
Filter by a group

Use the filter() method. If, for example, you wanted to show only items that match "space", you would do this:


Filter by multiple groups

Show multiple groups at once by using an array.

shuffleInstance.filter(['space', 'nature']);

By default, this will show items that match space or nature. To show only groups that match space and nature, set the filterMode option to Shuffle.FilterMode.ALL.

Show all items

To go back to having no items filtered, you can call filter() without a parameter, or use Shuffle.ALL_ITEMS (which by default is the string "all").

shuffleInstance.filter(Shuffle.ALL_ITEMS); // or .filter()


You can override both Shuffle.ALL_ITEMS and Shuffle.FILTER_ATTRIBUTE_KEY if you want.

// Defaults
Shuffle.ALL_ITEMS = 'all';
Shuffle.FILTER_ATTRIBUTE_KEY = 'groups';

// You can change them to something else.
Shuffle.ALL_ITEMS = 'any';
Shuffle.FILTER_ATTRIBUTE_KEY = 'categories';

Then you would have to use data-categories attribute on your items instead of data-groups.