[tx-robot] updated from transifex

Nextcloud bot 6 lat temu
rodzic 7e69cb1896
commit d82771829e
Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu
ID klucza GPG: 130DAB86D3FB356C

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All" : "Tots",
"Download this revision" : "Baixa aquesta revisió",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaura aquesta revisió",
"Just now" : "Ara mateix",
"Save As" : "Desa com a",
"Loading documents…" : "S'estan carregant els documents...",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"New Document" : "Nou document",

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
"All" : "Tots",
"Download this revision" : "Baixa aquesta revisió",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaura aquesta revisió",
"Just now" : "Ara mateix",
"Save As" : "Desa com a",
"Loading documents…" : "S'estan carregant els documents...",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"New Document" : "Nou document",

@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Diese Revision herunterladen",
"Restore this revision" : "Diese Revision wiederherstellen",
"Latest revision" : "Neueste Revision",
"More versions…" : "Weitere Versionen…",
"Just now" : "Gerade eben",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Fehler beim Zurücksetzen des Dokumentes auf eine ältere Version",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Bitte den Dateinamen angeben, unter welchem dieses Dokument gespeichert werden soll.",
"Save As" : "Speichern als",
"New filename" : "Neuer Dateiname",
@ -34,6 +38,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enable access for external apps" : "Zugriff auf experimentelle Apps aktivieren",
"Save" : "Speichern",
"Add" : "Hinzufügen",
"Use Canonical webroot" : "Canonical-Webroot verwenden",
"Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolized webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolized and non-shibbolized webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance." : "Canonical-Webroot für Collabora verwenden, falls es mehrere gibt. Verwende den mit den wenigsten Einschränkungen. Beispiel: Verwende einen Webroot ohne Shibboleth, falls der Webroot mit und ohne Shibboleth verwendet wirde. Wird auf diese Instanz nur über ein Webroot zugegriffen, so kann diese Einstellung ignoriert werden.",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
"Password" : "Passwort",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Diese Revision herunterladen",
"Restore this revision" : "Diese Revision wiederherstellen",
"Latest revision" : "Neueste Revision",
"More versions…" : "Weitere Versionen…",
"Just now" : "Gerade eben",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Fehler beim Zurücksetzen des Dokumentes auf eine ältere Version",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Bitte den Dateinamen angeben, unter welchem dieses Dokument gespeichert werden soll.",
"Save As" : "Speichern als",
"New filename" : "Neuer Dateiname",
@ -32,6 +36,8 @@
"Enable access for external apps" : "Zugriff auf experimentelle Apps aktivieren",
"Save" : "Speichern",
"Add" : "Hinzufügen",
"Use Canonical webroot" : "Canonical-Webroot verwenden",
"Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolized webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolized and non-shibbolized webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance." : "Canonical-Webroot für Collabora verwenden, falls es mehrere gibt. Verwende den mit den wenigsten Einschränkungen. Beispiel: Verwende einen Webroot ohne Shibboleth, falls der Webroot mit und ohne Shibboleth verwendet wirde. Wird auf diese Instanz nur über ein Webroot zugegriffen, so kann diese Einstellung ignoriert werden.",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
"Password" : "Passwort",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Diese Revision herunterladen",
"Restore this revision" : "Diese Revision wiederherstellen",
"Latest revision" : "Neueste Revision",
"More versions…" : "Weitere Versionen…",
"Just now" : "Gerade eben",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Fehler beim Zurücksetzen des Dokumentes auf eine ältere Version",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Bitte den Dateinamen angeben, unter welchem dieses Dokument gespeichert werden soll.",
"Save As" : "Speichern als",
"New filename" : "Neuer Dateiname",
@ -34,6 +38,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enable access for external apps" : "Zugriff auf experimentelle Apps aktivieren",
"Save" : "Speichern",
"Add" : "Hinzufügen",
"Use Canonical webroot" : "Canonical-Webroot verwenden",
"Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolized webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolized and non-shibbolized webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance." : "Canonical-Webroot für Collabora verwenden, falls es mehrere gibt. Verwende den mit den wenigsten Einschränkungen. Beispiel: Verwende einen Webroot ohne Shibboleth, falls der Webroot mit und ohne Shibboleth verwendet wirde. Wird auf diese Instanz nur über ein Webroot zugegriffen, so kann diese Einstellung ignoriert werden.",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",
"Password" : "Passwort",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Diese Revision herunterladen",
"Restore this revision" : "Diese Revision wiederherstellen",
"Latest revision" : "Neueste Revision",
"More versions…" : "Weitere Versionen…",
"Just now" : "Gerade eben",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Fehler beim Zurücksetzen des Dokumentes auf eine ältere Version",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Bitte den Dateinamen angeben, unter welchem dieses Dokument gespeichert werden soll.",
"Save As" : "Speichern als",
"New filename" : "Neuer Dateiname",
@ -32,6 +36,8 @@
"Enable access for external apps" : "Zugriff auf experimentelle Apps aktivieren",
"Save" : "Speichern",
"Add" : "Hinzufügen",
"Use Canonical webroot" : "Canonical-Webroot verwenden",
"Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolized webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolized and non-shibbolized webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance." : "Canonical-Webroot für Collabora verwenden, falls es mehrere gibt. Verwende den mit den wenigsten Einschränkungen. Beispiel: Verwende einen Webroot ohne Shibboleth, falls der Webroot mit und ohne Shibboleth verwendet wirde. Wird auf diese Instanz nur über ein Webroot zugegriffen, so kann diese Einstellung ignoriert werden.",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",
"Password" : "Passwort",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All" : "All",
"Download this revision" : "Download this revision",
"Restore this revision" : "Restore this revision",
"Latest revision" : "Latest revision",
"More versions…" : "More versions…",
"Just now" : "Just now",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Failed to revert the document to older version",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Please enter the filename to store the document as.",
"Save As" : "Save As",
"New filename" : "New filename",
@ -34,6 +38,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enable access for external apps" : "Enable access for external apps",
"Save" : "Save",
"Add" : "Add",
"Use Canonical webroot" : "Use Canonical webroot",
"Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolized webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolized and non-shibbolized webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance." : "Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolised webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolised and non-shibbolised webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance.",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Incorrect password. Please try again.",
"Password" : "Password",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
"All" : "All",
"Download this revision" : "Download this revision",
"Restore this revision" : "Restore this revision",
"Latest revision" : "Latest revision",
"More versions…" : "More versions…",
"Just now" : "Just now",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Failed to revert the document to older version",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Please enter the filename to store the document as.",
"Save As" : "Save As",
"New filename" : "New filename",
@ -32,6 +36,8 @@
"Enable access for external apps" : "Enable access for external apps",
"Save" : "Save",
"Add" : "Add",
"Use Canonical webroot" : "Use Canonical webroot",
"Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolized webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolized and non-shibbolized webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance." : "Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolised webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolised and non-shibbolised webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance.",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Incorrect password. Please try again.",
"Password" : "Password",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All" : "Todo",
"Download this revision" : "Descargar esta revisión",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisión",
"Latest revision" : "Última revisión",
"More versions…" : "Más versiones...",
"Just now" : "Justo ahora",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Fallo al revertir el documento a la versión anterior",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Por favor, introduce el nombre de archivo con el que guardar el documento.",
"Save As" : "Guardar como",
"New filename" : "Nuevo nombre de archivo",
@ -34,6 +38,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enable access for external apps" : "Permitir acceso a apps externas",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Add" : "Añadir",
"Use Canonical webroot" : "Usar raíz web canónica",
"Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolized webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolized and non-shibbolized webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance." : "Raíz web canónica, en caso de que haya varias, para que Collabora la use. Suministra la que tenga menos restricciones. Ej: Utiliza la raíz web sin shibboleth si esta instancia se accede desde raíces web con shibboleth y sin shibboleth. Puedes ignorar esta configuración si solo se utiliza una raíz web para acceder a esta instancia.",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Inténtelo de nuevo.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
"All" : "Todo",
"Download this revision" : "Descargar esta revisión",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisión",
"Latest revision" : "Última revisión",
"More versions…" : "Más versiones...",
"Just now" : "Justo ahora",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Fallo al revertir el documento a la versión anterior",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Por favor, introduce el nombre de archivo con el que guardar el documento.",
"Save As" : "Guardar como",
"New filename" : "Nuevo nombre de archivo",
@ -32,6 +36,8 @@
"Enable access for external apps" : "Permitir acceso a apps externas",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Add" : "Añadir",
"Use Canonical webroot" : "Usar raíz web canónica",
"Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolized webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolized and non-shibbolized webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance." : "Raíz web canónica, en caso de que haya varias, para que Collabora la use. Suministra la que tenga menos restricciones. Ej: Utiliza la raíz web sin shibboleth si esta instancia se accede desde raíces web con shibboleth y sin shibboleth. Puedes ignorar esta configuración si solo se utiliza una raíz web para acceder a esta instancia.",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Inténtelo de nuevo.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All" : "Kaikki",
"Download this revision" : "Lataa tämä versio",
"Restore this revision" : "Palauta tähän versioon",
"More versions…" : "Lisää versioita…",
"Just now" : "Juuri nyt",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Anna tiedostonimi, jolla asiakirja tallennetaan.",
"Save As" : "Tallenna nimellä",
"New filename" : "Uusi tiedostonimi",

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
"All" : "Kaikki",
"Download this revision" : "Lataa tämä versio",
"Restore this revision" : "Palauta tähän versioon",
"More versions…" : "Lisää versioita…",
"Just now" : "Juuri nyt",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Anna tiedostonimi, jolla asiakirja tallennetaan.",
"Save As" : "Tallenna nimellä",
"New filename" : "Uusi tiedostonimi",

@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All" : "Tout",
"Download this revision" : "Télécharger cette révision",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurer cette révision",
"Latest revision" : "Dernière version",
"More versions…" : "Plus de versions...",
"Just now" : "À l'instant",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Impossible de restaurer le fichier à son ancienne version",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Veuillez entrer le nom avec lequel vous voulez que le document soit stocké.",
"Save As" : "Enregistrer sous",
"New filename" : "Nouveau nom de fichier",
@ -34,6 +38,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enable access for external apps" : "Activer l'accès depuis des applications externes",
"Save" : "Enregistrer",
"Add" : "Ajouter",
"Use Canonical webroot" : "Utiliser la racine web canonique",
"Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolized webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolized and non-shibbolized webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance." : "Racine web canonique, dans le cas où il y en aurait plusieurs, pour utiliser Collabora. Renseigner celle avec le moins de restrictions. Par exemple : Utilisez la racine web non-hibbolisée si cette instance est accessible à la fois par les racines web shibbolisées et non-hibbolisées. Vous pouvez ignorer ce paramètre si une seule racine Web est utilisée pour accéder à cette instance.",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Mot de passe erroné. Merci de réessayer.",
"Password" : "Mot de passe",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
"All" : "Tout",
"Download this revision" : "Télécharger cette révision",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurer cette révision",
"Latest revision" : "Dernière version",
"More versions…" : "Plus de versions...",
"Just now" : "À l'instant",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Impossible de restaurer le fichier à son ancienne version",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Veuillez entrer le nom avec lequel vous voulez que le document soit stocké.",
"Save As" : "Enregistrer sous",
"New filename" : "Nouveau nom de fichier",
@ -32,6 +36,8 @@
"Enable access for external apps" : "Activer l'accès depuis des applications externes",
"Save" : "Enregistrer",
"Add" : "Ajouter",
"Use Canonical webroot" : "Utiliser la racine web canonique",
"Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolized webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolized and non-shibbolized webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance." : "Racine web canonique, dans le cas où il y en aurait plusieurs, pour utiliser Collabora. Renseigner celle avec le moins de restrictions. Par exemple : Utilisez la racine web non-hibbolisée si cette instance est accessible à la fois par les racines web shibbolisées et non-hibbolisées. Vous pouvez ignorer ce paramètre si une seule racine Web est utilisée pour accéder à cette instance.",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Mot de passe erroné. Merci de réessayer.",
"Password" : "Mot de passe",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All" : "Tutti",
"Download this revision" : "Scarica questa revisione",
"Restore this revision" : "Ripristina questa revisione",
"Latest revision" : "Ultima revisione",
"More versions…" : "Altre versioni...",
"Just now" : "In questo istante",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Il ripristino del documento alla versione più datata non è riuscito",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Digita il nome del file con cui memorizzare il documento.",
"Save As" : "Salva come",
"New filename" : "Nuovo nome file",

@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
"All" : "Tutti",
"Download this revision" : "Scarica questa revisione",
"Restore this revision" : "Ripristina questa revisione",
"Latest revision" : "Ultima revisione",
"More versions…" : "Altre versioni...",
"Just now" : "In questo istante",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Il ripristino del documento alla versione più datata non è riuscito",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Digita il nome del file con cui memorizzare il documento.",
"Save As" : "Salva come",
"New filename" : "Nuovo nome file",

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Last ned denne versjonen",
"Restore this revision" : "Gjenopprett denne versjonen",
"More versions…" : "Flere versjoner…",
"Just now" : "Akkurat nå",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Klarte ikke å gå tilbeke til eldre versjon av dokumentet",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Oppgi et filnavn du ønsker å lagre dokumentet som.",
"Save As" : "Lagre som",
"New filename" : "Nytt filnavn",

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Last ned denne versjonen",
"Restore this revision" : "Gjenopprett denne versjonen",
"More versions…" : "Flere versjoner…",
"Just now" : "Akkurat nå",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Klarte ikke å gå tilbeke til eldre versjon av dokumentet",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Oppgi et filnavn du ønsker å lagre dokumentet som.",
"Save As" : "Lagre som",
"New filename" : "Nytt filnavn",

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Download deze revisie",
"Restore this revision" : "Herstel deze revisie",
"Just now" : "Zojuist",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Geef de bestandsnaam op waaromnder het document moet worden opgeslagen.",
"Save As" : "Opslaan als",
"New filename" : "Nieuwe bestandsnaam",

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Download deze revisie",
"Restore this revision" : "Herstel deze revisie",
"Just now" : "Zojuist",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Geef de bestandsnaam op waaromnder het document moet worden opgeslagen.",
"Save As" : "Opslaan als",
"New filename" : "Nieuwe bestandsnaam",

@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All" : "Tudo",
"Download this revision" : "Baixar esta revisão",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisão",
"Latest revision" : "Revisão mais recente",
"More versions…" : "Mais versões...",
"Just now" : "Agora mesmo",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Falha ao reverter para uma versão mais antiga",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Entre com o nome do arquivo a salvar.",
"Save As" : "Salvar Como",
"New filename" : "Novo nome de arquivo",

@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
"All" : "Tudo",
"Download this revision" : "Baixar esta revisão",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisão",
"Latest revision" : "Revisão mais recente",
"More versions…" : "Mais versões...",
"Just now" : "Agora mesmo",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Falha ao reverter para uma versão mais antiga",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Entre com o nome do arquivo a salvar.",
"Save As" : "Salvar Como",
"New filename" : "Novo nome de arquivo",

@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All" : "Све",
"Download this revision" : "Скини ову ревизију",
"Restore this revision" : "Поврати ову ревизију",
"Latest revision" : "Последња ревизија",
"More versions…" : "Још верзија…",
"Just now" : "Управо сад",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Грешка у враћању документа на старију верзију",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Унесите име фајла како желите да документ буде сачуван.",
"Save As" : "Сачувај као",
"New filename" : "Ново име фајла",

@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
"All" : "Све",
"Download this revision" : "Скини ову ревизију",
"Restore this revision" : "Поврати ову ревизију",
"Latest revision" : "Последња ревизија",
"More versions…" : "Још верзија…",
"Just now" : "Управо сад",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Грешка у враћању документа на старију верзију",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Унесите име фајла како желите да документ буде сачуван.",
"Save As" : "Сачувај као",
"New filename" : "Ново име фајла",

@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"All" : "Tümü",
"Download this revision" : "Bu sürümü indir",
"Restore this revision" : "Bu sürümü geri yükle",
"Latest revision" : "Son sürüm",
"More versions…" : "Diğer sürümler…",
"Just now" : "Şimdi",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Belgenin önceki sürümü geri yüklenemedi",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Lütfen belgenin kaydedileceği adı yazın.",
"Save As" : "Farklı Kaydet",
"New filename" : "Yeni dosya adı",

@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
"All" : "Tümü",
"Download this revision" : "Bu sürümü indir",
"Restore this revision" : "Bu sürümü geri yükle",
"Latest revision" : "Son sürüm",
"More versions…" : "Diğer sürümler…",
"Just now" : "Şimdi",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Belgenin önceki sürümü geri yüklenemedi",
"Please enter the filename to store the document as." : "Lütfen belgenin kaydedileceği adı yazın.",
"Save As" : "Farklı Kaydet",
"New filename" : "Yeni dosya adı",
