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<h1>HTTP 451: Unavailable for Legal Reasons</h1>
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<h2>Australian visitors are blocked from accessing this web service.</h2>
<p><b>Please direct all complaints about this ban to your local government representative.</b></p>
In short, Australia has passed a law that requires companies to add dangerous backdoors upon request.
The law also makes it illegal to disclose the existence of such backdoors.
This is likely to fundamentally break the Internet as we know it. Furthermore, Australia is part of
the <a href="">Five Eyes</a>:
a group of countries also including Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Edward Snowden described the Five Eyes as a "supra-national intelligence organisation that does not
answer to the known laws of its own countries", and he released proof that these countries spy on
each other's citizens. Spying on their own citizens is illegal thanks to protections enshrined
in documents such as the Bill of Rights in the United States.
Australia's new laws are testing the waters to see if such regulations are possible without significant backlash;
if successful, there will be other laws implemented in other Five Eyes countries. This is not the first
such law either; the United Kingdom passed the <a href="">Investigatory Powers Act</a>
in 2016 with similar provisions, including warrantless digital searches and even authorizing police hacking of personal computers.
That UK law was widely criticized and challenged in court, eventually being ruled unlawful (although the fight is ongoing). You need
to help do the same in Australia, to save the Internet for everyone.
To learn more, please <a href="">click here</a>.
<h3>Bypassing the Block</h3>
<p>If you wish to continue, you'll need to use a VPN or other method, such as the
<a href="">Tor Browser</a>.
As long as your computer does not appear to be in Australia, you will be able to
access all Netsyms services. We will not block access to our <a href="">source code server</a> at this time, in case
you wish to self-host our services on your own machines.