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* ownCloud - Office App
* @author Victor Dubiniuk
* @copyright 2013 Victor Dubiniuk
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later.
namespace OCA\Office;
class Op {
public static function add($esId, $memberId, $opspec){
$query = \OCP\DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*office_op` (`es_id`, `member`, `opspec`) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ');
// throw something - if query fails - thats fatal
return \OCP\DB::insertid(`*PREFIX*office_op`);
public static function addOpsArray($esId, $memberId, $ops){
$lastSeq = "";
foreach ($ops as $op) {
$lastSeq = self::add($esId, $memberId, json_encode($op));
return $lastSeq;
* @returns "" when there are no Ops, or the seq of the last Op
public static function getHeadSeq($esId){
$query = \OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT `seq` FROM `*PREFIX*office_op` WHERE `es_id`=? ORDER BY `seq` DESC LIMIT 1');
$result = $query->execute(array(
return !$result ? "" : $result;
public static function getOpsAfterJson($esId, $seq){
$ops = self::getOpsAfter($esId, $seq);
if (!is_array($ops)){
$ops = array();
$ops = array_map(
$decoded = json_decode($x['opspec'], true);
$decoded['memberid'] = strval($decoded['memberid']);
return $decoded;
return $ops;
public static function getOpsAfter($esId, $seq){
if ($seq == ""){
$seq = -1;
$query = \OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT `opspec` FROM `*PREFIX*office_op` WHERE `es_id`=? AND `seq`>? ORDER BY `seq` ASC');
$result = $query->execute(array($esId, $seq));
return $result->fetchAll();
public static function removeCursor($esId, $memberId){
return self::add(
'{"optype":"RemoveCursor","memberid":"'. $memberId .'","reason":"server-idle","timestamp":'. time() .'}'