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<div id="controls"></div>
<div id="office-content">
<div id="editing-sessions">
<?php if(empty($_['list'])) { ?>
<div id="emptyfolder"><?php p('No documents are found. Please upload a document into your ownCloud');?></div>
<?php } else { ?>
<div id="editor-content">
<table class="documentslist" >
<?php foreach($_['list'] as $entry) { ?>
<tr data-file="<?php \OCP\Util::encodePath(p($entry['path'])) ?>">
<td width="1">
<img align="left" src="<?php p(\OCP\Util::linkToAbsolute('office','ajax/thumbnail.php').'?filepath='.\OCP\Util::encodePath($entry['path'])) ?>" />
<td width="1">
<img align="left" src="<?php p( \OCP\Util::linkToAbsolute('office','img/office.png')) ?>" />
<a target="_blank" href="<?php p(\OCP\Util::linkToRoute('download', array('file' => $entry['path']))) ?>"><?php p($entry['name'])?></a>
<td><?php p(\OCP\Util::formatDate(intval($entry['mtime']))); ?></td>
<td><?php p(\OCP\Util::humanFileSize($entry['size'])); ?></td>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>