You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<h2>Advanced Filters<a href="#advanced-filters"></a></h2>
<p>By passing a function to <code>filter</code>, you can fully customize filtering items. Shuffle will iterate over each item and give your function the element and the shuffle instance. Return <code>true</code> to keep the element or <code>false</code> to hide it.</p>
<div class="code-block">
<pre rel="JavaScript"><code class="language-javascript">// Filters elements with a data-title attribute with less than 10 characters
shuffleInstance.filter((element) => {
return element.dataset.title.length &lt; 10;
<div class="code-block">
<pre rel="JavaScript"><code class="language-javascript">// Advanced filtering
addSearchFilter() {
document.querySelector('.js-shuffle-search').addEventListener('keyup', this._handleSearchKeyup.bind(this));
// Filter the shuffle instance by items with a title that matches the search input.
_handleSearchKeyup(evt) {
const searchText =;
this.shuffle.filter((element, shuffle) => {
const titleElement = element.querySelector('.picture-item__title');
const titleText = titleElement.textContent.toLowerCase().trim();
return titleText.indexOf(searchText) !== -1;
<p class="demo-link-container">Check out the <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{% post_url 2013-05-02-compound-filters %}">compounded filters demo</a>.</p>