module.exports = { extends: ['airbnb', 'eslint:recommended', 'plugin:react/recommended', 'prettier'], plugins: ['react'], env: { browser: true, }, rules: { // We like _private methods and variables. It's easier to refactor code // when you know other components shouldn't be using private methods + props. 'no-underscore-dangle': 'off', // Allow + and - in the same line. 'no-mixed-operators': 'off', // Shadowing is a nice language feature. Naming is hard. 'no-shadow': 'off', // Make inheritance annoying sometimes. 'class-methods-use-this': 'off', // Allow `i++` in loops. 'no-plusplus': ['error', { allowForLoopAfterthoughts: true }], // Allow reassigning properties of objects. 'no-param-reassign': ['error', { props: false }], 'react/prop-types': 'off', 'react/jsx-props-no-spreading': 'warn', }, };