You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

132 lines
2.9 KiB

@import "grid-framework";
// .container
.#{$grid-container} {
padding-left: map-get($grid-container-padding, "xs");
padding-right: map-get($grid-container-padding, "xs");
@include clearfix();
// .row
.#{$grid-row} {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
@include clearfix();
.#{$grid-row} {
margin-left: $grid-gutter-width / -2;
margin-right: $grid-gutter-width / -2;
&--centered {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: center;
// .aspect
.#{$grid-ratio-name} {
@include keep-aspect();
// .aspect--16x9 etc.
@include grid-ratios();
// .aspect > div or .aspect__inner
.#{$grid-ratio-name} > div,
.#{$grid-ratio-inner-name} {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
// Create basic styles for every grid class.
@include make-grid-columns();
// Only the extra small grid takes effect at all times. Mobile first!
@include make-grid(xs, 6);
@include breakpoint(sm) {
@include make-grid(sm);
// Add more padding to the container class.
.#{$grid-container} {
padding-left: map-get($grid-container-padding, "sm");
padding-right: map-get($grid-container-padding, "sm");
.#{$grid-row} {
max-width: $grid-max-width--desktop;
@media screen and (min-width: $viewport-at-max-grid-width) {
.#{$grid-container} {
.#{$grid-row} {
.code-block {
position: relative;
overflow: visible;
margin-left: calc(-3.5vw - #{($grid-gutter-width / 2)});
margin-right: calc(-3.5vw - #{($grid-gutter-width / 2)});
pre {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
padding-left: calc(3.5vw + #{($grid-gutter-width / 2)});
padding-right: calc(3.5vw + #{($grid-gutter-width / 2)});
@include breakpoint(sm) {
.code-block {
margin-left: calc(-7vw - #{($grid-gutter-width / 2)});
margin-right: calc(-7vw - #{($grid-gutter-width / 2)});
pre {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
padding-left: calc(7vw + #{($grid-gutter-width / 2)});
padding-right: calc(7vw + #{($grid-gutter-width / 2)});
// @include breakpoint(md) {
// .code-block {
// margin-left: calc(-3.5vw - #{($grid-gutter-width / 2)});
// margin-right: calc(-3.5vw - #{($grid-gutter-width / 2)});
// pre {
// position: relative;
// z-index: 1;
// padding-left: calc(3.5vw + #{($grid-gutter-width / 2)});
// padding-right: calc(3.5vw + #{($grid-gutter-width / 2)});
// }
// }
// }
@media (min-width: $viewport-at-max-grid-width) {
.code-block {
margin-left: calc(((100vw - #{$grid-max-width--desktop}) / -2) - #{$grid-gutter-width / 2});
margin-right: calc(((100vw - #{$grid-max-width--desktop}) / -2) - #{$grid-gutter-width / 2});
pre {
padding-left: calc(((100vw - #{$grid-max-width--desktop}) / 2) + #{$grid-gutter-width / 2});
padding-right: calc(((100vw - #{$grid-max-width--desktop}) / 2) + #{$grid-gutter-width / 2});