Advanced Filtering

By passing a function to filter, you can fully customize filtering items. Shuffle will iterate over each item and give your function the element and the shuffle instance. Return true to keep the element or false to hide it.


// Filters elements with a data-title attribute with less than 10 characters
instance.filter(function (element) {
  return element.getAttribute('data-title').length < 10;


// Advanced filtering
Demo.prototype.addSearchFilter = function () {
  document.querySelector('.js-shuffle-search').addEventListener('keyup', this._handleSearchKeyup.bind(this));

// Filter the shuffle instance by items with a title that matches the search input.
Demo.prototype._handleSearchKeyup = function (evt) {
  var searchText =;

  this.shuffle.filter(function (element, shuffle) {
    var titleElement = element.querySelector('.picture-item__title');
    var titleText = titleElement.textContent.toLowerCase().trim();

    return titleText.indexOf(searchText) !== -1;