/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var routes = [ { path: '/welcome', name: 'welcome', templateUrl: "pages/welcome.html" }, { path: '/profile', name: 'profile', templateUrl: "pages/profile.html" }, { path: '/discover', name: 'discover', async: function (routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) { let tablet = $(window).width() >= 768; resolve({ templateUrl: "pages/discover.html" }, { context: { nottablet: !tablet } }) }, on: { pageAfterIn: function () { reloadMap(); } } }, { path: '/settings', name: 'settings', async: function (routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) { var settings = []; if (getStorage("username") != null && getStorage("password") != null) { settings.push( { setting: "account", title: "Account", text: "Logged in as " + getStorage("username") }, { setting: "logout", title: "", text: "Log out", link: true, onclick: "logout()" } ); } else { settings.push( { setting: "login", title: "Log In / Sign Up", text: "Sign up or log in to vote or create a profile.", onclick: "router.navigate('/login')", link: true } ); } settings.push( { setting: "maps", title: "Map", text: "Change map settings.", onclick: "router.navigate('/settings/maps')", link: true }, { setting: "display", title: "Display and Appearance", text: "Change the app theme.", onclick: "router.navigate('/settings/display')", link: true } ); settings.push( { setting: "versions", title: "Lecte app v" + app_version, text: "Copyright © 2020 David Seyler and Netsyms Technologies. Licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.", onclick: "" }, { setting: "opensource", title: "Credits and open source info", text: "", onclick: "router.navigate('/credits')", link: true }, { setting: "privacy", title: "Privacy policy and legal", text: "", onclick: "openBrowser('https://netsyms.com/legal?pk_campaign=LecteApp')", link: true }); resolve({ templateUrl: './pages/settings.html' }, { context: { page_title: "Settings", settings: settings } }); }, routes: [ { path: '/maps', name: 'settings', async: function (routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) { var mapstyles = []; for (var id in SETTINGS.maptileurls) { if (SETTINGS.maptileurls.hasOwnProperty(id)) { mapstyles.push({ value: id, label: SETTINGS.maptileurls[id].name, selected: getStorage("mapsource") == id }); } } var settings = [ { setting: "mapsource", title: "Map style", select: true, options: mapstyles, text: "Choose which map style to use." }, { setting: "units", title: "Measurement units", select: true, options: [ { value: "metric", label: "Meters/Kilometers", selected: getStorage("units") == "metric" }, { value: "imperial", label: "Feet/Miles", selected: getStorage("units") == "imperial" } ] }, { setting: "mapscale", title: "Map Scale Ruler", text: "Show a scale in the corner of the map.", toggle: true, checked: getStorage("mapscale") !== "false", onclick: "" }, { setting: "maptype", title: "Alternative map", text: "Turn this on if you have problems with the map.", toggle: true, checked: getStorage("maptype") == "leaflet", onclick: "" } ]; resolve({ templateUrl: './pages/settings.html' }, { context: { page_title: "Map Settings", settings: settings } }); } }, { path: '/display', name: 'settings', async: function (routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) { var settings = [ { setting: "apptheme", title: "Color theme", select: true, options: [ { value: "auto", label: "Auto", selected: getStorage("apptheme") == null || getStorage("apptheme") == "auto" }, { value: "dark", label: "Dark", selected: getStorage("apptheme") == "dark" }, { value: "light", label: "Light", selected: getStorage("apptheme") == "light" } ] }, { setting: "animation", title: "Animations", select: true, options: [ { value: "auto", label: "On", selected: getStorage("animation") == null || getStorage("animation") == "auto" || getStorage("animation") == "on" }, { value: "off", label: "Off", selected: getStorage("animation") == "off" } ] } ]; resolve({ templateUrl: './pages/settings.html' }, { context: { page_title: "Display Settings", settings: settings } }); } } ] }, { path: '/credits', url: './pages/credits.html', name: 'credits' } ];