Add support for adding canonical webroot (#157)

See cc42c7f46c

for details
Pranav Kant 6 anos atrás commit de Andras Timar
commit a08c0b7a5e

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
.rd-settings-documentation {
max-width: 50em;
#richdocuments h2 {
display: inline-block;

@ -72,6 +72,16 @@ var documentsSettings = {
saveWebroot: function(value) {
var data = {
'canonical_webroot': value
OC.filePath('richdocuments', 'ajax', 'admin.php'),
afterSaveExternalApps: function(response) {
OC.msg.finishedAction('#enable-external-apps-section-msg', response);
@ -233,6 +243,22 @@ var documentsSettings = {
$(document).on('change', '#enable_canonical_webroot_cb-richdocuments', function() {
var page = $(this).parent();
page.find('#enable-canonical-webroot-section').toggleClass('hidden', !this.checked);
if (!this.checked) {
} else {
var val = $('#canonical-webroot').val();
if (val)
$(document).on('change', '#canonical-webroot', function() {

@ -71,6 +71,19 @@ var documentsMain = {
renderComplete: false, // false till page is rendered with all required data about the document(s)
toolbar : '<div id="ocToolbar"><div id="ocToolbarInside"></div><span id="toolbar" class="claro"></span></div>',
// generates docKey for given fileId
_generateDocKey: function(wopiFileId) {
var ocurl = OC.generateUrl('apps/richdocuments/wopi/files/{file_id}', {file_id: wopiFileId});
if (richdocuments_canonical_webroot) {
if (!richdocuments_canonical_webroot.startsWith('/'))
richdocuments_canonical_webroot = '/' + richdocuments_canonical_webroot;
ocurl = ocurl.replace(OC.webroot, richdocuments_canonical_webroot);
return ocurl;
UI : {
/* Editor wrapper HTML */
container : '<div id="mainContainer" class="claro">' +
@ -115,189 +128,9 @@ var documentsMain = {
$('#revViewerContainer').prepend($('<div id="revViewer">'));
var ocurl = documentsMain._generateDocKey(fileId);
// WOPISrc - URL that loolwsd will access (ie. pointing to ownCloud)
var wopiurl = window.location.protocol + '//' + + OC.generateUrl('apps/richdocuments/wopi/files/{file_id}', {file_id: fileId});
var wopisrc = encodeURIComponent(wopiurl);
// urlsrc - the URL from discovery xml that we access for the particular
// document; we add various parameters to that.
// The discovery is available at
// https://<loolwsd-server>:9980/hosting/discovery
var urlsrc = documentsMain.urlsrc +
"WOPISrc=" + wopisrc +
"&title=" + encodeURIComponent(title) +
"&lang=" + OC.getLocale().replace('_', '-') + // loleaflet expects a BCP47 language tag syntax
// access_token - must be passed via a form post
var access_token = encodeURIComponent(documentsMain.token);
// form to post the access token for WOPISrc
var form = '<form id="loleafletform_viewer" name="loleafletform_viewer" target="loleafletframe_viewer" action="' + urlsrc + '" method="post">' +
'<input name="access_token" value="' + access_token + '" type="hidden"/></form>';
// iframe that contains the Collabora Online Viewer
var frame = '<iframe id="loleafletframe_viewer" name= "loleafletframe_viewer" style="width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;"/>';
// submit that
documentsMain.isViewerMode = true;
// for closing revision mode
$('#revPanelHeader .closeButton').click(function(e) {
addRevision: function(fileId, version, relativeTimestamp, documentPath) {
var formattedTimestamp = OC.Util.formatDate(parseInt(version) * 1000);
var fileName = documentsMain.fileName.substring(0, documentsMain.fileName.indexOf('.'));
var downloadUrl, restoreUrl;
if (version === 0) {
formattedTimestamp = t('richdocuments', 'Latest revision');
downloadUrl = OC.generateUrl('apps/files/download'+ documentPath);
} else {
downloadUrl = OC.generateUrl('apps/files_versions/download.php?file={file}&revision={revision}',
{file: documentPath, revision: version});
fileId = fileId + '_' + version;
restoreUrl = OC.generateUrl('apps/files_versions/ajax/rollbackVersion.php?file={file}&revision={revision}',
{file: documentPath, revision: version});
var revHistoryItemTemplate = Handlebars.compile(documentsMain.UI.revHistoryItemTemplate);
var html = revHistoryItemTemplate({
downloadUrl: downloadUrl,
downloadIconUrl: OC.imagePath('core', 'actions/download'),
restoreUrl: restoreUrl,
restoreIconUrl: OC.imagePath('core', 'actions/history'),
relativeTimestamp: relativeTimestamp,
formattedTimestamp: formattedTimestamp
html = $(html).attr('data-fileid', fileId)
.attr('data-title', fileName + ' - ' + formattedTimestamp);
$('#revisionsContainer ul').append(html);
fetchAndFillRevisions: function(documentPath) {
// fill #rev-history with file versions
{ documentPath: documentPath, start: documentsMain.UI.revisionsStart }),
function(result) {
for(var key in {
// owncloud only gives 5 version at max in one go
documentsMain.UI.revisionsStart += 5;
if ( {
// Remove 'More versions' button
showRevHistory: function(documentPath) {
var revHistoryContainerTemplate = Handlebars.compile(documentsMain.UI.revHistoryContainerTemplate);
var revHistoryContainer = revHistoryContainerTemplate({
filename: documentsMain.fileName,
moreVersionsLabel: t('richdocuments', 'More versions…'),
closeButtonUrl: OC.imagePath('core', 'actions/close')
documentsMain.UI.revisionsStart = 0;
// append current document first
documentsMain.UI.addRevision(documentsMain.fileId, 0, t('richdocuments', 'Just now'), documentPath);
// add "Show more versions" button
$('#show-more-versions').click(function(e) {
// fake click to load first 5 versions
// make these revisions clickable/attach functionality
$('#revisionsContainer').on('click', '.versionPreview', function(e) {
// mark only current <li> as active
$('#revisionsContainer').on('click', '.restoreVersion', function(e) {
// close the viewer
// close the editor
// If there are changes in the opened editor, we need to wait
// for sometime before these changes can be saved and a revision is created for it,
// before restoring to requested version.
setTimeout(function() {
// restore selected version
type: 'GET',
url: e.currentTarget.href,
success: function(response) {
if (response.status === 'error') {
documentsMain.UI.notify(t('richdocuments', 'Failed to revert the document to older version'));
// load the file again, it should get reverted now
window.location = OC.generateUrl('apps/richdocuments/index#{fileid}', {fileid: e.currentTarget.parentElement.dataset.fileid});
}, 1000);
// fake click on first revision (i.e current revision)
$('#revisionsContainer li').first().find('.versionPreview').click();
showEditor : function(title, fileId, action){
if (documentsMain.loadError) {
documentsMain.onEditorShutdown(documentsMain.loadErrorMessage + '\n' + documentsMain.loadErrorHint);
if (!documentsMain.renderComplete) {
setTimeout(function() { documentsMain.UI.showEditor(title, action); }, 500);
console.log('Waiting for page to render…');
parent.postMessage('loading', '*');
parent.document.title = title + ' - ' + documentsMain.UI.mainTitle;
// WOPISrc - URL that loolwsd will access (ie. pointing to ownCloud)
var wopiurl = window.location.protocol + '//' + + OC.generateUrl('apps/richdocuments/wopi/files/{file_id}', {file_id: documentsMain.fileId});
var wopisrc = encodeURIComponent(wopiurl);
var wopiurl = window.location.protocol + '//' + + ocurl;
// urlsrc - the URL from discovery xml that we access for the particular
// document; we add various parameters to that.

@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ class DocumentController extends Controller {
'urlsrc' => $urlSrc,
'path' => $folder->getRelativePath($item->getPath()),
'instanceId' => $this->settings->getSystemValue('instanceid'),
'canonical_webroot' => $this->appConfig->getAppValue('canonical_webroot'),
$encryptionManager = \OC::$server->getEncryptionManager();

@ -64,13 +64,16 @@ class SettingsController extends Controller{
* @param string $edit_groups
* @param string $use_groups
* @param string $doc_format
* @param string $external_apps
* @param string $canonical_webroot
* @return JSONResponse
public function setSettings($wopi_url,
$canonical_webroot) {
$message = $this->l10n->t('Saved');
if ($wopi_url !== null){
@ -98,6 +101,10 @@ class SettingsController extends Controller{
$this->appConfig->setAppValue('external_apps', $external_apps);
if ($canonical_webroot !== null) {
$this->appConfig->setAppValue('canonical_webroot', $canonical_webroot);
$response = [

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ script('richdocuments', 'admin');
<input type="checkbox" class="doc-format-ooxml" id="doc_format_ooxml_enable-richdocuments" <?php p($_['doc_format'] === 'ooxml' ? 'checked' : '') ?> />
<label for="doc_format_ooxml_enable-richdocuments"><?php p($l->t('Use OOXML by default for new files')) ?></label>
<input type="checkbox" id="enable_external_apps_cb-richdocuments" <?php p($_['external_apps'] !== '' ? 'checked' : '') ?> />
<input type="checkbox" id="enable_external_apps_cb-richdocuments" <?php p($_['external_apps'] != '' ? 'checked' : '') ?> />
<label for="enable_external_apps_cb-richdocuments"><?php p($l->t('Enable access for external apps')) ?></label>
<div id="enable-external-apps-section" class="indent <?php if ($_['external_apps'] == '') p('hidden') ?>" >
<div id="external-apps-section">
@ -36,5 +36,13 @@ script('richdocuments', 'admin');
<button type="button" id="external-apps-save-button"><?php p($l->t('Save')) ?></button>
<button type="button" id="external-apps-add-button"><?php p($l->t('Add')) ?></button>
<span id="enable-external-apps-section-msg" class="msg"></span>
<input type="checkbox" id="enable_canonical_webroot_cb-richdocuments" <?php p($_['canonical_webroot'] != '' ? 'checked' : '') ?> />
<label for="canonical_webroot_cb-richdocuments"><?php p($l->t('Use Canonical webroot')) ?></label>
<div id="enable-canonical-webroot-section" class="indent <?php if ($_['canonical_webroot'] == '') p('hidden') ?>" >
<input type="text" id="canonical-webroot" name="canonical-webroot-name" value="<?php p($_['canonical_webroot']) ?>">
<p class="rd-settings-documentation"><em><?php p($l->t('Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolized webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolized and non-shibbolized webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance.')) ?></em></p>

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
var richdocuments_urlsrc = '<?php p($_['urlsrc']) ?>';
var richdocuments_path = '<?php p($_['path']) ?>';
var instanceId = '<?php p($_['instanceId']) ?>';
var richdocuments_canonical_webroot = '<?php p($_['canonical_webroot']) ?>';
