Updated changelog.

Macdonald, Zak 9 years ago
parent 454af2f262
commit 52ff98c855

@ -8,40 +8,41 @@
* Closer feature parity with FontAwesome for both code bases
* **Deprecations**
* `font-family` is no longer customizable and is locked to `WeatherIcon`
* Rotation syntax has been simplified from `.wi-wind-default.rotate_*-deg` `.wi-rotate-*`
* Icons
* `wind-beafort-*` has been renamed `wind-beaufort-*` to rectify a typo
* Prefixed directional icons with `direction-`
* `down`
* `down-left`
* `down-right`
* `left`
* `right`
* `up`
* `up-left`
* `up-right`
* `.wind-beafort-*` has been renamed `.wind-beaufort-*` to rectify a typo
* Prefixed directional icons with `.direction-`
* `.down` becomes `.direction-down`
* `.down-left` becomes `.direction-down-left`
* `.down-right` becomes `.direction-down-right`
* `.left` becomes `.direction-left`
* `.right` becomes `.direction-right`
* `.up` becomes `.direction-up`
* `.up-left` becomes `.direction-up-left`
* `.up-right` becomes `.direction-up-right`
### 1.3.0
* **Additions**
* Icons
* `day-haze`
* `day-sleet`
* `day-windy`
* `down-right`
* `moon-3rd-quarter`
* `moon-first-quarter`
* `moon-full`
* `moon-new`
* `moon-waning-crescent-* [1-6]
* `moon-waning-gibbous-*` [1-6]
* `moon-waxing-cresent-*` [1-6]
* `moon-waxing-gibbous-*` [1-6]
* `night-alt-cloudy`
* `night-alt-sleet`
* `night-sleet`
* `sleet`
* `time-*` [1-12]
* `.day-haze`
* `.day-sleet`
* `.day-windy`
* `.down-right`
* `.moon-3rd-quarter`
* `.moon-first-quarter`
* `.moon-full`
* `.moon-new`
* `.moon-waning-crescent-*` [1-6]
* `.moon-waning-gibbous-*` [1-6]
* `.moon-waxing-cresent-*` [1-6]
* `.moon-waxing-gibbous-*` [1-6]
* `.night-alt-cloudy`
* `.night-alt-sleet`
* `.night-sleet`
* `.sleet`
* `.time-*` [1-12]
* Clocks, class name matches hour of day indicated
* `umbrella`
* `up-left`
* `wind-beafort-*` [0-12]
* `.umbrella`
* `.up-left`
* `.wind-beafort-*` [0-12]
* Representation of Beaufort scale
