Fix statusbar color mismatch on iOS

Skylar Ittner 2 years ago
parent e4377564d6
commit dbbd4aca27

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<access launch-external="yes" origin="sms:*" />
<icon src="res/logo.png" />
<preference name="HeaderColor" value="#82b1ff" />
<preference name="StatusBarBackgroundColor" value="#d0f2fc" />
<preference name="StatusBarBackgroundColor" value="#e8f9fe" />
<preference name="StatusBarStyle" value="default" />
<preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="3000" />
<preference name="AutoHideSplashScreen" value="true" />
@ -80,10 +80,10 @@
<preference name="hostname" value="localhost" />
<preference name="PreferredContentMode" value="mobile" />
<edit-config file="*-Info.plist" mode="merge" target="NSCameraUsageDescription">
<string>Your camera is used to scan receipts and pickup codes.</string>
<string>Your camera is used to scan receipts and QR codes.</string>
<edit-config file="*-Info.plist" mode="merge" target="NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription">
<string>Your location is used to show where you are on a map. It does not leave your device.</string>
<string>Your location is used to show your position on maps. It does not leave your device.</string>
<config-file target="*-Info.plist" parent="ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption" mode="add">
