var Shuffle = window.Shuffle; var currentPage = 1; var totalPages; var gridContainerElement = document.getElementById('grid'); var loadMoreButton = document.getElementById('load-more-button'); var shuffleInstance; // Fetch first page of results from the API. // You should probably polyfill `fetch` if you're going to copy this demo. // fetch('' + currentPage) .then(function (response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function (response) { // Store the total number of pages so we know when to disable the "load more" button. totalPages = response.total_pages; // Create and insert the markup. var markup = getItemMarkup(; appendMarkupToGrid(markup); // Add click listener to button to load the next page. loadMoreButton.addEventListener('click', fetchNextPage); // Initialize Shuffle now that there are items. shuffleInstance = new Shuffle(gridContainerElement, { itemSelector: '.js-item', sizer: '.my-sizer-element', }); }); function fetchNextPage() { currentPage += 1; fetch('' + currentPage) .then(function (response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function (response) { // Create and insert the markup. var markup = getItemMarkup(; appendMarkupToGrid(markup); // Check if there are any more pages to load. if (currentPage === totalPages) { replaceLoadMoreButton(); } // Save the total number of new items returned from the API. var itemsFromResponse =; // Get an array of elements that were just added to the grid above. var allItemsInGrid = Array.from(gridContainerElement.children); // Use negative beginning index to extract items from the end of the array. var newItems = allItemsInGrid.slice(-itemsFromResponse); // Notify the shuffle instance that new items were added. shuffleInstance.add(newItems); }); } /** * Convert an object to HTML markup for an item. * @param {object} dataForSingleItem Data object. * @return {string} */ function getMarkupFromData(dataForSingleItem) { var name = dataForSingleItem.first_name + ' ' + dataForSingleItem.last_name; // var randomColor = ('000000' + Math.random().toString(16).slice(2, 8)).slice(-6); return [ '
', '
', '' + name + '', '
', '
', ].join(''); } /** * Convert an array of item objects to HTML markup. * @param {object[]} items Items array. * @return {string} */ function getItemMarkup(items) { return items.reduce(function (str, item) { return str + getMarkupFromData(item); }, ''); } /** * Append HTML markup to the main Shuffle element. * @param {string} markup A string of HTML. */ function appendMarkupToGrid(markup) { gridContainerElement.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', markup); } /** * Remove the load more button so that the user cannot click it again. */ function replaceLoadMoreButton() { var text = document.createTextNode('All users loaded'); var replacement = document.createElement('p'); replacement.appendChild(text); loadMoreButton.parentNode.replaceChild(replacement, loadMoreButton); }