. * */ namespace OCA\Documents; class File { protected $fileId; protected $owner; protected $path; protected $sharing; public function __construct($fileId){ if (!$fileId){ throw new \Exception('No valid file has been passed'); } $this->fileId = $fileId; //if you know how to get sharing info by fileId via API, //please send me a link to video tutorial :/ $this->sharing = $this->getSharingOps(); } public static function getByShareToken($token){ $linkItem = \OCP\Share::getShareByToken($token); if (is_array($linkItem) && isset($linkItem['uid_owner'])) { // seems to be a valid share $rootLinkItem = \OCP\Share::resolveReShare($linkItem); $fileOwner = $rootLinkItem['uid_owner']; } else { throw new \Exception('This file was probably unshared'); } $file = new File($rootLinkItem['file_source']); return $file; } public function getFileId(){ return $this->fileId; } public function setOwner($owner){ $this->owner = $owner; } public function setPath($path){ $this->path = $path; } public function isPublicShare(){ foreach ($this->sharing as $share){ if ( $share['share_type'] == \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK || $share['share_type'] == \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_EMAIL ){ return true; } } return false; } /** * * @return string owner of the current file item * @throws \Exception */ public function getOwnerViewAndPath(){ if (!$this->owner || !$this->path){ $info = $this->getSharedFileOwnerAndPath(); if (is_array($info) && count($info)){ $owner = $info[0]; $path = $info[1]; } else { list($owner, $path) = $this->getLocalFileOwnerAndPath(); } if (!$path){ throw new \Exception($this->fileId . ' can not be resolved'); } $this->path = $path; $this->owner = $owner; } $view = new View('/' . $this->owner); if (!$view->file_exists($this->path)){ throw new \Exception($this->path . ' doesn\'t exist'); } return array($view, $this->path); } public function getOwner(){ if (!$this->owner){ $this->getOwnerViewAndPath(); } return $this->owner; } protected function getSharedFileOwnerAndPath(){ $result = array(); foreach ($this->sharing as $share){ return array( $share['uid_owner'], $share['path'] ); } return $result; } protected function getLocalFileOwnerAndPath(){ $fileInfo = \OC\Files\Cache\Cache::getById($this->fileId); $owner = \OCP\User::getUser(); if (!$owner){ throw new Exception('Guest users can\'t access local files. This one was probably unshared recently.'); } return array ($owner, @$fileInfo[1]); } protected function getSharingOps(){ $where = 'AND `file_source`=?'; $values = array($this->fileId); if (\OCP\User::isLoggedIn()){ $where .= ' AND ((`share_type`=' . \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER . ' AND `share_with`=?) OR `share_type`=' . \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK . ')'; $values[] = \OCP\User::getUser(); } else { $where .= ' AND (`share_type`=' . \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK . ')'; } $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `*PREFIX*share`.`id`, `item_type`, `*PREFIX*share`.`parent`, `uid_owner`, ' .'`share_type`, `share_with`, `file_source`, `path`, `file_target`, ' .'`permissions`, `expiration`, `storage`, `*PREFIX*filecache`.`parent` as `file_parent`, ' .'`name`, `mtime`, `mimetype`, `mimepart`, `size`, `encrypted`, `etag`' .'FROM `*PREFIX*share` INNER JOIN `*PREFIX*filecache` ON `file_source` = `*PREFIX*filecache`.`fileid` WHERE `item_type` = `file` ' . $where); $result = $query->execute($values); $shares = $result->fetchAll(); $origins = array(); if (is_array($shares)){ foreach ($shares as $share){ $origins[] = \OCP\Share::resolveReShare($share); } } return $origins; } }