/*globals $,OC,fileDownloadPath,t,document,odf,webodfEditor,alert,require,dojo,runtime */ var documentsMain = { _documents: [], _sessions: [], _members: [], isEditormode : false, useUnstable : false, isGuest : false, memberId : false, esId : false, ready :false, fileName: null, UI : { /* Overlay HTML */ overlay : '
', /* Toolbar HTML */ toolbar : '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '%title%' + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '' + '
', /* Editor wrapper HTML */ container : '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
', /* Previous window title */ mainTitle : '', init : function(){ $(documentsMain.UI.overlay).hide().appendTo(document.body); documentsMain.UI.mainTitle = $('title').text(); }, showOverlay : function(){ $('#documents-overlay,#documents-overlay-below').fadeIn('fast'); }, hideOverlay : function(){ $('#documents-overlay,#documents-overlay-below').fadeOut('fast'); }, showEditor : function(title, canShare){ $(document.body).prepend(documentsMain.UI.toolbar.replace(/%title%/g, title)); if (!canShare){ $('#odf-invite').remove(); } else { //TODO: fill in with users } $(document.body).addClass("claro"); $(document.body).prepend(documentsMain.UI.container); // in case we are on the public sharing page we shall display the odf into the preview tag $('#preview').html(container); $('title').text(title + ' - ' + documentsMain.UI.mainTitle); }, hideEditor : function(){ // Fade out toolbar $('#odf-toolbar').fadeOut('fast'); // Fade out editor $('#mainContainer').fadeOut('fast', function() { $('#mainContainer').remove(); $('#odf-toolbar').remove(); $('#content').fadeIn('fast'); $(document.body).removeClass('claro'); $('title').text(documentsMain.UI.mainTitle); }); }, showSave : function (){ $('#odf-close').hide(); $('#saving-document').show(); }, hideSave : function(){ $('#saving-document').hide(); $('#odf-close').show(); }, showProgress : function(message){ if (!message){ message = ' '; } $('.documentslist .progress div').text(message); $('.documentslist .progress').show(); }, hideProgress : function(){ $('.documentslist .progress').hide(); }, showLostConnection : function(){ $('#memberList .memberListButton').css({opacity : 0.3}); $('#odf-toolbar').children(':not(#document-title)').hide(); $('
').prependTo('#memberList'); $('
' + t('documents', 'No connection to server. Trying to reconnect.') +'
').appendTo('#odf-toolbar'); }, hideLostConnection : function() { $('#connection-lost,#warning-connection-lost').remove(); $('#odf-toolbar').children(':not(#document-title,#saving-document)').show(); $('#memberList .memberListButton').css({opacity : 1}); }, notify : function(message){ OC.Notification.show(message); setTimeout(function() { OC.Notification.hide(); }, 10000); } }, onStartup: function() { var fileId; "use strict"; documentsMain.useUnstable = $('#webodf-unstable').val()==='true'; documentsMain.UI.init(); if (!OC.currentUser){ documentsMain.isGuest = true; if ($("[name='document']").val()){ // !Login page mess wih WebODF toolbars $(document.body).attr('id', 'body-user'); $('header,footer').hide(); documentsMain.prepareSession(); documentsMain.joinSession( $("[name='document']").val() ); } } else { // Does anything indicate that we need to autostart a session? fileId = parent.location.hash.replace(/\W*/g, ''); } documentsMain.show(); if (fileId){ documentsMain.UI.showOverlay(); } var webodfSource = (oc_debug === true) ? 'webodf-debug' : 'webodf'; OC.addScript('documents', '3rdparty/webodf/' + webodfSource).done(function() { // preload stuff in the background require({}, ["dojo/ready"], function(ready) { ready(function() { require({}, ["webodf/editor/Editor"], function(Editor) { runtime.setTranslator(function(s){return t('documents', s);}); documentsMain.ready = true; if (fileId){ documentsMain.prepareSession(); documentsMain.joinSession(fileId); } }); }); }); }); }, prepareSession : function(){ documentsMain.isEditorMode = true; documentsMain.UI.showOverlay(); $(window).on('beforeunload', function(){ return t('documents', "Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead."); }); $(window).on("unload", documentsMain.onTerminate); }, prepareGrid : function(){ documentsMain.isEditorMode = false; documentsMain.UI.hideOverlay(); }, initSession: function(response) { "use strict"; if(response && (response.id && !response.es_id)){ return documentsMain.view(response.id); } if (!response || !response.status || response.status==='error'){ documentsMain.onEditorShutdown(t('documents', 'Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently.')); return; } //Wait for 3 sec if editor is still loading if (!documentsMain.ready){ setTimeout(function(){ documentsMain.initSession(response); }, 3000); console.log('Waiting for the editor to start...'); return; } require({ }, ["owncloud/ServerFactory", "webodf/editor/Editor"], function (ServerFactory, Editor) { // fade out file list and show WebODF canvas $('#content').fadeOut('fast').promise().done(function() { documentsMain.fileId = response.file_id; documentsMain.fileName = documentsMain.getNameByFileid(response.file_id); documentsMain.UI.showEditor( documentsMain.fileName || response.title, typeof OC.Share !== 'undefined' && response.permissions & OC.PERMISSION_SHARE && !documentsMain.isGuest ); if (documentsMain.isGuest){ $('#odf-close').text(t('documents', 'Save') ); } var serverFactory = new ServerFactory(); documentsMain.esId = response.es_id; documentsMain.memberId = response.member_id; // TODO: set webodf translation system, by passing a proper function translate(!string):!string in "runtime.setTranslator(translate);" documentsMain.webodfServerInstance = serverFactory.createServer(); documentsMain.webodfServerInstance.setToken(oc_requesttoken); documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance = new Editor({unstableFeaturesEnabled: documentsMain.useUnstable}, documentsMain.webodfServerInstance, serverFactory); documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance.addEventListener(Editor.EVENT_BEFORESAVETOFILE, documentsMain.UI.showSave); documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance.addEventListener(Editor.EVENT_SAVEDTOFILE, documentsMain.UI.hideSave); documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance.addEventListener(Editor.EVENT_ERROR, documentsMain.onEditorShutdown); documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance.addEventListener(Editor.EVENT_HASSESSIONHOSTCONNECTIONCHANGED, function(has) { if (has){ documentsMain.UI.hideLostConnection(); } else { documentsMain.UI.showLostConnection(); } }); // load the document and get called back when it's live documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance.openSession(documentsMain.esId, documentsMain.memberId, function() { documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance.startEditing(); documentsMain.UI.hideOverlay(); parent.location.hash = response.file_id; }); }); }); }, joinSession: function(fileId) { console.log('joining session '+fileId); var url; if (documentsMain.isGuest){ url = OC.generateUrl('apps/documents/ajax/session/joinasguest/{token}', {token: fileId}); } else { url = OC.generateUrl('apps/documents/ajax/session/joinasuser/{file_id}', {file_id: fileId}); } $.post( url, { name : $("[name='memberName']").val() }, documentsMain.initSession ); }, view : function(id){ OC.addScript('documents', 'viewer/viewer', function() { documentsMain.prepareGrid(); $(window).off('beforeunload'); $(window).off('unload'); var path = $('li[data-id='+ id +']>a').attr('href'); odfViewer.isDocuments = true; odfViewer.onView(path); }); }, onCreate: function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var docElem = $('.documentslist .template').clone(); docElem.removeClass('template'); docElem.addClass('document'); docElem.insertAfter('.documentslist .template'); docElem.show(); $.post( OC.generateUrl('apps/documents/ajax/documents/create'), {}, function(response){ if (response && response.fileid){ documentsMain.prepareSession(); documentsMain.joinSession(response.fileid); } else { if (response && response.message){ documentsMain.UI.notify(response.message); } documentsMain.show(); } } ); }, onInvite: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (OC.Share.droppedDown) { OC.Share.hideDropDown(); } else { (function() { var target = OC.Share.showLink; OC.Share.showLink = function() { var r = target.apply( this, arguments ); $('#linkText').val( $('#linkText').val().replace('service=files', 'service=documents') ); return r; }; })(); OC.Share.showDropDown( 'file', parent.location.hash.replace(/\W*/g, ''), $("#odf-toolbar"), true, OC.PERMISSION_READ | OC.PERMISSION_SHARE | OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE ); } }, changeNick: function(memberId, name, node){ var url = OC.generateUrl('apps/documents/ajax/user/rename/{member_id}', {member_id: memberId}); $.post( url, { name : name }, function(result) { if (result && result.status === 'error') { if (result.message){ documentsMain.UI.notify(result.message); } return; } } ); }, onNickChange: function(memberId, fullNameNode){ if (!documentsMain.isGuest || memberId !== documentsMain.memberId){ return; } if ($(fullNameNode.parentNode).children('input').length !== 0){ return; } var input = $('').val($(fullNameNode).attr('fullname')); $(fullNameNode.parentNode).append(input); $(fullNameNode).hide(); input.on('blur', function(){ var newName = input.val(); if (!newName || newName === name) { input.tipsy('hide'); input.remove(); $(fullNameNode).show(); return; } else { try { input.tipsy('hide'); input.removeClass('error'); input.tipsy('hide'); input.remove(); $(fullNameNode).show(); documentsMain.changeNick(memberId, newName, fullNameNode); } catch (error) { input.attr('title', error); input.tipsy({gravity: 'n', trigger: 'manual'}); input.tipsy('show'); input.addClass('error'); } } }); input.on('keyup', function(event){ if (event.keyCode === 27) { // cancel by putting in an empty value $(this).val(''); $(this).blur(); event.preventDefault(); } if (event.keyCode === 13) { $(this).blur(); event.preventDefault(); } }); input.focus(); input.selectRange(0, name.length); }, renameDocument: function(name) { var url = OC.generateUrl('apps/documents/ajax/documents/rename/{file_id}', {file_id: documentsMain.fileId}); $.post( url, { name : name }, function(result) { if (result && result.status === 'error') { if (result.message){ documentsMain.IU.notify(result.message); } return; } documentsMain.fileName = name; $('title').text(documentsMain.UI.mainTitle + '| ' + name); $('#document-title>div').text(name); } ); }, onRenamePrompt: function() { var name = documentsMain.fileName; var lastPos = name.lastIndexOf('.'); var extension = name.substr(lastPos + 1); name = name.substr(0, lastPos); var input = $('').val(name); $('#document-title').append(input); $('#document-title>div').hide(); input.on('blur', function(){ var newName = input.val(); if (!newName || newName === name) { input.tipsy('hide'); input.remove(); $('#document-title>div').show(); return; } else { newName = newName + '.' + extension; try { input.tipsy('hide'); input.removeClass('error'); if (Files.isFileNameValid(newName)) { input.tipsy('hide'); input.remove(); $('#document-title>div').show(); documentsMain.renameDocument(newName); } } catch (error) { input.attr('title', error); input.tipsy({gravity: 'n', trigger: 'manual'}); input.tipsy('show'); input.addClass('error'); } } }); input.on('keyup', function(event){ if (event.keyCode === 27) { // cancel by putting in an empty value $(this).val(''); $(this).blur(); event.preventDefault(); } if (event.keyCode === 13) { $(this).blur(); event.preventDefault(); } }); input.focus(); input.selectRange(0, name.length); }, onEditorShutdown : function (message){ OC.Notification.show(message); $(window).off('beforeunload'); $(window).off('unload'); if (documentsMain.isEditorMode){ documentsMain.isEditorMode = false; parent.location.hash = ""; } else { setTimeout(OC.Notification.hide, 7000); } documentsMain.prepareGrid(); try { documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance.endEditing(); documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance.closeSession(function() { documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance.destroy(documentsMain.UI.hideEditor); }); } catch (e){ documentsMain.UI.hideEditor(); } documentsMain.show(); }, onClose: function() { "use strict"; if (!documentsMain.isEditorMode){ return; } documentsMain.isEditorMode = false; $(window).off('beforeunload'); $(window).off('unload'); parent.location.hash = ""; documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance.endEditing(); documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance.closeSession(function() { // successfull shutdown - all is good. // TODO: proper session leaving call to server, either by webodfServerInstance or custom // documentsMain.webodfServerInstance.leaveSession(sessionId, memberId, function() { if (documentsMain.isGuest){ $(document.body).attr('id', 'body-login'); $('header,footer').show(); } documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance.destroy(documentsMain.UI.hideEditor); var url = ''; if (documentsMain.isGuest){ url = OC.generateUrl('apps/documents/ajax/user/disconnectGuest/{member_id}', {member_id: documentsMain.memberId}); } else { url = OC.generateUrl('apps/documents/ajax/user/disconnect/{member_id}', {member_id: documentsMain.memberId}); } $.post(url, {esId: documentsMain.esId}); documentsMain.show(); // }); }); }, onTerminate: function(){ var url = ''; if (documentsMain.isGuest){ url = OC.generateUrl('apps/documents/ajax/user/disconnectGuest/{member_id}', {member_id: documentsMain.memberId}); } else { url = OC.generateUrl('apps/documents/ajax/user/disconnect/{member_id}', {member_id: documentsMain.memberId}); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: {esId: documentsMain.esId}, dataType: "json", async: false // Should be sync to complete before the page is closed }); documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance.endEditing(); documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance.closeSession(function() { if (documentsMain.isGuest){ $(document.body).attr('id', 'body-login'); $('header,footer').show(); } documentsMain.webodfEditorInstance.destroy(documentsMain.UI.hideEditor); }); }, getNameByFileid : function(fileid){ return $('.documentslist li[data-id='+ fileid + ']').find('label').text(); }, show: function(){ if (documentsMain.isGuest){ return; } documentsMain.UI.showProgress(t('documents', 'Loading documents...')); jQuery.when(documentsMain.loadDocuments()) .then(function(){ documentsMain.renderDocuments(); documentsMain.UI.hideProgress(); }); }, loadDocuments: function () { var self = this; var def = new $.Deferred(); jQuery.getJSON(OC.generateUrl('apps/documents/ajax/documents/list')) .done(function (data) { self._documents = data.documents; self._sessions = data.sessions; self._members = data.members; def.resolve(); }) .fail(function(data){ console.log(t('documents','Failed to load documents.')); }); return def; }, renderDocuments: function () { var self = this, hasDocuments = false; //remove all but template $('.documentslist .document:not(.template,.progress)').remove(); jQuery.each(this._documents, function(i,document){ var docElem = $('.documentslist .template').clone(); docElem.removeClass('template'); docElem.addClass('document'); docElem.attr('data-id', document.fileid); var a = docElem.find('a'); a.attr('href', OC.generateUrl('apps/files/download{file}',{file:document.path})); a.find('label').text(document.name); a.css('background-image', 'url("'+document.icon+'")'); Files.lazyLoadPreview(document.path, document.mimetype, function(node){ return function(path){node.css('background-image', 'url("'+ path +'")');}; }(a), 32, 40, document.etag, document.icon); //function(path, mime, ready, width, height, etag) { $('.documentslist').append(docElem); docElem.show(); hasDocuments = true; }); jQuery.each(this._sessions, function(i,session){ if (self._members[session.es_id].length > 0) { var docElem = $('.documentslist .document[data-id="'+session.file_id+'"]'); if (docElem.length > 0) { docElem.attr('data-esid', session.es_id); docElem.find('label').after(''); docElem.addClass('session'); } else { console.log('Could not find file '+session.file_id+' for session '+session.es_id); } } }); if (!hasDocuments){ $('#documents-content').append('
' + t('documents', 'No documents are found. Please upload or create a document!') + '
' ); } else { $('#emptycontent').remove(); } } }; //web odf bootstrap code. Added here to reduce number of requests /*globals navigator,dojoConfig */ var usedLocale = "C"; if (navigator && navigator.language.match(/^(de)/)) { usedLocale = navigator.language.substr(0,2); } dojoConfig = { locale: usedLocale, paths: { "webodf/editor": OC.appswebroots.documents + "/js/3rdparty/webodf/editor", "dijit": OC.appswebroots.documents + "/js/3rdparty/resources/dijit", "dojox": OC.appswebroots.documents + "/js/3rdparty/resources/dojox", "dojo": OC.appswebroots.documents + "/js/3rdparty/resources/dojo", "resources": OC.appswebroots.documents + "/js/3rdparty/resources", "owncloud" : OC.appswebroots.documents + "/js" } }; //init var Files = Files || { // FIXME: copy/pasted from Files.isFileNameValid, needs refactor into core isFileNameValid:function (name) { if (name === '.') { throw t('files', '\'.\' is an invalid file name.'); } else if (name.length === 0) { throw t('files', 'File name cannot be empty.'); } // check for invalid characters var invalid_characters = ['\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '"', '|', '?', '*']; for (var i = 0; i < invalid_characters.length; i++) { if (name.indexOf(invalid_characters[i]) !== -1) { throw t('files', "Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed."); } } return true; }, lazyLoadPreview : function(path, mime, ready, width, height, etag, defaultIcon) { var urlSpec = {}; var previewURL; ready(defaultIcon); // set mimeicon URL // now try getting a preview thumbnail URL if ( ! width ) { width = $('#filestable').data('preview-x'); } if ( ! height ) { height = $('#filestable').data('preview-y'); } // note: the order of arguments must match the one // from the server's template so that the browser // knows it's the same file for caching urlSpec.x = width; urlSpec.y = height; urlSpec.file = Files.fixPath(path); if (etag){ // use etag as cache buster urlSpec.c = etag; } else { console.warn('Files.lazyLoadPreview(): missing etag argument'); } if ( $('#isPublic').length ) { urlSpec.t = $('#dirToken').val(); previewURL = OC.Router.generate('core_ajax_public_preview', urlSpec); } else { previewURL = OC.Router.generate('core_ajax_preview', urlSpec); } previewURL = previewURL.replace('(', '%28'); previewURL = previewURL.replace(')', '%29'); // preload image to prevent delay // this will make the browser cache the image var img = new Image(); img.onload = function(){ //set preview thumbnail URL ready(previewURL); }; img.src = previewURL; }, fixPath: function(fileName) { if (fileName.substr(0, 2) === '//') { return fileName.substr(1); } return fileName; }, updateStorageStatistics: function(){} }, FileList = FileList || {}; FileList.getCurrentDirectory = function(){ return $('#dir').val() || '/'; }; $(document).ready(function() { "use strict"; $('.documentslist').on('click', 'li:not(.add-document)', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (documentsMain.isEditorMode){ return; } documentsMain.prepareSession(); if ($(this).attr('data-id')){ documentsMain.joinSession($(this).attr('data-id')); } }); $(document.body).on('click', '#document-title>div', documentsMain.onRenamePrompt); $(document.body).on('click', '#odf-close', documentsMain.onClose); $(document.body).on('click', '#odf-invite', documentsMain.onInvite); $('.add-document').on('click', '.add', documentsMain.onCreate); var file_upload_start = $('#file_upload_start'); if (typeof supportAjaxUploadWithProgress !== 'undefined' && supportAjaxUploadWithProgress()) { file_upload_start.on('fileuploadstart', function(e, data) { $('#upload').addClass('icon-loading'); $('.add-document .upload').css({opacity:0}) }); } file_upload_start.on('fileuploaddone', function(){ $('#upload').removeClass('icon-loading'); $('.add-document .upload').css({opacity:0.7}) documentsMain.show(); }); //TODO when ending a session as the last user close session? OC.addScript('documents', '3rdparty/webodf/dojo-amalgamation', documentsMain.onStartup); });