "icon-image": iconname, "icon-anchor": "bottom", 'icon-allow-overlap': true } }); } loadIcon(url, name, callback) { var mapObj = this.mapObj; this.mapObj.loadImage( url, function (error, image) { if (error) throw error; mapObj.addImage(name, image); callback(); }); } /** * Destroy and re-create the map. * @returns {undefined} */ reloadMap() { try { if (this.mapObj != null && typeof map != 'undefined') { this.mapObj.off(); this.mapObj.remove(); this.mapObj = null; if (document.getElementById("") != null) { this.createMap(); } else { console.log("Info", "Not re-creating map because element is not in DOM."); } } else { this.createMap(); } } catch (ex) { // oh well ¯\(°_o)/¯ console.log(ex); $(this.mapEl).css("display", "none"); } } setMapLocation(latitude, longitude) { if (this.mapObj == null) { return; } this.mapObj.setMapLocation(latitude, longitude); } animateMapIn(latitude, longitude, zoom, heading) { if (this.mapObj == null) { return; } if (typeof zoom == 'undefined') { zoom = 10; } if (typeof heading == 'undefined') { heading = 0; } this.mapObj.animateMapIn(latitude, longitude, zoom, heading); } }