setData($data); } /** * Insert current object data into database * @return mixed */ public function insert(){ $result = $this->execute($this->insertStatement); return $result; } /** * Get id of the recently inserted record * @return mixed */ public function getLastInsertId(){ return \OCP\DB::insertid($this->tableName); } /** * Get single record by primary key * @param type $value primary key value * @return \OCA\Documents\Db */ public function load($value){ if (!is_array($value)){ $value = array($value); } $result = $this->execute($this->loadStatement, $value); $data = $result->fetchRow(); if (!is_array($data)){ $data = array(); } $this->data = $data; return $this; } /** * Get single record matching condition * @param string $field for WHERE condition * @param mixed $value matching value(s) * @return \OCA\Documents\Db * @throws Exception */ public function loadBy($field, $value){ if (!is_array($value)){ $value = array($value); } $result = $this->execute('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tableName . ' WHERE `'. $field .'` =?', $value); $data = $result->fetchAll(); if (!is_array($data) || !count($data)){ $this->data = array(); } elseif (count($data)!=1) { throw new Exception('Duplicate ' . $value . ' for the filed ' . $field); } else { $this->data = $data[0]; } return $this; } /** * Delete records matching the condition * @param string $field for WHERE condition * @param mixed $value matching value(s) */ public function deleteBy($field, $value){ if (!is_array($value)){ $value = array($value); } $count = count($value); if ($count===0){ return 0; } elseif ($count===1){ $result = $this->execute('DELETE FROM ' . $this->tableName . ' WHERE `'. $field .'` =?', $value); } else { $stmt = $this->buildInQuery($field, $value); $result = $this->execute('DELETE FROM ' . $this->tableName . ' WHERE ' . $stmt, $value); } } /** * Get all records from the table * @return array */ public function getCollection(){ $result = $this->execute('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tableName); $data = $result->fetchAll(); if (!is_array($data)){ $data = array(); } return $data; } /** * Get array of matching records * @param string $field for WHERE condition * @param mixed $value matching value(s) * @return array */ public function getCollectionBy($field, $value){ if (!is_array($value)){ $value = array($value); } $count = count($value); if ($count===0){ return array(); } elseif ($count===1){ $result = $this->execute('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tableName . ' WHERE `'. $field .'` =?', $value); } else { $stmt = $this->buildInQuery($field, $value); $result = $this->execute('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tableName . ' WHERE '. $stmt , $value); } $data = $result->fetchAll(); if (!is_array($data)){ $data = array(); } return $data; } /** * Get object data * @return Array */ public function getData(){ return $this->data; } /** * Set object data * @param array $data */ public function setData($data){ $this->data = $data; } /** * Check if there are any data in current object * @return bool */ public function hasData(){ return count($this->data)>0; } /** * Build placeholders for the query with variable input data * @param string $field field name * @param Array $array data * @return String `field` IN (?, ?...) placeholders matching the number of elements in array */ protected function buildInQuery($field, $array){ $count = count($array); $placeholders = array_fill(0, $count, '?'); $stmt = implode(', ', $placeholders); return '`' . $field . '` IN (' . $stmt . ')'; } /** * Execute a query on database * @param string $statement query to be executed * @param mixed $args value(s) for the query. * If omited the query will be run on the current object $data * @return mixed (array/false) */ protected function execute($statement, $args = null){ $query = \OCP\DB::prepare($statement); if (!is_null($args)){ $result = $query->execute($args); } elseif (count($this->data)){ $result = $query->execute($this->data); } else { $result = $query->execute(); } return $result; } public function __call($name, $arguments){ if (substr($name, 0, 3) === 'get'){ $requestedProperty = substr($name, 3); $property = strtolower(preg_replace('/(.)([A-Z])/', "$1_$2", $requestedProperty)); if (isset($this->data[$property])){ return $this->data[$property]; } } return null; } }