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* ownCloud - Documents App
* @author Victor Dubiniuk
* @copyright 2014 Victor Dubiniuk
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later.
namespace OCA\Documents;
class Config {
const APP_NAME = 'documents';
const TEST_DOC_PATH = '/assets/test.doc';
public static function testConversion(){
$targetFilter = 'odt:writer8';
$targetExtension = 'odt';
$input = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . self::TEST_DOC_PATH);
$infile = \OCP\Files::tmpFile();
$outdir = \OCP\Files::tmpFolder();
$outfile = $outdir . '/' . basename($infile) . '.' . $targetExtension;
$cmd = Helper::findOpenOffice();
$params = ' --headless --convert-to ' . escapeshellarg($targetFilter) . ' --outdir '
. escapeshellarg($outdir)
. ' --writer '. escapeshellarg($infile)
. ' -env:UserInstallation=file://' . escapeshellarg(get_temp_dir()) . ' 2>&1'
file_put_contents($infile, $input);
$result = shell_exec($cmd . $params);
$exists = file_exists($outfile);
if (!$exists){
Helper::warnLog('Conversion test failed. Raw output:' . $result);
return false;
} else {
return true;
public static function getL10n(){
return \OCP\Util::getL10N(self::APP_NAME);
public static function getConverter(){
return self::getAppValue('converter', 'local');
public static function setConverter($value){
return self::setAppValue('converter', $value);
public static function getConverterUrl(){
return self::getAppValue('converter_url', 'http://localhost:16080');
public static function setConverterUrl($value){
return self::setAppValue('converter_url', $value);
protected static function getAppValue($key, $default){
return \OCP\Config::getAppValue(self::APP_NAME, $key, $default);
protected static function setAppValue($key, $value){
return \OCP\Config::setAppValue(self::APP_NAME, $key, $value);