/** * @author Glen Cheney * Debounce plugin is included in shuffle */ var Modules = {}; Modules.Support = (function() { 'use strict'; var self = {}, // some small (2x1 px) test images for each feature webpImages = { basic: '', lossless: '' }; self.webp = function( feature ) { var dfd = $.Deferred(); $('') .on('load', function() { // the images should have these dimensions if ( this.width === 2 && this.height === 1 ) { dfd.resolve(); } else { dfd.reject(); } }) // Reject deferred on error .on('error', function() { dfd.reject(); }) // Set the image src .attr('src', webpImages[ feature || 'basic' ]); return dfd.promise(); }; return self; }()); Modules.Polyfill = (function( $, Support ) { 'use strict'; var init = function() { // If the deferred object in webp is rejected, call the webp polyfill function Support.webp().fail( webp ); }, webp = function() { $('img[src$=".webp"]').each(function() { this.src = this.src.replace('.webp', '.jpg'); }); }; return { init: init }; }( jQuery, Modules.Support )); Modules.Nav = (function( $ ) { 'use strict'; function NavTray( element ) { this.$el = $( element ); this.init(); } NavTray.prototype.init = function() { this .setVars() .listen(); setTimeout( $.proxy( this.saveHeight, this ), 0); }; NavTray.prototype.setVars = function() { var self = this; self.isOpen = false; self.$window = $( window ); self.$trigger = self.$el.find('.js-nav-toggle'); self.$tray = self.$el.find('.js-tray'); self.$trigger.data( 'openLabel', self.$trigger.text() ); return self; }; NavTray.prototype.saveHeight = function() { var self = this, height = self.$tray.children().first().outerHeight(); self.collapseHeight = height; return height; }; NavTray.prototype.listen = function() { var self = this; self.$trigger.on( 'click', $.proxy( self.toggle, self ) ); self.$window.on( 'resize', $.debounce( 250, $.proxy( self.onResize, self ) ) ); return self; }; NavTray.prototype.onResize = function() { var self = this; self.$tray.css( 'height', '' ); self.saveHeight(); if ( self.isOpen ) { self.$tray.css( 'height', self.collapseHeight ); } }; NavTray.prototype.toggle = function() { var self = this; self.toggleBtnText(); if ( self.isOpen ) { self.close(); } else { self.open(); } return self; }; NavTray.prototype.open = function() { var self = this; self.$el.removeClass('collapsed'); self.$tray.css( 'height', self.collapseHeight ); self.isOpen = true; }; NavTray.prototype.close = function() { var self = this; self.$el.addClass('collapsed'); self.$tray.css( 'height', '' ); self.isOpen = false; }; NavTray.prototype.toggleBtnText = function() { var self = this, key= self.isOpen ? 'openLabel' : 'closeLabel'; self.$trigger.text( self.$trigger.data( key ) ); return self; }; return { init: function() { return new NavTray( document.getElementById('nav') ); } }; }( jQuery )); // Analytics var _gaq = [ ['_setAccount', 'UA-39355642-1'], ['_trackPageview'] ]; (function(doc, script) { 'use strict'; var js, fjs = doc.scripts[0], frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(), add = function(url, id) { if (doc.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = doc.createElement(script); js.src = url; if ( id ) { js.id = id; } frag.appendChild( js ); }; // Twitter SDK // add('//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js', 'twitter-wjs'); // Load GA over http, we know it won't be over ssl add('//www.google-analytics.com/ga.js'); fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(frag, fjs); }(document, 'script')); $(document).ready(function() { 'use strict'; Modules.Nav.init(); Modules.Polyfill.init(); });