--- layout: default title: Shuffle.js bodyClass: home extraJS: [ "demos/homepage.js" ] includeHeader: true prism: true ---


npm install shufflejs --save

Shuffle is also available on bower as shufflejs.




{% for item in site.items %} {% assign item = item %} {% include picture-item.html %} {% endfor %}


{% include demo-list.html %}
{% include features.html %}
{% include options.html %}
{% include usage.html %}
{% include events.html %}
{% include sorting.html %}
{% include advanced-filters.html %}
{% include adding-removing.html %}
{% include public-methods.html %}

Extra Features

Shuffle likely will not grow much farther than the current feature set. If you need something with drag and drop, filling in gaps, more layout modes, etc., I suggest looking into packery or isotope.


Supported Browsers

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • IE 11+
  • Safari

Many other browsers will likely work as well and support for others may be added with polyfills for ES5 features. If you require broader browser support, use the most recent v3 of Shuffle.

Be Social

{% include changelog.html %}
{% include credit-jake.html %}