setData(array( $esId, $memberId, json_encode($op) )); $opObj->insert(); $lastSeq = $opObj->getLastInsertId(); } return $lastSeq; } /** * @returns "" when there are no Ops, or the seq of the last Op */ public function getHeadSeq($esId){ $query = \OCP\DB::prepare(' SELECT `seq` FROM ' . $this->tableName . ' WHERE `es_id`=? ORDER BY `seq` DESC ', 1); $result = $query->execute(array( $esId )) ->fetchOne() ; return !$result ? "" : $result; } public function getOpsAfterJson($esId, $seq){ $ops = $this->getOpsAfter($esId, $seq); if (!is_array($ops)){ $ops = array(); } $ops = array_map( function($x){ $decoded = json_decode($x['opspec'], true); $decoded['memberid'] = strval($decoded['memberid']); return $decoded; }, $ops ); return $ops; } public function getOpsAfter($esId, $seq){ if ($seq == ""){ $seq = -1; } $query = \OCP\DB::prepare(' SELECT `opspec` FROM ' . self::DB_TABLE . ' WHERE `es_id`=? AND `seq`>? ORDER BY `seq` ASC '); $result = $query->execute(array($esId, $seq)); return $result->fetchAll(); } public function removeCursor($esId, $memberId){ $op = new Db_Op(array( $esId, 0, '{"optype":"RemoveCursor","memberid":"'. $memberId .'","reason":"server-idle","timestamp":'. time() .'}' )); $op->insert(); } }