Fix typos

Skylar Ittner 2 years ago
parent 9ddda9b565
commit 004285e67f

@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ function createSignedTransaction(bitcoreLib, privateKeyString, sourceAddress, de
* Create a UTXO.
* @param {type} sourceAddress Sender's wallet address
* @param {type} txHash From UXTO (unspent output)
* @param {type} txOutputIndex From UXTO (unspent output)
* @param {type} script From UXTO (unspent output)
* @param {type} inputSatoshis From UXTO (unspent output)
* @param {type} txHash From UTXO (unspent output)
* @param {type} txOutputIndex From UTXO (unspent output)
* @param {type} script From UTXO (unspent output)
* @param {type} inputSatoshis From UTXO (unspent output)
* @returns {createUtxo.utxo}
function createUtxo(sourceAddress, txHash, txOutputIndex, script, inputSatoshis) {
@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ function createUtxo(sourceAddress, txHash, txOutputIndex, script, inputSatoshis)
* Get unspent outputs for a wallet address.
* @param {string} walletaddress
* @param {function} successCallback Passes object with {uxtos: [{txHash,txOutputIndex,script,value}], currency: "DOGE", label: "Dogecoin"}
* @param {function} successCallback Passes object with {utxos: [{txHash,txOutputIndex,script,value}], currency: "DOGE", label: "Dogecoin"}
* @param {function} errorCallback Passes string error message suitable for display
* @returns {undefined}
function getUXTOData(walletaddress, successCallback, errorCallback) {
apirequest(SETTINGS.apis.getuxto, {
function getUTXOData(walletaddress, successCallback, errorCallback) {
apirequest(SETTINGS.apis.getutxo, {
walletaddress: walletaddress
}, function (resp) {
if (resp.status == "OK") {
uxtos: resp.unspent_outputs,
utxos: resp.unspent_outputs,
currency: resp.currency,
label: resp.label
@ -103,26 +103,26 @@ function getUXTOData(walletaddress, successCallback, errorCallback) {
var error = $.parseJSON(errorData.responseText);
if (error && typeof error.msg != 'undefined') {
sendErrorReport("Crypto", "Couldn't get UXTO data", error.msg);
sendErrorReport("Crypto", "Couldn't get UTXO data", error.msg);
} else {
errorCallback("There's a server or network problem. Check your Internet connection or try again later. Your funds are safe.");
sendErrorReport("Crypto", "Couldn't get UXTO data", "Server/network problem: " + xhr.status + ": " + xhr.statusText);
sendErrorReport("Crypto", "Couldn't get UTXO data", "Server/network problem: " + xhr.status + ": " + xhr.statusText);
} catch (ex) {
errorCallback("There's a server or network problem. Check your Internet connection or try again later. Your funds are safe.");
sendErrorReport("Crypto", "Couldn't get UXTO data", "Server/network problem: " + xhr.status + ": " + xhr.statusText);
sendErrorReport("Crypto", "Couldn't get UTXO data", "Server/network problem: " + xhr.status + ": " + xhr.statusText);
function sendCoins(privatekey, fromaddress, toaddress, amount) {
var progressdialog = app.dialog.progress("Querying blockchain...", 25);
getUXTOData(fromaddress, function (success) {
getUTXOData(fromaddress, function (success) {
progressdialog.setText("Creating transaction...");
if (success.uxtos.length == 0) {
if (success.utxos.length == 0) {
app.dialog.alert("Your wallet has no available funds (ZERO_LENGTH_UXTO).", "Error");
app.dialog.alert("Your wallet has no available funds (ZERO_LENGTH_UTXO).", "Error");
var utxos = [];

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ var SETTINGS = {
getreceipt: "http://localhost/",
// Crypto: check balance and send transactions
walletbalance: "http://localhost/",
getuxto: "http://localhost/",
getutxo: "http://localhost/",
broadcasttransaction: "http://localhost/"
stripe_pubkey: "pk_test_51J6qFXCa1Fboir5UzPO3LCiMsVNiFP2lq4wR0dEcjJJVzAaJ3uRggDekZPB3qeYpMD3ayIYHKyD5sSn0IFLlEXMW001LqrvGSH",
