getMessage()); \OCP\JSON::error(); exit(); } } public static function join($args){ $esId = @$args['es_id']; $uid = self::preDispatch(); try{ if (!$esId){ throw new \Exception('Session id is empty'); } $session = Session::getSession($esId); if (!$session || empty($session)){ throw new \Exception('Session doesn\'t exist'); } $session['member_id'] = (string) Member::add($session['es_id'], $uid, Helper::getRandomColor()); \OCP\JSON::success($session); exit(); } catch (\Exception $e){ Helper::warnLog('Joining a session failed. Reason:' . $e->getMessage()); \OCP\JSON::error(array('message'=>$e->getMessage())); exit(); } } /** * Store the document content to its origin */ public static function save(){ $uid = self::preDispatch(); try { $sessionID = @$_SERVER['HTTP_WEBODF_SESSION_ID']; if (!$sessionID){ throw new \Exception('Session id can not be empty'); } $memberId = @$_SERVER['HTTP_WEBODF_MEMBER_ID']; $sessionRevision = @$_SERVER['HTTP_WEBODF_SESSION_REVISION']; $content = fopen('php://input','r'); if (!$content){ throw new \Exception('New conent missing'); } $session = Session::getSession($sessionID); if (!$session){ throw new \Exception('Session does not exist'); } $fileInfo = \OC\Files\Cache\Cache::getById($session['file_id']); $path = $fileInfo[1]; $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $session['owner']); $isWritable = ($view->file_exists($path) && $view->isUpdatable($path)) || $view->isCreatable($path); if (!$isWritable){ throw new \Exception('Document does not exist or is not writable for this user'); } $view->file_put_contents($path, $content); \OCP\JSON::success(); exit(); } catch (\Exception $e){ Helper::warnLog('Saving failed. Reason:' . $e->getMessage()); \OCP\JSON::error(array('message'=>$e->getMessage())); exit(); } } public static function info(){ self::preDispatch(); $items = @$_POST['items']; $info = array(); if (is_array($items)){ $info = Session::getInfoByFileid($items); } \OCP\JSON::success(array( "info" => $info )); } public static function listAll(){ self::preDispatch(); $sessions = Session::getAll(); if (!is_array($sessions)){ $sessions = array(); } $preparedSessions = array_map( function($x){ return ($x['es_id']); }, $sessions ); \OCP\JSON::success(array( "session_list" => $preparedSessions )); } public static function listAllHtml(){ self::preDispatch(); $sessions = Session::getAll(); if (!is_array($sessions)){ $sessions = array(); } $preparedSessions = array_map( function($x){ return ($x['es_id']); }, $sessions ); $invites = Invite::getAllInvites(); if (!is_array($invites)){ $invites = array(); } $tmpl = new \OCP\Template('documents', 'part.sessions', ''); $tmpl->assign('invites', $invites); $tmpl->assign('sessions', $sessions); echo $tmpl->fetchPage(); } }