LasseHaslev 9 years ago
commit d0e3c8054b

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
@charset "utf-8";
// Functions for fixing unicode characters see link below if any questions
// https://github.com/sass/sass/issues/1395#issuecomment-57658736
@function unicode($str){
@return unquote("\"")+unquote(str-insert($str, "\\", 1))+unquote("\"")

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
@charset "utf-8";
// Mixin for handle fallback support for transform-rotation
// We use it to rotate the degrees of the wind icon
@mixin wind-rotate($degrees) {
-webkit-transform: rotate($degrees);
-moz-transform: rotate($degrees);
-ms-transform: rotate($degrees);
-o-transform: rotate($degrees);
transform: rotate($degrees);
// Function for outputing all classes for weather icons
@mixin icons($collection) {
// Get the length of collection and store it in a variable for reusing
$length: length($collection);
// Loop throug all the variables in collection
@for $i from 0 to $length {
// Get the current collection item
$tmp: nth($collection, $i+1);
// Get the class name from the variable collection
$name: nth($tmp, 1);
// Get the value of the value collection
$val: nth($tmp, 2);
// Output the content based on the variables in the collection
.#{$weather-icons-prefix}-#{$name}:before {
// Output the unicode character through the unicode function.
// For more information see the partials/_functions.scss
// Output all the rotation classes based on the step and how long we should go.
// $step How big of a step should we take between each degree
// $max How far should we go about this degree
@mixin wind-rotations($step,$max) {
// Get how many classes we should make based on the input
$length: $max/$step;
// Loop through all the steps to output the classes
@for $i from 0 to $length+1 {
// Calculate what is the next step based on the step and how many times the loop has run
$currStep: $i*$step;
// Print out the echo
.#{$weather-icons-prefix}-wind-default._#{$currStep}-deg {
// We use the wind rotate mixin for this
@include wind-rotate(#{$currStep}deg);

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
@charset "utf-8";
// Base Variables
$weather-icons-path: "../font";
$WeatherIconVersion: "1.3.0";
$weather-icons-prefix: wi;
$weather-icons-font-family: weathericons;
// Create a collection of all the names and variables to use in a loop later on.
// Note that the unicode character should be written without the "\" we adds that later
// Example: "\f000" should be "f000" and we output the rest.
// For more information see "partials/functions.scss"
// Glyph Names
("day-cloudy-gusts", "f000")
("day-cloudy-windy", "f001")
("day-cloudy", "f002")
("day-fog", "f003")
("day-hail", "f004")
("day-lightning", "f005")
("day-rain-mix", "f006")
("day-rain-wind", "f007")
("day-rain", "f008")
("day-showers", "f009")
("day-snow", "f00a")
("day-sprinkle", "f00b")
("day-sunny-overcast", "f00c")
("day-sunny", "f00d")
("day-storm-showers", "f00e")
("day-thunderstorm", "f010")
("cloudy-gusts", "f011")
("cloudy-windy", "f012")
("cloudy", "f013")
("fog", "f014")
("hail", "f015")
("lightning", "f016")
("rain-mix", "f017")
("rain-wind", "f018")
("rain", "f019")
("showers", "f01a")
("snow", "f01b")
("sprinkle", "f01c")
("storm-showers", "f01d")
("thunderstorm", "f01e")
("windy", "f021")
("night-alt-cloudy-gusts", "f022")
("night-alt-cloudy-windy", "f023")
("night-alt-hail", "f024")
("night-alt-lightning", "f025")
("night-alt-rain-mix", "f026")
("night-alt-rain-wind", "f027")
("night-alt-rain", "f028")
("night-alt-showers", "f029")
("night-alt-snow", "f02a")
("night-alt-sprinkle", "f02b")
("night-alt-storm-showers", "f02c")
("night-alt-thunderstorm", "f02d")
("night-clear", "f02e")
("night-cloudy-gusts", "f02f")
("night-cloudy-windy", "f030")
("night-cloudy", "f031")
("night-hail", "f032")
("night-lightning", "f033")
("night-rain-mix", "f034")
("night-rain-wind", "f035")
("night-rain", "f036")
("night-showers", "f037")
("night-snow", "f038")
("night-sprinkle", "f039")
("night-storm-showers", "f03a")
("night-thunderstorm", "f03b")
("celsius", "f03c")
("cloud-down", "f03d")
("cloud-refresh", "f03e")
("cloud-up", "f040")
("cloud", "f041")
("degrees", "f042")
("down-left", "f043")
("down", "f044")
("fahrenheit", "f045")
("horizon-alt", "f046")
("horizon", "f047")
("left", "f048")
("_reserved_", "f049")
("night-fog", "f04a")
("refresh-alt", "f04b")
("refresh", "f04c")
("right", "f04d")
("sprinkles", "f04e")
("strong-wind", "f050")
("sunrise", "f051")
("sunset", "f052")
("thermometer-exterior", "f053")
("thermometer-internal", "f054")
("thermometer", "f055")
("tornado", "f056")
("up-right", "f057")
("up", "f058")
("wind-west", "f059")
("wind-south-west", "f05a")
("wind-south-east", "f05b")
("wind-south", "f05c")
("wind-north-west", "f05d")
("wind-north-east", "f05e")
("wind-north", "f060")
("wind-east", "f061")
// New v1.2
("smoke", "f062")
("dust", "f063")
("snow-wind", "f064")
("day-snow-wind", "f065")
("night-snow-wind", "f066")
("night-alt-snow-wind", "f067")
("day-sleet-storm", "f068")
("night-sleet-storm", "f069")
("night-alt-sleet-storm", "f06a")
("day-snow-thunderstorm", "f06b")
("night-snow-thunderstorm", "f06c")
("night-alt-snow-thunderstorm", "f06d")
("solar-eclipse", "f06e")
("lunar-eclipse", "f070")
("meteor", "f071")
("hot", "f072")
("hurricane", "f073")
("smog", "f074")
("alien", "f075")
("snowflake-cold", "f076")
("stars", "f077")
// Moon Phases
("old-moon-full", "f078")
("old-moon-waxing-gibbous", "f079")
("old-moon-waxing-quarter", "f07a")
("old-moon-waxing-crescent", "f07b")
("old-moon-young", "f07c")
("old-moon-new", "f07d")
("old-moon-old", "f07e")
("old-moon-waning-crescent", "f080")
("old-moon-waning-quarter", "f081")
("old-moon-waning-gibbous", "f082")
// More new v1.2
("night-partly-cloudy", "f083")
// New 1.3 11-30-14
("umbrella", "f084")
("day-windy", "f085")
("night-alt-cloudy", "f086")
("up-left", "f087")
("down-right", "f088")
("time-12", "f089")
("time-1", "f08a")
("time-2", "f08b")
("time-3", "f08c")
("time-4", "f08d")
("time-5", "f08e")
("time-6", "f08f")
("time-7", "f090")
("time-8", "f091")
("time-9", "f092")
("time-10", "f093")
("time-11", "f094")
// Moon Phases
("moon-new", "f095")
("moon-waxing-cresent-1", "f096")
("moon-waxing-cresent-2", "f097")
("moon-waxing-cresent-3", "f098")
("moon-waxing-cresent-4", "f099")
("moon-waxing-cresent-5", "f09a")
("moon-waxing-cresent-6", "f09b")
("moon-first-quarter", "f09c")
("moon-waxing-gibbous-1", "f09d")
("moon-waxing-gibbous-2", "f09e")
("moon-waxing-gibbous-3", "f09f")
("moon-waxing-gibbous-4", "f0a0")
("moon-waxing-gibbous-5", "f0a1")
("moon-waxing-gibbous-6", "f0a2")
("moon-full", "f0a3")
("moon-waning-gibbous-1", "f0a4")
("moon-waning-gibbous-2", "f0a5")
("moon-waning-gibbous-3", "f0a6")
("moon-waning-gibbous-4", "f0a7")
("moon-waning-gibbous-5", "f0a8")
("moon-waning-gibbous-6", "f0a9")
("moon-3rd-quarter", "f0aa")
("moon-waning-crescent-1", "f0ab")
("moon-waning-crescent-2", "f0ac")
("moon-waning-crescent-3", "f0ad")
("moon-waning-crescent-4", "f0ae")
("moon-waning-crescent-5", "f0af")
("moon-waning-crescent-6", "f0b0")
("wind-default", "f0b1")
("day-sleet", "f0b2")
("night-sleet", "f0b3")
("night-alt-sleet", "f0b4")
("sleet", "f0b5")
("day-haze", "f0b6")
("beafort-0", "f0b7")
("beafort-1", "f0b8")
("beafort-2", "f0b9")
("beafort-3", "f0ba")
("beafort-4", "f0bb")
("beafort-5", "f0bc")
("beafort-6", "f0bd")
("beafort-7", "f0be")
("beafort-8", "f0bf")
("beafort-9", "f0c0")
("beafort-10", "f0c1")
("beafort-11", "f0c2")
("beafort-12", "f0c3")

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
@charset "utf-8";
// Import varables and mixins
@import "partials/variables";
@import "partials/functions";
@import "partials/mixins";
// Add class for
@font-face {
font-family: '#{$weather-icons-font-family}';
src: url('#{$weather-icons-path}/#{$weather-icons-font-family}-regular-webfont.eot');
src: url('#{$weather-icons-path}/#{$weather-icons-font-family}-regular-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('#{$weather-icons-path}/#{$weather-icons-font-family}-regular-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
url('#{$weather-icons-path}/#{$weather-icons-font-family}-regular-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('#{$weather-icons-path}/#{$weather-icons-font-family}-regular-webfont.svg#weathericons-regular-webfontRg') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
.#{$weather-icons-prefix} {
display: inline-block;
font-family: '#{$weather-icons-font-family}';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
line-height: 1;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
// Create all icon classes
@include icons($collection);
// Create all wind rotation classes
@include wind-rotations(15,345);

@ -244,4 +244,4 @@
.@{weather-icons-prefix}-moon-waning-crescent-3:before { content: @moon-waning-crescent-3 ; }
.@{weather-icons-prefix}-moon-waning-crescent-4:before { content: @moon-waning-crescent-4 ; }
.@{weather-icons-prefix}-moon-waning-crescent-5:before { content: @moon-waning-crescent-5 ; }
.@{weather-icons-prefix}-moon-waning-crescent-6:before { content: @moon-waning-crescent-6 ; }
.@{weather-icons-prefix}-moon-waning-crescent-6:before { content: @moon-waning-crescent-6 ; }
