Refactoring. Made some methods static, refactored the filtering methods.

Glen Cheney 10 years ago
parent ec67cdecdf
commit 04a49ace41

@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ function throttle(func, wait, options) {
// Used for unique instance variables
var id = 0;
var $window = $( window );
@ -117,7 +118,6 @@ var Shuffle = function( element, options ) {
$.extend( this, Shuffle.options, options, Shuffle.settings );
this.$el = $(element);
this.$window = $(window);
this.unique = 'shuffle_' + id++;
this._fire( Shuffle.EventType.LOADING );
@ -150,18 +150,125 @@ Shuffle.EventType = {
/** @enum {string} */
Shuffle.ClassName = {
SHUFFLE_ITEM: 'shuffle-item',
FILTERED: 'filtered',
CONCEALED: 'concealed'
* If the browser has 3d transforms available, build a string with those,
* otherwise use 2d transforms.
* @param {number} x X position.
* @param {number} y Y position.
* @param {number} scale Scale amount.
* @return {string} A normalized string which can be used with the transform style.
* @private
Shuffle._getItemTransformString = function(x, y, scale) {
return 'translate3d(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px, 0) scale3d(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ', 1)';
} else {
return 'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px) scale(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ')';
Shuffle._getPreciseDimension = function( element, style ) {
var dimension;
if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
dimension = window.getComputedStyle( element, null )[ style ];
} else {
dimension = $( element ).css( style );
return parseFloat( dimension );
* Returns the outer width of an element, optionally including its margins.
* @param {Element} element The element.
* @param {boolean} [includeMargins] Whether to include margins. Default is false.
* @return {number} The width.
Shuffle._getOuterWidth = function( element, includeMargins ) {
var width = element.offsetWidth;
// Use jQuery here because it uses getComputedStyle internally and is
// cross-browser. Using the style property of the element will only work
// if there are inline styles.
if (includeMargins) {
var styles = $(element).css(['marginLeft', 'marginRight']);
// Defaults to zero if parsing fails because IE will return 'auto' when
// the element doesn't have margins instead of the computed style.
var marginLeft = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft) || 0;
var marginRight = parseFloat(styles.marginRight) || 0;
width += marginLeft + marginRight;
return width;
* Returns the outer height of an element, optionally including its margins.
* @param {Element} element The element.
* @param {boolean} [includeMargins] Whether to include margins. Default is false.
* @return {number} The height.
Shuffle._getOuterHeight = function( element, includeMargins ) {
var height = element.offsetHeight;
if (includeMargins) {
var styles = $(element).css(['marginTop', 'marginBottom']);
var marginTop = parseFloat(styles.marginTop) || 0;
var marginBottom = parseFloat(styles.marginBottom) || 0;
height += marginTop + marginBottom;
return height;
* Change a property or execute a function which will not have a transition
* @param {Element} element DOM element that won't be transitioned
* @param {(string|Function)} property The new style property which will be set or a function which will be called
* @param {string} [value] The value that `property` should be.
* @private
Shuffle._skipTransition = function( element, property, value ) {
var duration =[ TRANSITION_DURATION ];
// Set the duration to zero so it happens immediately[ TRANSITION_DURATION ] = '0ms'; // ms needed for firefox!
if ( $.isFunction( property ) ) {
} else {[ property ] = value;
// Force reflow
var reflow = element.offsetWidth;
// Avoid jshint warnings: unused variables and expressions.
reflow = null;
// Put the duration back[ TRANSITION_DURATION ] = duration;
Shuffle.prototype = {
_init : function() {
var self = this,
resizeFunction = $.proxy( self._onResize, self ),
debouncedResize = self.throttle ?
self.throttle( resizeFunction, self.throttleTime ) :
sort = self.initialSort ? self.initialSort : null;
var self = this;
self._layoutList = [];
self._shrinkList = [];
@ -172,18 +279,18 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// Add classes and invalidate styles
this.$el.addClass( Shuffle.ClassName.BASE );
// Set initial css for each item
// Bind resize events
self.$window.on('resize.' + SHUFFLE + '.' + self.unique, debouncedResize);
$window.on('resize.' + SHUFFLE + '.' + self.unique, self._getResizeFunction());
// Get container css all in one request. Causes reflow
containerCSS = self.$el.css(['paddingLeft', 'paddingRight', 'position']);
containerWidth = self._getOuterWidth( self.$el[0] );
var containerCSS = self.$el.css(['paddingLeft', 'paddingRight', 'position']);
var containerWidth = Shuffle._getOuterWidth( self.$el[0] );
// Position cannot be static.
if ( containerCSS.position === 'static' ) {
@ -201,7 +308,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
self._setColumns( parseInt( containerWidth, 10 ) );
// Kick off!
self.shuffle(, sort );
self.shuffle(, self.initialSort );
// The shuffle items haven't had transitions set on them yet
// so the user doesn't see the first layout. Set them now that the first layout is done.
@ -213,10 +320,16 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// Will invalidate styles
_addClasses : function() {
this.$el.addClass( SHUFFLE );
this.$items.addClass('shuffle-item filtered');
* Returns a throttled and proxied function for the resize handler.
* @return {Function}
* @private
_getResizeFunction : function() {
var resizeFunction = $.proxy( this._onResize, this );
return this.throttle ?
this.throttle( resizeFunction, this.throttleTime ) :
_setVars : function() {
@ -262,86 +375,100 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
* @return {jQuery} Filtered items.
_filter : function( category, $collection ) {
var self = this,
isPartialSet = $collection !== undefined,
$items = isPartialSet ? $collection : self.$items,
$filtered = $();
category = category || this.lastFilter;
$collection = $collection || this.$items;
category = category || self.lastFilter;
this._fire( Shuffle.EventType.FILTER );
self._fire( Shuffle.EventType.FILTER );
var set = this._getFilteredSets( category, $collection );
// Individually add/remove concealed/filtered classes
this._toggleFilterClasses( set.filtered, set.concealed );
// Save the last filter in case elements are appended.
this.lastFilter = category;
// This is saved mainly because providing a filter function (like searching)
// will overwrite the `lastFilter` property every time its called.
if ( typeof category === 'string' ) { = category;
return set.filtered;
* Returns an object containing the filtered and concealed elements.
* @param {string|Function} category Category or function to filter by.
* @param {jQuery} $items jQuery collection of items to filter.
* @return {!{filtered: jQuery, concealed: jQuery}}
* @private
_getFilteredSets : function( category, $items ) {
var $filtered = $();
var $concealed = $();
// category === 'all', add filtered class to everything
if ( category === ALL_ITEMS ) {
$filtered = $items;
// Loop through each item and use provided function to determine
// whether to hide it or not.
if ( $.isFunction( category ) ) {
$items.each(function() {
var $item = $(this);
if ($item[0], $item, self) ) {
} else {
var self = this;
$items.each(function(i, el) {
var $item = $(el);
if ( self._doesPassFilter( category, $item ) ) {
$filtered = $filtered.add( $item );
} else {
$concealed = $concealed.add( $item );
// Otherwise we've been passed a category to filter by
} else { = category;
// category === 'all', add filtered class to everything
if ( category === ALL_ITEMS ) {
$filtered = $items;
// Check each element's data-groups attribute against the given category.
} else {
$items.each(function() {
var $item = $(this),
keys = self.delimeter && !$.isArray( groups ) ?
groups.split( self.delimeter ) :
if ( $.inArray(category, keys) > -1 ) {
$filtered = $filtered.add( $item );
// Individually add/remove concealed/filtered classes
self._toggleFilterClasses( $items, $filtered );
$items = null;
$collection = null;
return $filtered;
return {
filtered: $filtered,
concealed: $concealed
_toggleFilterClasses : function( $items, $filtered ) {
var concealed = 'concealed',
filtered = 'filtered';
* Test an item to see if it passes a category.
* @param {string|Function} category Category or function to filter by.
* @param {jQuery} $item A single item, wrapped with jQuery.
* @return {boolean} Whether it passes the category/filter.
* @private
_doesPassFilter : function( category, $item ) {
if ( $.isFunction( category ) ) {
return $item[0], $item, this );
$items.filter( $filtered ).each(function() {
var $filteredItem = $(this);
// Remove concealed if it's there
if ( $filteredItem.hasClass( concealed ) ) {
$filteredItem.removeClass( concealed );
// Add filtered class if it's not there
if ( !$filteredItem.hasClass( filtered ) ) {
$filteredItem.addClass( filtered );
// Check each element's data-groups attribute against the given category.
} else {
var groups = $ FILTER_ATTRIBUTE_KEY );
var keys = this.delimeter && !$.isArray( groups ) ?
groups.split( this.delimeter ) :
return $.inArray(category, keys) > -1;
$items.not( $filtered ).each(function() {
var $filteredItem = $(this);
// Add concealed if it's not there
if ( !$filteredItem.hasClass( concealed ) ) {
$filteredItem.addClass( concealed );
// Remove filtered class if it's there
if ( $filteredItem.hasClass( filtered ) ) {
$filteredItem.removeClass( filtered );
* Toggles the filtered and concealed class names.
* @param {jQuery} $filtered Filtered set.
* @param {jQuery} $concealed Concealed set.
* @private
_toggleFilterClasses : function( $filtered, $concealed ) {
.removeClass( Shuffle.ClassName.CONCEALED )
.addClass( Shuffle.ClassName.FILTERED );
.removeClass( Shuffle.ClassName.FILTERED )
.addClass( Shuffle.ClassName.CONCEALED );
@ -350,15 +477,20 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
_initItems : function( $items ) {
$items = $items || this.$items;
].join(' '));
$items.css( this.itemCss ).data('position', {x: 0, y: 0});
_updateItemCount : function() {
this.visibleItems = this.$items.filter('.filtered').length;
this.visibleItems = this._getFilteredItems().length;
_setTransition : function( element ) {[ TRANSITION ] = CSS_TRANSFORM + ' ' + this.speed + 'ms ' + this.easing + ', opacity ' + this.speed + 'ms ' + this.easing;[ TRANSITION ] = CSS_TRANSFORM + ' ' + this.speed + 'ms ' +
this.easing + ', opacity ' + this.speed + 'ms ' + this.easing;
_setTransitions : function( $items ) {
@ -397,60 +529,12 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
return this.$el.children( this.itemSelector );
_getPreciseDimension : function( element, style ) {
var dimension;
if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
dimension = window.getComputedStyle( element, null )[ style ];
} else {
dimension = $( element ).css( style );
return parseFloat( dimension );
* Returns the outer width of an element, optionally including its margins.
* @param {Element} element The element.
* @param {boolean} [includeMargins] Whether to include margins. Default is false.
* @return {number} The width.
_getOuterWidth : function( element, includeMargins ) {
var width = element.offsetWidth;
// Use jQuery here because it uses getComputedStyle internally and is
// cross-browser. Using the style property of the element will only work
// if there are inline styles.
if (includeMargins) {
var styles = $(element).css(['marginLeft', 'marginRight']);
// Defaults to zero if parsing fails because IE will return 'auto' when
// the element doesn't have margins instead of the computed style.
var marginLeft = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft) || 0;
var marginRight = parseFloat(styles.marginRight) || 0;
width += marginLeft + marginRight;
return width;
_getFilteredItems : function() {
return this.$items.filter('.' + Shuffle.ClassName.FILTERED);
* Returns the outer height of an element, optionally including its margins.
* @param {Element} element The element.
* @param {boolean} [includeMargins] Whether to include margins. Default is false.
* @return {number} The height.
_getOuterHeight : function( element, includeMargins ) {
var height = element.offsetHeight;
if (includeMargins) {
var styles = $(element).css(['marginTop', 'marginBottom']);
var marginTop = parseFloat(styles.marginTop) || 0;
var marginBottom = parseFloat(styles.marginBottom) || 0;
height += marginTop + marginBottom;
return height;
_getConcealedItems : function() {
return this.$items.filter('.' + Shuffle.ClassName.CONCEALED);
@ -463,7 +547,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// columnWidth option isn't a function, are they using a sizing element?
} else if ( this.useSizer ) {
size = this._getPreciseDimension(this.sizer, 'width');
size = Shuffle._getPreciseDimension(this.sizer, 'width');
// if not, how about the explicitly set option?
} else if ( this.columnWidth ) {
@ -471,7 +555,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// or use the size of the first item
} else if ( this.$items.length > 0 ) {
size = this._getOuterWidth(this.$items[0], true);
size = Shuffle._getOuterWidth(this.$items[0], true);
// if there's no items, use size of container
} else {
@ -492,7 +576,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
if ( $.isFunction( this.gutterWidth ) ) {
size = this.gutterWidth(containerWidth);
} else if ( this.useSizer ) {
size = this._getPreciseDimension(this.sizer, 'marginLeft');
size = Shuffle._getPreciseDimension(this.sizer, 'marginLeft');
} else {
size = this.gutterWidth;
@ -506,7 +590,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
* @param {number} [theContainerWidth] Optionally specify a container width if it's already available.
_setColumns : function( theContainerWidth ) {
var containerWidth = theContainerWidth || this._getOuterWidth(this.$el[0]);
var containerWidth = theContainerWidth || Shuffle._getOuterWidth(this.$el[0]);
var gutter = this._getGutterSize(containerWidth);
var columnWidth = this._getColumnSize(gutter, containerWidth);
var calculatedColumns = (containerWidth + gutter) / columnWidth;
@ -526,7 +610,16 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
* Adjust the height of the grid
_setContainerSize : function() {
this.$el.css( 'height', Math.max.apply( Math, this.colYs ) );
this.$el.css( 'height', this._getContainerSize() );
* Based on the column heights, it returns the biggest one.
* @return {number}
* @private
_getContainerSize : function() {
return Math.max.apply( Math, this.colYs );
@ -607,13 +700,13 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
if ( this.lastSort ) {
this.sort( this.lastSort, true );
} else {
this._layout( this.$items.filter('.filtered').get(), this._filterEnd );
this._layout( this._getFilteredItems().get(), this._filterEnd );
_getItemPosition : function( $item ) {
var self = this;
var itemWidth = self._getOuterWidth( $item[0], true );
var itemWidth = Shuffle._getOuterWidth( $item[0], true );
var columnSpan = itemWidth / self.colWidth;
// If the difference between the rounded column span number and the
@ -676,7 +769,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// Apply setHeight to necessary columns
var setHeight = minimumY + self._getOuterHeight( $item[0], true ),
var setHeight = minimumY + Shuffle._getOuterHeight( $item[0], true ),
setSpan = self.cols + 1 - len;
for ( i = 0; i < setSpan; i++ ) {
self.colYs[ shortCol + i ] = setHeight;
@ -693,7 +786,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
_shrink : function( $collection, fn ) {
var self = this,
$concealed = $collection || self.$items.filter('.concealed');
$concealed = $collection || self._getConcealedItems();
fn = fn || self._shrinkEnd;
@ -737,7 +830,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// Will need to check height in the future if it's layed out horizontaly
var containerWidth = this._getOuterWidth(this.$el[0]);
var containerWidth = Shuffle._getOuterWidth(this.$el[0]);
// containerWidth hasn't changed, don't do anything
if ( containerWidth === this.containerWidth ) {
@ -748,23 +841,6 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
* If the browser has 3d transforms available, build a string with those,
* otherwise use 2d transforms.
* @param {number} x X position.
* @param {number} y Y position.
* @param {number} scale Scale amount.
* @return {string} A normalized string which can be used with the transform style.
* @private
_getItemTransformString : function(x, y, scale) {
return 'translate3d(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px, 0) scale3d(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ', 1)';
} else {
return 'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px) scale(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ')';
_getStylesForTransition : function( opts ) {
var styles = {
opacity: opts.opacity
@ -772,7 +848,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
if ( this.supported ) {
if ( opts.x !== undefined ) {
styles[ TRANSFORM ] = this._getItemTransformString( opts.x, opts.y, opts.scale );
styles[ TRANSFORM ] = Shuffle._getItemTransformString( opts.x, opts.y, opts.scale );
} else {
styles.left = opts.x;
@ -869,7 +945,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
$.each(this.styleQueue, function(i, transitionObj) {
if ( transitionObj.skipTransition ) {
self._skipTransition(transitionObj.$item[0], function() {
Shuffle._skipTransition(transitionObj.$item[0], function() {
transitionObj.$item.css( self._getStylesForTransition( transitionObj ) );
} else {
@ -893,34 +969,6 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
this._fire( Shuffle.EventType.SORTED );
* Change a property or execute a function which will not have a transition
* @param {Element} element DOM element that won't be transitioned
* @param {(string|Function)} property The new style property which will be set or a function which will be called
* @param {string} [value] The value that `property` should be.
* @private
_skipTransition : function( element, property, value ) {
var duration =[ TRANSITION_DURATION ];
// Set the duration to zero so it happens immediately[ TRANSITION_DURATION ] = '0ms'; // ms needed for firefox!
if ( $.isFunction( property ) ) {
} else {[ property ] = value;
// Force reflow
var reflow = element.offsetWidth;
// Avoid jshint warnings: unused variables and expressions.
reflow = null;
// Put the duration back[ TRANSITION_DURATION ] = duration;
_addItems : function( $newItems, animateIn, isSequential ) {
var self = this;
@ -928,7 +976,6 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
animateIn = false;
self._initItems( $newItems );
self._setTransitions( $newItems );
self.$items = self._getItems();
@ -937,7 +984,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
$newItems.css('opacity', 0);
// Get ones that passed the current filter
var $passed = self._filter( undefined, $newItems );
var $passed = self._filter( null, $newItems );
var passed = $passed.get();
// How many filtered elements?
@ -977,7 +1024,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
* The magic. This is what makes the plugin 'shuffle'
* @param {(string|Function)} [category] Category to filter by. Can be a function
* @param {string|Function} [category] Category to filter by. Can be a function
* @param {Object} [sortObj] A sort object which can sort the filtered set
shuffle : function( category, sortObj ) {
@ -992,8 +1039,6 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
self._filter( category );
// Save the last filter in case elements are appended.
self.lastFilter = category;
// How many filtered elements?
@ -1017,7 +1062,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
sort : function( opts, fromFilter ) {
var self = this,
items = self.$items.filter('.filtered').sorted(opts);
items = self._getFilteredItems().sorted(opts);
if ( !fromFilter ) {
@ -1142,7 +1187,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// If there is more than one shuffle instance on the page,
// removing the resize handler from the window would remove them
// all. This is why a unique value is needed.
self.$'.' + self.unique);
$'.' + self.unique);
// Reset container styles
@ -1156,7 +1201,6 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
.removeClass('concealed filtered shuffle-item');
// Null DOM references
self.$window = null;
self.$items = null;
self.$el = null;
self.$sizer = null;
@ -1244,7 +1288,7 @@ $.fn.sorted = function(options) {
// Sort the elements by the function.
// If we don't have, default to DOM order
if ( !== $.noop && !== null && !== undefined) {
if ( $.isFunction( ) ) {
arr.sort(function(a, b) {
// Exit early if we already know we want to revert
@ -1261,16 +1305,15 @@ $.fn.sorted = function(options) {
return 0;
if ( valA === 'sortFirst' || valB === 'sortLast' ) {
if ( valA < valB || valA === 'sortFirst' || valB === 'sortLast' ) {
return -1;
if ( valA === 'sortLast' || valB === 'sortFirst' ) {
if ( valA > valB || valA === 'sortLast' || valB === 'sortFirst' ) {
return 1;
return (valA < valB) ? -1 :
(valA > valB) ? 1 : 0;
return 0;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ function throttle(func, wait, options) {
// Used for unique instance variables
var id = 0;
var $window = $( window );
@ -123,7 +124,6 @@ var Shuffle = function( element, options ) {
$.extend( this, Shuffle.options, options, Shuffle.settings );
this.$el = $(element);
this.$window = $(window);
this.unique = 'shuffle_' + id++;
this._fire( Shuffle.EventType.LOADING );
@ -156,18 +156,125 @@ Shuffle.EventType = {
/** @enum {string} */
Shuffle.ClassName = {
SHUFFLE_ITEM: 'shuffle-item',
FILTERED: 'filtered',
CONCEALED: 'concealed'
* If the browser has 3d transforms available, build a string with those,
* otherwise use 2d transforms.
* @param {number} x X position.
* @param {number} y Y position.
* @param {number} scale Scale amount.
* @return {string} A normalized string which can be used with the transform style.
* @private
Shuffle._getItemTransformString = function(x, y, scale) {
return 'translate3d(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px, 0) scale3d(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ', 1)';
} else {
return 'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px) scale(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ')';
Shuffle._getPreciseDimension = function( element, style ) {
var dimension;
if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
dimension = window.getComputedStyle( element, null )[ style ];
} else {
dimension = $( element ).css( style );
return parseFloat( dimension );
* Returns the outer width of an element, optionally including its margins.
* @param {Element} element The element.
* @param {boolean} [includeMargins] Whether to include margins. Default is false.
* @return {number} The width.
Shuffle._getOuterWidth = function( element, includeMargins ) {
var width = element.offsetWidth;
// Use jQuery here because it uses getComputedStyle internally and is
// cross-browser. Using the style property of the element will only work
// if there are inline styles.
if (includeMargins) {
var styles = $(element).css(['marginLeft', 'marginRight']);
// Defaults to zero if parsing fails because IE will return 'auto' when
// the element doesn't have margins instead of the computed style.
var marginLeft = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft) || 0;
var marginRight = parseFloat(styles.marginRight) || 0;
width += marginLeft + marginRight;
return width;
* Returns the outer height of an element, optionally including its margins.
* @param {Element} element The element.
* @param {boolean} [includeMargins] Whether to include margins. Default is false.
* @return {number} The height.
Shuffle._getOuterHeight = function( element, includeMargins ) {
var height = element.offsetHeight;
if (includeMargins) {
var styles = $(element).css(['marginTop', 'marginBottom']);
var marginTop = parseFloat(styles.marginTop) || 0;
var marginBottom = parseFloat(styles.marginBottom) || 0;
height += marginTop + marginBottom;
return height;
* Change a property or execute a function which will not have a transition
* @param {Element} element DOM element that won't be transitioned
* @param {(string|Function)} property The new style property which will be set or a function which will be called
* @param {string} [value] The value that `property` should be.
* @private
Shuffle._skipTransition = function( element, property, value ) {
var duration =[ TRANSITION_DURATION ];
// Set the duration to zero so it happens immediately[ TRANSITION_DURATION ] = '0ms'; // ms needed for firefox!
if ( $.isFunction( property ) ) {
} else {[ property ] = value;
// Force reflow
var reflow = element.offsetWidth;
// Avoid jshint warnings: unused variables and expressions.
reflow = null;
// Put the duration back[ TRANSITION_DURATION ] = duration;
Shuffle.prototype = {
_init : function() {
var self = this,
resizeFunction = $.proxy( self._onResize, self ),
debouncedResize = self.throttle ?
self.throttle( resizeFunction, self.throttleTime ) :
sort = self.initialSort ? self.initialSort : null;
var self = this;
self._layoutList = [];
self._shrinkList = [];
@ -178,18 +285,18 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// Add classes and invalidate styles
this.$el.addClass( Shuffle.ClassName.BASE );
// Set initial css for each item
// Bind resize events
self.$window.on('resize.' + SHUFFLE + '.' + self.unique, debouncedResize);
$window.on('resize.' + SHUFFLE + '.' + self.unique, self._getResizeFunction());
// Get container css all in one request. Causes reflow
containerCSS = self.$el.css(['paddingLeft', 'paddingRight', 'position']);
containerWidth = self._getOuterWidth( self.$el[0] );
var containerCSS = self.$el.css(['paddingLeft', 'paddingRight', 'position']);
var containerWidth = Shuffle._getOuterWidth( self.$el[0] );
// Position cannot be static.
if ( containerCSS.position === 'static' ) {
@ -207,7 +314,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
self._setColumns( parseInt( containerWidth, 10 ) );
// Kick off!
self.shuffle(, sort );
self.shuffle(, self.initialSort );
// The shuffle items haven't had transitions set on them yet
// so the user doesn't see the first layout. Set them now that the first layout is done.
@ -219,10 +326,16 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// Will invalidate styles
_addClasses : function() {
this.$el.addClass( SHUFFLE );
this.$items.addClass('shuffle-item filtered');
* Returns a throttled and proxied function for the resize handler.
* @return {Function}
* @private
_getResizeFunction : function() {
var resizeFunction = $.proxy( this._onResize, this );
return this.throttle ?
this.throttle( resizeFunction, this.throttleTime ) :
_setVars : function() {
@ -268,86 +381,100 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
* @return {jQuery} Filtered items.
_filter : function( category, $collection ) {
var self = this,
isPartialSet = $collection !== undefined,
$items = isPartialSet ? $collection : self.$items,
$filtered = $();
category = category || this.lastFilter;
$collection = $collection || this.$items;
category = category || self.lastFilter;
this._fire( Shuffle.EventType.FILTER );
self._fire( Shuffle.EventType.FILTER );
var set = this._getFilteredSets( category, $collection );
// Individually add/remove concealed/filtered classes
this._toggleFilterClasses( set.filtered, set.concealed );
// Save the last filter in case elements are appended.
this.lastFilter = category;
// This is saved mainly because providing a filter function (like searching)
// will overwrite the `lastFilter` property every time its called.
if ( typeof category === 'string' ) { = category;
return set.filtered;
* Returns an object containing the filtered and concealed elements.
* @param {string|Function} category Category or function to filter by.
* @param {jQuery} $items jQuery collection of items to filter.
* @return {!{filtered: jQuery, concealed: jQuery}}
* @private
_getFilteredSets : function( category, $items ) {
var $filtered = $();
var $concealed = $();
// category === 'all', add filtered class to everything
if ( category === ALL_ITEMS ) {
$filtered = $items;
// Loop through each item and use provided function to determine
// whether to hide it or not.
if ( $.isFunction( category ) ) {
$items.each(function() {
var $item = $(this);
if ($item[0], $item, self) ) {
} else {
var self = this;
$items.each(function(i, el) {
var $item = $(el);
if ( self._doesPassFilter( category, $item ) ) {
$filtered = $filtered.add( $item );
} else {
$concealed = $concealed.add( $item );
// Otherwise we've been passed a category to filter by
} else { = category;
// category === 'all', add filtered class to everything
if ( category === ALL_ITEMS ) {
$filtered = $items;
// Check each element's data-groups attribute against the given category.
} else {
$items.each(function() {
var $item = $(this),
keys = self.delimeter && !$.isArray( groups ) ?
groups.split( self.delimeter ) :
if ( $.inArray(category, keys) > -1 ) {
$filtered = $filtered.add( $item );
// Individually add/remove concealed/filtered classes
self._toggleFilterClasses( $items, $filtered );
$items = null;
$collection = null;
return $filtered;
return {
filtered: $filtered,
concealed: $concealed
_toggleFilterClasses : function( $items, $filtered ) {
var concealed = 'concealed',
filtered = 'filtered';
* Test an item to see if it passes a category.
* @param {string|Function} category Category or function to filter by.
* @param {jQuery} $item A single item, wrapped with jQuery.
* @return {boolean} Whether it passes the category/filter.
* @private
_doesPassFilter : function( category, $item ) {
if ( $.isFunction( category ) ) {
return $item[0], $item, this );
$items.filter( $filtered ).each(function() {
var $filteredItem = $(this);
// Remove concealed if it's there
if ( $filteredItem.hasClass( concealed ) ) {
$filteredItem.removeClass( concealed );
// Add filtered class if it's not there
if ( !$filteredItem.hasClass( filtered ) ) {
$filteredItem.addClass( filtered );
// Check each element's data-groups attribute against the given category.
} else {
var groups = $ FILTER_ATTRIBUTE_KEY );
var keys = this.delimeter && !$.isArray( groups ) ?
groups.split( this.delimeter ) :
return $.inArray(category, keys) > -1;
$items.not( $filtered ).each(function() {
var $filteredItem = $(this);
// Add concealed if it's not there
if ( !$filteredItem.hasClass( concealed ) ) {
$filteredItem.addClass( concealed );
// Remove filtered class if it's there
if ( $filteredItem.hasClass( filtered ) ) {
$filteredItem.removeClass( filtered );
* Toggles the filtered and concealed class names.
* @param {jQuery} $filtered Filtered set.
* @param {jQuery} $concealed Concealed set.
* @private
_toggleFilterClasses : function( $filtered, $concealed ) {
.removeClass( Shuffle.ClassName.CONCEALED )
.addClass( Shuffle.ClassName.FILTERED );
.removeClass( Shuffle.ClassName.FILTERED )
.addClass( Shuffle.ClassName.CONCEALED );
@ -356,15 +483,20 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
_initItems : function( $items ) {
$items = $items || this.$items;
].join(' '));
$items.css( this.itemCss ).data('position', {x: 0, y: 0});
_updateItemCount : function() {
this.visibleItems = this.$items.filter('.filtered').length;
this.visibleItems = this._getFilteredItems().length;
_setTransition : function( element ) {[ TRANSITION ] = CSS_TRANSFORM + ' ' + this.speed + 'ms ' + this.easing + ', opacity ' + this.speed + 'ms ' + this.easing;[ TRANSITION ] = CSS_TRANSFORM + ' ' + this.speed + 'ms ' +
this.easing + ', opacity ' + this.speed + 'ms ' + this.easing;
_setTransitions : function( $items ) {
@ -403,60 +535,12 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
return this.$el.children( this.itemSelector );
_getPreciseDimension : function( element, style ) {
var dimension;
if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
dimension = window.getComputedStyle( element, null )[ style ];
} else {
dimension = $( element ).css( style );
return parseFloat( dimension );
* Returns the outer width of an element, optionally including its margins.
* @param {Element} element The element.
* @param {boolean} [includeMargins] Whether to include margins. Default is false.
* @return {number} The width.
_getOuterWidth : function( element, includeMargins ) {
var width = element.offsetWidth;
// Use jQuery here because it uses getComputedStyle internally and is
// cross-browser. Using the style property of the element will only work
// if there are inline styles.
if (includeMargins) {
var styles = $(element).css(['marginLeft', 'marginRight']);
// Defaults to zero if parsing fails because IE will return 'auto' when
// the element doesn't have margins instead of the computed style.
var marginLeft = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft) || 0;
var marginRight = parseFloat(styles.marginRight) || 0;
width += marginLeft + marginRight;
return width;
_getFilteredItems : function() {
return this.$items.filter('.' + Shuffle.ClassName.FILTERED);
* Returns the outer height of an element, optionally including its margins.
* @param {Element} element The element.
* @param {boolean} [includeMargins] Whether to include margins. Default is false.
* @return {number} The height.
_getOuterHeight : function( element, includeMargins ) {
var height = element.offsetHeight;
if (includeMargins) {
var styles = $(element).css(['marginTop', 'marginBottom']);
var marginTop = parseFloat(styles.marginTop) || 0;
var marginBottom = parseFloat(styles.marginBottom) || 0;
height += marginTop + marginBottom;
return height;
_getConcealedItems : function() {
return this.$items.filter('.' + Shuffle.ClassName.CONCEALED);
@ -469,7 +553,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// columnWidth option isn't a function, are they using a sizing element?
} else if ( this.useSizer ) {
size = this._getPreciseDimension(this.sizer, 'width');
size = Shuffle._getPreciseDimension(this.sizer, 'width');
// if not, how about the explicitly set option?
} else if ( this.columnWidth ) {
@ -477,7 +561,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// or use the size of the first item
} else if ( this.$items.length > 0 ) {
size = this._getOuterWidth(this.$items[0], true);
size = Shuffle._getOuterWidth(this.$items[0], true);
// if there's no items, use size of container
} else {
@ -498,7 +582,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
if ( $.isFunction( this.gutterWidth ) ) {
size = this.gutterWidth(containerWidth);
} else if ( this.useSizer ) {
size = this._getPreciseDimension(this.sizer, 'marginLeft');
size = Shuffle._getPreciseDimension(this.sizer, 'marginLeft');
} else {
size = this.gutterWidth;
@ -512,7 +596,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
* @param {number} [theContainerWidth] Optionally specify a container width if it's already available.
_setColumns : function( theContainerWidth ) {
var containerWidth = theContainerWidth || this._getOuterWidth(this.$el[0]);
var containerWidth = theContainerWidth || Shuffle._getOuterWidth(this.$el[0]);
var gutter = this._getGutterSize(containerWidth);
var columnWidth = this._getColumnSize(gutter, containerWidth);
var calculatedColumns = (containerWidth + gutter) / columnWidth;
@ -532,7 +616,16 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
* Adjust the height of the grid
_setContainerSize : function() {
this.$el.css( 'height', Math.max.apply( Math, this.colYs ) );
this.$el.css( 'height', this._getContainerSize() );
* Based on the column heights, it returns the biggest one.
* @return {number}
* @private
_getContainerSize : function() {
return Math.max.apply( Math, this.colYs );
@ -613,13 +706,13 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
if ( this.lastSort ) {
this.sort( this.lastSort, true );
} else {
this._layout( this.$items.filter('.filtered').get(), this._filterEnd );
this._layout( this._getFilteredItems().get(), this._filterEnd );
_getItemPosition : function( $item ) {
var self = this;
var itemWidth = self._getOuterWidth( $item[0], true );
var itemWidth = Shuffle._getOuterWidth( $item[0], true );
var columnSpan = itemWidth / self.colWidth;
// If the difference between the rounded column span number and the
@ -682,7 +775,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// Apply setHeight to necessary columns
var setHeight = minimumY + self._getOuterHeight( $item[0], true ),
var setHeight = minimumY + Shuffle._getOuterHeight( $item[0], true ),
setSpan = self.cols + 1 - len;
for ( i = 0; i < setSpan; i++ ) {
self.colYs[ shortCol + i ] = setHeight;
@ -699,7 +792,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
_shrink : function( $collection, fn ) {
var self = this,
$concealed = $collection || self.$items.filter('.concealed');
$concealed = $collection || self._getConcealedItems();
fn = fn || self._shrinkEnd;
@ -743,7 +836,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// Will need to check height in the future if it's layed out horizontaly
var containerWidth = this._getOuterWidth(this.$el[0]);
var containerWidth = Shuffle._getOuterWidth(this.$el[0]);
// containerWidth hasn't changed, don't do anything
if ( containerWidth === this.containerWidth ) {
@ -754,23 +847,6 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
* If the browser has 3d transforms available, build a string with those,
* otherwise use 2d transforms.
* @param {number} x X position.
* @param {number} y Y position.
* @param {number} scale Scale amount.
* @return {string} A normalized string which can be used with the transform style.
* @private
_getItemTransformString : function(x, y, scale) {
return 'translate3d(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px, 0) scale3d(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ', 1)';
} else {
return 'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px) scale(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ')';
_getStylesForTransition : function( opts ) {
var styles = {
opacity: opts.opacity
@ -778,7 +854,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
if ( this.supported ) {
if ( opts.x !== undefined ) {
styles[ TRANSFORM ] = this._getItemTransformString( opts.x, opts.y, opts.scale );
styles[ TRANSFORM ] = Shuffle._getItemTransformString( opts.x, opts.y, opts.scale );
} else {
styles.left = opts.x;
@ -875,7 +951,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
$.each(this.styleQueue, function(i, transitionObj) {
if ( transitionObj.skipTransition ) {
self._skipTransition(transitionObj.$item[0], function() {
Shuffle._skipTransition(transitionObj.$item[0], function() {
transitionObj.$item.css( self._getStylesForTransition( transitionObj ) );
} else {
@ -899,34 +975,6 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
this._fire( Shuffle.EventType.SORTED );
* Change a property or execute a function which will not have a transition
* @param {Element} element DOM element that won't be transitioned
* @param {(string|Function)} property The new style property which will be set or a function which will be called
* @param {string} [value] The value that `property` should be.
* @private
_skipTransition : function( element, property, value ) {
var duration =[ TRANSITION_DURATION ];
// Set the duration to zero so it happens immediately[ TRANSITION_DURATION ] = '0ms'; // ms needed for firefox!
if ( $.isFunction( property ) ) {
} else {[ property ] = value;
// Force reflow
var reflow = element.offsetWidth;
// Avoid jshint warnings: unused variables and expressions.
reflow = null;
// Put the duration back[ TRANSITION_DURATION ] = duration;
_addItems : function( $newItems, animateIn, isSequential ) {
var self = this;
@ -934,7 +982,6 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
animateIn = false;
self._initItems( $newItems );
self._setTransitions( $newItems );
self.$items = self._getItems();
@ -943,7 +990,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
$newItems.css('opacity', 0);
// Get ones that passed the current filter
var $passed = self._filter( undefined, $newItems );
var $passed = self._filter( null, $newItems );
var passed = $passed.get();
// How many filtered elements?
@ -983,7 +1030,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
* The magic. This is what makes the plugin 'shuffle'
* @param {(string|Function)} [category] Category to filter by. Can be a function
* @param {string|Function} [category] Category to filter by. Can be a function
* @param {Object} [sortObj] A sort object which can sort the filtered set
shuffle : function( category, sortObj ) {
@ -998,8 +1045,6 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
self._filter( category );
// Save the last filter in case elements are appended.
self.lastFilter = category;
// How many filtered elements?
@ -1023,7 +1068,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
sort : function( opts, fromFilter ) {
var self = this,
items = self.$items.filter('.filtered').sorted(opts);
items = self._getFilteredItems().sorted(opts);
if ( !fromFilter ) {
@ -1148,7 +1193,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// If there is more than one shuffle instance on the page,
// removing the resize handler from the window would remove them
// all. This is why a unique value is needed.
self.$'.' + self.unique);
$'.' + self.unique);
// Reset container styles
@ -1162,7 +1207,6 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
.removeClass('concealed filtered shuffle-item');
// Null DOM references
self.$window = null;
self.$items = null;
self.$el = null;
self.$sizer = null;
@ -1250,7 +1294,7 @@ $.fn.sorted = function(options) {
// Sort the elements by the function.
// If we don't have, default to DOM order
if ( !== $.noop && !== null && !== undefined) {
if ( $.isFunction( ) ) {
arr.sort(function(a, b) {
// Exit early if we already know we want to revert
@ -1267,16 +1311,15 @@ $.fn.sorted = function(options) {
return 0;
if ( valA === 'sortFirst' || valB === 'sortLast' ) {
if ( valA < valB || valA === 'sortFirst' || valB === 'sortLast' ) {
return -1;
if ( valA === 'sortLast' || valB === 'sortFirst' ) {
if ( valA > valB || valA === 'sortLast' || valB === 'sortFirst' ) {
return 1;
return (valA < valB) ? -1 :
(valA > valB) ? 1 : 0;
return 0;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ function throttle(func, wait, options) {
// Used for unique instance variables
var id = 0;
var $window = $( window );
@ -100,7 +101,6 @@ var Shuffle = function( element, options ) {
$.extend( this, Shuffle.options, options, Shuffle.settings );
this.$el = $(element);
this.$window = $(window);
this.unique = 'shuffle_' + id++;
this._fire( Shuffle.EventType.LOADING );
@ -133,18 +133,125 @@ Shuffle.EventType = {
/** @enum {string} */
Shuffle.ClassName = {
SHUFFLE_ITEM: 'shuffle-item',
FILTERED: 'filtered',
CONCEALED: 'concealed'
* If the browser has 3d transforms available, build a string with those,
* otherwise use 2d transforms.
* @param {number} x X position.
* @param {number} y Y position.
* @param {number} scale Scale amount.
* @return {string} A normalized string which can be used with the transform style.
* @private
Shuffle._getItemTransformString = function(x, y, scale) {
return 'translate3d(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px, 0) scale3d(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ', 1)';
} else {
return 'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px) scale(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ')';
Shuffle._getPreciseDimension = function( element, style ) {
var dimension;
if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
dimension = window.getComputedStyle( element, null )[ style ];
} else {
dimension = $( element ).css( style );
return parseFloat( dimension );
* Returns the outer width of an element, optionally including its margins.
* @param {Element} element The element.
* @param {boolean} [includeMargins] Whether to include margins. Default is false.
* @return {number} The width.
Shuffle._getOuterWidth = function( element, includeMargins ) {
var width = element.offsetWidth;
// Use jQuery here because it uses getComputedStyle internally and is
// cross-browser. Using the style property of the element will only work
// if there are inline styles.
if (includeMargins) {
var styles = $(element).css(['marginLeft', 'marginRight']);
// Defaults to zero if parsing fails because IE will return 'auto' when
// the element doesn't have margins instead of the computed style.
var marginLeft = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft) || 0;
var marginRight = parseFloat(styles.marginRight) || 0;
width += marginLeft + marginRight;
return width;
* Returns the outer height of an element, optionally including its margins.
* @param {Element} element The element.
* @param {boolean} [includeMargins] Whether to include margins. Default is false.
* @return {number} The height.
Shuffle._getOuterHeight = function( element, includeMargins ) {
var height = element.offsetHeight;
if (includeMargins) {
var styles = $(element).css(['marginTop', 'marginBottom']);
var marginTop = parseFloat(styles.marginTop) || 0;
var marginBottom = parseFloat(styles.marginBottom) || 0;
height += marginTop + marginBottom;
return height;
* Change a property or execute a function which will not have a transition
* @param {Element} element DOM element that won't be transitioned
* @param {(string|Function)} property The new style property which will be set or a function which will be called
* @param {string} [value] The value that `property` should be.
* @private
Shuffle._skipTransition = function( element, property, value ) {
var duration =[ TRANSITION_DURATION ];
// Set the duration to zero so it happens immediately[ TRANSITION_DURATION ] = '0ms'; // ms needed for firefox!
if ( $.isFunction( property ) ) {
} else {[ property ] = value;
// Force reflow
var reflow = element.offsetWidth;
// Avoid jshint warnings: unused variables and expressions.
reflow = null;
// Put the duration back[ TRANSITION_DURATION ] = duration;
Shuffle.prototype = {
_init : function() {
var self = this,
resizeFunction = $.proxy( self._onResize, self ),
debouncedResize = self.throttle ?
self.throttle( resizeFunction, self.throttleTime ) :
sort = self.initialSort ? self.initialSort : null;
var self = this;
self._layoutList = [];
self._shrinkList = [];
@ -155,18 +262,18 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// Add classes and invalidate styles
this.$el.addClass( Shuffle.ClassName.BASE );
// Set initial css for each item
// Bind resize events
self.$window.on('resize.' + SHUFFLE + '.' + self.unique, debouncedResize);
$window.on('resize.' + SHUFFLE + '.' + self.unique, self._getResizeFunction());
// Get container css all in one request. Causes reflow
containerCSS = self.$el.css(['paddingLeft', 'paddingRight', 'position']);
containerWidth = self._getOuterWidth( self.$el[0] );
var containerCSS = self.$el.css(['paddingLeft', 'paddingRight', 'position']);
var containerWidth = Shuffle._getOuterWidth( self.$el[0] );
// Position cannot be static.
if ( containerCSS.position === 'static' ) {
@ -184,7 +291,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
self._setColumns( parseInt( containerWidth, 10 ) );
// Kick off!
self.shuffle(, sort );
self.shuffle(, self.initialSort );
// The shuffle items haven't had transitions set on them yet
// so the user doesn't see the first layout. Set them now that the first layout is done.
@ -196,10 +303,16 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// Will invalidate styles
_addClasses : function() {
this.$el.addClass( SHUFFLE );
this.$items.addClass('shuffle-item filtered');
* Returns a throttled and proxied function for the resize handler.
* @return {Function}
* @private
_getResizeFunction : function() {
var resizeFunction = $.proxy( this._onResize, this );
return this.throttle ?
this.throttle( resizeFunction, this.throttleTime ) :
_setVars : function() {
@ -245,86 +358,100 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
* @return {jQuery} Filtered items.
_filter : function( category, $collection ) {
var self = this,
isPartialSet = $collection !== undefined,
$items = isPartialSet ? $collection : self.$items,
$filtered = $();
category = category || this.lastFilter;
$collection = $collection || this.$items;
this._fire( Shuffle.EventType.FILTER );
var set = this._getFilteredSets( category, $collection );
// Individually add/remove concealed/filtered classes
this._toggleFilterClasses( set.filtered, set.concealed );
// Save the last filter in case elements are appended.
this.lastFilter = category;
// This is saved mainly because providing a filter function (like searching)
// will overwrite the `lastFilter` property every time its called.
if ( typeof category === 'string' ) { = category;
return set.filtered;
category = category || self.lastFilter;
self._fire( Shuffle.EventType.FILTER );
* Returns an object containing the filtered and concealed elements.
* @param {string|Function} category Category or function to filter by.
* @param {jQuery} $items jQuery collection of items to filter.
* @return {!{filtered: jQuery, concealed: jQuery}}
* @private
_getFilteredSets : function( category, $items ) {
var $filtered = $();
var $concealed = $();
// category === 'all', add filtered class to everything
if ( category === ALL_ITEMS ) {
$filtered = $items;
// Loop through each item and use provided function to determine
// whether to hide it or not.
if ( $.isFunction( category ) ) {
$items.each(function() {
var $item = $(this);
if ($item[0], $item, self) ) {
} else {
var self = this;
$items.each(function(i, el) {
var $item = $(el);
if ( self._doesPassFilter( category, $item ) ) {
$filtered = $filtered.add( $item );
} else {
$concealed = $concealed.add( $item );
// Otherwise we've been passed a category to filter by
} else { = category;
// category === 'all', add filtered class to everything
if ( category === ALL_ITEMS ) {
$filtered = $items;
// Check each element's data-groups attribute against the given category.
} else {
$items.each(function() {
var $item = $(this),
keys = self.delimeter && !$.isArray( groups ) ?
groups.split( self.delimeter ) :
if ( $.inArray(category, keys) > -1 ) {
$filtered = $filtered.add( $item );
// Individually add/remove concealed/filtered classes
self._toggleFilterClasses( $items, $filtered );
$items = null;
$collection = null;
return $filtered;
return {
filtered: $filtered,
concealed: $concealed
_toggleFilterClasses : function( $items, $filtered ) {
var concealed = 'concealed',
filtered = 'filtered';
* Test an item to see if it passes a category.
* @param {string|Function} category Category or function to filter by.
* @param {jQuery} $item A single item, wrapped with jQuery.
* @return {boolean} Whether it passes the category/filter.
* @private
_doesPassFilter : function( category, $item ) {
if ( $.isFunction( category ) ) {
return $item[0], $item, this );
$items.filter( $filtered ).each(function() {
var $filteredItem = $(this);
// Remove concealed if it's there
if ( $filteredItem.hasClass( concealed ) ) {
$filteredItem.removeClass( concealed );
// Add filtered class if it's not there
if ( !$filteredItem.hasClass( filtered ) ) {
$filteredItem.addClass( filtered );
// Check each element's data-groups attribute against the given category.
} else {
var groups = $ FILTER_ATTRIBUTE_KEY );
var keys = this.delimeter && !$.isArray( groups ) ?
groups.split( this.delimeter ) :
return $.inArray(category, keys) > -1;
$items.not( $filtered ).each(function() {
var $filteredItem = $(this);
// Add concealed if it's not there
if ( !$filteredItem.hasClass( concealed ) ) {
$filteredItem.addClass( concealed );
// Remove filtered class if it's there
if ( $filteredItem.hasClass( filtered ) ) {
$filteredItem.removeClass( filtered );
* Toggles the filtered and concealed class names.
* @param {jQuery} $filtered Filtered set.
* @param {jQuery} $concealed Concealed set.
* @private
_toggleFilterClasses : function( $filtered, $concealed ) {
.removeClass( Shuffle.ClassName.CONCEALED )
.addClass( Shuffle.ClassName.FILTERED );
.removeClass( Shuffle.ClassName.FILTERED )
.addClass( Shuffle.ClassName.CONCEALED );
@ -333,15 +460,20 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
_initItems : function( $items ) {
$items = $items || this.$items;
].join(' '));
$items.css( this.itemCss ).data('position', {x: 0, y: 0});
_updateItemCount : function() {
this.visibleItems = this.$items.filter('.filtered').length;
this.visibleItems = this._getFilteredItems().length;
_setTransition : function( element ) {[ TRANSITION ] = CSS_TRANSFORM + ' ' + this.speed + 'ms ' + this.easing + ', opacity ' + this.speed + 'ms ' + this.easing;[ TRANSITION ] = CSS_TRANSFORM + ' ' + this.speed + 'ms ' +
this.easing + ', opacity ' + this.speed + 'ms ' + this.easing;
_setTransitions : function( $items ) {
@ -380,60 +512,12 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
return this.$el.children( this.itemSelector );
_getPreciseDimension : function( element, style ) {
var dimension;
if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
dimension = window.getComputedStyle( element, null )[ style ];
} else {
dimension = $( element ).css( style );
return parseFloat( dimension );
* Returns the outer width of an element, optionally including its margins.
* @param {Element} element The element.
* @param {boolean} [includeMargins] Whether to include margins. Default is false.
* @return {number} The width.
_getOuterWidth : function( element, includeMargins ) {
var width = element.offsetWidth;
// Use jQuery here because it uses getComputedStyle internally and is
// cross-browser. Using the style property of the element will only work
// if there are inline styles.
if (includeMargins) {
var styles = $(element).css(['marginLeft', 'marginRight']);
// Defaults to zero if parsing fails because IE will return 'auto' when
// the element doesn't have margins instead of the computed style.
var marginLeft = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft) || 0;
var marginRight = parseFloat(styles.marginRight) || 0;
width += marginLeft + marginRight;
return width;
_getFilteredItems : function() {
return this.$items.filter('.' + Shuffle.ClassName.FILTERED);
* Returns the outer height of an element, optionally including its margins.
* @param {Element} element The element.
* @param {boolean} [includeMargins] Whether to include margins. Default is false.
* @return {number} The height.
_getOuterHeight : function( element, includeMargins ) {
var height = element.offsetHeight;
if (includeMargins) {
var styles = $(element).css(['marginTop', 'marginBottom']);
var marginTop = parseFloat(styles.marginTop) || 0;
var marginBottom = parseFloat(styles.marginBottom) || 0;
height += marginTop + marginBottom;
return height;
_getConcealedItems : function() {
return this.$items.filter('.' + Shuffle.ClassName.CONCEALED);
@ -446,7 +530,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// columnWidth option isn't a function, are they using a sizing element?
} else if ( this.useSizer ) {
size = this._getPreciseDimension(this.sizer, 'width');
size = Shuffle._getPreciseDimension(this.sizer, 'width');
// if not, how about the explicitly set option?
} else if ( this.columnWidth ) {
@ -454,7 +538,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// or use the size of the first item
} else if ( this.$items.length > 0 ) {
size = this._getOuterWidth(this.$items[0], true);
size = Shuffle._getOuterWidth(this.$items[0], true);
// if there's no items, use size of container
} else {
@ -475,7 +559,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
if ( $.isFunction( this.gutterWidth ) ) {
size = this.gutterWidth(containerWidth);
} else if ( this.useSizer ) {
size = this._getPreciseDimension(this.sizer, 'marginLeft');
size = Shuffle._getPreciseDimension(this.sizer, 'marginLeft');
} else {
size = this.gutterWidth;
@ -489,7 +573,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
* @param {number} [theContainerWidth] Optionally specify a container width if it's already available.
_setColumns : function( theContainerWidth ) {
var containerWidth = theContainerWidth || this._getOuterWidth(this.$el[0]);
var containerWidth = theContainerWidth || Shuffle._getOuterWidth(this.$el[0]);
var gutter = this._getGutterSize(containerWidth);
var columnWidth = this._getColumnSize(gutter, containerWidth);
var calculatedColumns = (containerWidth + gutter) / columnWidth;
@ -509,7 +593,16 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
* Adjust the height of the grid
_setContainerSize : function() {
this.$el.css( 'height', Math.max.apply( Math, this.colYs ) );
this.$el.css( 'height', this._getContainerSize() );
* Based on the column heights, it returns the biggest one.
* @return {number}
* @private
_getContainerSize : function() {
return Math.max.apply( Math, this.colYs );
@ -590,13 +683,13 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
if ( this.lastSort ) {
this.sort( this.lastSort, true );
} else {
this._layout( this.$items.filter('.filtered').get(), this._filterEnd );
this._layout( this._getFilteredItems().get(), this._filterEnd );
_getItemPosition : function( $item ) {
var self = this;
var itemWidth = self._getOuterWidth( $item[0], true );
var itemWidth = Shuffle._getOuterWidth( $item[0], true );
var columnSpan = itemWidth / self.colWidth;
// If the difference between the rounded column span number and the
@ -659,7 +752,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// Apply setHeight to necessary columns
var setHeight = minimumY + self._getOuterHeight( $item[0], true ),
var setHeight = minimumY + Shuffle._getOuterHeight( $item[0], true ),
setSpan = self.cols + 1 - len;
for ( i = 0; i < setSpan; i++ ) {
self.colYs[ shortCol + i ] = setHeight;
@ -676,7 +769,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
_shrink : function( $collection, fn ) {
var self = this,
$concealed = $collection || self.$items.filter('.concealed');
$concealed = $collection || self._getConcealedItems();
fn = fn || self._shrinkEnd;
@ -720,7 +813,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// Will need to check height in the future if it's layed out horizontaly
var containerWidth = this._getOuterWidth(this.$el[0]);
var containerWidth = Shuffle._getOuterWidth(this.$el[0]);
// containerWidth hasn't changed, don't do anything
if ( containerWidth === this.containerWidth ) {
@ -731,23 +824,6 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
* If the browser has 3d transforms available, build a string with those,
* otherwise use 2d transforms.
* @param {number} x X position.
* @param {number} y Y position.
* @param {number} scale Scale amount.
* @return {string} A normalized string which can be used with the transform style.
* @private
_getItemTransformString : function(x, y, scale) {
return 'translate3d(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px, 0) scale3d(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ', 1)';
} else {
return 'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px) scale(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ')';
_getStylesForTransition : function( opts ) {
var styles = {
opacity: opts.opacity
@ -755,7 +831,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
if ( this.supported ) {
if ( opts.x !== undefined ) {
styles[ TRANSFORM ] = this._getItemTransformString( opts.x, opts.y, opts.scale );
styles[ TRANSFORM ] = Shuffle._getItemTransformString( opts.x, opts.y, opts.scale );
} else {
styles.left = opts.x;
@ -852,7 +928,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
$.each(this.styleQueue, function(i, transitionObj) {
if ( transitionObj.skipTransition ) {
self._skipTransition(transitionObj.$item[0], function() {
Shuffle._skipTransition(transitionObj.$item[0], function() {
transitionObj.$item.css( self._getStylesForTransition( transitionObj ) );
} else {
@ -876,34 +952,6 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
this._fire( Shuffle.EventType.SORTED );
* Change a property or execute a function which will not have a transition
* @param {Element} element DOM element that won't be transitioned
* @param {(string|Function)} property The new style property which will be set or a function which will be called
* @param {string} [value] The value that `property` should be.
* @private
_skipTransition : function( element, property, value ) {
var duration =[ TRANSITION_DURATION ];
// Set the duration to zero so it happens immediately[ TRANSITION_DURATION ] = '0ms'; // ms needed for firefox!
if ( $.isFunction( property ) ) {
} else {[ property ] = value;
// Force reflow
var reflow = element.offsetWidth;
// Avoid jshint warnings: unused variables and expressions.
reflow = null;
// Put the duration back[ TRANSITION_DURATION ] = duration;
_addItems : function( $newItems, animateIn, isSequential ) {
var self = this;
@ -911,7 +959,6 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
animateIn = false;
self._initItems( $newItems );
self._setTransitions( $newItems );
self.$items = self._getItems();
@ -920,7 +967,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
$newItems.css('opacity', 0);
// Get ones that passed the current filter
var $passed = self._filter( undefined, $newItems );
var $passed = self._filter( null, $newItems );
var passed = $passed.get();
// How many filtered elements?
@ -960,7 +1007,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
* The magic. This is what makes the plugin 'shuffle'
* @param {(string|Function)} [category] Category to filter by. Can be a function
* @param {string|Function} [category] Category to filter by. Can be a function
* @param {Object} [sortObj] A sort object which can sort the filtered set
shuffle : function( category, sortObj ) {
@ -975,8 +1022,6 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
self._filter( category );
// Save the last filter in case elements are appended.
self.lastFilter = category;
// How many filtered elements?
@ -1000,7 +1045,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
sort : function( opts, fromFilter ) {
var self = this,
items = self.$items.filter('.filtered').sorted(opts);
items = self._getFilteredItems().sorted(opts);
if ( !fromFilter ) {
@ -1125,7 +1170,7 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
// If there is more than one shuffle instance on the page,
// removing the resize handler from the window would remove them
// all. This is why a unique value is needed.
self.$'.' + self.unique);
$'.' + self.unique);
// Reset container styles
@ -1139,7 +1184,6 @@ Shuffle.prototype = {
.removeClass('concealed filtered shuffle-item');
// Null DOM references
self.$window = null;
self.$items = null;
self.$el = null;
self.$sizer = null;
@ -1227,7 +1271,7 @@ $.fn.sorted = function(options) {
// Sort the elements by the function.
// If we don't have, default to DOM order
if ( !== $.noop && !== null && !== undefined) {
if ( $.isFunction( ) ) {
arr.sort(function(a, b) {
// Exit early if we already know we want to revert
@ -1244,16 +1288,15 @@ $.fn.sorted = function(options) {
return 0;
if ( valA === 'sortFirst' || valB === 'sortLast' ) {
if ( valA < valB || valA === 'sortFirst' || valB === 'sortLast' ) {
return -1;
if ( valA === 'sortLast' || valB === 'sortFirst' ) {
if ( valA > valB || valA === 'sortLast' || valB === 'sortFirst' ) {
return 1;
return (valA < valB) ? -1 :
(valA > valB) ? 1 : 0;
return 0;

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
## Improvements
* Horizontal layout
* More JSDoc
* Create an `Item` class for shuffle items so they can handle storing values and more.
* Horizontal layout
## Things I don't like and would like to fix
* Move everything to Shuffle.prototype.method = function.
@ -12,5 +12,4 @@
## Reasons Zepto doesn't work
* `.data()` - although I think it can be included?
* `.filter()` and `.not()` don't work with collections.
* `.css(['style1', 'style2', 'style3'])` isn't supported.
