You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import json
import logging
import re
import secrets
import urllib
from urllib import parse
import aiohttp as aiohttp
import const
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger()
class HonAuth:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._framework = ""
self._cognito_token = ""
self._id_token = ""
def cognito_token(self):
return self._cognito_token
def id_token(self):
return self._id_token
async def _get_frontdoor_url(self, session, email, password):
data = {
"message": {
"actions": [
"id": "79;a",
"descriptor": "apex://LightningLoginCustomController/ACTION$login",
"callingDescriptor": "markup://c:loginForm",
"params": {
"username": email,
"password": password,
"startUrl": ""
"aura.context": {
"mode": "PROD",
"fwuid": self._framework,
"app": "siteforce:loginApp2",
"loaded": {"APPLICATION@markup://siteforce:loginApp2": "YtNc5oyHTOvavSB9Q4rtag"},
"dn": [],
"globals": {},
"uad": False},
"aura.pageURI": f"SmartHome/s/login/?language={const.LANGUAGE}",
"aura.token": None}
params = {"r": 3, "other.LightningLoginCustom.login": 1}
async with
const.AUTH_API + "/s/sfsites/aura",
headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
data="&".join(f"{k}={json.dumps(v)}" for k, v in data.items()),
) as response:
if response.status != 200:
_LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to the login service: %s\n%s", response.status, await response.text())
return ""
text = await response.text()
return (await response.json())["events"][0]["attributes"]["values"]["url"]
except json.JSONDecodeError:
if framework := re.findall('clientOutOfSync.*?Expected: ([\\w-]+?) Actual: (.*?)"', text):
self._framework, actual = framework[0]
_LOGGER.warning('Framework update from "%s" to "%s"', self._framework, actual)
return await self._get_frontdoor_url(session, email, password)
_LOGGER.error("Unable to retrieve the frontdoor URL. Message: " + text)
return ""
async def _prepare_login(self, session, email, password):
if not (frontdoor_url := await self._get_frontdoor_url(session, email, password)):
return False
async with session.get(frontdoor_url) as resp:
if resp.status != 200:
_LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to the login service: %s", resp.status)
return False
params = {"retURL": "/SmartHome/apex/CustomCommunitiesLanding"}
async with session.get(f"{const.AUTH_API}/apex/ProgressiveLogin", params=params) as resp:
if resp.status != 200:
_LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to the login service: %s", resp.status)
return False
return True
async def _login(self, session):
nonce = secrets.token_hex(16)
nonce = f"{nonce[:8]}-{nonce[8:12]}-{nonce[12:16]}-{nonce[16:20]}-{nonce[20:]}"
params = {
"response_type": "token+id_token",
"client_id": const.CLIENT_ID,
"redirect_uri": urllib.parse.quote(f"{const.APP}://mobilesdk/detect/oauth/done"),
"display": "touch",
"scope": "api openid refresh_token web",
"nonce": nonce
params = "&".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in params.items()])
async with session.get(f"{const.AUTH_API}/services/oauth2/authorize?{params}") as resp:
if id_token := re.findall("id_token=(.*?)&", await resp.text()):
self._id_token = id_token[0]
return True
return False
async def authorize(self, email, password, mobile_id):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
if not await self._prepare_login(session, email, password):
return False
if not await self._login(session):
return False
post_headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "id-token": self._id_token}
data = {"appVersion": const.APP_VERSION, "mobileId": mobile_id, "osVersion": const.OS_VERSION,
"os": const.OS, "deviceModel": const.DEVICE_MODEL}
async with"{const.API_URL}/auth/v1/login", headers=post_headers, json=data) as resp:
json_data = await resp.json()
except json.JSONDecodeError:
_LOGGER.error("No JSON Data after POST: %s", await resp.text())
return False
self._cognito_token = json_data["cognitoUser"]["Token"]
return True