Merge 'upstream/master' and 'multihost_tor' into 'master'

Skylar Ittner 7 years ago
commit a43eaaad55

@ -18,9 +18,15 @@ Find out more about Nextcloud and Collabora Online, and how to setup an server h
In your Nextcloud, simply navigate to »Apps«, choose the category »Office & text«, find the Collabora Online app and enable it. Then open the administrator settings, navigate to the »Collabora Online« tab and specify your Collabora Online server.
### Nextcloud/Collabora Online relation
For the latest information about the Collabora Online and Nextcloud releases, please visit the:
[Apps page of Collabora](
### Scripted installation (Ubuntu), Server + Nextcloud app
The developers of the [Nextcloud VM]( has made a [script]( that you can use.
Please remember to check the the variables in the script to suit your config before you run it, though it should work out of the box on all Ubuntu servers from 16.04 an upwards.
Please remember to check the variables in the script to suit your config before you run it, though it should work out of the box on all Ubuntu servers from 16.04 an upwards.
The only thing you must have prepared before you run the script is to have SSL (https://) on your Nextcloud domain and to setup a DNS record to a new domain that you will host Collabora on ( for example) and point that your server. SSL is set up with Let's Encrypt.

@ -23,6 +23,16 @@
namespace OCA\Richdocuments\AppInfo;
use OC\Security\CSP\ContentSecurityPolicy;
use OCA\Richdocuments\PermissionManager;
$currentUser = \OC::$server->getUserSession()->getUser();
if($currentUser !== null) {
/** @var PermissionManager $permissionManager */
$permissionManager = \OC::$server->query(PermissionManager::class);
if(!$permissionManager->isEnabledForUser($currentUser)) {
$eventDispatcher = \OC::$server->getEventDispatcher();

@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
<description>Collabora Online allows you to to work with all kinds of office documents directly in your browser. This application requires Collabora Cloudsuite to be installed on one of your servers, please read the documentation to learn more about that.</description>
<summary>Edit office documents directly in your browser.</summary>
<author>Collabora Productivity based on work of Frank Karlitschek, Victor Dubiniuk</author>
<repository type="git"></repository>
<nextcloud min-version="12" max-version="12" />
<nextcloud min-version="12" max-version="13" />

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ return [
['name' => 'document#publicPage', 'url' => '/public', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'document#create', 'url' => 'ajax/documents/create', 'verb' => 'POST'],
// external api access
['name' => 'document#extAppGetData', 'url' => '/ajax/extapp/data/{fileId}', 'verb' => 'POST'],
// WOPI access
['name' => 'wopi#checkFileInfo', 'url' => 'wopi/files/{fileId}', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'wopi#getFile', 'url' => 'wopi/files/{fileId}/contents', 'verb' => 'GET'],

@ -1,6 +1,31 @@
/*global OC, $ */
var documentsSettings = {
_createExtApp: function() {
var app1 = document.createElement('div');
app1.setAttribute('class', 'external-app');
var appname1 = document.createElement('input');
appname1.setAttribute('class', 'external-apps-name');
var apptoken1 = document.createElement('input');
apptoken1.setAttribute('class', 'external-apps-token');
var apptokenbutton = document.createElement('button');
apptokenbutton.setAttribute('class', 'external-apps-gen-token-button');
apptokenbutton.innerHTML = 'Generate Token';
var appremovebutton = document.createElement('button');
appremovebutton.setAttribute('class', 'external-apps-remove-button');
appremovebutton.innerHTML = 'Remove';
return app1;
save : function() {
$('#wopi_apply').attr('disabled', true);
var data = {
@ -16,15 +41,11 @@ var documentsSettings = {
saveGroups: function(groups) {
var data = {
'edit_groups': groups
saveGroups: function(data) {
OC.filePath('richdocuments', 'ajax', 'admin.php'),
saveDocFormat: function(format) {
@ -39,21 +60,133 @@ var documentsSettings = {
OC.msg.finishedAction('#documents-admin-msg', response);
initEditGroups: function() {
var groups = $('#edit_group_select').val();
saveExternalApps: function(externalAppsData) {
var data = {
'external_apps': externalAppsData
OC.msg.startAction('#enable-external-apps-section-msg', t('richdocuments', 'Saving...'));
OC.filePath('richdocuments', 'ajax', 'admin.php'),
afterSaveExternalApps: function(response) {
OC.msg.finishedAction('#enable-external-apps-section-msg', response);
initGroups: function() {
var selectorPrefixes = [
for (i = 0; i < selectorPrefixes.length; i++) {
var selectorPrefix = selectorPrefixes[i];
var groups = $('#' + selectorPrefix + '_group_select').val();
if (groups !== '') {
$('.edit-groups-enable').attr('checked', 'checked');
OC.Settings.setupGroupsSelect($('#' + selectorPrefix + '_group_select'));
$('.' + selectorPrefix + '-groups-enable').attr('checked', 'checked');
} else {
$('.edit-groups-enable').attr('checked', null);
$('.' + selectorPrefix + '-groups-enable').attr('checked', null);
initExternalApps: function() {
var externalAppsRaw = $(document).find('#external-apps-raw').val();
var apps = externalAppsRaw.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < apps.length; ++i) {
if (apps[i] !== '') {
var app = apps[i].split(':');
var app1 = this._createExtApp();
// create a placeholder for adding new app
initialize: function() {
// destroy or create app name and token fields depending on whether the checkbox is on or off
$(document).on('change', '#enable_external_apps_cb-richdocuments', function() {
var page = $(this).parent();
page.find('#enable-external-apps-section').toggleClass('hidden', !this.checked);
if (this.checked) {
var app1 = documentsSettings._createExtApp();
} else {
$(document).on('click', '.external-apps-gen-token-button', function() {
var appSection = $(this).parent();
var appToken = appSection.find('.external-apps-token');
// generate a random string
var len = 3;
var array = new Uint32Array(len);
var random = '';
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
random += array[i].toString(36);
// set the token in the field
$(document).on('click', '.external-apps-remove-button', function() {
$(document).on('click', '#external-apps-save-button', function() {
// read all the data in input fields, save the data in input-raw and send to backedn
var extAppsSection = $(this).parent();
var apps = extAppsSection.find('.external-app');
// convert all values into one single string and store it in raw input field
// as well as send the data to server
var raw = '';
for (var i = 0; i < apps.length; ++i) {
var appname = $(apps[i]).find('.external-apps-name');
var apptoken = $(apps[i]).find('.external-apps-token');
raw += appname.val() + ':' + apptoken.val() + ',';
$(document).on('click', '#external-apps-add-button', function() {
// create a placeholder for adding new app
var app1 = documentsSettings._createExtApp();
$(document).on('click', '#test_wopi_apply', function() {
var groups = $(this).parent().find('#test_server_group_select').val();
var testserver = $(this).parent().find('#test_wopi_url').val();
if (groups !== '' && testserver !== '') {
documentsSettings.saveTestWopi(groups, testserver);
} else {
OC.msg.finishedError('#test-documents-admin-msg', 'Both fields required');
$(document).on('change', '.doc-format-ooxml', function() {
var ooxml = this.checked;
documentsSettings.saveDocFormat(ooxml ? 'ooxml' : 'odf');
@ -62,7 +195,7 @@ var documentsSettings = {
$(document).on('change', '#edit_group_select', function() {
var element = $(this).parent().find('input.edit-groups-enable');
var groups = $(this).val();
documentsSettings.saveGroups({edit_groups: groups});
$(document).on('change', '.edit-groups-enable', function() {
@ -80,6 +213,27 @@ var documentsSettings = {
$(document).on('change', '#use_group_select', function() {
var element = $(this).parent().find('input.use-groups-enable');
var groups = $(this).val();
documentsSettings.saveGroups({use_groups: groups});
$(document).on('change', '.use-groups-enable', function() {
var $select = $(this).parent().find('#use_group_select');
if (this.checked) {
OC.Settings.setupGroupsSelect($select, {
placeholder: t('core', 'All')
} else {

@ -353,13 +353,25 @@ var documentsMain = {
try {
var msg = JSON.parse(;
var msg = JSON.parse(;
var msgId = msg.MessageId;
var args = msg.Values;
var deprecated = !!args.Deprecated;
} catch(exc) {
msg =;
msgId =;
if (msg === 'UI_Close' || msg === 'close') {
if (msgId === 'UI_Close' || msgId === 'close' /* deprecated */) {
// If a postmesage API is deprecated, we must ignore it and wait for the standard postmessage
// (or it might already have been fired)
if (deprecated)
} else if (msg === 'rev-history') {
} else if (msgId === 'UI_FileVersions' || msgId === 'rev-history' /* deprecated */) {
if (deprecated)

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Sirvidor de Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (y puertu) del sirvidor Collabora Online que forne la funcionalidá d'edición como un veceru WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Activar la edición pa grupos específicos",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Usar OOXML por defeutu pa ficheros nuevos",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorreuta. Volvi tentalo, por favor.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",

@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Sirvidor de Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (y puertu) del sirvidor Collabora Online que forne la funcionalidá d'edición como un veceru WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Activar la edición pa grupos específicos",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Usar OOXML por defeutu pa ficheros nuevos",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorreuta. Volvi tentalo, por favor.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",

@ -1,21 +1,38 @@
"Saving…" : "S'està desant ...",
"Saving..." : "Desant...",
"All" : "Tots",
"Download this revision" : "Baixa aquesta revisió",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaura aquesta revisió",
"Latest revision" : "Última revisió",
"More versions…" : "Més versións ...",
"Just now" : "Ara mateix",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "No s'ha pogut tornar el document a la versió anterior",
"Save" : "Desar",
"Loading documents…" : "S'estan carregant els documents...",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"New Document" : "Nou document",
"New Spreadsheet" : "Nou full de càlcul",
"New Presentation" : "Nova presentació",
"Could not create file" : "No s'ha pogut crear el fitxer",
"New Document.odt" : "Nou Document.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "Nou full de càlcul.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "Nova Presentació.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "Nou Document.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "Nou full de càlcul.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Nova Presentació.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "El document no es pot crear",
"Saved" : "Desat",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "S'ha desat amb error: hauria d'utilitzar el mateix protocol que la instal·lació del servidor.",
"Collabora Online" : "Col·labora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "servidor en línia",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "Servidor URL (i port) que proporciona la funcionalitat d'edició com a client WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Aplica",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Utilitzeu XML per defecte per a fitxers nous",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Activa l'accés a les aplicacions externes",
"Add" : "Add",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contrasenya incorrecta. Intenteu-ho de nou.",
"Password" : "Contrasenya",
"OK" : "D'acord",

@ -1,19 +1,36 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "S'està desant ...",
"Saving..." : "Desant...",
"All" : "Tots",
"Download this revision" : "Baixa aquesta revisió",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaura aquesta revisió",
"Latest revision" : "Última revisió",
"More versions…" : "Més versións ...",
"Just now" : "Ara mateix",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "No s'ha pogut tornar el document a la versió anterior",
"Save" : "Desar",
"Loading documents…" : "S'estan carregant els documents...",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"New Document" : "Nou document",
"New Spreadsheet" : "Nou full de càlcul",
"New Presentation" : "Nova presentació",
"Could not create file" : "No s'ha pogut crear el fitxer",
"New Document.odt" : "Nou Document.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "Nou full de càlcul.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "Nova Presentació.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "Nou Document.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "Nou full de càlcul.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Nova Presentació.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "El document no es pot crear",
"Saved" : "Desat",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "S'ha desat amb error: hauria d'utilitzar el mateix protocol que la instal·lació del servidor.",
"Collabora Online" : "Col·labora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "servidor en línia",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "Servidor URL (i port) que proporciona la funcionalitat d'edició com a client WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Aplica",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Utilitzeu XML per defecte per a fitxers nous",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Activa l'accés a les aplicacions externes",
"Add" : "Add",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contrasenya incorrecta. Intenteu-ho de nou.",
"Password" : "Contrasenya",
"OK" : "D'acord",

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online server",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (a port) Collabora Online serveru, který poskytuje funkce úprav jako WOPI klient.",
"Apply" : "Použít",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Povolit úpravy pouze vybraným skupinám",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Použít OOXML jako výchozí pro nové soubory",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Nesprávné heslo. Zkuste to znovu.",
"Password" : "Heslo",

@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online server",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (a port) Collabora Online serveru, který poskytuje funkce úprav jako WOPI klient.",
"Apply" : "Použít",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Povolit úpravy pouze vybraným skupinám",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Použít OOXML jako výchozí pro nové soubory",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Nesprávné heslo. Zkuste to znovu.",
"Password" : "Heslo",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Gemmer...",
"Saving..." : "Gemmer...",
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Hent denne revision",
"Restore this revision" : "Gendan denne revision",
@ -29,8 +30,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online server",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (og port) i Collabora Online serveren, der giver redigeringsfunktionalitet som en WOPI klient.",
"Apply" : "Anvend",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Aktivér ret for specifikke grupper",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Brug OOXML for standard for nye filer.",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Tillad tilgang fra eksterne apps",
"Add" : "Tilføj",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Forkert kodeord. Prøv igen.",
"Password" : "Kodeord",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Gemmer...",
"Saving..." : "Gemmer...",
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Hent denne revision",
"Restore this revision" : "Gendan denne revision",
@ -27,8 +28,9 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online server",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (og port) i Collabora Online serveren, der giver redigeringsfunktionalitet som en WOPI klient.",
"Apply" : "Anvend",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Aktivér ret for specifikke grupper",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Brug OOXML for standard for nye filer.",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Tillad tilgang fra eksterne apps",
"Add" : "Tilføj",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Forkert kodeord. Prøv igen.",
"Password" : "Kodeord",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Speichere…",
"Saving..." : "Speichere…",
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Diese Revision herunterladen",
"Restore this revision" : "Diese Revision wiederherstellen",
@ -29,8 +30,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online Server",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (und Port) des Collabora Online Servers, der als WOPI-Client die Bearbeitungsfunktionalität bereitstellt.",
"Apply" : "Anwenden",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Bearbeitung für bestimmte Gruppen aktivieren",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Verwendung auf bestimmte Gruppen beschränken",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Bearbeitung auf bestimmte Gruppen beschränken",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "OOXML als Standard für neue Dateien nutzen",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Zugriff auf experimentelle Apps aktivieren",
"Add" : "Hinzufügen",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
"Password" : "Passwort",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Speichere…",
"Saving..." : "Speichere…",
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Diese Revision herunterladen",
"Restore this revision" : "Diese Revision wiederherstellen",
@ -27,8 +28,11 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online Server",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (und Port) des Collabora Online Servers, der als WOPI-Client die Bearbeitungsfunktionalität bereitstellt.",
"Apply" : "Anwenden",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Bearbeitung für bestimmte Gruppen aktivieren",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Verwendung auf bestimmte Gruppen beschränken",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Bearbeitung auf bestimmte Gruppen beschränken",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "OOXML als Standard für neue Dateien nutzen",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Zugriff auf experimentelle Apps aktivieren",
"Add" : "Hinzufügen",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
"Password" : "Passwort",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Speichere…",
"Saving..." : "Speichere…",
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Diese Revision herunterladen",
"Restore this revision" : "Diese Revision wiederherstellen",
@ -29,8 +30,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online Server",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (und Port) des Collabora Online Servers, der als WOPI-Client die Bearbeitungsfunktionalität bereitstellt.",
"Apply" : "Anwenden",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Bearbeitung für bestimmte Gruppen aktivieren",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Verwendung auf bestimmte Gruppen beschränken",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Bearbeitung auf bestimmte Gruppen beschränken",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "OOXML als Standard für neue Dateien nutzen",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Zugriff auf experimentelle Apps aktivieren",
"Add" : "Hinzufügen",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",
"Password" : "Passwort",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Speichere…",
"Saving..." : "Speichere…",
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Diese Revision herunterladen",
"Restore this revision" : "Diese Revision wiederherstellen",
@ -27,8 +28,11 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online Server",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (und Port) des Collabora Online Servers, der als WOPI-Client die Bearbeitungsfunktionalität bereitstellt.",
"Apply" : "Anwenden",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Bearbeitung für bestimmte Gruppen aktivieren",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Verwendung auf bestimmte Gruppen beschränken",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Bearbeitung auf bestimmte Gruppen beschränken",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "OOXML als Standard für neue Dateien nutzen",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Zugriff auf experimentelle Apps aktivieren",
"Add" : "Hinzufügen",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",
"Password" : "Passwort",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Γίνεται αποθήκευση...",
"Saving..." : "Γίνεται αποθήκευση...",
"All" : "'Ολα",
"Download this revision" : "Λήψη αυτής της αναθεώρησης",
"Restore this revision" : "Επαναφορά αυτή της αναθεώρησης",
@ -29,7 +30,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Διακομιστής Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "Η URL (και η θύρα) του διακομιστή Collabora Online που παρέχει την δυνατότητα επεξεργασίας ως πελάτης WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Εφαρμογή",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Ενεργοποίηση επεξεργασίας για καθορισμένες ομάδες",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Χρήση OOXML από προεπιλογή για τα νέα αρχεία",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Εσφαλμένο συνθηματικό. Παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά.",
"Password" : "Συνθηματικό",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Γίνεται αποθήκευση...",
"Saving..." : "Γίνεται αποθήκευση...",
"All" : "'Ολα",
"Download this revision" : "Λήψη αυτής της αναθεώρησης",
"Restore this revision" : "Επαναφορά αυτή της αναθεώρησης",
@ -27,7 +28,6 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Διακομιστής Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "Η URL (και η θύρα) του διακομιστή Collabora Online που παρέχει την δυνατότητα επεξεργασίας ως πελάτης WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Εφαρμογή",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Ενεργοποίηση επεξεργασίας για καθορισμένες ομάδες",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Χρήση OOXML από προεπιλογή για τα νέα αρχεία",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Εσφαλμένο συνθηματικό. Παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά.",
"Password" : "Συνθηματικό",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Saving…",
"Saving..." : "Saving...",
"All" : "All",
"Download this revision" : "Download this revision",
"Restore this revision" : "Restore this revision",
@ -29,8 +30,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online server",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client.",
"Apply" : "Apply",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Enable edit for specific groups",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Restrict usage to specific groups",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Restrict edit to specific groups",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Use OOXML by default for new files",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Enable access for external apps",
"Add" : "Add",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Incorrect password. Please try again.",
"Password" : "Password",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Saving…",
"Saving..." : "Saving...",
"All" : "All",
"Download this revision" : "Download this revision",
"Restore this revision" : "Restore this revision",
@ -27,8 +28,11 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online server",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client.",
"Apply" : "Apply",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Enable edit for specific groups",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Restrict usage to specific groups",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Restrict edit to specific groups",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Use OOXML by default for new files",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Enable access for external apps",
"Add" : "Add",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Incorrect password. Please try again.",
"Password" : "Password",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Guardando…",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"All" : "Todo",
"Download this revision" : "Descargar esta revisión",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisión",
@ -29,8 +30,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Servidor Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "La dirección URL (y puerto) del servidor Collabora Online que proporciona la funcionalidad de edición es un cliente WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Activar la edición para grupos específicos",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Restringir el uso a grupos específicos",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Restringir la edición a grupos específicos",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Usar OOXML de forma predeterminada para nuevos archivos",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Permitir acceso a apps externas",
"Add" : "Añadir",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Inténtelo de nuevo.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Guardando…",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"All" : "Todo",
"Download this revision" : "Descargar esta revisión",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisión",
@ -27,8 +28,11 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Servidor Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "La dirección URL (y puerto) del servidor Collabora Online que proporciona la funcionalidad de edición es un cliente WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Activar la edición para grupos específicos",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Restringir el uso a grupos específicos",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Restringir la edición a grupos específicos",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Usar OOXML de forma predeterminada para nuevos archivos",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Permitir acceso a apps externas",
"Add" : "Añadir",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Inténtelo de nuevo.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"Saving…" : "Guardando...",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"All" : "Todos",
"Download this revision" : "Descargar esta revisión",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisión",
"Latest revision" : "Última revisión",
"More versions…" : "Más versiones...",
"Just now" : "Justo ahora",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Se presentó una falla al revertir el documento a la versión anterior",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents…" : "Cargando documentos...",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"New Document" : "Nuevo Documento",
"New Spreadsheet" : "Nueva Hoja de cálculo",
"New Presentation" : "Nueva Presentación",
"Could not create file" : "No fue posible crear el archivo",
"New Document.odt" : "Nuevo Documento.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "Nueva Presentación.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "Nuevo Documento.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Nueva Presentación.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "No es posible crear el documento",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "Guardado con error: Collabora Online debería usar el mismo protocolo que la instalación del servidor.",
"Collabora Online" : "Collabora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "Servidor Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (y puerto) del servidor de Collabora Online que provee la funcionalidad de edición como un cliente WOPI. ",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Usar OOXML como predeterminado para nuevos archivos",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Habilitar acceso para aplicaciones externas",
"Add" : "Guardar",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Por favor intentalo de nuevo.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"OK" : "OK",
"Guest %s" : "Invitado %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Esta liga ha expirado o nunca existió. Por favor de contacta a la persona que lo compartió contigo para más detalles."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Guardando...",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"All" : "Todos",
"Download this revision" : "Descargar esta revisión",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisión",
"Latest revision" : "Última revisión",
"More versions…" : "Más versiones...",
"Just now" : "Justo ahora",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Se presentó una falla al revertir el documento a la versión anterior",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents…" : "Cargando documentos...",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"New Document" : "Nuevo Documento",
"New Spreadsheet" : "Nueva Hoja de cálculo",
"New Presentation" : "Nueva Presentación",
"Could not create file" : "No fue posible crear el archivo",
"New Document.odt" : "Nuevo Documento.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "Nueva Presentación.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "Nuevo Documento.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Nueva Presentación.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "No es posible crear el documento",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "Guardado con error: Collabora Online debería usar el mismo protocolo que la instalación del servidor.",
"Collabora Online" : "Collabora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "Servidor Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (y puerto) del servidor de Collabora Online que provee la funcionalidad de edición como un cliente WOPI. ",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Usar OOXML como predeterminado para nuevos archivos",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Habilitar acceso para aplicaciones externas",
"Add" : "Guardar",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Por favor intentalo de nuevo.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"OK" : "OK",
"Guest %s" : "Invitado %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Esta liga ha expirado o nunca existió. Por favor de contacta a la persona que lo compartió contigo para más detalles."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"Saving…" : "Guardando...",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"All" : "Todos",
"Download this revision" : "Descargar esta revisión",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisión",
"Latest revision" : "Última revisión",
"More versions…" : "Más versiones...",
"Just now" : "Justo ahora",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Se presentó una falla al revertir el documento a la versión anterior",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents…" : "Cargando documentos...",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"New Document" : "Nuevo Documento",
"New Spreadsheet" : "Nueva Hoja de cálculo",
"New Presentation" : "Nueva Presentación",
"Could not create file" : "No fue posible crear el archivo",
"New Document.odt" : "Nuevo Documento.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "Nueva Presentación.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "Nuevo Documento.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Nueva Presentación.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "No es posible crear el documento",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "Guardado con error: Collabora Online debería usar el mismo protocolo que la instalación del servidor.",
"Collabora Online" : "Collabora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "Servidor Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (y puerto) del servidor de Collabora Online que provee la funcionalidad de edición como un cliente WOPI. ",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Usar OOXML como predeterminado para nuevos archivos",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Habilitar acceso para aplicaciones externas",
"Add" : "Guardar",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Por favor intentalo de nuevo.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"OK" : "OK",
"Guest %s" : "Invitado %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Esta liga ha expirado o nunca existió. Por favor de contacta a la persona que lo compartió contigo para más detalles."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Guardando...",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"All" : "Todos",
"Download this revision" : "Descargar esta revisión",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisión",
"Latest revision" : "Última revisión",
"More versions…" : "Más versiones...",
"Just now" : "Justo ahora",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Se presentó una falla al revertir el documento a la versión anterior",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents…" : "Cargando documentos...",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"New Document" : "Nuevo Documento",
"New Spreadsheet" : "Nueva Hoja de cálculo",
"New Presentation" : "Nueva Presentación",
"Could not create file" : "No fue posible crear el archivo",
"New Document.odt" : "Nuevo Documento.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "Nueva Presentación.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "Nuevo Documento.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Nueva Presentación.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "No es posible crear el documento",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "Guardado con error: Collabora Online debería usar el mismo protocolo que la instalación del servidor.",
"Collabora Online" : "Collabora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "Servidor Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (y puerto) del servidor de Collabora Online que provee la funcionalidad de edición como un cliente WOPI. ",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Usar OOXML como predeterminado para nuevos archivos",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Habilitar acceso para aplicaciones externas",
"Add" : "Guardar",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Por favor intentalo de nuevo.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"OK" : "OK",
"Guest %s" : "Invitado %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Esta liga ha expirado o nunca existió. Por favor de contacta a la persona que lo compartió contigo para más detalles."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"Saving…" : "Guardando...",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"All" : "Todos",
"Download this revision" : "Descargar esta revisión",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisión",
"Latest revision" : "Última revisión",
"More versions…" : "Más versiones...",
"Just now" : "Justo ahora",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Se presentó una falla al revertir el documento a la versión anterior",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents…" : "Cargando documentos...",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"New Document" : "Nuevo Documento",
"New Spreadsheet" : "Nueva Hoja de cálculo",
"New Presentation" : "Nueva Presentación",
"Could not create file" : "No fue posible crear el archivo",
"New Document.odt" : "Nuevo Documento.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "Nueva Presentación.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "Nuevo Documento.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Nueva Presentación.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "No es posible crear el documento",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "Guardado con error: Collabora Online debería usar el mismo protocolo que la instalación del servidor.",
"Collabora Online" : "Collabora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "Servidor Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (y puerto) del servidor de Collabora Online que provee la funcionalidad de edición como un cliente WOPI. ",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Usar OOXML como predeterminado para nuevos archivos",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Habilitar acceso para aplicaciones externas",
"Add" : "Guardar",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Por favor intentalo de nuevo.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"OK" : "OK",
"Guest %s" : "Invitado %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Esta liga ha expirado o nunca existió. Por favor de contacta a la persona que lo compartió contigo para más detalles."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Guardando...",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"All" : "Todos",
"Download this revision" : "Descargar esta revisión",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisión",
"Latest revision" : "Última revisión",
"More versions…" : "Más versiones...",
"Just now" : "Justo ahora",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Se presentó una falla al revertir el documento a la versión anterior",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents…" : "Cargando documentos...",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"New Document" : "Nuevo Documento",
"New Spreadsheet" : "Nueva Hoja de cálculo",
"New Presentation" : "Nueva Presentación",
"Could not create file" : "No fue posible crear el archivo",
"New Document.odt" : "Nuevo Documento.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "Nueva Presentación.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "Nuevo Documento.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Nueva Presentación.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "No es posible crear el documento",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "Guardado con error: Collabora Online debería usar el mismo protocolo que la instalación del servidor.",
"Collabora Online" : "Collabora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "Servidor Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (y puerto) del servidor de Collabora Online que provee la funcionalidad de edición como un cliente WOPI. ",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Usar OOXML como predeterminado para nuevos archivos",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Habilitar acceso para aplicaciones externas",
"Add" : "Guardar",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Por favor intentalo de nuevo.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"OK" : "OK",
"Guest %s" : "Invitado %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Esta liga ha expirado o nunca existió. Por favor de contacta a la persona que lo compartió contigo para más detalles."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"Saving…" : "Guardando...",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"All" : "Todos",
"Download this revision" : "Descargar esta revisión",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisión",
"Latest revision" : "Última revisión",
"More versions…" : "Más versiones...",
"Just now" : "Justo ahora",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Se presentó una falla al revertir el documento a la versión anterior",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents…" : "Cargando documentos...",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"New Document" : "Nuevo Documento",
"New Spreadsheet" : "Nueva Hoja de cálculo",
"New Presentation" : "Nueva Presentación",
"Could not create file" : "No fue posible crear el archivo",
"New Document.odt" : "Nuevo Documento.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "Nueva Presentación.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "Nuevo Documento.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Nueva Presentación.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "No es posible crear el documento",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "Guardado con error: Collabora Online debería usar el mismo protocolo que la instalación del servidor.",
"Collabora Online" : "Collabora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "Servidor Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (y puerto) del servidor de Collabora Online que provee la funcionalidad de edición como un cliente WOPI. ",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Usar OOXML como predeterminado para nuevos archivos",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Habilitar acceso para aplicaciones externas",
"Add" : "Guardar",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Por favor intentalo de nuevo.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"OK" : "OK",
"Guest %s" : "Invitado %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Esta liga ha expirado o nunca existió. Por favor de contacta a la persona que lo compartió contigo para más detalles."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Guardando...",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"All" : "Todos",
"Download this revision" : "Descargar esta revisión",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisión",
"Latest revision" : "Última revisión",
"More versions…" : "Más versiones...",
"Just now" : "Justo ahora",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Se presentó una falla al revertir el documento a la versión anterior",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents…" : "Cargando documentos...",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"New Document" : "Nuevo Documento",
"New Spreadsheet" : "Nueva Hoja de cálculo",
"New Presentation" : "Nueva Presentación",
"Could not create file" : "No fue posible crear el archivo",
"New Document.odt" : "Nuevo Documento.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "Nueva Presentación.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "Nuevo Documento.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "Nueva HojaDeCálculo.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Nueva Presentación.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "No es posible crear el documento",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "Guardado con error: Collabora Online debería usar el mismo protocolo que la instalación del servidor.",
"Collabora Online" : "Collabora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "Servidor Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (y puerto) del servidor de Collabora Online que provee la funcionalidad de edición como un cliente WOPI. ",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Usar OOXML como predeterminado para nuevos archivos",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Habilitar acceso para aplicaciones externas",
"Add" : "Guardar",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Por favor intentalo de nuevo.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"OK" : "OK",
"Guest %s" : "Invitado %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Esta liga ha expirado o nunca existió. Por favor de contacta a la persona que lo compartió contigo para más detalles."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Guardando...",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"All" : "Todos",
"Download this revision" : "Descargar esta revisión",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisión",
@ -29,8 +30,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Servidor Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (y puerto) del servidor de Collabora Online que provee la funcionalidad de edición como un cliente WOPI. ",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Permitir editar a grupos específicos",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Usar OOXML como predeterminado para nuevos archivos",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Habilitar acceso para aplicaciones externas",
"Add" : "Guardar",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Por favor intentalo de nuevo.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Guardando...",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"All" : "Todos",
"Download this revision" : "Descargar esta revisión",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisión",
@ -27,8 +28,9 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Servidor Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (y puerto) del servidor de Collabora Online que provee la funcionalidad de edición como un cliente WOPI. ",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Permitir editar a grupos específicos",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Usar OOXML como predeterminado para nuevos archivos",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Habilitar acceso para aplicaciones externas",
"Add" : "Guardar",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Por favor intentalo de nuevo.",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Salvestamine...",
"All" : "Kõik",
"More versions…" : "Rohkem versioone...",
"Just now" : "Kohe",
"Save" : "Salvesta",
"Edit" : "Muuda",

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Salvestamine...",
"All" : "Kõik",
"More versions…" : "Rohkem versioone...",
"Just now" : "Kohe",
"Save" : "Salvesta",
"Edit" : "Muuda",

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Apply" : "اعمال",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "رمز اشتباه. لطفاً مجددا تکرار فرمایید.",
"Password" : "گذرواژه",
"OK" : "باشه",
"OK" : "تایید",
"Guest %s" : "میهمان %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "این لینک منقضی شده یا اینکه هرگز وجود نداشته است. لطفاً از کسی که آن را با شما به اشتراک گذاشته جزئیات را جویا شوید."

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"Apply" : "اعمال",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "رمز اشتباه. لطفاً مجددا تکرار فرمایید.",
"Password" : "گذرواژه",
"OK" : "باشه",
"OK" : "تایید",
"Guest %s" : "میهمان %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "این لینک منقضی شده یا اینکه هرگز وجود نداشته است. لطفاً از کسی که آن را با شما به اشتراک گذاشته جزئیات را جویا شوید."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Tallennetaan...",
"Saving..." : "Tallennetaan...",
"All" : "Kaikki",
"Download this revision" : "Lataa tämä versio",
"Restore this revision" : "Palauta tähän versioon",
@ -29,8 +30,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online -palvelin",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL-osoite (ja portti) Collabora Online -palvelimelle, joka tarjoaa mukkaustoiminnot WOPI-asiakkaana.",
"Apply" : "Toteuta",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Salli muokkaus tietyille ryhmille",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Käytä OOXML:ää oletuksena uusille tiedostoille",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Salli pääsy ulkoisten sovellusten osalta",
"Add" : "Lisää",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Väärä salasana. Yritä uudelleen.",
"Password" : "Salasana",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Tallennetaan...",
"Saving..." : "Tallennetaan...",
"All" : "Kaikki",
"Download this revision" : "Lataa tämä versio",
"Restore this revision" : "Palauta tähän versioon",
@ -27,8 +28,9 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online -palvelin",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL-osoite (ja portti) Collabora Online -palvelimelle, joka tarjoaa mukkaustoiminnot WOPI-asiakkaana.",
"Apply" : "Toteuta",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Salli muokkaus tietyille ryhmille",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Käytä OOXML:ää oletuksena uusille tiedostoille",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Salli pääsy ulkoisten sovellusten osalta",
"Add" : "Lisää",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Väärä salasana. Yritä uudelleen.",
"Password" : "Salasana",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Enregistrement…",
"Saving..." : "Enregistrement en cours…",
"All" : "Tout",
"Download this revision" : "Télécharger cette révision",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurer cette révision",
@ -29,8 +30,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Serveur Collabora en ligne",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "Adresse (et port) du serveur Collabora en ligne qui fourni la fonctionnalité d'édition comme un client WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Appliquer",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Activer les modifications pour certains groupes",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Utiliser le format OOXML par défaut pour les nouveaux fichiers",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Activer l'accès depuis des applications externes",
"Add" : "Ajouter",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Mot de passe erroné. Merci de réessayer.",
"Password" : "Mot de passe",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Enregistrement…",
"Saving..." : "Enregistrement en cours…",
"All" : "Tout",
"Download this revision" : "Télécharger cette révision",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurer cette révision",
@ -27,8 +28,9 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Serveur Collabora en ligne",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "Adresse (et port) du serveur Collabora en ligne qui fourni la fonctionnalité d'édition comme un client WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Appliquer",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Activer les modifications pour certains groupes",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Utiliser le format OOXML par défaut pour les nouveaux fichiers",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Activer l'accès depuis des applications externes",
"Add" : "Ajouter",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Mot de passe erroné. Merci de réessayer.",
"Password" : "Mot de passe",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Mentés...",
"Saving..." : "Mentés...",
"All" : "Mind",
"Download this revision" : "Jelen verzió letöltése",
"Restore this revision" : "Jelen verzió visszaállítása",
@ -30,6 +31,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "A Collabora Online kiszolgáló URL-je (és portja), amely WOPI-ügyfélként lehetővé teszi a szerkesztés funkciót.",
"Apply" : "Alkalmaz",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "OOXML használata alapértelmezettként az új fájlokhoz",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Külső alkalmazások hozzáférésének engedélyezése",
"Add" : "Hozzáadás",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Hibás jelszó. Próbálkozzon újra!",
"Password" : "Jelszó",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Mentés...",
"Saving..." : "Mentés...",
"All" : "Mind",
"Download this revision" : "Jelen verzió letöltése",
"Restore this revision" : "Jelen verzió visszaállítása",
@ -28,6 +29,8 @@
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "A Collabora Online kiszolgáló URL-je (és portja), amely WOPI-ügyfélként lehetővé teszi a szerkesztés funkciót.",
"Apply" : "Alkalmaz",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "OOXML használata alapértelmezettként az új fájlokhoz",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Külső alkalmazások hozzáférésének engedélyezése",
"Add" : "Hozzáadás",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Hibás jelszó. Próbálkozzon újra!",
"Password" : "Jelszó",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Er að vista ...",
"Saving..." : "Er að vista ...",
"All" : "Allt",
"Download this revision" : "Sækja þessa útgáfu",
"Restore this revision" : "Endurheimta þessa útgáfu",
@ -29,8 +30,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online þjónn",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL-slóð (og gátt) Collabora Online þjónsins sem gefur út breytingaeigindi sem WOPI-biðlari.",
"Apply" : "Virkja",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Leyfa breytingar fyrir sérstaka hópa",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Nota OOXML sjálfgefið fyrir nýjar skrár",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Virkja fyrir utanaðkomandi forrit",
"Add" : "Bæta við",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Rangt lykilorð. Reyndu aftur.",
"Password" : "Lykilorð",
"OK" : "Í lagi",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Er að vista ...",
"Saving..." : "Er að vista ...",
"All" : "Allt",
"Download this revision" : "Sækja þessa útgáfu",
"Restore this revision" : "Endurheimta þessa útgáfu",
@ -27,8 +28,9 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online þjónn",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL-slóð (og gátt) Collabora Online þjónsins sem gefur út breytingaeigindi sem WOPI-biðlari.",
"Apply" : "Virkja",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Leyfa breytingar fyrir sérstaka hópa",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Nota OOXML sjálfgefið fyrir nýjar skrár",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Virkja fyrir utanaðkomandi forrit",
"Add" : "Bæta við",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Rangt lykilorð. Reyndu aftur.",
"Password" : "Lykilorð",
"OK" : "Í lagi",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Salvataggio in corso...",
"Saving..." : "Salvataggio in corso...",
"All" : "Tutti",
"Download this revision" : "Scarica questa revisione",
"Restore this revision" : "Ripristina questa revisione",
@ -29,8 +30,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Server Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "L'URL (e la porta) del server Collabora Online che fornisce la funzionalità di modifica come un client WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Applica",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Abilita la modifica per gruppi specifici",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Limita l'utilizzo a gruppi specifici",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Limita la modifica a gruppi specifici",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Utilizza OOXML in modo predefinito per i nuovi file",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Abilita l'accesso per le applicazioni esterne",
"Add" : "Aggiungi",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Password errata. Riprova.",
"Password" : "Password",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Salvataggio in corso...",
"Saving..." : "Salvataggio in corso...",
"All" : "Tutti",
"Download this revision" : "Scarica questa revisione",
"Restore this revision" : "Ripristina questa revisione",
@ -27,8 +28,11 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Server Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "L'URL (e la porta) del server Collabora Online che fornisce la funzionalità di modifica come un client WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Applica",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Abilita la modifica per gruppi specifici",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Limita l'utilizzo a gruppi specifici",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Limita la modifica a gruppi specifici",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Utilizza OOXML in modo predefinito per i nuovi file",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Abilita l'accesso per le applicazioni esterne",
"Add" : "Aggiungi",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Password errata. Riprova.",
"Password" : "Password",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "保存中...",
"Saving..." : "保存中...",
"All" : "すべて",
"Download this revision" : "このリビジョンをダウンロード",
"Restore this revision" : "このリビジョンを復元",
@ -29,7 +30,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "コラボラ オンライン サーバー",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "WOPI クライアントで編集できる機能を提供するコラボラ オンライン サーバーのURL(とポート)",
"Apply" : "適用",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "特定のグループの編集を有効にする",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "新しいファイルでは、デフォルトでOOXMLを使用する",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "パスワードが間違っています。もう一度入力してください。",
"Password" : "パスワード",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "保存中...",
"Saving..." : "保存中...",
"All" : "すべて",
"Download this revision" : "このリビジョンをダウンロード",
"Restore this revision" : "このリビジョンを復元",
@ -27,7 +28,6 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "コラボラ オンライン サーバー",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "WOPI クライアントで編集できる機能を提供するコラボラ オンライン サーバーのURL(とポート)",
"Apply" : "適用",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "特定のグループの編集を有効にする",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "新しいファイルでは、デフォルトでOOXMLを使用する",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "パスワードが間違っています。もう一度入力してください。",
"Password" : "パスワード",

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
"Saving…" : "მიმდინარეობს შენახვა…",
"Saving..." : "მიმდინარეობს შენახვა…",
"All" : "ყველა",
"Download this revision" : "ამ რევიზიის გადმოწერა",
"Restore this revision" : "ამ რევიზიის აღდგენა",
"Latest revision" : "ბოლო რევიზია",
"More versions…" : "მეტი ვერსიები...",
"Just now" : "ამ წამს",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "დოკუმენტის ძველ ვერსიაზე დაბრუნება ვერ მოხერხდა",
"Save" : "შენახვა",
"Loading documents…" : "დოკუემნტების ჩატვირთვა...",
"Edit" : "რედაქტირება",
"New Document" : "ახალი დოკუმენტი",
"New Spreadsheet" : "ახალი ცხრილები",
"New Presentation" : "ახალი პრეზენტაცია",
"Could not create file" : "ფაილი ვერ შეიქმნა",
"New Document.odt" : "ახალი დოკუმენტი.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "ახალი ცხრილები.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "ახალი პრეზენტაცია.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "ახალი დოკუმენტი.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "ახალი ცხრილები.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "ახალი პრეზენტაცია.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "დოკუმენტი ვერ შეიქმნა",
"Saved" : "შენახულია",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "შენახულია შეცდომით: Collabora Online უნდა იყენებდეს იგივე პროტოკოლს რომელსაც იყენებს სერვერის ინსტალაცია.",
"Collabora Online" : "Collabora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online სერვერი",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (და პორტი) Collabora Online სერვერისა რომელიც უზრუნველყოფს WOPI client-ის მაგვარ ცვლილების ფუნქციონალს.",
"Apply" : "გამოყენება",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "მოხმარების აკრძალვა სპეციფიურ ჯგუფებზე",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "ცვლიების აკრძალვა სპეციფიურ ჯგუფებზე",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "ახალი ფაილებისთვის OOXML-ის საწყისად გამოყენება.",
"Enable access for external apps" : "დართეთ წვდომა გარე აპლიკაცებზე",
"Add" : "დამატება",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "არასწორი პაროლი სცადეთ ახლიდან.",
"Password" : "პაროლი",
"OK" : "დიახ",
"Guest %s" : "სტუმარი %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "ამ ბმულს გაუვიდა ვადა ან არც არსებობდა. დეტალებისთვის გთხოვთ დაუკავშირდეთ პიროვნებას ვინც გაგიზიარათ ეს."
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "მიმდინარეობს შენახვა…",
"Saving..." : "მიმდინარეობს შენახვა…",
"All" : "ყველა",
"Download this revision" : "ამ რევიზიის გადმოწერა",
"Restore this revision" : "ამ რევიზიის აღდგენა",
"Latest revision" : "ბოლო რევიზია",
"More versions…" : "მეტი ვერსიები...",
"Just now" : "ამ წამს",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "დოკუმენტის ძველ ვერსიაზე დაბრუნება ვერ მოხერხდა",
"Save" : "შენახვა",
"Loading documents…" : "დოკუემნტების ჩატვირთვა...",
"Edit" : "რედაქტირება",
"New Document" : "ახალი დოკუმენტი",
"New Spreadsheet" : "ახალი ცხრილები",
"New Presentation" : "ახალი პრეზენტაცია",
"Could not create file" : "ფაილი ვერ შეიქმნა",
"New Document.odt" : "ახალი დოკუმენტი.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "ახალი ცხრილები.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "ახალი პრეზენტაცია.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "ახალი დოკუმენტი.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "ახალი ცხრილები.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "ახალი პრეზენტაცია.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "დოკუმენტი ვერ შეიქმნა",
"Saved" : "შენახულია",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "შენახულია შეცდომით: Collabora Online უნდა იყენებდეს იგივე პროტოკოლს რომელსაც იყენებს სერვერის ინსტალაცია.",
"Collabora Online" : "Collabora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online სერვერი",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (და პორტი) Collabora Online სერვერისა რომელიც უზრუნველყოფს WOPI client-ის მაგვარ ცვლილების ფუნქციონალს.",
"Apply" : "გამოყენება",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "მოხმარების აკრძალვა სპეციფიურ ჯგუფებზე",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "ცვლიების აკრძალვა სპეციფიურ ჯგუფებზე",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "ახალი ფაილებისთვის OOXML-ის საწყისად გამოყენება.",
"Enable access for external apps" : "დართეთ წვდომა გარე აპლიკაცებზე",
"Add" : "დამატება",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "არასწორი პაროლი სცადეთ ახლიდან.",
"Password" : "პაროლი",
"OK" : "დიახ",
"Guest %s" : "სტუმარი %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "ამ ბმულს გაუვიდა ვადა ან არც არსებობდა. დეტალებისთვის გთხოვთ დაუკავშირდეთ პიროვნებას ვინც გაგიზიარათ ეს."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"

@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Nauja pateiktis.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "Nepavyksta sukurti dokumento",
"Saved" : "Įrašyta",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "Įrašyta su klaida: Collabora Online turėtų naudoti tokį patį protokolą kaip ir serverio diegimas.",
"Collabora Online" : "Collabora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online serveris",
"Apply" : "Taikyti",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Neteisingas slaptažodis. Bandykite dar kartą.",
"Password" : "Slaptažodis",

@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Nauja pateiktis.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "Nepavyksta sukurti dokumento",
"Saved" : "Įrašyta",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "Įrašyta su klaida: Collabora Online turėtų naudoti tokį patį protokolą kaip ir serverio diegimas.",
"Collabora Online" : "Collabora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online serveris",
"Apply" : "Taikyti",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Neteisingas slaptažodis. Bandykite dar kartą.",
"Password" : "Slaptažodis",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Lagrer...",
"Saving..." : "Lagrer",
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Last ned denne versjonen",
"Restore this revision" : "Gjenopprett denne versjonen",
@ -29,8 +30,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online-tjener",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (og port) for den nettbaserte Collabora-tjeneren som tilbyr redigeringsfunksjonaliteten som en WOPI-klient.",
"Apply" : "Bruk",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Skru på redigering for gitte grupper",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Bruk OOXML som forvalg for nye filer",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Aktiver tilgang for eksterne programmer",
"Add" : "Legg til",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Feil passord. Prøv igjen.",
"Password" : "Passord",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Lagrer...",
"Saving..." : "Lagrer",
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Last ned denne versjonen",
"Restore this revision" : "Gjenopprett denne versjonen",
@ -27,8 +28,9 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online-tjener",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (og port) for den nettbaserte Collabora-tjeneren som tilbyr redigeringsfunksjonaliteten som en WOPI-klient.",
"Apply" : "Bruk",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Skru på redigering for gitte grupper",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Bruk OOXML som forvalg for nye filer",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Aktiver tilgang for eksterne programmer",
"Add" : "Legg til",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Feil passord. Prøv igjen.",
"Password" : "Passord",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Opslaan...",
"Saving..." : "Opslaan…",
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Download deze revisie",
"Restore this revision" : "Herstel deze revisie",
@ -29,8 +30,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online server",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (en poort) van de Collabora Online server die de bewerkingsfunctie als WOPI client biedt.",
"Apply" : "Toepassen",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Schakel bewerken in voor bepaalde groepen",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Beperk gebruik tot bepaalde groepen",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Beperk bewerken tot bepaalde groepen",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Gebruik standaard OOXML voor nieuwe bestanden",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Toegang vanuit externe apps toestaan",
"Add" : "Toevoegen",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Onjuist wachtwoord. Probeer opnieuw.",
"Password" : "Wachtwoord",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Opslaan...",
"Saving..." : "Opslaan…",
"All" : "Alle",
"Download this revision" : "Download deze revisie",
"Restore this revision" : "Herstel deze revisie",
@ -27,8 +28,11 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online server",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (en poort) van de Collabora Online server die de bewerkingsfunctie als WOPI client biedt.",
"Apply" : "Toepassen",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Schakel bewerken in voor bepaalde groepen",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Beperk gebruik tot bepaalde groepen",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Beperk bewerken tot bepaalde groepen",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Gebruik standaard OOXML voor nieuwe bestanden",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Toegang vanuit externe apps toestaan",
"Add" : "Toevoegen",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Onjuist wachtwoord. Probeer opnieuw.",
"Password" : "Wachtwoord",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Zapisywanie...",
"Saving..." : "Zapisywanie...",
"All" : "Wszystko",
"Download this revision" : "Ściągnij tę rewizję",
"Restore this revision" : "Przywróć tę rewizję",
@ -29,8 +30,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Serwer Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "Adres URL (i port) serwera Collabora Online, który dostarcza funkcjonalność edycji jako WOPI klient",
"Apply" : "Zastosuj",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Włącz edycję tylko dla określonych grup",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Użyj domyślnie dla nowych plików OOXML",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Aktywuj dostęp dla zewnętrznych aplikacji",
"Add" : "Dodaj",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Złe hasło. Spróbuj ponownie.",
"Password" : "Hasło",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Zapisywanie...",
"Saving..." : "Zapisywanie...",
"All" : "Wszystko",
"Download this revision" : "Ściągnij tę rewizję",
"Restore this revision" : "Przywróć tę rewizję",
@ -27,8 +28,9 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Serwer Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "Adres URL (i port) serwera Collabora Online, który dostarcza funkcjonalność edycji jako WOPI klient",
"Apply" : "Zastosuj",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Włącz edycję tylko dla określonych grup",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Użyj domyślnie dla nowych plików OOXML",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Aktywuj dostęp dla zewnętrznych aplikacji",
"Add" : "Dodaj",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Złe hasło. Spróbuj ponownie.",
"Password" : "Hasło",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Salvando...",
"Saving..." : "Salvando...",
"All" : "Tudo",
"Download this revision" : "Baixar esta revisão",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisão",
@ -29,8 +30,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Servidor Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (e porto) do servidor Collabora Online que fornece a funcionalidade de edição como um cliente WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "habilitar edição para grupos específicos",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Uso restrito a grupos específicos",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Edição restrita a grupos específicos",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Use OOXML por padrão para novos arquivos",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Habilitar acesso a aplicativos externos",
"Add" : "Adicionar",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Senha errada. Por favor tente novamente.",
"Password" : "Senha",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Salvando...",
"Saving..." : "Salvando...",
"All" : "Tudo",
"Download this revision" : "Baixar esta revisão",
"Restore this revision" : "Restaurar esta revisão",
@ -27,8 +28,11 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Servidor Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (e porto) do servidor Collabora Online que fornece a funcionalidade de edição como um cliente WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Aplicar",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "habilitar edição para grupos específicos",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Uso restrito a grupos específicos",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Edição restrita a grupos específicos",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Use OOXML por padrão para novos arquivos",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Habilitar acesso a aplicativos externos",
"Add" : "Adicionar",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Senha errada. Por favor tente novamente.",
"Password" : "Senha",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Сохранение…",
"Saving..." : "Сохранение...",
"All" : "Все",
"Download this revision" : "Скачать эту ревизию",
"Restore this revision" : "Восстановить эту ревизию",
@ -16,12 +17,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"New Spreadsheet" : "Новая таблица",
"New Presentation" : "Новая презентация",
"Could not create file" : "Не удалось создать файл",
"New Document.odt" : "Новый Документ.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "Новая Таблица.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "Новая Презентация.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "Новый Документ.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "Новая Таблица.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Новая Презентация.pptx",
"New Document.odt" : "Новый документ.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "Новая таблица.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "Новая презентация.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "Новый документ.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "Новая таблица.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Новая презентация.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "Невозможно создать документ",
"Saved" : "Сохранено",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "Сохранено с ошибкой: В Collabra Online должен использоваться тот же протокол, что в установке сервера.",
@ -29,8 +30,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Сервер Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (и порт) сервера Collabora Online, который предоставляет возможность редактирования, как клиент WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Применить",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Включить редактирование только для указанных групп",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Для новых файлов по умолчанию использовать OOXML",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Разрешить доступ внешним приложениям",
"Add" : "Добавить",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Неправильный пароль. Повторите попытку.",
"Password" : "Пароль",
"OK" : "ОК",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Сохранение…",
"Saving..." : "Сохранение...",
"All" : "Все",
"Download this revision" : "Скачать эту ревизию",
"Restore this revision" : "Восстановить эту ревизию",
@ -14,12 +15,12 @@
"New Spreadsheet" : "Новая таблица",
"New Presentation" : "Новая презентация",
"Could not create file" : "Не удалось создать файл",
"New Document.odt" : "Новый Документ.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "Новая Таблица.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "Новая Презентация.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "Новый Документ.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "Новая Таблица.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Новая Презентация.pptx",
"New Document.odt" : "Новый документ.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "Новая таблица.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "Новая презентация.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "Новый документ.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "Новая таблица.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "Новая презентация.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "Невозможно создать документ",
"Saved" : "Сохранено",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "Сохранено с ошибкой: В Collabra Online должен использоваться тот же протокол, что в установке сервера.",
@ -27,8 +28,9 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Сервер Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (и порт) сервера Collabora Online, который предоставляет возможность редактирования, как клиент WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Применить",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Включить редактирование только для указанных групп",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Для новых файлов по умолчанию использовать OOXML",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Разрешить доступ внешним приложениям",
"Add" : "Добавить",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Неправильный пароль. Повторите попытку.",
"Password" : "Пароль",
"OK" : "ОК",

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"Saving…" : "Shranjevanje...",
"Download this revision" : "Prejmi predelavo",
"Restore this revision" : "Obnovi predelavo",
"Latest revision" : "Najnovejša predelava",

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Shranjevanje...",
"Download this revision" : "Prejmi predelavo",
"Restore this revision" : "Obnovi predelavo",
"Latest revision" : "Najnovejša predelava",

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Server Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL-ja (dhe porta) e shërbyesit Collabora Online që ofron funksione përpunimi si klient WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Zbatoje",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Mundëso editimin për grupe specifike",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Si parazgjedhje, përdor OOXML për kartela të reja",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Fjalëkalim gabuar. Ju lutemi, riprovoni.",
"Password" : "Fjalëkalim",

@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Server Collabora Online",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL-ja (dhe porta) e shërbyesit Collabora Online që ofron funksione përpunimi si klient WOPI.",
"Apply" : "Zbatoje",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Mundëso editimin për grupe specifike",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Si parazgjedhje, përdor OOXML për kartela të reja",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Fjalëkalim gabuar. Ju lutemi, riprovoni.",
"Password" : "Fjalëkalim",

@ -1,12 +1,40 @@
"Saving…" : "Снимам…",
"Saving..." : "Снимам...",
"All" : "Све",
"Download this revision" : "Скини ову ревизију",
"Restore this revision" : "Поврати ову ревизију",
"Latest revision" : "Последња ревизија",
"More versions…" : "Још верзија…",
"Just now" : "Управо сад",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Грешка у враћању документа на старију верзију",
"Save" : "Сачувај",
"Loading documents…" : "Учитавање докумената…",
"Edit" : "Уреди",
"Could not create file" : "Не могу да створим фајл",
"New Document" : "Нови документ",
"New Spreadsheet" : "Нова табела",
"New Presentation" : "Нова презентација",
"Could not create file" : "Не могу да креирам фајл",
"New Document.odt" : "New Document.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "New Spreadsheet.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "New Presentation.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "New Document.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "New Spreadsheet.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "New Presentation.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "Не могу да направим документ",
"Saved" : "Сачувано",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "Сачувану уз грешку: Collabora Online би требало да користи исти протокол као и серверска инсталација.",
"Collabora Online" : "Collabora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online сервер",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "Адреса (и порт) Collabora Online сервера који омогућава функционалност измене као WOPI клијент.",
"Apply" : "Примени",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Ограничи коришћење на одређене групе",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Ограничи могућност мењања на одређене групе",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Користи OOXML као подразумевани за нове фајлове",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Дозволи приступ за спољне апликације",
"Add" : "Додај",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Погрешна лозинка. Покушајте поново.",
"Password" : "Лозинка",
"OK" : "У реду",

@ -1,10 +1,38 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Снимам…",
"Saving..." : "Снимам...",
"All" : "Све",
"Download this revision" : "Скини ову ревизију",
"Restore this revision" : "Поврати ову ревизију",
"Latest revision" : "Последња ревизија",
"More versions…" : "Још верзија…",
"Just now" : "Управо сад",
"Failed to revert the document to older version" : "Грешка у враћању документа на старију верзију",
"Save" : "Сачувај",
"Loading documents…" : "Учитавање докумената…",
"Edit" : "Уреди",
"Could not create file" : "Не могу да створим фајл",
"New Document" : "Нови документ",
"New Spreadsheet" : "Нова табела",
"New Presentation" : "Нова презентација",
"Could not create file" : "Не могу да креирам фајл",
"New Document.odt" : "New Document.odt",
"New Spreadsheet.ods" : "New Spreadsheet.ods",
"New Presentation.odp" : "New Presentation.odp",
"New Document.docx" : "New Document.docx",
"New Spreadsheet.xlsx" : "New Spreadsheet.xlsx",
"New Presentation.pptx" : "New Presentation.pptx",
"Can't create document" : "Не могу да направим документ",
"Saved" : "Сачувано",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation." : "Сачувану уз грешку: Collabora Online би требало да користи исти протокол као и серверска инсталација.",
"Collabora Online" : "Collabora Online",
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online сервер",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "Адреса (и порт) Collabora Online сервера који омогућава функционалност измене као WOPI клијент.",
"Apply" : "Примени",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Ограничи коришћење на одређене групе",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Ограничи могућност мењања на одређене групе",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Користи OOXML као подразумевани за нове фајлове",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Дозволи приступ за спољне апликације",
"Add" : "Додај",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Погрешна лозинка. Покушајте поново.",
"Password" : "Лозинка",
"OK" : "У реду",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Sparar...",
"Saving..." : "Sparar...",
"All" : "Alla",
"Download this revision" : "Ladda ned denna granskning",
"Restore this revision" : "Återställ denna granskning",
@ -29,8 +30,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online server",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (och port) av Collabora Online-servern som ger redigeringsfunktioner som WOPI klient.",
"Apply" : "Tillämpa",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Aktivera ändring för specifika grupper",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Använd OOXML som standard för nya filer",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Aktivera åtkomst för externa appar",
"Add" : "Lägg till",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Fel lösenord. Försök igen.",
"Password" : "Lösenord",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Sparar...",
"Saving..." : "Sparar...",
"All" : "Alla",
"Download this revision" : "Ladda ned denna granskning",
"Restore this revision" : "Återställ denna granskning",
@ -27,8 +28,9 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online server",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "URL (och port) av Collabora Online-servern som ger redigeringsfunktioner som WOPI klient.",
"Apply" : "Tillämpa",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Aktivera ändring för specifika grupper",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Använd OOXML som standard för nya filer",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Aktivera åtkomst för externa appar",
"Add" : "Lägg till",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Fel lösenord. Försök igen.",
"Password" : "Lösenord",
"OK" : "OK",

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Saving…" : "Kaydediliyor...",
"Saving..." : "Kaydediliyor...",
"All" : "Tümü",
"Download this revision" : "Bu sürümü indir",
"Restore this revision" : "Bu sürümü geri yükle",
@ -29,8 +30,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online sunucusu",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "Bir WOPI istemcisi olarak düzenleme işlevi sağlayan Collabora Onlie sunucusunun adresi (ve kapı numarası).",
"Apply" : "Uygula",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Düzenlemeyi yalnız belirli gruplar için etkinleştir",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Kullanımı belirli gruplarla sınırla",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Düzenlemeyi belirli gruplarla sınırla",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Yeni dosyalar için varsayılan olarak OOXML kullanılsın",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Dış uygulamalara erişilebilsin",
"Add" : "Ekle",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Parola yanlış. Lütfen yeniden deneyin.",
"Password" : "Parola",
"OK" : "Tamam",

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Saving…" : "Kaydediliyor...",
"Saving..." : "Kaydediliyor...",
"All" : "Tümü",
"Download this revision" : "Bu sürümü indir",
"Restore this revision" : "Bu sürümü geri yükle",
@ -27,8 +28,11 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "Collabora Online sunucusu",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "Bir WOPI istemcisi olarak düzenleme işlevi sağlayan Collabora Onlie sunucusunun adresi (ve kapı numarası).",
"Apply" : "Uygula",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "Düzenlemeyi yalnız belirli gruplar için etkinleştir",
"Restrict usage to specific groups" : "Kullanımı belirli gruplarla sınırla",
"Restrict edit to specific groups" : "Düzenlemeyi belirli gruplarla sınırla",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "Yeni dosyalar için varsayılan olarak OOXML kullanılsın",
"Enable access for external apps" : "Dış uygulamalara erişilebilsin",
"Add" : "Ekle",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Parola yanlış. Lütfen yeniden deneyin.",
"Password" : "Parola",
"OK" : "Tamam",

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online server" : "在线协作服务器",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "类WOPI客户端提供编辑功能在线协作服务器的网址URL (端口) ",
"Apply" : "应用",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "为特定组群开启编辑功能",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "为新文件默认使用面向对象XML",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "密码错误,请重新尝试。",
"Password" : "密码",

@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
"Collabora Online server" : "在线协作服务器",
"URL (and port) of the Collabora Online server that provides the editing functionality as a WOPI client." : "类WOPI客户端提供编辑功能在线协作服务器的网址URL (端口) ",
"Apply" : "应用",
"Enable edit for specific groups" : "为特定组群开启编辑功能",
"Use OOXML by default for new files" : "为新文件默认使用面向对象XML",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "密码错误,请重新尝试。",
"Password" : "密码",

@ -92,6 +92,66 @@ class DocumentController extends Controller {
$this->logger = $logger;
* @PublicPage
* @NoCSRFRequired
* Returns the access_token and urlsrc for WOPI access for given $fileId
* Requests is accepted only when a secret_token is provided set by admin in
* settings page
* @param string $fileId
* @return access_token, urlsrc
public function extAppGetData($fileId) {
$secretToken = $this->request->getParam('secret_token');
$apps = array_filter(explode(',', $this->appConfig->getAppValue('external_apps')));
foreach($apps as $app) {
if ($app !== '') {
if ($secretToken === $app) {
$appName = explode(':', $app);
\OC::$server->getLogger()->debug('External app "{extApp}" authenticated; issuing access token for fileId {fileId}', [
'app' => $this->appName,
'extApp' => $appName[0],
'fileId' => $fileId
try {
$folder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($this->uid);
$item = $folder->getById($fileId)[0];
if(!($item instanceof Node)) {
throw new \Exception();
list($urlSrc, $token) = $this->tokenManager->getToken($item->getId());
return array(
'status' => 'success',
'urlsrc' => $urlSrc,
'token' => $token
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->logger->logException($e, ['app'=>'richdocuments']);
$params = [
'remoteAddr' => $this->request->getRemoteAddress(),
'requestID' => $this->request->getId(),
'debugMode' => $this->settings->getSystemValue('debug'),
'errorClass' => get_class($e),
'errorCode' => $e->getCode(),
'errorMsg' => $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine(),
'trace' => $e->getTraceAsString()
return new TemplateResponse('core', 'exception', $params, 'guest');
return array(
'status' => 'error',
'message' => 'Permission denied'
* @NoAdminRequired

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ class SettingsController extends Controller{
return new JSONResponse([
'wopi_url' => $this->appConfig->getAppValue('wopi_url'),
'wopi_internal_url' => $this->appConfig->getAppValue('wopi_internal_url'),
'use_groups' => $this->appConfig->getAppValue('use_groups'),
'edit_groups' => $this->appConfig->getAppValue('edit_groups'),
'doc_format' => $this->appConfig->getAppValue('doc_format'),
@ -63,13 +64,16 @@ class SettingsController extends Controller{
* @param string $wopi_url
* @param string $wopi_internal_url
* @param string $edit_groups
* @param string $use_groups
* @param string $doc_format
* @return JSONResponse
public function setSettings($wopi_url,
$doc_format) {
$external_apps) {
$message = $this->l10n->t('Saved');
if ($wopi_url !== null){
@ -89,10 +93,18 @@ class SettingsController extends Controller{
$this->appConfig->setAppValue('edit_groups', $edit_groups);
if ($use_groups !== null){
$this->appConfig->setAppValue('use_groups', $use_groups);
if ($doc_format !== null) {
$this->appConfig->setAppValue('doc_format', $doc_format);
if ($external_apps !== null) {
$this->appConfig->setAppValue('external_apps', $external_apps);
$response = [

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Lukas Reschke <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Lukas Reschke <>
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
@ -24,35 +24,51 @@ namespace OCA\Richdocuments\Controller;
use OC\Files\View;
use OCA\Richdocuments\Db\Wopi;
use OCA\Richdocuments\Helper;
use OCA\Richdocuments\WOPI\Parser;
use OCP\AppFramework\Controller;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\JSONResponse;
use OCP\Files\File;
use OCP\Files\IRootFolder;
use OCP\IConfig;
use OCP\IRequest;
use OCP\IUserManager;
use OCP\IURLGenerator;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\StreamResponse;
use OCP\IUserManager;
class WopiController extends Controller {
/** @var IRootFolder */
private $rootFolder;
/** @var IURLGenerator */
private $urlGenerator;
/** @var IConfig */
private $config;
/** @var IUserManager */
private $userManager;
// Signifies LOOL that document has been changed externally in this storage
* @param string $appName
* @param string $UserId
* @param IRequest $request
* @param IRootFolder $rootFolder
* @param string $UserId
* @param IURLGenerator $urlGenerator
* @param IConfig $config
* @param IUserManager $userManager
public function __construct($appName,
IRequest $request,
IRootFolder $rootFolder) {
IRootFolder $rootFolder,
IURLGenerator $urlGenerator,
IConfig $config,
IUserManager $userManager) {
parent::__construct($appName, $request);
$this->rootFolder = $rootFolder;
$this->urlGenerator = $urlGenerator;
$this->config = $config;
$this->userManager = $userManager;
@ -88,19 +104,31 @@ class WopiController extends Controller {
return new JSONResponse([], Http::STATUS_FORBIDDEN);
return new JSONResponse(
'BaseFileName' => $file->getName(),
'Size' => $file->getSize(),
'Version' => $version,
'UserId' => $res['editor'] !== '' ? $res['editor'] : 'Guest user',
'OwnerId' => $res['owner'],
'UserFriendlyName' => $res['editor'] !== '' ? \OC_User::getDisplayName($res['editor']) : 'Guest user',
'UserCanWrite' => $res['canwrite'] ? true : false,
'PostMessageOrigin' => $res['server_host'],
'LastModifiedTime' => Helper::toISO8601($file->getMtime())
$response = [
'BaseFileName' => $file->getName(),
'Size' => $file->getSize(),
'Version' => $version,
'UserId' => $res['editor'] !== '' ? $res['editor'] : 'Guest user',
'OwnerId' => $res['owner'],
'UserFriendlyName' => $res['editor'] !== '' ? \OC_User::getDisplayName($res['editor']) : 'Guest user',
'UserExtraInfo' => [
'UserCanWrite' => $res['canwrite'] ? true : false,
'PostMessageOrigin' => $res['server_host'],
'LastModifiedTime' => Helper::toISO8601($file->getMtime())
$serverVersion = $this->config->getSystemValue('version');
if (version_compare($serverVersion, '13', '>=')) {
$user = $this->userManager->get($res['editor']);
if($user !== null) {
if($user->getAvatarImage(32) !== null) {
$response['UserExtraInfo']['avatar'] = $this->urlGenerator->linkToRouteAbsolute('core.avatar.getAvatar', ['userId' => $res['editor'], 'size' => 32]);
return new JSONResponse($response);

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2017 Lukas Reschke <>
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace OCA\Richdocuments;
use OCP\IConfig;
use OCP\IGroupManager;
use OCP\IUser;
class PermissionManager {
const APP_ID = 'richdocuments';
/** @var IConfig */
private $config;
/** @var IGroupManager */
private $groupManager;
public function __construct(IConfig $config,
IGroupManager $groupManager) {
$this->config = $config;
$this->groupManager = $groupManager;
* @param string $groupString
* @return array
private function splitGroups($groupString) {
return explode('|', $groupString);
public function isEnabledForUser(IUser $user) {
$enabledForGroups = $this->config->getAppValue(self::APP_ID, 'use_groups', '');
if($enabledForGroups === '') {
return true;
$groups = $this->splitGroups($enabledForGroups);
$uid = $user->getUID();
foreach($groups as $group) {
if($this->groupManager->isInGroup($uid, $group)) {
return true;
return false;

@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ class Admin implements ISettings {
'wopi_url' => $this->config->getAppValue('richdocuments', 'wopi_url'),
'wopi_internal_url' => $this->config->getAppValue('richdocuments', 'wopi_internal_url'),
'edit_groups' => $this->config->getAppValue('richdocuments', 'edit_groups'),
'use_groups' => $this->config->getAppValue('richdocuments', 'use_groups'),
'doc_format' => $this->config->getAppValue('richdocuments', 'doc_format'),
'external_apps' => $this->config->getAppValue('richdocuments', 'external_apps'),

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
script('richdocuments', 'admin');
/** @var array $_ */
<div class="section" id="richdocuments">
<h2><?php p($l->t('Collabora Online')) ?></h2>
@ -11,10 +12,26 @@ script('richdocuments', 'admin');
<br/><button type="button" id="wopi_apply"><?php p($l->t('Apply')) ?></button>
<span id="documents-admin-msg" class="msg"></span>
<input type="checkbox" class="use-groups-enable" id="use_groups_enable-richdocuments" />
<label for="use_groups_enable-richdocuments"><?php p($l->t('Restrict usage to specific groups')) ?></label>
<input type="hidden" id="use_group_select" value="<?php p($_['use_groups'])?>" title="<?php p($l->t('All')); ?>" style="width: 200px">
<input type="checkbox" class="edit-groups-enable" id="edit_groups_enable-richdocuments" />
<label for="edit_groups_enable-richdocuments"><?php p($l->t('Enable edit for specific groups')) ?></label>
<label for="edit_groups_enable-richdocuments"><?php p($l->t('Restrict edit to specific groups')) ?></label>
<input type="hidden" id="edit_group_select" value="<?php p($_['edit_groups'])?>" title="<?php p($l->t('All')); ?>" style="width: 200px">
<input type="checkbox" class="doc-format-ooxml" id="doc_format_ooxml_enable-richdocuments" <?php p($_['doc_format'] === 'ooxml' ? 'checked' : '') ?> />
<label for="doc_format_ooxml_enable-richdocuments"><?php p($l->t('Use OOXML by default for new files')) ?></label>
<input type="checkbox" id="enable_external_apps_cb-richdocuments" <?php p($_['external_apps'] !== '' ? 'checked' : '') ?> />
<label for="enable_external_apps_cb-richdocuments"><?php p($l->t('Enable access for external apps')) ?></label>
<div id="enable-external-apps-section" class="indent <?php if ($_['external_apps'] == '') p('hidden') ?>" >
<div id="external-apps-section">
<input type="hidden" id="external-apps-raw" name="external-apps-raw" value="<?php p($_['external_apps']) ?>">
<button type="button" id="external-apps-save-button"><?php p($l->t('Save')) ?></button>
<button type="button" id="external-apps-add-button"><?php p($l->t('Add')) ?></button>
<span id="enable-external-apps-section-msg" class="msg"></span>

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2017 Lukas Reschke <>
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace Tests\Richdocuments;
use OCA\Richdocuments\PermissionManager;
use OCP\IConfig;
use OCP\IGroupManager;
use OCP\IUser;
use Test\TestCase;
class PermissionManagerTest extends TestCase {
/** @var IConfig|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockBuilder */
private $config;
/** @var IGroupManager|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockBuilder */
private $groupManager;
/** @var PermissionManager */
private $permissionManager;
public function setUp() {
$this->config = $this->createMock(IConfig::class);
$this->groupManager = $this->createMock(IGroupManager::class);
$this->permissionManager = new PermissionManager($this->config, $this->groupManager);
public function testIsEnabledForUserEnabledNoRestrictions() {
/** @var IUser|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockBuilder $user */
$user = $this->createMock(IUser::class);
->with('richdocuments', 'use_groups', '')
public function testIsEnabledForUserEnabledNotInGroup() {
/** @var IUser|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockBuilder $user */
$user = $this->createMock(IUser::class);
->with('richdocuments', 'use_groups', '')
->with('TestUser', 'Enabled1')
->with('TestUser', 'Enabled2')
->with('TestUser', 'Enabled3')
public function testIsEnabledForUserEnabledInGroup() {
/** @var IUser|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockBuilder $user */
$user = $this->createMock(IUser::class);
->with('richdocuments', 'use_groups', '')
->with('TestUser', 'Enabled1')
->with('TestUser', 'Enabled2')