You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

93 lines
2.6 KiB

var odfViewer = {
supportedMimesRead: [
supportedMimesUpdate: [
register : function(){
for (var i = 0; i < odfViewer.supportedMimesRead.length; ++i) {
var mime = odfViewer.supportedMimesRead[i];
FileActions.register(mime, 'View', OC.PERMISSION_READ, '', odfViewer.dispatch);
FileActions.setDefault(mime, 'View');
dispatch : function(filename){
if (odfViewer.supportedMimesUpdate.indexOf(FileActions.getCurrentMimeType()) !== -1
&& FileActions.getCurrentPermissions() & OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE
} else {
onEdit : function(){
var fileId = FileActions.currentFile.parent().attr('data-id');
window.location = OC.linkTo('documents', 'index.php') + '#' + fileId;
onView: function(filename) {
OC.addStyle('documents', 'viewer/webodf');
OC.addStyle('documents', 'viewer/odfviewer');
var webodfSource = (oc_debug !== true) ? 'webodf-debug' : 'webodf';
OC.addScript('documents', 'viewer/' + webodfSource).done(function() {
var location = fileDownloadPath($('#dir').val(), filename);
// fade out files menu and add odf menu
$('.actions,#file_action_panel').fadeOut('slow').promise().done(function() {
// odf action toolbar
var odfToolbarHtml =
'<div id="odf-toolbar">' +
'<button id="odf_close">' + t('documents', 'Close') +
// fade out file list and show pdf canvas
$('table').fadeOut('slow').promise().done(function() {
var canvashtml = '<div id="odf-canvas"></div>';
// in case we are on the public sharing page we shall display the odf into the preview tag
var odfelement = document.getElementById("odf-canvas");
var odfcanvas = new odf.OdfCanvas(odfelement);
onClose: function() {
// Fade out odf-toolbar
// Fade out editor
$('#odf-canvas').fadeOut('slow', function() {
is_editor_shown = false;
$(document).ready(function() {
if (typeof FileActions !== 'undefined') {
$('#odf_close').live('click', odfViewer.onClose);