request = $request; $this->user = $user; $this->path = $path; $this->view = new View('/' . $user); if (!$this->view->file_exists($path)){ parent::setStatus(Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } } public function render(){ if (parent::getStatus() === Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND){ return ''; } $info = $this->view->getFileInfo($this->path); $this->ETag = $info['etag']; $content = $this->view->file_get_contents($this->path); $data = \OCA\Documents\Filter::read($content, $info['mimetype']); $size = strlen($data['content']); if (isset($this->request->server['HTTP_RANGE']) && !is_null($this->request->server['HTTP_RANGE'])){ $isValidRange = preg_match('/^bytes=\d*-\d*(,\d*-\d*)*$/', $this->request->server['HTTP_RANGE']); if (!$isValidRange){ return $this->sendRangeNotSatisfiable($size); } $ranges = explode(',', substr($this->request->server['HTTP_RANGE'], 6)); foreach ($ranges as $range){ $parts = explode('-', $range); if ($parts[0]==='' && $parts[1]=='') { $this->sendNotSatisfiable($size); } if ($parts[0]==='') { $start = $size - $parts[1]; $end = $size - 1; } else { $start = $parts[0]; $end = ($parts[1]==='') ? $size - 1 : $parts[1]; } if ($start > $end){ $this->sendNotSatisfiable($size); } $buffer = substr($data['content'], $start, $end - $start); $md5Sum = md5($buffer); // send the headers and data $this->addHeader('Content-Length', $end - $start); $this->addHeader('Content-md5', $md5Sum); $this->addHeader('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes'); $this->addHeader('Content-Range', 'bytes ' . $start . '-' . ($end) . '/' . $size); $this->addHeader('Connection', 'close'); $this->addHeader('Content-Type', $data['mimetype']); $this->addContentDispositionHeader(); return $buffer; } } $this->addHeader('Content-Type', $data['mimetype']); $this->addContentDispositionHeader(); $this->addHeader('Content-Length', $size); return $data['content']; } /** * Send 416 if we can't satisfy the requested ranges * @param integer $filesize */ protected function sendRangeNotSatisfiable($filesize){ $this->setStatus(Http::STATUS_REQUEST_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE); $this->addHeader('Content-Range', 'bytes */' . $filesize); // Required in 416. return ''; } protected function addContentDispositionHeader(){ $encodedName = rawurlencode(basename($this->path)); $isIE = preg_match("/MSIE/", $this->request->server["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]); if ($isIE){ $this->addHeader( 'Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' . $encodedName . '"' ); } else { $this->addHeader( 'Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename*=UTF-8\'\'' . $encodedName . '; filepath="' . $encodedName . '"' ); } } }