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import Point from './point';
import Rect from './rect';
import arrayMax from './array-max';
import arrayMin from './array-min';
* Determine the number of columns an items spans.
* @param {number} itemWidth Width of the item.
* @param {number} columnWidth Width of the column (includes gutter).
* @param {number} columns Total number of columns
* @param {number} threshold A buffer value for the size of the column to fit.
* @return {number}
export function getColumnSpan(itemWidth, columnWidth, columns, threshold) {
let columnSpan = itemWidth / columnWidth;
// If the difference between the rounded column span number and the
// calculated column span number is really small, round the number to
// make it fit.
if (Math.abs(Math.round(columnSpan) - columnSpan) < threshold) {
// e.g. columnSpan = 4.0089945390298745
columnSpan = Math.round(columnSpan);
// Ensure the column span is not more than the amount of columns in the whole layout.
return Math.min(Math.ceil(columnSpan), columns);
* Retrieves the column set to use for placement.
* @param {number} columnSpan The number of columns this current item spans.
* @param {number} columns The total columns in the grid.
* @return {Array.<number>} An array of numbers represeting the column set.
export function getAvailablePositions(positions, columnSpan, columns) {
// The item spans only one column.
if (columnSpan === 1) {
return positions;
// The item spans more than one column, figure out how many different
// places it could fit horizontally.
// The group count is the number of places within the positions this block
// could fit, ignoring the current positions of items.
// Imagine a 2 column brick as the second item in a 4 column grid with
// 10px height each. Find the places it would fit:
// [20, 10, 10, 0]
// | | |
// * * *
// Then take the places which fit and get the bigger of the two:
// max([20, 10]), max([10, 10]), max([10, 0]) = [20, 10, 10]
// Next, find the first smallest number (the short column).
// [20, 10, 10]
// |
// *
// And that's where it should be placed!
// Another example where the second column's item extends past the first:
// [10, 20, 10, 0] => [20, 20, 10] => 10
const available = [];
// For how many possible positions for this item there are.
for (let i = 0; i <= columns - columnSpan; i++) {
// Find the bigger value for each place it could fit.
available.push(arrayMax(positions.slice(i, i + columnSpan)));
return available;
* Find index of short column, the first from the left where this item will go.
* @param {Array.<number>} positions The array to search for the smallest number.
* @param {number} buffer Optional buffer which is very useful when the height
* is a percentage of the width.
* @return {number} Index of the short column.
export function getShortColumn(positions, buffer) {
const minPosition = arrayMin(positions);
for (let i = 0, len = positions.length; i < len; i++) {
if (positions[i] >= minPosition - buffer && positions[i] <= minPosition + buffer) {
return i;
return 0;
* Determine the location of the next item, based on its size.
* @param {Object} itemSize Object with width and height.
* @param {Array.<number>} positions Positions of the other current items.
* @param {number} gridSize The column width or row height.
* @param {number} total The total number of columns or rows.
* @param {number} threshold Buffer value for the column to fit.
* @param {number} buffer Vertical buffer for the height of items.
* @return {Point}
export function getItemPosition({ itemSize, positions, gridSize, total, threshold, buffer }) {
const span = getColumnSpan(itemSize.width, gridSize, total, threshold);
const setY = getAvailablePositions(positions, span, total);
const shortColumnIndex = getShortColumn(setY, buffer);
// Position the item
const point = new Point(gridSize * shortColumnIndex, setY[shortColumnIndex]);
// Update the columns array with the new values for each column.
// e.g. before the update the columns could be [250, 0, 0, 0] for an item
// which spans 2 columns. After it would be [250, itemHeight, itemHeight, 0].
const setHeight = setY[shortColumnIndex] + itemSize.height;
for (let i = 0; i < span; i++) {
positions[shortColumnIndex + i] = setHeight;
return point;
* This method attempts to center items. This method could potentially be slow
* with a large number of items because it must place items, then check every
* previous item to ensure there is no overlap.
* @param {Array.<Rect>} itemRects Item data objects.
* @param {number} containerWidth Width of the containing element.
* @return {Array.<Point>}
export function getCenteredPositions(itemRects, containerWidth) {
const rowMap = {};
// Populate rows by their offset because items could jump between rows like:
// a c
// bbb
itemRects.forEach((itemRect) => {
if (rowMap[]) {
// Push the point to the last row array.
} else {
// Start of a new row.
rowMap[] = [itemRect];
// For each row, find the end of the last item, then calculate
// the remaining space by dividing it by 2. Then add that
// offset to the x position of each point.
let rects = [];
const rows = [];
const centeredRows = [];
Object.keys(rowMap).forEach((key) => {
const itemRects = rowMap[key];
const lastItem = itemRects[itemRects.length - 1];
const end = lastItem.left + lastItem.width;
const offset = Math.round((containerWidth - end) / 2);
let finalRects = itemRects;
let canMove = false;
if (offset > 0) {
const newRects = [];
canMove = itemRects.every((r) => {
const newRect = new Rect(r.left + offset,, r.width, r.height,;
// Check all current rects to make sure none overlap.
const noOverlap = !rects.some((r) => Rect.intersects(newRect, r));
return noOverlap;
// If none of the rectangles overlapped, the whole group can be centered.
if (canMove) {
finalRects = newRects;
// If the items are not going to be offset, ensure that the original
// placement for this row will not overlap previous rows (row-spanning
// elements could be in the way).
if (!canMove) {
let intersectingRect;
const hasOverlap = itemRects.some((itemRect) =>
rects.some((r) => {
const intersects = Rect.intersects(itemRect, r);
if (intersects) {
intersectingRect = r;
return intersects;
// If there is any overlap, replace the overlapping row with the original.
if (hasOverlap) {
const rowIndex = centeredRows.findIndex((items) => items.includes(intersectingRect));
centeredRows.splice(rowIndex, 1, rows[rowIndex]);
rects = rects.concat(finalRects);
// Reduce array of arrays to a single array of points.
// Then reset sort back to how the items were passed to this method.
// Remove the wrapper object with index, map to a Point.
return centeredRows
.sort((a, b) => -
.map((itemRect) => new Point(itemRect.left,;