remove old transifex code

Thomas Müller 8 years ago
parent e70043c361
commit 9a4b72711c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: A943788A3BBEC44C

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
host =
lang_map = ja_JP: ja
file_filter = <lang>/documents.po
source_file = templates/documents.pot
source_lang = en
type = PO

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
"Saving..." => "Stoor...",
"Share" => "Deel",
"Cancel" => "Kanseleer",
"OK" => "OK",
"Password" => "Wagwoord"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "وثائق",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "لا تمتلك الصلاحية لاعادة تسمية هذا المستند",
"Saved" : "حفظ",
"Saving..." : "جاري الحفظ...",
"Failed to load documents." : "فشل في تحميل الوثائق",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "لا يوجد اتصال مع الخادم. في محاولة لإعادة الاتصال.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "ترك هذه الصفحة في وضع التعديل ممكن ان يسبب فقد للبيانات. ننصح باستخدام زر اغلاق",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "فشل في تحميل المستند. يرجى التحقق من امكانية فتحة عن طريق محرر odt خارجي. قد يعني انه تم الغاء المشاركة او حذفة مؤخرا",
"Save" : "حفظ",
"Loading documents..." : "يتم تحميل المستند ...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "\".\" اسم ملف غير صحيح.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "اسم الملف لا يجوز أن يكون فارغا",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "اسم غير صحيح , الرموز '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' و \"*\" غير مسموح استخدامها",
"Align Left" : "محاذاة إلى اليسار",
"Alignment" : "المحاذاة",
"Align Right" : "محاذاة إلى اليمين",
"Annotate" : "تعليق",
"Background" : "خلفية",
"Bold" : "عريض",
"Bottom" : "أسفل",
"Cancel" : "الغاء",
"Center" : "وسط",
"Clone" : "استنساخ ",
"Clone this Style" : "استنساخ هذا الشكل",
"Close" : "إغلاق",
"Color" : "اللون",
"Create" : "انشئ",
"Decrease Indent" : "تقليص المسافة الابتدائية",
"Default Style" : "الشكل الافتراضي",
"Delete" : "إلغاء",
"Family" : "العائلة",
"Font" : "الخط",
"Font Effects" : "تاثيرات الخط",
"Format" : "الشكل",
"Increase Indent" : "توسيع المسافة الابتدائية",
"Insert Image" : "إدراج صورة",
"Invite Members" : "دعوة الأعضاء",
"Italic" : "مائل",
"Justified" : "مضبوط",
"Justify" : "برر",
"Left" : "اليسار",
"Loading" : "تحميل",
"Members" : "الأعضاء",
"New Name:" : "اسم جديد:",
"OK" : "تم",
"Open" : "افتح",
"Options" : "خيارات",
"Paragraph..." : "فقرة...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "شكل الفقرة ",
"Redo" : "إعادة",
"Right" : "اليمين",
"Size" : "حجم",
"Spacing" : "المسافة",
"Strikethrough" : "مشطوب",
"Style" : "شكل",
"Text" : "معلومات إضافية",
"Top" : "أعلى",
"Underline" : "مسطّر",
"Undo" : "تراجع",
"Unknown Author" : "المؤلف مجهول",
"Shared" : "مشارك",
"Error" : "خطأ",
"Error while sharing" : "حصل خطأ عند عملية المشاركة",
"Error while unsharing" : "حصل خطأ عند عملية إزالة المشاركة",
"Error while changing permissions" : "حصل خطأ عند عملية إعادة تعيين التصريح بالتوصل",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "شورك معك ومع المجموعة {group} من قبل {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "شورك معك من قبل {owner}",
"Share" : "شارك",
"Share link" : "شارك الرابط",
"Link" : "الرابط",
"Password protect" : "حماية كلمة السر",
"Password" : "كلمة المرور",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "اختر كلمة مرور للرابط العام",
"Allow editing" : "السماح بالتعديلات",
"Email link to person" : "ارسل الرابط بالبريد الى صديق",
"Send" : "أرسل",
"Set expiration date" : "تعيين تاريخ إنتهاء الصلاحية",
"Expiration" : "إنتهاء",
"Expiration date" : "تاريخ إنتهاء الصلاحية",
"Adding user..." : "إضافة مستخدم",
"group" : "مجموعة",
"remote" : "عن بعد",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "لا يسمح بعملية إعادة المشاركة",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "شورك في {item} مع {user}",
"Unshare" : "إلغاء المشاركة",
"notify by email" : "الإشعار عن طريق البريد",
"can share" : "يمكن المشاركة",
"can edit" : "يمكن التحرير",
"access control" : "ضبط الوصول",
"create" : "إنشاء",
"change" : "تغيير",
"delete" : "حذف",
"Password protected" : "محمي بكلمة السر",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "حصل خطأ عند عملية إزالة تاريخ إنتهاء الصلاحية",
"Error setting expiration date" : "حصل خطأ عند عملية تعيين تاريخ إنتهاء الصلاحية",
"Sending ..." : "جاري الارسال ...",
"Email sent" : "تم ارسال البريد الالكتروني",
"Warning" : "تحذير",
"Edit" : "تعديل",
"Local" : "محلي",
"External" : "خارجي",
"Disabled" : "معطلة",
"Server URL" : "رابط السيرفر",
"New document" : "مستند جديد",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "الرفع ( حد اقصى. %s ) ",
"Upload" : "رفع",
"Save new documents to" : "حفظ المستندات الجديدة إلى",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "كلمة مرور خاطئة. يرجى إعادة المحاولة",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "هذا الرابط قد انتهى او لم ينشئ. يرجى الاتصال بالشخص المعني للمزيد من المعلومات.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "طقم الأدوات المتقدم",
"(Unstable)" : "(غير مستقر)"
"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;");

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "وثائق",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "لا تمتلك الصلاحية لاعادة تسمية هذا المستند",
"Saved" : "حفظ",
"Saving..." : "جاري الحفظ...",
"Failed to load documents." : "فشل في تحميل الوثائق",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "لا يوجد اتصال مع الخادم. في محاولة لإعادة الاتصال.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "ترك هذه الصفحة في وضع التعديل ممكن ان يسبب فقد للبيانات. ننصح باستخدام زر اغلاق",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "فشل في تحميل المستند. يرجى التحقق من امكانية فتحة عن طريق محرر odt خارجي. قد يعني انه تم الغاء المشاركة او حذفة مؤخرا",
"Save" : "حفظ",
"Loading documents..." : "يتم تحميل المستند ...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "\".\" اسم ملف غير صحيح.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "اسم الملف لا يجوز أن يكون فارغا",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "اسم غير صحيح , الرموز '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' و \"*\" غير مسموح استخدامها",
"Align Left" : "محاذاة إلى اليسار",
"Alignment" : "المحاذاة",
"Align Right" : "محاذاة إلى اليمين",
"Annotate" : "تعليق",
"Background" : "خلفية",
"Bold" : "عريض",
"Bottom" : "أسفل",
"Cancel" : "الغاء",
"Center" : "وسط",
"Clone" : "استنساخ ",
"Clone this Style" : "استنساخ هذا الشكل",
"Close" : "إغلاق",
"Color" : "اللون",
"Create" : "انشئ",
"Decrease Indent" : "تقليص المسافة الابتدائية",
"Default Style" : "الشكل الافتراضي",
"Delete" : "إلغاء",
"Family" : "العائلة",
"Font" : "الخط",
"Font Effects" : "تاثيرات الخط",
"Format" : "الشكل",
"Increase Indent" : "توسيع المسافة الابتدائية",
"Insert Image" : "إدراج صورة",
"Invite Members" : "دعوة الأعضاء",
"Italic" : "مائل",
"Justified" : "مضبوط",
"Justify" : "برر",
"Left" : "اليسار",
"Loading" : "تحميل",
"Members" : "الأعضاء",
"New Name:" : "اسم جديد:",
"OK" : "تم",
"Open" : "افتح",
"Options" : "خيارات",
"Paragraph..." : "فقرة...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "شكل الفقرة ",
"Redo" : "إعادة",
"Right" : "اليمين",
"Size" : "حجم",
"Spacing" : "المسافة",
"Strikethrough" : "مشطوب",
"Style" : "شكل",
"Text" : "معلومات إضافية",
"Top" : "أعلى",
"Underline" : "مسطّر",
"Undo" : "تراجع",
"Unknown Author" : "المؤلف مجهول",
"Shared" : "مشارك",
"Error" : "خطأ",
"Error while sharing" : "حصل خطأ عند عملية المشاركة",
"Error while unsharing" : "حصل خطأ عند عملية إزالة المشاركة",
"Error while changing permissions" : "حصل خطأ عند عملية إعادة تعيين التصريح بالتوصل",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "شورك معك ومع المجموعة {group} من قبل {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "شورك معك من قبل {owner}",
"Share" : "شارك",
"Share link" : "شارك الرابط",
"Link" : "الرابط",
"Password protect" : "حماية كلمة السر",
"Password" : "كلمة المرور",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "اختر كلمة مرور للرابط العام",
"Allow editing" : "السماح بالتعديلات",
"Email link to person" : "ارسل الرابط بالبريد الى صديق",
"Send" : "أرسل",
"Set expiration date" : "تعيين تاريخ إنتهاء الصلاحية",
"Expiration" : "إنتهاء",
"Expiration date" : "تاريخ إنتهاء الصلاحية",
"Adding user..." : "إضافة مستخدم",
"group" : "مجموعة",
"remote" : "عن بعد",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "لا يسمح بعملية إعادة المشاركة",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "شورك في {item} مع {user}",
"Unshare" : "إلغاء المشاركة",
"notify by email" : "الإشعار عن طريق البريد",
"can share" : "يمكن المشاركة",
"can edit" : "يمكن التحرير",
"access control" : "ضبط الوصول",
"create" : "إنشاء",
"change" : "تغيير",
"delete" : "حذف",
"Password protected" : "محمي بكلمة السر",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "حصل خطأ عند عملية إزالة تاريخ إنتهاء الصلاحية",
"Error setting expiration date" : "حصل خطأ عند عملية تعيين تاريخ إنتهاء الصلاحية",
"Sending ..." : "جاري الارسال ...",
"Email sent" : "تم ارسال البريد الالكتروني",
"Warning" : "تحذير",
"Edit" : "تعديل",
"Local" : "محلي",
"External" : "خارجي",
"Disabled" : "معطلة",
"Server URL" : "رابط السيرفر",
"New document" : "مستند جديد",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "الرفع ( حد اقصى. %s ) ",
"Upload" : "رفع",
"Save new documents to" : "حفظ المستندات الجديدة إلى",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "كلمة مرور خاطئة. يرجى إعادة المحاولة",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "هذا الرابط قد انتهى او لم ينشئ. يرجى الاتصال بالشخص المعني للمزيد من المعلومات.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "طقم الأدوات المتقدم",
"(Unstable)" : "(غير مستقر)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;"

@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "وثائق",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "لا تمتلك الصلاحية لاعادة تسمية هذا المستند",
"Saved" => "حفظ",
"Saving..." => "جاري الحفظ...",
"Failed to load documents." => "فشل في تحميل الوثائق",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "لا يوجد اتصال مع الخادم. في محاولة لإعادة الاتصال.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "ترك هذه الصفحة في وضع التعديل ممكن ان يسبب فقد للبيانات. ننصح باستخدام زر اغلاق",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "فشل في تحميل المستند. يرجى التحقق من امكانية فتحة عن طريق محرر odt خارجي. قد يعني انه تم الغاء المشاركة او حذفة مؤخرا",
"Save" => "حفظ",
"Loading documents..." => "يتم تحميل المستند ...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "\".\" اسم ملف غير صحيح.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "اسم الملف لا يجوز أن يكون فارغا",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "اسم غير صحيح , الرموز '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' و \"*\" غير مسموح استخدامها",
"Align Left" => "محاذاة إلى اليسار",
"Alignment" => "المحاذاة",
"Align Right" => "محاذاة إلى اليمين",
"Annotate" => "تعليق",
"Background" => "خلفية",
"Bold" => "عريض",
"Bottom" => "أسفل",
"Cancel" => "الغاء",
"Center" => "وسط",
"Clone" => "استنساخ ",
"Clone this Style" => "استنساخ هذا الشكل",
"Close" => "إغلاق",
"Color" => "اللون",
"Create" => "انشئ",
"Decrease Indent" => "تقليص المسافة الابتدائية",
"Default Style" => "الشكل الافتراضي",
"Delete" => "إلغاء",
"Family" => "العائلة",
"Font" => "الخط",
"Font Effects" => "تاثيرات الخط",
"Format" => "الشكل",
"Increase Indent" => "توسيع المسافة الابتدائية",
"Insert Image" => "إدراج صورة",
"Invite Members" => "دعوة الأعضاء",
"Italic" => "مائل",
"Justified" => "مضبوط",
"Justify" => "برر",
"Left" => "اليسار",
"Loading" => "تحميل",
"Members" => "الأعضاء",
"New Name:" => "اسم جديد:",
"OK" => "تم",
"Open" => "افتح",
"Options" => "خيارات",
"Paragraph..." => "فقرة...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "شكل الفقرة ",
"Redo" => "إعادة",
"Right" => "اليمين",
"Size" => "حجم",
"Spacing" => "المسافة",
"Strikethrough" => "مشطوب",
"Style" => "شكل",
"Text" => "معلومات إضافية",
"Top" => "أعلى",
"Underline" => "مسطّر",
"Undo" => "تراجع",
"Unknown Author" => "المؤلف مجهول",
"Shared" => "مشارك",
"Error" => "خطأ",
"Error while sharing" => "حصل خطأ عند عملية المشاركة",
"Error while unsharing" => "حصل خطأ عند عملية إزالة المشاركة",
"Error while changing permissions" => "حصل خطأ عند عملية إعادة تعيين التصريح بالتوصل",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "شورك معك ومع المجموعة {group} من قبل {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "شورك معك من قبل {owner}",
"Share" => "شارك",
"Share link" => "شارك الرابط",
"Link" => "الرابط",
"Password protect" => "حماية كلمة السر",
"Password" => "كلمة المرور",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "اختر كلمة مرور للرابط العام",
"Allow editing" => "السماح بالتعديلات",
"Email link to person" => "ارسل الرابط بالبريد الى صديق",
"Send" => "أرسل",
"Set expiration date" => "تعيين تاريخ إنتهاء الصلاحية",
"Expiration" => "إنتهاء",
"Expiration date" => "تاريخ إنتهاء الصلاحية",
"Adding user..." => "إضافة مستخدم",
"group" => "مجموعة",
"remote" => "عن بعد",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "لا يسمح بعملية إعادة المشاركة",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "شورك في {item} مع {user}",
"Unshare" => "إلغاء المشاركة",
"notify by email" => "الإشعار عن طريق البريد",
"can share" => "يمكن المشاركة",
"can edit" => "يمكن التحرير",
"access control" => "ضبط الوصول",
"create" => "إنشاء",
"change" => "تغيير",
"delete" => "حذف",
"Password protected" => "محمي بكلمة السر",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "حصل خطأ عند عملية إزالة تاريخ إنتهاء الصلاحية",
"Error setting expiration date" => "حصل خطأ عند عملية تعيين تاريخ إنتهاء الصلاحية",
"Sending ..." => "جاري الارسال ...",
"Email sent" => "تم ارسال البريد الالكتروني",
"Warning" => "تحذير",
"Edit" => "تعديل",
"Local" => "محلي",
"External" => "خارجي",
"Disabled" => "معطلة",
"Server URL" => "رابط السيرفر",
"New document" => "مستند جديد",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "الرفع ( حد اقصى. %s ) ",
"Upload" => "رفع",
"Save new documents to" => "حفظ المستندات الجديدة إلى",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "كلمة مرور خاطئة. يرجى إعادة المحاولة",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "هذا الرابط قد انتهى او لم ينشئ. يرجى الاتصال بالشخص المعني للمزيد من المعلومات.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "طقم الأدوات المتقدم",
"(Unstable)" => "(غير مستقر)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;";

@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Documentos",
"Can't create document" : "Nun pue crease'l documentu",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Nun tienes permisu pa camudar de nome a esti documentu",
"Directory saved successfully." : "El direutoriu guardóse correchamente.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Asocedió un fallu cuando se camudaba'l direutoriu.",
"Saved" : "Guardáu",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "El sirvidor de filtru de formatu cayó o ta mal configuráu",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Conversión fallida. Comprueba'l rexistru pa detalles.",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Fallu al cargar los documentos.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Nun s'alcontrarón documentos. ¡Xubi o crea un documentu pa entamar!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Nun hai conexón col sirvidor. Intentando reconeutar.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Si dexes esta páxina nel mou d'edición, pue ser que nun se guarden dalgunos datos. Ye preferible usar el botón «Zarrar».",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Nun pudo cargase'l documentu. Comprueba si pues abrilu con un editor de ficheros ODT esternu. Tamién pue ser que yá nun se comparta o se desaniciara de recién.",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents..." : "Cargando los documentos...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' nun ye un nome de ficheru válidu.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "El nome de ficheru nun pue quedar baleru.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nome inválidu, los caráuteres \"\\\", \"/\", \"<\", \">\", \":\", \"\", \"|\" \"?\" y \"*\" nun tán permitíos.",
"Align Left" : "Alliniar a la esquierda",
"Alignment" : "Alliniación",
"Align Right" : "Alliniar a la derecha",
"Annotate" : "Anotar",
"Background" : "Fondu",
"Bold" : "Negrina",
"Bottom" : "Inferior",
"Cancel" : "Encaboxar",
"Center" : "Centráu",
"Clone" : "Clonar",
"Clone this Style" : "Clonar esti estilu",
"Close" : "Zarrar",
"Color" : "Color",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Decrease Indent" : "Amenorgar sangría",
"Default Style" : "Estilu por defeutu",
"Delete" : "Desaniciar",
"Family" : "Familia",
"Font" : "Fonte",
"Font Effects" : "Efeutos de fonte",
"Format" : "Formatu",
"Increase Indent" : "Aumentar sangría",
"Insert Image" : "Inxertar una imaxe",
"Invite Members" : "Invitar a miembros",
"Italic" : "Cursiva",
"Justified" : "Xustificáu",
"Justify" : "Xustificar",
"Left" : "Esquierda",
"Loading" : "Cargando",
"Members" : "Miembros",
"New Name:" : "Nome nuevu:",
"OK" : "Aceutar",
"Open" : "Abrir",
"Options" : "Opciones",
"Paragraph..." : "Párrafu...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Estilos de párrafu",
"Redo" : "Refacer",
"Right" : "Derechu",
"Size" : "Tamañu",
"Spacing" : "Espaciamientu",
"Strikethrough" : "Tacháu",
"Style" : "Estilu",
"Text" : "Testu",
"Top" : "Superior",
"Underline" : "Solliñáu",
"Undo" : "Desfacer",
"Unknown Author" : "Autor desconocíu",
"Shared" : "Compartíu",
"Error" : "Fallu",
"Error while sharing" : "Fallu mientres la compartición",
"Error while unsharing" : "Fallu mientres se dexaba de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Fallu mientres camudaben los permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Compartíu contigo y col grupu {group} por {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartíu contigo por {owner}",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Share link" : "Compartir enllaz",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "L'enllaz públicu va caducar enantes de {days} díes dende la so creación",
"Password protect" : "Protexer con contraseña",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Escueyi una contraseña pal enllaz públicu",
"Email link to person" : "Enllaz de corréu-e a la persona",
"Send" : "Unviar",
"Set expiration date" : "Afitar la data de caducidá",
"Expiration" : "Caducidá",
"Expiration date" : "Data de caducidá",
"group" : "grupu",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Recompartir nun ta permitíu",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Compartíu en {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" : "Dexar de compartir",
"notify by email" : "notificar per corréu",
"can share" : "pue compartir",
"can edit" : "pue editar",
"access control" : "control d'accesu",
"create" : "crear",
"delete" : "desaniciar",
"Password protected" : "Contraseña protexida",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Fallu desafitando la data de caducidá",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Fallu afitando la fecha de caducidá",
"Sending ..." : "Unviando ...",
"Email sent" : "Corréu-e unviáu",
"Warning" : "Avisu",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"guest" : "invitáu",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Sofitu de MS Word (requier openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Llocal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice ta instaláu nesti sirvidor. El camín pal binariu apúrrese per preview_libreoffice_path en config.php",
"External" : "Esternu",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice ta instaláu nun sirvidor esternu executando un sirvidor de filtráu de formatu",
"Disabled" : "Deshabilitáu",
"No MS Word support" : "Nun esiste sofitu pa MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "URL del sirvidor",
"Apply and test" : "Aplicar y comprobar",
"New document" : "Documentu nuevu",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Xuba (máx. %s)",
"Upload" : "Xubir",
"Save new documents to" : "Guardar documentos nuevos en",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorreuta. Inténtalo de nueves.",
"Guest %s" : "Invitáu %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Esti enllaz caducó o enxamás esistió. Pa más detalles, contauta cola persona que lu compartió contigo.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Carauterístiques avanzaes",
"(Unstable)" : "(Inestable)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Documentos",
"Can't create document" : "Nun pue crease'l documentu",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Nun tienes permisu pa camudar de nome a esti documentu",
"Directory saved successfully." : "El direutoriu guardóse correchamente.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Asocedió un fallu cuando se camudaba'l direutoriu.",
"Saved" : "Guardáu",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "El sirvidor de filtru de formatu cayó o ta mal configuráu",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Conversión fallida. Comprueba'l rexistru pa detalles.",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Fallu al cargar los documentos.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Nun s'alcontrarón documentos. ¡Xubi o crea un documentu pa entamar!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Nun hai conexón col sirvidor. Intentando reconeutar.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Si dexes esta páxina nel mou d'edición, pue ser que nun se guarden dalgunos datos. Ye preferible usar el botón «Zarrar».",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Nun pudo cargase'l documentu. Comprueba si pues abrilu con un editor de ficheros ODT esternu. Tamién pue ser que yá nun se comparta o se desaniciara de recién.",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents..." : "Cargando los documentos...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' nun ye un nome de ficheru válidu.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "El nome de ficheru nun pue quedar baleru.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nome inválidu, los caráuteres \"\\\", \"/\", \"<\", \">\", \":\", \"\", \"|\" \"?\" y \"*\" nun tán permitíos.",
"Align Left" : "Alliniar a la esquierda",
"Alignment" : "Alliniación",
"Align Right" : "Alliniar a la derecha",
"Annotate" : "Anotar",
"Background" : "Fondu",
"Bold" : "Negrina",
"Bottom" : "Inferior",
"Cancel" : "Encaboxar",
"Center" : "Centráu",
"Clone" : "Clonar",
"Clone this Style" : "Clonar esti estilu",
"Close" : "Zarrar",
"Color" : "Color",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Decrease Indent" : "Amenorgar sangría",
"Default Style" : "Estilu por defeutu",
"Delete" : "Desaniciar",
"Family" : "Familia",
"Font" : "Fonte",
"Font Effects" : "Efeutos de fonte",
"Format" : "Formatu",
"Increase Indent" : "Aumentar sangría",
"Insert Image" : "Inxertar una imaxe",
"Invite Members" : "Invitar a miembros",
"Italic" : "Cursiva",
"Justified" : "Xustificáu",
"Justify" : "Xustificar",
"Left" : "Esquierda",
"Loading" : "Cargando",
"Members" : "Miembros",
"New Name:" : "Nome nuevu:",
"OK" : "Aceutar",
"Open" : "Abrir",
"Options" : "Opciones",
"Paragraph..." : "Párrafu...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Estilos de párrafu",
"Redo" : "Refacer",
"Right" : "Derechu",
"Size" : "Tamañu",
"Spacing" : "Espaciamientu",
"Strikethrough" : "Tacháu",
"Style" : "Estilu",
"Text" : "Testu",
"Top" : "Superior",
"Underline" : "Solliñáu",
"Undo" : "Desfacer",
"Unknown Author" : "Autor desconocíu",
"Shared" : "Compartíu",
"Error" : "Fallu",
"Error while sharing" : "Fallu mientres la compartición",
"Error while unsharing" : "Fallu mientres se dexaba de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Fallu mientres camudaben los permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Compartíu contigo y col grupu {group} por {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartíu contigo por {owner}",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Share link" : "Compartir enllaz",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "L'enllaz públicu va caducar enantes de {days} díes dende la so creación",
"Password protect" : "Protexer con contraseña",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Escueyi una contraseña pal enllaz públicu",
"Email link to person" : "Enllaz de corréu-e a la persona",
"Send" : "Unviar",
"Set expiration date" : "Afitar la data de caducidá",
"Expiration" : "Caducidá",
"Expiration date" : "Data de caducidá",
"group" : "grupu",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Recompartir nun ta permitíu",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Compartíu en {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" : "Dexar de compartir",
"notify by email" : "notificar per corréu",
"can share" : "pue compartir",
"can edit" : "pue editar",
"access control" : "control d'accesu",
"create" : "crear",
"delete" : "desaniciar",
"Password protected" : "Contraseña protexida",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Fallu desafitando la data de caducidá",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Fallu afitando la fecha de caducidá",
"Sending ..." : "Unviando ...",
"Email sent" : "Corréu-e unviáu",
"Warning" : "Avisu",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"guest" : "invitáu",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Sofitu de MS Word (requier openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Llocal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice ta instaláu nesti sirvidor. El camín pal binariu apúrrese per preview_libreoffice_path en config.php",
"External" : "Esternu",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice ta instaláu nun sirvidor esternu executando un sirvidor de filtráu de formatu",
"Disabled" : "Deshabilitáu",
"No MS Word support" : "Nun esiste sofitu pa MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "URL del sirvidor",
"Apply and test" : "Aplicar y comprobar",
"New document" : "Documentu nuevu",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Xuba (máx. %s)",
"Upload" : "Xubir",
"Save new documents to" : "Guardar documentos nuevos en",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorreuta. Inténtalo de nueves.",
"Guest %s" : "Invitáu %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Esti enllaz caducó o enxamás esistió. Pa más detalles, contauta cola persona que lu compartió contigo.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Carauterístiques avanzaes",
"(Unstable)" : "(Inestable)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Documentos",
"Can't create document" => "Nun pue crease'l documentu",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Nun tienes permisu pa camudar de nome a esti documentu",
"Directory saved successfully." => "El direutoriu guardóse correchamente.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Asocedió un fallu cuando se camudaba'l direutoriu.",
"Saved" => "Guardáu",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "El sirvidor de filtru de formatu cayó o ta mal configuráu",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Conversión fallida. Comprueba'l rexistru pa detalles.",
"Saving..." => "Guardando...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Fallu al cargar los documentos.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Nun s'alcontrarón documentos. ¡Xubi o crea un documentu pa entamar!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Nun hai conexón col sirvidor. Intentando reconeutar.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Si dexes esta páxina nel mou d'edición, pue ser que nun se guarden dalgunos datos. Ye preferible usar el botón «Zarrar».",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Nun pudo cargase'l documentu. Comprueba si pues abrilu con un editor de ficheros ODT esternu. Tamién pue ser que yá nun se comparta o se desaniciara de recién.",
"Save" => "Guardar",
"Loading documents..." => "Cargando los documentos...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' nun ye un nome de ficheru válidu.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "El nome de ficheru nun pue quedar baleru.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nome inválidu, los caráuteres \"\\\", \"/\", \"<\", \">\", \":\", \"\", \"|\" \"?\" y \"*\" nun tán permitíos.",
"Align Left" => "Alliniar a la esquierda",
"Alignment" => "Alliniación",
"Align Right" => "Alliniar a la derecha",
"Annotate" => "Anotar",
"Background" => "Fondu",
"Bold" => "Negrina",
"Bottom" => "Inferior",
"Cancel" => "Encaboxar",
"Center" => "Centráu",
"Clone" => "Clonar",
"Clone this Style" => "Clonar esti estilu",
"Close" => "Zarrar",
"Color" => "Color",
"Create" => "Crear",
"Decrease Indent" => "Amenorgar sangría",
"Default Style" => "Estilu por defeutu",
"Delete" => "Desaniciar",
"Family" => "Familia",
"Font" => "Fonte",
"Font Effects" => "Efeutos de fonte",
"Format" => "Formatu",
"Increase Indent" => "Aumentar sangría",
"Insert Image" => "Inxertar una imaxe",
"Invite Members" => "Invitar a miembros",
"Italic" => "Cursiva",
"Justified" => "Xustificáu",
"Justify" => "Xustificar",
"Left" => "Esquierda",
"Loading" => "Cargando",
"Members" => "Miembros",
"New Name:" => "Nome nuevu:",
"OK" => "Aceutar",
"Open" => "Abrir",
"Options" => "Opciones",
"Paragraph..." => "Párrafu...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Estilos de párrafu",
"Redo" => "Refacer",
"Right" => "Derechu",
"Size" => "Tamañu",
"Spacing" => "Espaciamientu",
"Strikethrough" => "Tacháu",
"Style" => "Estilu",
"Text" => "Testu",
"Top" => "Superior",
"Underline" => "Solliñáu",
"Undo" => "Desfacer",
"Unknown Author" => "Autor desconocíu",
"Shared" => "Compartíu",
"Error" => "Fallu",
"Error while sharing" => "Fallu mientres la compartición",
"Error while unsharing" => "Fallu mientres se dexaba de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Fallu mientres camudaben los permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Compartíu contigo y col grupu {group} por {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Compartíu contigo por {owner}",
"Share" => "Compartir",
"Share link" => "Compartir enllaz",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "L'enllaz públicu va caducar enantes de {days} díes dende la so creación",
"Password protect" => "Protexer con contraseña",
"Password" => "Contraseña",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Escueyi una contraseña pal enllaz públicu",
"Email link to person" => "Enllaz de corréu-e a la persona",
"Send" => "Unviar",
"Set expiration date" => "Afitar la data de caducidá",
"Expiration" => "Caducidá",
"Expiration date" => "Data de caducidá",
"group" => "grupu",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Recompartir nun ta permitíu",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Compartíu en {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" => "Dexar de compartir",
"notify by email" => "notificar per corréu",
"can share" => "pue compartir",
"can edit" => "pue editar",
"access control" => "control d'accesu",
"create" => "crear",
"delete" => "desaniciar",
"Password protected" => "Contraseña protexida",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Fallu desafitando la data de caducidá",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Fallu afitando la fecha de caducidá",
"Sending ..." => "Unviando ...",
"Email sent" => "Corréu-e unviáu",
"Warning" => "Avisu",
"Edit" => "Editar",
"guest" => "invitáu",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "Sofitu de MS Word (requier openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" => "Llocal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/libreOffice ta instaláu nesti sirvidor. El camín pal binariu apúrrese per preview_libreoffice_path en config.php",
"External" => "Esternu",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "openOffice/libreOffice ta instaláu nun sirvidor esternu executando un sirvidor de filtráu de formatu",
"Disabled" => "Deshabilitáu",
"No MS Word support" => "Nun esiste sofitu pa MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "URL del sirvidor",
"Apply and test" => "Aplicar y comprobar",
"New document" => "Documentu nuevu",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Xuba (máx. %s)",
"Upload" => "Xubir",
"Save new documents to" => "Guardar documentos nuevos en",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Contraseña incorreuta. Inténtalo de nueves.",
"Guest %s" => "Invitáu %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Esti enllaz caducó o enxamás esistió. Pa más detalles, contauta cola persona que lu compartió contigo.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Carauterístiques avanzaes",
"(Unstable)" => "(Inestable)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Sənədlər",
"Can't create document" : "Sənədi yaratmaq mümkün olmadı",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Bu sənədin adını dəyişmək üçün sizin yetkiniz yoxdur.",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Qovluq uğurla saxlanıldı.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Qovluğu dəyişdikdə səhv baş verdi.",
"Saved" : "Saxlanıldı",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Fomat filtrasiyası serveri sönülüdür yada düzgün config edilməyib",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Dəyişiklikdə səh oldu. Ətraflı məlumat üçün jurnal faylını yoxlayın",
"Saving..." : "Saxlama...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Sənədlərin yüklənməsi mümkün olmadı.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Heç bir sənəd tapılmadı. Başlamaq üçün bir sənəd yarat yada əlavə et!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Serverə qoşulma yoxdur. Yenidən qoşulmaya cəhd elə",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Bu səhifəni dəyişdirilmə rejimində tərk etsəniz, qeyd edilməmiş datalar ola bilər. Məsləhət olunur ki, 'Close' düyməsindən istifadə edəsiniz.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Bu sənədin yüklənməsində səhv baş verdi. Xahiş olunur bunun kənar odt editorla açıla bilməsini yoxlayasınız. Həmçinin ola bilər ki, yaxın vaxtlarda ya silinib yada paylaşımı dayandırılıb.",
"Save" : "Saxlamaq",
"Loading documents..." : "Sənədlər yüklənir...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' yalnış fayl adıdır.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Faylın adı boş ola bilməz.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Yalnış ad, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' və '*' qəbul edilmir.",
"Align Left" : "Sola Düzmək",
"Alignment" : "Sıra",
"Align Right" : "Sağa Sıralama",
"Annotate" : "Kommentləmə",
"Background" : "Arxada",
"Bold" : "Qalın",
"Bottom" : "Alt",
"Cancel" : "Dayandır",
"Center" : "Mərkəz",
"Clone" : "Klon",
"Clone this Style" : "Bu stili klonla",
"Close" : "Bağla",
"Color" : "Rəng",
"Create" : "Yarat",
"Decrease Indent" : "Böşluğu azaltmaq",
"Default Style" : "Susmaya görə olan stil",
"Delete" : "Sil",
"Family" : "Ailə",
"Font" : "Şrift",
"Font Effects" : "Şrift Effektləri",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Boşluğu artırmaq",
"Insert Image" : "Təsviri yerləşdirmək",
"Invite Members" : "Üzvləri dəvət elə",
"Italic" : "Kursiv",
"Justified" : "Bəraət qazandırılmışdır",
"Justify" : "Doğrultmaq",
"Left" : "Sol",
"Loading" : "Yüklənir",
"Members" : "Üzvlər",
"New Name:" : "Yeni ad:",
"OK" : "Oldu",
"Open" : "Aç",
"Options" : "Opsiyalar",
"Paragraph..." : "Praqraf...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Paraqraf stilləri",
"Redo" : "Dəyişdirmək",
"Right" : "Sağ",
"Size" : "Həcm",
"Spacing" : "Məsafə",
"Strikethrough" : "Xətlənmiş",
"Style" : "Stil",
"Text" : "Tekst",
"Top" : "Yuxarı",
"Underline" : "Altdan cız çəkmək",
"Undo" : "Qaytar",
"Unknown Author" : "Naməlum Avtor",
"Error" : "Səhv",
"Share" : "Yayımla",
"Share link" : "Linki yayımla",
"Password" : "Şifrə",
"Send" : "Göndər",
"Expiration" : "Vaxtın bitməsi",
"group" : "qrup",
"Unshare" : "Paylaşımı durdur",
"can share" : "yayımlaya bilərsiniz",
"can edit" : "dəyişmək olar",
"delete" : "sil",
"Email sent" : "Məktub göndərildi",
"Warning" : "Xəbərdarlıq",
"Edit" : "Dəyişiklik et",
"guest" : "Qonaq",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word dəstəklənməsi (tələb edilir openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Yerli",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice bu serverə yüklənmişdir. Binar fayl üçün ünvan config.php faylında preview_libreoffice_path ilə təyin edilir ",
"External" : "Kənar",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice kənar serverdə filter formatında yüklənmişdir",
"Disabled" : "Dayandırılıb",
"No MS Word support" : "MS Word dəstəyi yoxdur",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Server URL",
"Apply and test" : "Mənimsət və test elə",
"New document" : "Yeni sənəd",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Yüklə (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Serverə yüklə",
"Save new documents to" : "Yeni sənədləri bu ünvanda saxla ",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Yalnış şifrə. Xahiş olunur təkrarlayasınız.",
"Guest %s" : "Qonaq %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Linkin vaxtı artıq bitmişdir və ya heç vaxt movcud olmayıb. Xahiş olunur detallar üçün bunu sizinlə paylaşan şəxs ilə əlaqə saxlayasınız.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Genişlənmiş imkanlar seçimi",
"(Unstable)" : "(Qeyri stabil)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Sənədlər",
"Can't create document" : "Sənədi yaratmaq mümkün olmadı",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Bu sənədin adını dəyişmək üçün sizin yetkiniz yoxdur.",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Qovluq uğurla saxlanıldı.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Qovluğu dəyişdikdə səhv baş verdi.",
"Saved" : "Saxlanıldı",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Fomat filtrasiyası serveri sönülüdür yada düzgün config edilməyib",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Dəyişiklikdə səh oldu. Ətraflı məlumat üçün jurnal faylını yoxlayın",
"Saving..." : "Saxlama...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Sənədlərin yüklənməsi mümkün olmadı.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Heç bir sənəd tapılmadı. Başlamaq üçün bir sənəd yarat yada əlavə et!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Serverə qoşulma yoxdur. Yenidən qoşulmaya cəhd elə",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Bu səhifəni dəyişdirilmə rejimində tərk etsəniz, qeyd edilməmiş datalar ola bilər. Məsləhət olunur ki, 'Close' düyməsindən istifadə edəsiniz.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Bu sənədin yüklənməsində səhv baş verdi. Xahiş olunur bunun kənar odt editorla açıla bilməsini yoxlayasınız. Həmçinin ola bilər ki, yaxın vaxtlarda ya silinib yada paylaşımı dayandırılıb.",
"Save" : "Saxlamaq",
"Loading documents..." : "Sənədlər yüklənir...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' yalnış fayl adıdır.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Faylın adı boş ola bilməz.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Yalnış ad, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' və '*' qəbul edilmir.",
"Align Left" : "Sola Düzmək",
"Alignment" : "Sıra",
"Align Right" : "Sağa Sıralama",
"Annotate" : "Kommentləmə",
"Background" : "Arxada",
"Bold" : "Qalın",
"Bottom" : "Alt",
"Cancel" : "Dayandır",
"Center" : "Mərkəz",
"Clone" : "Klon",
"Clone this Style" : "Bu stili klonla",
"Close" : "Bağla",
"Color" : "Rəng",
"Create" : "Yarat",
"Decrease Indent" : "Böşluğu azaltmaq",
"Default Style" : "Susmaya görə olan stil",
"Delete" : "Sil",
"Family" : "Ailə",
"Font" : "Şrift",
"Font Effects" : "Şrift Effektləri",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Boşluğu artırmaq",
"Insert Image" : "Təsviri yerləşdirmək",
"Invite Members" : "Üzvləri dəvət elə",
"Italic" : "Kursiv",
"Justified" : "Bəraət qazandırılmışdır",
"Justify" : "Doğrultmaq",
"Left" : "Sol",
"Loading" : "Yüklənir",
"Members" : "Üzvlər",
"New Name:" : "Yeni ad:",
"OK" : "Oldu",
"Open" : "Aç",
"Options" : "Opsiyalar",
"Paragraph..." : "Praqraf...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Paraqraf stilləri",
"Redo" : "Dəyişdirmək",
"Right" : "Sağ",
"Size" : "Həcm",
"Spacing" : "Məsafə",
"Strikethrough" : "Xətlənmiş",
"Style" : "Stil",
"Text" : "Tekst",
"Top" : "Yuxarı",
"Underline" : "Altdan cız çəkmək",
"Undo" : "Qaytar",
"Unknown Author" : "Naməlum Avtor",
"Error" : "Səhv",
"Share" : "Yayımla",
"Share link" : "Linki yayımla",
"Password" : "Şifrə",
"Send" : "Göndər",
"Expiration" : "Vaxtın bitməsi",
"group" : "qrup",
"Unshare" : "Paylaşımı durdur",
"can share" : "yayımlaya bilərsiniz",
"can edit" : "dəyişmək olar",
"delete" : "sil",
"Email sent" : "Məktub göndərildi",
"Warning" : "Xəbərdarlıq",
"Edit" : "Dəyişiklik et",
"guest" : "Qonaq",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word dəstəklənməsi (tələb edilir openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Yerli",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice bu serverə yüklənmişdir. Binar fayl üçün ünvan config.php faylında preview_libreoffice_path ilə təyin edilir ",
"External" : "Kənar",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice kənar serverdə filter formatında yüklənmişdir",
"Disabled" : "Dayandırılıb",
"No MS Word support" : "MS Word dəstəyi yoxdur",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Server URL",
"Apply and test" : "Mənimsət və test elə",
"New document" : "Yeni sənəd",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Yüklə (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Serverə yüklə",
"Save new documents to" : "Yeni sənədləri bu ünvanda saxla ",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Yalnış şifrə. Xahiş olunur təkrarlayasınız.",
"Guest %s" : "Qonaq %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Linkin vaxtı artıq bitmişdir və ya heç vaxt movcud olmayıb. Xahiş olunur detallar üçün bunu sizinlə paylaşan şəxs ilə əlaqə saxlayasınız.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Genişlənmiş imkanlar seçimi",
"(Unstable)" : "(Qeyri stabil)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Sənədlər",
"Can't create document" => "Sənədi yaratmaq mümkün olmadı",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Bu sənədin adını dəyişmək üçün sizin yetkiniz yoxdur.",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Qovluq uğurla saxlanıldı.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Qovluğu dəyişdikdə səhv baş verdi.",
"Saved" => "Saxlanıldı",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Fomat filtrasiyası serveri sönülüdür yada düzgün config edilməyib",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Dəyişiklikdə səh oldu. Ətraflı məlumat üçün jurnal faylını yoxlayın",
"Saving..." => "Saxlama...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Sənədlərin yüklənməsi mümkün olmadı.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Heç bir sənəd tapılmadı. Başlamaq üçün bir sənəd yarat yada əlavə et!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Serverə qoşulma yoxdur. Yenidən qoşulmaya cəhd elə",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Bu səhifəni dəyişdirilmə rejimində tərk etsəniz, qeyd edilməmiş datalar ola bilər. Məsləhət olunur ki, 'Close' düyməsindən istifadə edəsiniz.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Bu sənədin yüklənməsində səhv baş verdi. Xahiş olunur bunun kənar odt editorla açıla bilməsini yoxlayasınız. Həmçinin ola bilər ki, yaxın vaxtlarda ya silinib yada paylaşımı dayandırılıb.",
"Save" => "Saxlamaq",
"Loading documents..." => "Sənədlər yüklənir...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' yalnış fayl adıdır.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Faylın adı boş ola bilməz.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Yalnış ad, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' və '*' qəbul edilmir.",
"Align Left" => "Sola Düzmək",
"Alignment" => "Sıra",
"Align Right" => "Sağa Sıralama",
"Annotate" => "Kommentləmə",
"Background" => "Arxada",
"Bold" => "Qalın",
"Bottom" => "Alt",
"Cancel" => "Dayandır",
"Center" => "Mərkəz",
"Clone" => "Klon",
"Clone this Style" => "Bu stili klonla",
"Close" => "Bağla",
"Color" => "Rəng",
"Create" => "Yarat",
"Decrease Indent" => "Böşluğu azaltmaq",
"Default Style" => "Susmaya görə olan stil",
"Delete" => "Sil",
"Family" => "Ailə",
"Font" => "Şrift",
"Font Effects" => "Şrift Effektləri",
"Format" => "Format",
"Increase Indent" => "Boşluğu artırmaq",
"Insert Image" => "Təsviri yerləşdirmək",
"Invite Members" => "Üzvləri dəvət elə",
"Italic" => "Kursiv",
"Justified" => "Bəraət qazandırılmışdır",
"Justify" => "Doğrultmaq",
"Left" => "Sol",
"Loading" => "Yüklənir",
"Members" => "Üzvlər",
"New Name:" => "Yeni ad:",
"OK" => "Oldu",
"Open" => "Aç",
"Options" => "Opsiyalar",
"Paragraph..." => "Praqraf...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Paraqraf stilləri",
"Redo" => "Dəyişdirmək",
"Right" => "Sağ",
"Size" => "Həcm",
"Spacing" => "Məsafə",
"Strikethrough" => "Xətlənmiş",
"Style" => "Stil",
"Text" => "Tekst",
"Top" => "Yuxarı",
"Underline" => "Altdan cız çəkmək",
"Undo" => "Qaytar",
"Unknown Author" => "Naməlum Avtor",
"Error" => "Səhv",
"Share" => "Yayımla",
"Share link" => "Linki yayımla",
"Password" => "Şifrə",
"Send" => "Göndər",
"Expiration" => "Vaxtın bitməsi",
"group" => "qrup",
"Unshare" => "Paylaşımı durdur",
"can share" => "yayımlaya bilərsiniz",
"can edit" => "dəyişmək olar",
"delete" => "sil",
"Email sent" => "Məktub göndərildi",
"Warning" => "Xəbərdarlıq",
"Edit" => "Dəyişiklik et",
"guest" => "Qonaq",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "MS Word dəstəklənməsi (tələb edilir openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" => "Yerli",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/libreOffice bu serverə yüklənmişdir. Binar fayl üçün ünvan config.php faylında preview_libreoffice_path ilə təyin edilir ",
"External" => "Kənar",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "openOffice/libreOffice kənar serverdə filter formatında yüklənmişdir",
"Disabled" => "Dayandırılıb",
"No MS Word support" => "MS Word dəstəyi yoxdur",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "Server URL",
"Apply and test" => "Mənimsət və test elə",
"New document" => "Yeni sənəd",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Yüklə (max. %s)",
"Upload" => "Serverə yüklə",
"Save new documents to" => "Yeni sənədləri bu ünvanda saxla ",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Yalnış şifrə. Xahiş olunur təkrarlayasınız.",
"Guest %s" => "Qonaq %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Linkin vaxtı artıq bitmişdir və ya heç vaxt movcud olmayıb. Xahiş olunur detallar üçün bunu sizinlə paylaşan şəxs ilə əlaqə saxlayasınız.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Genişlənmiş imkanlar seçimi",
"(Unstable)" => "(Qeyri stabil)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"OK" => "Добра"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);";

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Документи",
"Can't create document" : "Неуспешно създаване на документ",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Нямате права да преименувате този документ",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Директорията е успешно запазена.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Настъпи грешка при смяната на директорията.",
"Saved" : "Запазване",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Сървърът за филтриране на форматите не работи или не е правилно настроен.",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Преобразуването е неуспешно. Проверете доклада за повече подробности.",
"Saving..." : "Запазване...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Неуспешно зареждане на документите.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Не са открити документи. Качете или създайте документ, за да започнете!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Няма връзка със сървъра. Опитване за повторно свързване.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Напускането на режим Редактиране може да доведе до загуба на незапазена информация. Вместо това се препоръчва използването на бутона 'Затваряне'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Зареждането на този документ е неуспешно. Моля, проверете дали може да бъде отворен с външен редактор за odt. Това може да означава, че е споделянето му е отменено или е бил изтрит наскоро.",
"Save" : "Запазване",
"Loading documents..." : "Зареждане на документите...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' е невалидно име за файл.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Името на файла не може да бъде празно.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Невалидно име, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' и '*' не са разрешени.",
"Align Left" : "Ляво подравняване",
"Alignment" : "Подравняване",
"Align Right" : "Дясно подравняване",
"Annotate" : "Анотация",
"Background" : "Фон",
"Bold" : "Удебелен",
"Bottom" : "Долу",
"Cancel" : "Отказ",
"Center" : "Центриран",
"Clone" : "Клониране",
"Clone this Style" : "Клониране на стила",
"Close" : "Затваряне",
"Color" : "Цвят",
"Create" : "Създаване",
"Decrease Indent" : "Намаляване на отстъпването",
"Default Style" : "Стил по подразбиране",
"Delete" : "Изтриване",
"Family" : "Семейство",
"Font" : "Шрифт",
"Font Effects" : "Ефекти на шрифта",
"Format" : "Форматиране",
"Increase Indent" : "Увеличаване на отстъпването",
"Insert Image" : "Вмъкване на изображение",
"Invite Members" : "Покана на членове",
"Italic" : "Курсивен",
"Justified" : "Разширен",
"Justify" : "Разшири",
"Left" : "Ляво",
"Loading" : "Зареждане",
"Members" : "Членове",
"New Name:" : "Ново Име:",
"OK" : "ОК",
"Open" : "Отвори",
"Options" : "Настройки",
"Paragraph..." : "Параграф...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Стил на Параграфа",
"Redo" : "Повтори",
"Right" : "Дясно",
"Size" : "Размер",
"Spacing" : "Разстояние между буквите",
"Strikethrough" : "Зачертано",
"Style" : "Стил",
"Text" : "Текст",
"Top" : "Горе",
"Underline" : "Подчертано",
"Undo" : "Върни",
"Unknown Author" : "Непознат Автор",
"Shared" : "Споделено",
"Error" : "Грешка",
"Error while sharing" : "Грешка при споделяне",
"Error while unsharing" : "Грешка при премахване на споделянето",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Грешка при промяна на привилегиите",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Споделено от {owner} с Вас и групата {group} .",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Споделено с Вас от {owner}.",
"Share" : "Сподели",
"Share link" : "Връзка за споделяне",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Общодостъпната връзка ще изтече не по-късно от {days} дни след създаването ѝ.",
"Link" : "Връзка",
"Password protect" : "Защитено с парола",
"Password" : "Парола",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Изберете парола за общодостъпната връзка",
"Allow editing" : "Позволяване на редактиране",
"Email link to person" : "Имейл връзка към човек",
"Send" : "Изпращане",
"Set expiration date" : "Задаване на дата на изтичане",
"Expiration" : "Изтичане",
"Expiration date" : "Дата на изтичане",
"Adding user..." : "Добавяне на потребител...",
"group" : "група",
"remote" : "отдалечен",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Повторно споделяне не е разрешено.",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Споделено в {item} с {user}.",
"Unshare" : "Премахване на споделяне",
"notify by email" : "уведомяване по електронна поща",
"can share" : "може да споделя",
"can edit" : "може да променя",
"access control" : "контрол на достъпа",
"create" : "създаване",
"change" : "промяна",
"delete" : "изтриване",
"Password protected" : "Защитено с парола",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Грешка при премахване на дата на изтичане",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Грешка при настройване на датата за изтичане",
"Sending ..." : "Изпращане ...",
"Email sent" : "Електронната поща е изпратена",
"Warning" : "Предупреждение",
"Edit" : "Промени",
"guest" : "гост",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Подръжка на MS Word (изисква openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Локален",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice е инсталиран на този сървър. Пътя до изпълнимия файл е зададен чрез preview_libreoffice_path в config.php",
"External" : "Външен",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice е инсталиран на външен съвър, на който работи сървър за филтриране на форматите.",
"Disabled" : "Изключено",
"No MS Word support" : "Не поддържа MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Адрес на Сървъра",
"Apply and test" : "Приложи и тествай",
"New document" : "Нов документ",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Качване (макс. %s)",
"Upload" : "Качи",
"Save new documents to" : "Запази новите документи в",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Грешна парола. Опитай пак.",
"Guest %s" : "Гост %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Този линк е изтекъл или никога не е съществувал. Моля, свържи се с човекът, който го е споделил с теб.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Допълнителни функции",
"(Unstable)" : "(Нестабилно)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Документи",
"Can't create document" : "Неуспешно създаване на документ",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Нямате права да преименувате този документ",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Директорията е успешно запазена.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Настъпи грешка при смяната на директорията.",
"Saved" : "Запазване",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Сървърът за филтриране на форматите не работи или не е правилно настроен.",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Преобразуването е неуспешно. Проверете доклада за повече подробности.",
"Saving..." : "Запазване...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Неуспешно зареждане на документите.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Не са открити документи. Качете или създайте документ, за да започнете!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Няма връзка със сървъра. Опитване за повторно свързване.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Напускането на режим Редактиране може да доведе до загуба на незапазена информация. Вместо това се препоръчва използването на бутона 'Затваряне'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Зареждането на този документ е неуспешно. Моля, проверете дали може да бъде отворен с външен редактор за odt. Това може да означава, че е споделянето му е отменено или е бил изтрит наскоро.",
"Save" : "Запазване",
"Loading documents..." : "Зареждане на документите...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' е невалидно име за файл.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Името на файла не може да бъде празно.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Невалидно име, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' и '*' не са разрешени.",
"Align Left" : "Ляво подравняване",
"Alignment" : "Подравняване",
"Align Right" : "Дясно подравняване",
"Annotate" : "Анотация",
"Background" : "Фон",
"Bold" : "Удебелен",
"Bottom" : "Долу",
"Cancel" : "Отказ",
"Center" : "Центриран",
"Clone" : "Клониране",
"Clone this Style" : "Клониране на стила",
"Close" : "Затваряне",
"Color" : "Цвят",
"Create" : "Създаване",
"Decrease Indent" : "Намаляване на отстъпването",
"Default Style" : "Стил по подразбиране",
"Delete" : "Изтриване",
"Family" : "Семейство",
"Font" : "Шрифт",
"Font Effects" : "Ефекти на шрифта",
"Format" : "Форматиране",
"Increase Indent" : "Увеличаване на отстъпването",
"Insert Image" : "Вмъкване на изображение",
"Invite Members" : "Покана на членове",
"Italic" : "Курсивен",
"Justified" : "Разширен",
"Justify" : "Разшири",
"Left" : "Ляво",
"Loading" : "Зареждане",
"Members" : "Членове",
"New Name:" : "Ново Име:",
"OK" : "ОК",
"Open" : "Отвори",
"Options" : "Настройки",
"Paragraph..." : "Параграф...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Стил на Параграфа",
"Redo" : "Повтори",
"Right" : "Дясно",
"Size" : "Размер",
"Spacing" : "Разстояние между буквите",
"Strikethrough" : "Зачертано",
"Style" : "Стил",
"Text" : "Текст",
"Top" : "Горе",
"Underline" : "Подчертано",
"Undo" : "Върни",
"Unknown Author" : "Непознат Автор",
"Shared" : "Споделено",
"Error" : "Грешка",
"Error while sharing" : "Грешка при споделяне",
"Error while unsharing" : "Грешка при премахване на споделянето",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Грешка при промяна на привилегиите",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Споделено от {owner} с Вас и групата {group} .",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Споделено с Вас от {owner}.",
"Share" : "Сподели",
"Share link" : "Връзка за споделяне",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Общодостъпната връзка ще изтече не по-късно от {days} дни след създаването ѝ.",
"Link" : "Връзка",
"Password protect" : "Защитено с парола",
"Password" : "Парола",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Изберете парола за общодостъпната връзка",
"Allow editing" : "Позволяване на редактиране",
"Email link to person" : "Имейл връзка към човек",
"Send" : "Изпращане",
"Set expiration date" : "Задаване на дата на изтичане",
"Expiration" : "Изтичане",
"Expiration date" : "Дата на изтичане",
"Adding user..." : "Добавяне на потребител...",
"group" : "група",
"remote" : "отдалечен",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Повторно споделяне не е разрешено.",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Споделено в {item} с {user}.",
"Unshare" : "Премахване на споделяне",
"notify by email" : "уведомяване по електронна поща",
"can share" : "може да споделя",
"can edit" : "може да променя",
"access control" : "контрол на достъпа",
"create" : "създаване",
"change" : "промяна",
"delete" : "изтриване",
"Password protected" : "Защитено с парола",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Грешка при премахване на дата на изтичане",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Грешка при настройване на датата за изтичане",
"Sending ..." : "Изпращане ...",
"Email sent" : "Електронната поща е изпратена",
"Warning" : "Предупреждение",
"Edit" : "Промени",
"guest" : "гост",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Подръжка на MS Word (изисква openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Локален",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice е инсталиран на този сървър. Пътя до изпълнимия файл е зададен чрез preview_libreoffice_path в config.php",
"External" : "Външен",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice е инсталиран на външен съвър, на който работи сървър за филтриране на форматите.",
"Disabled" : "Изключено",
"No MS Word support" : "Не поддържа MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Адрес на Сървъра",
"Apply and test" : "Приложи и тествай",
"New document" : "Нов документ",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Качване (макс. %s)",
"Upload" : "Качи",
"Save new documents to" : "Запази новите документи в",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Грешна парола. Опитай пак.",
"Guest %s" : "Гост %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Този линк е изтекъл или никога не е съществувал. Моля, свържи се с човекът, който го е споделил с теб.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Допълнителни функции",
"(Unstable)" : "(Нестабилно)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Документи",
"Can't create document" => "Неуспешно създаване на документ",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Нямате права да преименувате този документ",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Директорията е успешно запазена.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Настъпи грешка при смяната на директорията.",
"Saved" => "Запазване",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Сървърът за филтриране на форматите не работи или не е правилно настроен.",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Преобразуването е неуспешно. Проверете доклада за повече подробности.",
"Saving..." => "Запазване...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Неуспешно зареждане на документите.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Не са открити документи. Качете или създайте документ, за да започнете!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Няма връзка със сървъра. Опитване за повторно свързване.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Напускането на режим Редактиране може да доведе до загуба на незапазена информация. Вместо това се препоръчва използването на бутона 'Затваряне'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Зареждането на този документ е неуспешно. Моля, проверете дали може да бъде отворен с външен редактор за odt. Това може да означава, че е споделянето му е отменено или е бил изтрит наскоро.",
"Save" => "Запазване",
"Loading documents..." => "Зареждане на документите...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' е невалидно име за файл.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Името на файла не може да бъде празно.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Невалидно име, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' и '*' не са разрешени.",
"Align Left" => "Ляво подравняване",
"Alignment" => "Подравняване",
"Align Right" => "Дясно подравняване",
"Annotate" => "Анотация",
"Background" => "Фон",
"Bold" => "Удебелен",
"Bottom" => "Долу",
"Cancel" => "Отказ",
"Center" => "Центриран",
"Clone" => "Клониране",
"Clone this Style" => "Клониране на стила",
"Close" => "Затваряне",
"Color" => "Цвят",
"Create" => "Създаване",
"Decrease Indent" => "Намаляване на отстъпването",
"Default Style" => "Стил по подразбиране",
"Delete" => "Изтриване",
"Family" => "Семейство",
"Font" => "Шрифт",
"Font Effects" => "Ефекти на шрифта",
"Format" => "Форматиране",
"Increase Indent" => "Увеличаване на отстъпването",
"Insert Image" => "Вмъкване на изображение",
"Invite Members" => "Покана на членове",
"Italic" => "Курсивен",
"Justified" => "Разширен",
"Justify" => "Разшири",
"Left" => "Ляво",
"Loading" => "Зареждане",
"Members" => "Членове",
"New Name:" => "Ново Име:",
"OK" => "ОК",
"Open" => "Отвори",
"Options" => "Настройки",
"Paragraph..." => "Параграф...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Стил на Параграфа",
"Redo" => "Повтори",
"Right" => "Дясно",
"Size" => "Размер",
"Spacing" => "Разстояние между буквите",
"Strikethrough" => "Зачертано",
"Style" => "Стил",
"Text" => "Текст",
"Top" => "Горе",
"Underline" => "Подчертано",
"Undo" => "Върни",
"Unknown Author" => "Непознат Автор",
"Shared" => "Споделено",
"Error" => "Грешка",
"Error while sharing" => "Грешка при споделяне",
"Error while unsharing" => "Грешка при премахване на споделянето",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Грешка при промяна на привилегиите",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Споделено от {owner} с Вас и групата {group} .",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Споделено с Вас от {owner}.",
"Share" => "Сподели",
"Share link" => "Връзка за споделяне",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "Общодостъпната връзка ще изтече не по-късно от {days} дни след създаването ѝ.",
"Link" => "Връзка",
"Password protect" => "Защитено с парола",
"Password" => "Парола",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Изберете парола за общодостъпната връзка",
"Allow editing" => "Позволяване на редактиране",
"Email link to person" => "Имейл връзка към човек",
"Send" => "Изпращане",
"Set expiration date" => "Задаване на дата на изтичане",
"Expiration" => "Изтичане",
"Expiration date" => "Дата на изтичане",
"Adding user..." => "Добавяне на потребител...",
"group" => "група",
"remote" => "отдалечен",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Повторно споделяне не е разрешено.",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Споделено в {item} с {user}.",
"Unshare" => "Премахване на споделяне",
"notify by email" => "уведомяване по електронна поща",
"can share" => "може да споделя",
"can edit" => "може да променя",
"access control" => "контрол на достъпа",
"create" => "създаване",
"change" => "промяна",
"delete" => "изтриване",
"Password protected" => "Защитено с парола",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Грешка при премахване на дата на изтичане",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Грешка при настройване на датата за изтичане",
"Sending ..." => "Изпращане ...",
"Email sent" => "Електронната поща е изпратена",
"Warning" => "Предупреждение",
"Edit" => "Промени",
"guest" => "гост",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "Подръжка на MS Word (изисква openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" => "Локален",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/libreOffice е инсталиран на този сървър. Пътя до изпълнимия файл е зададен чрез preview_libreoffice_path в config.php",
"External" => "Външен",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "openOffice/libreOffice е инсталиран на външен съвър, на който работи сървър за филтриране на форматите.",
"Disabled" => "Изключено",
"No MS Word support" => "Не поддържа MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "Адрес на Сървъра",
"Apply and test" => "Приложи и тествай",
"New document" => "Нов документ",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Качване (макс. %s)",
"Upload" => "Качи",
"Save new documents to" => "Запази новите документи в",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Грешна парола. Опитай пак.",
"Guest %s" => "Гост %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Този линк е изтекъл или никога не е съществувал. Моля, свържи се с човекът, който го е споделил с теб.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Допълнителни функции",
"(Unstable)" => "(Нестабилно)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "রূপান্তর ব্যার্থ। বিস্তারিত জানতে লগ দেখুন।",
"Saved" => "সংরক্ষণ করা হলো",
"Can't create document" => "ডকুমেন্ট তৈরী করা যাবেনা",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "আপনার এই ডকুমেন্ট পূণঃনামকরণের অনুমতি নেই অনুমতি নেই ",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "ডিরেক্টরি পরিবর্তন করতে যেয়ে একটি সমস্যা হলো।",
"Documents" => "ডকুমেন্ট",
"Saving..." => "সংরক্ষণ করা হচ্ছে..",
"Failed to load documents." => "নথি লোডিং ব্যার্থ হলো।",
"Share" => "ভাগাভাগি কর",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "সার্ভার সংযোগ নেই। সংযোগের চেষ্টা চলছে।",
"Save" => "সংরক্ষণ",
"Loading documents..." => "নথি লোড করা হচ্ছে....",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' টি একটি অননুমোদিত নাম।",
"File name cannot be empty." => "ফাইলের নামটি ফাঁকা রাখা যাবে না।",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "নামটি সঠিক নয়, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' এবং '*' অনুমোদিত নয়।",
"Background" => "ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ড",
"Bold" => "গাঢ়",
"Bottom" => "নীচ",
"Cancel" => "বাতিল",
"Center" => "কেন্দ্র",
"Clone" => "প্রতিরূপ",
"Close" => "বন্ধ",
"Color" => "রঙ",
"Create" => "তৈরী কর",
"Default Style" => "পূর্বনির্ধারিত স্টাইল",
"Delete" => "মুছে",
"Family" => "পরিবার",
"Font" => "ফন্ট",
"Font Effects" => "ফন্ট এফেক্টসমূহ",
"Italic" => "বাকানো",
"New Name:" => "নতুন নাম:",
"OK" => "তথাস্তু",
"Open" => "খোল",
"Options" => "বিকল্পসমূহ",
"Paragraph..." => "অনুচ্ছেদ",
"Paragraph Styles" => "অনুচ্ছেদ স্টাইল",
"Redo" => "আবার কর",
"Right" => "ডান",
"Size" => "আকার",
"Strikethrough" => "কাটা",
"Style" => "স্টাইল",
"Text" => "টেক্সট",
"Top" => "উপর",
"Underline" => "নীচে দাগ",
"Undo" => "বাদ দাও",
"Unknown Author" => "অজানা লেখক",
"Edit" => "সম্পাদনা",
"guest" => "অতিথি",
"Local" => "স্থানীয়",
"External" => "বাহ্যিক",
"Upload" => "আপলোড",
"Password" => "কূটশব্দ"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
"Saved" => "সংরক্ষিত",
"Saving..." => "সংরক্ষণ করা হচ্ছে ...",
"Share" => "শেয়ার",
"Save" => "সেভ",
"Cancel" => "বাতিল করা",
"Close" => "বন্ধ",
"Delete" => "মুছে ফেলা",
"Open" => "খোলা",
"Size" => "আকার",
"Edit" => "এডিট"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Dokumenti",
"Can't create document" : "Nemoguće kreirati dokument",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Niste ovlašteni preimenovati ovaj dokument",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Direktorij uspješno spremljen.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Greška pri izmjeni direktorija.",
"Saved" : "Spremljeno",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Server za filtriranje formata je pao ili je pogrešno konfigurisan",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Pretvorba nije uspjela. Za detalje provjerite zapisnik (log).",
"Saving..." : "Spremanje...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Učitavanje dokumenata nije uspjelo.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Dokumenti nisu nađeni. Za početak, učitajte ili kreirajte neki dokument!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Nema konekcije sa serverom. Ponovo pokušavanje uspostavljanja veze.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Napuštanje ove stranice u načinu rada za izmjene može rezultirati nespremljenim podacima. Umjesto toga, preporučuje se pritisnuti dugme 'Zatvori'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Učitavanje ovog dokumenta nije uspjelo. Molim provjerite može li se otvoriti s nekim vanjskim odt uređivačem. To također može značiti da je njegovo dijeljenje zaustavljeno ili da je izbrisan.",
"Save" : "Spremi",
"Loading documents..." : "Učitavanje dokumenata...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' nije validan naziv datoteke.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Naziv datoteke ne može biti prazan",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Neispravan naziv, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' i '*' nisu dopušteni.",
"Align Left" : "Svrstaj slijeva",
"Alignment" : "Svrstavanje",
"Align Right" : "Svrstavanje sdesna",
"Annotate" : "Stavite primjedbu",
"Background" : "Pozadina",
"Bold" : "Podebljano",
"Bottom" : "Dno",
"Cancel" : "Odustani",
"Center" : "Centar",
"Clone" : "Kloniraj",
"Clone this Style" : "KLoniraj ovaj Stil",
"Close" : "Zatvori",
"Color" : "Boja",
"Create" : "Kreiraj",
"Decrease Indent" : "Smanji uvlaku",
"Default Style" : "Uobičajen Stil",
"Delete" : "Izbriši",
"Family" : "Obitelj",
"Font" : "Pismo",
"Font Effects" : "Efekti Pisma",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Povećaj Uvlaku",
"Insert Image" : "Umetni Sliku",
"Invite Members" : "Pozovi Članove",
"Italic" : "Kurziv",
"Justified" : "Opravdano",
"Justify" : "Opravdaj",
"Left" : "Lijevo",
"Loading" : "Učitavanje",
"Members" : "Članovi",
"New Name:" : "Novi naziv:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Otvori",
"Options" : "Postavke",
"Paragraph..." : "Odlomak",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Stilovi odlomka",
"Redo" : "Ponovi",
"Right" : "Desno",
"Size" : "Veličina",
"Spacing" : "Razmak",
"Strikethrough" : "Precrtaj",
"Style" : "Stil",
"Text" : "Tekst",
"Top" : "Vrh",
"Underline" : "Podcrtaj",
"Undo" : "Poništi",
"Unknown Author" : "Nepoznat Autor",
"Shared" : "Podijeljen",
"Error" : "Greška",
"Error while sharing" : "Greška pri dijeljenju",
"Error while unsharing" : "Ggreška pri prestanku dijeljenja",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Greška pri mijenjanju dozvola",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Dijeljeno s vama i grupom {group} vlasnika {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Podijeljeno sa vama od {owner}",
"Share" : "Podijeli",
"Share link" : "Podijelite vezu",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Javna veza ističe najkasnije {days} dana nakon što je kreirana",
"Link" : "Veza",
"Password protect" : "Zaštitita lozinkom",
"Password" : "Lozinka",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Izaberite lozinku za javnu vezu",
"Allow editing" : "Dozvolite izmjenu",
"Email link to person" : "Pošaljite osobi vezu e-poštom",
"Send" : "Pošalji",
"Set expiration date" : "Postavite datum isteka",
"Expiration" : "Istek",
"Expiration date" : "Datum isteka",
"Adding user..." : "Dodavanje korisnika...",
"group" : "grupa",
"remote" : "daljinski",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Ponovno dijeljenje nije dopušteno",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Podijeljeno u {item} s {user}",
"Unshare" : "Prestani dijeliti",
"notify by email" : "Obavijesti e-poštom",
"can share" : "mogu dijeliti",
"can edit" : "mogu mijenjati",
"access control" : "Kontrola pristupa",
"create" : "kreiraj",
"change" : "izmjeni",
"delete" : "izbriši",
"Password protected" : "Zaštićeno lozinkom",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Pogrešno uklanjanje postavke datuma isteka",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Pogrešno postavljanje datuma isteka",
"Sending ..." : "Slanje...",
"Email sent" : "E-pošta je poslana",
"Warning" : "Upozorenje",
"Edit" : "Izmjeni",
"guest" : "gost",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word podrška (obavezan openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Lokalno",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice je instaliran na ovom serveru. Put do binarnog omogućen je putem preview_libreoffice_path u config.php",
"External" : "Vanjsko",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice je instaliran na vanjskom serveru koji pokreće server filtriranje formata",
"Disabled" : "Onemogućeno",
"No MS Word support" : "Nema MS Word podrške",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "šema: //domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Server URL",
"Apply and test" : "Primijeni i testiraj",
"New document" : "Novi dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Učitaj (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Učitaj",
"Save new documents to" : "Spremi nove dokumente pod",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Pogrešna lozinka. Molim pokušajte ponovo",
"Guest %s" : "Gost %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Ova veza je istekla ili nikad nije postojala. Za detalje, molim kontaktirajte osobu koja ju je s vama podijelila.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Napredan skup značajki",
"(Unstable)" : "(Nestabilno)"
"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);");

@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Dokumenti",
"Can't create document" : "Nemoguće kreirati dokument",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Niste ovlašteni preimenovati ovaj dokument",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Direktorij uspješno spremljen.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Greška pri izmjeni direktorija.",
"Saved" : "Spremljeno",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Server za filtriranje formata je pao ili je pogrešno konfigurisan",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Pretvorba nije uspjela. Za detalje provjerite zapisnik (log).",
"Saving..." : "Spremanje...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Učitavanje dokumenata nije uspjelo.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Dokumenti nisu nađeni. Za početak, učitajte ili kreirajte neki dokument!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Nema konekcije sa serverom. Ponovo pokušavanje uspostavljanja veze.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Napuštanje ove stranice u načinu rada za izmjene može rezultirati nespremljenim podacima. Umjesto toga, preporučuje se pritisnuti dugme 'Zatvori'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Učitavanje ovog dokumenta nije uspjelo. Molim provjerite može li se otvoriti s nekim vanjskim odt uređivačem. To također može značiti da je njegovo dijeljenje zaustavljeno ili da je izbrisan.",
"Save" : "Spremi",
"Loading documents..." : "Učitavanje dokumenata...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' nije validan naziv datoteke.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Naziv datoteke ne može biti prazan",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Neispravan naziv, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' i '*' nisu dopušteni.",
"Align Left" : "Svrstaj slijeva",
"Alignment" : "Svrstavanje",
"Align Right" : "Svrstavanje sdesna",
"Annotate" : "Stavite primjedbu",
"Background" : "Pozadina",
"Bold" : "Podebljano",
"Bottom" : "Dno",
"Cancel" : "Odustani",
"Center" : "Centar",
"Clone" : "Kloniraj",
"Clone this Style" : "KLoniraj ovaj Stil",
"Close" : "Zatvori",
"Color" : "Boja",
"Create" : "Kreiraj",
"Decrease Indent" : "Smanji uvlaku",
"Default Style" : "Uobičajen Stil",
"Delete" : "Izbriši",
"Family" : "Obitelj",
"Font" : "Pismo",
"Font Effects" : "Efekti Pisma",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Povećaj Uvlaku",
"Insert Image" : "Umetni Sliku",
"Invite Members" : "Pozovi Članove",
"Italic" : "Kurziv",
"Justified" : "Opravdano",
"Justify" : "Opravdaj",
"Left" : "Lijevo",
"Loading" : "Učitavanje",
"Members" : "Članovi",
"New Name:" : "Novi naziv:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Otvori",
"Options" : "Postavke",
"Paragraph..." : "Odlomak",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Stilovi odlomka",
"Redo" : "Ponovi",
"Right" : "Desno",
"Size" : "Veličina",
"Spacing" : "Razmak",
"Strikethrough" : "Precrtaj",
"Style" : "Stil",
"Text" : "Tekst",
"Top" : "Vrh",
"Underline" : "Podcrtaj",
"Undo" : "Poništi",
"Unknown Author" : "Nepoznat Autor",
"Shared" : "Podijeljen",
"Error" : "Greška",
"Error while sharing" : "Greška pri dijeljenju",
"Error while unsharing" : "Ggreška pri prestanku dijeljenja",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Greška pri mijenjanju dozvola",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Dijeljeno s vama i grupom {group} vlasnika {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Podijeljeno sa vama od {owner}",
"Share" : "Podijeli",
"Share link" : "Podijelite vezu",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Javna veza ističe najkasnije {days} dana nakon što je kreirana",
"Link" : "Veza",
"Password protect" : "Zaštitita lozinkom",
"Password" : "Lozinka",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Izaberite lozinku za javnu vezu",
"Allow editing" : "Dozvolite izmjenu",
"Email link to person" : "Pošaljite osobi vezu e-poštom",
"Send" : "Pošalji",
"Set expiration date" : "Postavite datum isteka",
"Expiration" : "Istek",
"Expiration date" : "Datum isteka",
"Adding user..." : "Dodavanje korisnika...",
"group" : "grupa",
"remote" : "daljinski",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Ponovno dijeljenje nije dopušteno",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Podijeljeno u {item} s {user}",
"Unshare" : "Prestani dijeliti",
"notify by email" : "Obavijesti e-poštom",
"can share" : "mogu dijeliti",
"can edit" : "mogu mijenjati",
"access control" : "Kontrola pristupa",
"create" : "kreiraj",
"change" : "izmjeni",
"delete" : "izbriši",
"Password protected" : "Zaštićeno lozinkom",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Pogrešno uklanjanje postavke datuma isteka",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Pogrešno postavljanje datuma isteka",
"Sending ..." : "Slanje...",
"Email sent" : "E-pošta je poslana",
"Warning" : "Upozorenje",
"Edit" : "Izmjeni",
"guest" : "gost",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word podrška (obavezan openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Lokalno",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice je instaliran na ovom serveru. Put do binarnog omogućen je putem preview_libreoffice_path u config.php",
"External" : "Vanjsko",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice je instaliran na vanjskom serveru koji pokreće server filtriranje formata",
"Disabled" : "Onemogućeno",
"No MS Word support" : "Nema MS Word podrške",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "šema: //domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Server URL",
"Apply and test" : "Primijeni i testiraj",
"New document" : "Novi dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Učitaj (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Učitaj",
"Save new documents to" : "Spremi nove dokumente pod",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Pogrešna lozinka. Molim pokušajte ponovo",
"Guest %s" : "Gost %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Ova veza je istekla ili nikad nije postojala. Za detalje, molim kontaktirajte osobu koja ju je s vama podijelila.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Napredan skup značajki",
"(Unstable)" : "(Nestabilno)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);"

@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Dokumenti",
"Can't create document" => "Nemoguće kreirati dokument",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Niste ovlašteni preimenovati ovaj dokument",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Direktorij uspješno spremljen.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Greška pri izmjeni direktorija.",
"Saved" => "Spremljeno",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Server za filtriranje formata je pao ili je pogrešno konfigurisan",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Pretvorba nije uspjela. Za detalje provjerite zapisnik (log).",
"Saving..." => "Spremanje...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Učitavanje dokumenata nije uspjelo.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Dokumenti nisu nađeni. Za početak, učitajte ili kreirajte neki dokument!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Nema konekcije sa serverom. Ponovo pokušavanje uspostavljanja veze.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Napuštanje ove stranice u načinu rada za izmjene može rezultirati nespremljenim podacima. Umjesto toga, preporučuje se pritisnuti dugme 'Zatvori'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Učitavanje ovog dokumenta nije uspjelo. Molim provjerite može li se otvoriti s nekim vanjskim odt uređivačem. To također može značiti da je njegovo dijeljenje zaustavljeno ili da je izbrisan.",
"Save" => "Spremi",
"Loading documents..." => "Učitavanje dokumenata...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' nije validan naziv datoteke.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Naziv datoteke ne može biti prazan",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Neispravan naziv, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' i '*' nisu dopušteni.",
"Align Left" => "Svrstaj slijeva",
"Alignment" => "Svrstavanje",
"Align Right" => "Svrstavanje sdesna",
"Annotate" => "Stavite primjedbu",
"Background" => "Pozadina",
"Bold" => "Podebljano",
"Bottom" => "Dno",
"Cancel" => "Odustani",
"Center" => "Centar",
"Clone" => "Kloniraj",
"Clone this Style" => "KLoniraj ovaj Stil",
"Close" => "Zatvori",
"Color" => "Boja",
"Create" => "Kreiraj",
"Decrease Indent" => "Smanji uvlaku",
"Default Style" => "Uobičajen Stil",
"Delete" => "Izbriši",
"Family" => "Obitelj",
"Font" => "Pismo",
"Font Effects" => "Efekti Pisma",
"Format" => "Format",
"Increase Indent" => "Povećaj Uvlaku",
"Insert Image" => "Umetni Sliku",
"Invite Members" => "Pozovi Članove",
"Italic" => "Kurziv",
"Justified" => "Opravdano",
"Justify" => "Opravdaj",
"Left" => "Lijevo",
"Loading" => "Učitavanje",
"Members" => "Članovi",
"New Name:" => "Novi naziv:",
"OK" => "OK",
"Open" => "Otvori",
"Options" => "Postavke",
"Paragraph..." => "Odlomak",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Stilovi odlomka",
"Redo" => "Ponovi",
"Right" => "Desno",
"Size" => "Veličina",
"Spacing" => "Razmak",
"Strikethrough" => "Precrtaj",
"Style" => "Stil",
"Text" => "Tekst",
"Top" => "Vrh",
"Underline" => "Podcrtaj",
"Undo" => "Poništi",
"Unknown Author" => "Nepoznat Autor",
"Shared" => "Podijeljen",
"Error" => "Greška",
"Error while sharing" => "Greška pri dijeljenju",
"Error while unsharing" => "Ggreška pri prestanku dijeljenja",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Greška pri mijenjanju dozvola",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Dijeljeno s vama i grupom {group} vlasnika {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Podijeljeno sa vama od {owner}",
"Share" => "Podijeli",
"Share link" => "Podijelite vezu",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "Javna veza ističe najkasnije {days} dana nakon što je kreirana",
"Link" => "Veza",
"Password protect" => "Zaštitita lozinkom",
"Password" => "Lozinka",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Izaberite lozinku za javnu vezu",
"Allow editing" => "Dozvolite izmjenu",
"Email link to person" => "Pošaljite osobi vezu e-poštom",
"Send" => "Pošalji",
"Set expiration date" => "Postavite datum isteka",
"Expiration" => "Istek",
"Expiration date" => "Datum isteka",
"Adding user..." => "Dodavanje korisnika...",
"group" => "grupa",
"remote" => "daljinski",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Ponovno dijeljenje nije dopušteno",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Podijeljeno u {item} s {user}",
"Unshare" => "Prestani dijeliti",
"notify by email" => "Obavijesti e-poštom",
"can share" => "mogu dijeliti",
"can edit" => "mogu mijenjati",
"access control" => "Kontrola pristupa",
"create" => "kreiraj",
"change" => "izmjeni",
"delete" => "izbriši",
"Password protected" => "Zaštićeno lozinkom",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Pogrešno uklanjanje postavke datuma isteka",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Pogrešno postavljanje datuma isteka",
"Sending ..." => "Slanje...",
"Email sent" => "E-pošta je poslana",
"Warning" => "Upozorenje",
"Edit" => "Izmjeni",
"guest" => "gost",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "MS Word podrška (obavezan openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" => "Lokalno",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/libreOffice je instaliran na ovom serveru. Put do binarnog omogućen je putem preview_libreoffice_path u config.php",
"External" => "Vanjsko",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "openOffice/libreOffice je instaliran na vanjskom serveru koji pokreće server filtriranje formata",
"Disabled" => "Onemogućeno",
"No MS Word support" => "Nema MS Word podrške",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "šema: //domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "Server URL",
"Apply and test" => "Primijeni i testiraj",
"New document" => "Novi dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Učitaj (max. %s)",
"Upload" => "Učitaj",
"Save new documents to" => "Spremi nove dokumente pod",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Pogrešna lozinka. Molim pokušajte ponovo",
"Guest %s" => "Gost %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Ova veza je istekla ili nikad nije postojala. Za detalje, molim kontaktirajte osobu koja ju je s vama podijelila.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Napredan skup značajki",
"(Unstable)" => "(Nestabilno)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);";

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Documents",
"Can't create document" : "El document no es pot crear",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "No teniu permisos per canviar de nom aquest document",
"Directory saved successfully." : "La carpeta s'ha desat correctament",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "S'ha produït un error en canviar de carpeta",
"Saved" : "Desat",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "El servidor de filtres de format ha caigut o està mal configurat",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "La conversió ha fallat. Mireu el log per a més detalls.",
"Saving..." : "Desant...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Ha fallat en carregar documents.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "No hi ha documents. Pugeu o creeu un document per començar!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "No hi ha connexió amb el servidor Intentant reconnectar.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Deixant aquesta pàgina en mode editor poden quedar dades sense desar. Es recomana usar el botó 'Tanca'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Ha fallat la càrrega d'aquest document. Comproveu si es pot obrir amb un editor odt extern. Això podria significar que s'ha deixat de compartir o eliminat recentment.",
"Save" : "Desa",
"Loading documents..." : "S'estan carregant els documents...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' és un nom no vàlid per un fitxer.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "El nom del fitxer no pot ser buit.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "El nóm no és vàlid, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' i '*' no estan permesos.",
"Align Left" : "Alinea a l'esquerra",
"Alignment" : "Alineament",
"Align Right" : "Alinea a la dreta",
"Annotate" : "Anota",
"Background" : "Fons",
"Bold" : "Negreta",
"Bottom" : "A baix",
"Cancel" : "Cancel·la",
"Center" : "Centra",
"Clone" : "Clona",
"Clone this Style" : "Clona aquest estil",
"Close" : "Tanca",
"Color" : "Color",
"Create" : "Crea",
"Decrease Indent" : "Decrementa la identació",
"Default Style" : "Estil predeterminat",
"Delete" : "Esborra",
"Family" : "Familia",
"Font" : "Lletra",
"Font Effects" : "Efectes de lletra",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Incrementa la identació",
"Insert Image" : "Insereix imatge",
"Invite Members" : "Convida a membres",
"Italic" : "Cursiva",
"Justified" : "Justificat",
"Justify" : "Justifica",
"Left" : "Esquerra",
"Loading" : "Carregant",
"Members" : "Membres",
"New Name:" : "Nom nou:",
"OK" : "D'acord",
"Open" : "Obre",
"Options" : "Options",
"Paragraph..." : "Paràgraf...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Estils de paràgraf",
"Redo" : "Refés",
"Right" : "Dreta",
"Size" : "Mida",
"Spacing" : "Espaiat",
"Strikethrough" : "Ratllat",
"Style" : "Estil",
"Text" : "Text",
"Top" : "A dalt",
"Underline" : "Subratllat",
"Undo" : "Desfés",
"Unknown Author" : "Autor desconegut",
"Shared" : "Compartit",
"Error" : "Error",
"Error while sharing" : "Error en compartir",
"Error while unsharing" : "Error en deixar de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Error en canviar els permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Compartit amb vos i amb el grup {group} per {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartit amb vos per {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Comparteix amb usuaris o grups ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Comparteix amb usuaris, grups o usuaris remots ...",
"Share" : "Comparteix",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Compartir amb la gent en altres ownClouds utilitzant la sintaxi",
"Share link" : "Comparteix l'enllaç",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "L'enllaç públic tindrà venciment abans de {days} dies després de crear-lo",
"Link" : "Enllaç",
"Password protect" : "Protegir amb contrasenya",
"Password" : "Contrasenya",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Escolliu una contrasenya per l'enllaç públic",
"Allow editing" : "Permetre edició",
"Email link to person" : "Enllaç per correu electrónic amb la persona",
"Send" : "Envia",
"Set expiration date" : "Estableix la data de venciment",
"Expiration" : "Expiració",
"Expiration date" : "Data de venciment",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Va ocórrer un error. Per favor, intenta-ho de nou",
"Adding user..." : "Afegint usuari...",
"group" : "grup",
"remote" : "remot",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "No es permet compartir de nou",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Compartit en {item} amb {user}",
"Unshare" : "Deixa de compartir",
"notify by email" : "notifica per correu electrònic",
"can share" : "pot compartir",
"can edit" : "pot editar",
"access control" : "control d'accés",
"create" : "crea",
"change" : "cambi",
"delete" : "elimina",
"Password protected" : "Protegeix amb contrasenya",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Error en eliminar la data de venciment",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Error en establir la data de venciment",
"Sending ..." : "Enviant...",
"Email sent" : "El correu electrónic s'ha enviat",
"Warning" : "Avís",
"Edit" : "Edita",
"guest" : "convidat",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "compatibilitat amb MS Word (requereix openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Local",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice està instal·ñlat en aquest servidor. La carpeta al binari es proporciona via preview_libreoffice_path a config.php",
"External" : "Extern",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice està instal·lat en un servidor extern executant un servidor de filtrat de formats",
"Disabled" : "Desactivat",
"No MS Word support" : "Sense suport per a MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "esquema://domini.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "URL del servidor",
"Apply and test" : "Aplica i testeja",
"New document" : "Document nou",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Pujada (màx. %s)",
"Upload" : "Puja",
"Save new documents to" : "Desa els documents nous a",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contrasenya incorrecta. Intenteu-ho de nou.",
"Guest %s" : "Convidat %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Aquest enllaç ha vençut o no ha existit mai. Contacteu amb la persona que l'ha compartit amb vós per més detalls.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Joc d'opcions avançades",
"(Unstable)" : "(Inestable)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Documents",
"Can't create document" : "El document no es pot crear",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "No teniu permisos per canviar de nom aquest document",
"Directory saved successfully." : "La carpeta s'ha desat correctament",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "S'ha produït un error en canviar de carpeta",
"Saved" : "Desat",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "El servidor de filtres de format ha caigut o està mal configurat",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "La conversió ha fallat. Mireu el log per a més detalls.",
"Saving..." : "Desant...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Ha fallat en carregar documents.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "No hi ha documents. Pugeu o creeu un document per començar!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "No hi ha connexió amb el servidor Intentant reconnectar.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Deixant aquesta pàgina en mode editor poden quedar dades sense desar. Es recomana usar el botó 'Tanca'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Ha fallat la càrrega d'aquest document. Comproveu si es pot obrir amb un editor odt extern. Això podria significar que s'ha deixat de compartir o eliminat recentment.",
"Save" : "Desa",
"Loading documents..." : "S'estan carregant els documents...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' és un nom no vàlid per un fitxer.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "El nom del fitxer no pot ser buit.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "El nóm no és vàlid, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' i '*' no estan permesos.",
"Align Left" : "Alinea a l'esquerra",
"Alignment" : "Alineament",
"Align Right" : "Alinea a la dreta",
"Annotate" : "Anota",
"Background" : "Fons",
"Bold" : "Negreta",
"Bottom" : "A baix",
"Cancel" : "Cancel·la",
"Center" : "Centra",
"Clone" : "Clona",
"Clone this Style" : "Clona aquest estil",
"Close" : "Tanca",
"Color" : "Color",
"Create" : "Crea",
"Decrease Indent" : "Decrementa la identació",
"Default Style" : "Estil predeterminat",
"Delete" : "Esborra",
"Family" : "Familia",
"Font" : "Lletra",
"Font Effects" : "Efectes de lletra",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Incrementa la identació",
"Insert Image" : "Insereix imatge",
"Invite Members" : "Convida a membres",
"Italic" : "Cursiva",
"Justified" : "Justificat",
"Justify" : "Justifica",
"Left" : "Esquerra",
"Loading" : "Carregant",
"Members" : "Membres",
"New Name:" : "Nom nou:",
"OK" : "D'acord",
"Open" : "Obre",
"Options" : "Options",
"Paragraph..." : "Paràgraf...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Estils de paràgraf",
"Redo" : "Refés",
"Right" : "Dreta",
"Size" : "Mida",
"Spacing" : "Espaiat",
"Strikethrough" : "Ratllat",
"Style" : "Estil",
"Text" : "Text",
"Top" : "A dalt",
"Underline" : "Subratllat",
"Undo" : "Desfés",
"Unknown Author" : "Autor desconegut",
"Shared" : "Compartit",
"Error" : "Error",
"Error while sharing" : "Error en compartir",
"Error while unsharing" : "Error en deixar de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Error en canviar els permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Compartit amb vos i amb el grup {group} per {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartit amb vos per {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Comparteix amb usuaris o grups ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Comparteix amb usuaris, grups o usuaris remots ...",
"Share" : "Comparteix",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Compartir amb la gent en altres ownClouds utilitzant la sintaxi",
"Share link" : "Comparteix l'enllaç",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "L'enllaç públic tindrà venciment abans de {days} dies després de crear-lo",
"Link" : "Enllaç",
"Password protect" : "Protegir amb contrasenya",
"Password" : "Contrasenya",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Escolliu una contrasenya per l'enllaç públic",
"Allow editing" : "Permetre edició",
"Email link to person" : "Enllaç per correu electrónic amb la persona",
"Send" : "Envia",
"Set expiration date" : "Estableix la data de venciment",
"Expiration" : "Expiració",
"Expiration date" : "Data de venciment",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Va ocórrer un error. Per favor, intenta-ho de nou",
"Adding user..." : "Afegint usuari...",
"group" : "grup",
"remote" : "remot",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "No es permet compartir de nou",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Compartit en {item} amb {user}",
"Unshare" : "Deixa de compartir",
"notify by email" : "notifica per correu electrònic",
"can share" : "pot compartir",
"can edit" : "pot editar",
"access control" : "control d'accés",
"create" : "crea",
"change" : "cambi",
"delete" : "elimina",
"Password protected" : "Protegeix amb contrasenya",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Error en eliminar la data de venciment",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Error en establir la data de venciment",
"Sending ..." : "Enviant...",
"Email sent" : "El correu electrónic s'ha enviat",
"Warning" : "Avís",
"Edit" : "Edita",
"guest" : "convidat",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "compatibilitat amb MS Word (requereix openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Local",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice està instal·ñlat en aquest servidor. La carpeta al binari es proporciona via preview_libreoffice_path a config.php",
"External" : "Extern",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice està instal·lat en un servidor extern executant un servidor de filtrat de formats",
"Disabled" : "Desactivat",
"No MS Word support" : "Sense suport per a MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "esquema://domini.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "URL del servidor",
"Apply and test" : "Aplica i testeja",
"New document" : "Document nou",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Pujada (màx. %s)",
"Upload" : "Puja",
"Save new documents to" : "Desa els documents nous a",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contrasenya incorrecta. Intenteu-ho de nou.",
"Guest %s" : "Convidat %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Aquest enllaç ha vençut o no ha existit mai. Contacteu amb la persona que l'ha compartit amb vós per més detalls.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Joc d'opcions avançades",
"(Unstable)" : "(Inestable)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Documents",
"Can't create document" => "El document no es pot crear",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "No teniu permisos per canviar de nom aquest document",
"Directory saved successfully." => "La carpeta s'ha desat correctament",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "S'ha produït un error en canviar de carpeta",
"Saved" => "Desat",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "El servidor de filtres de format ha caigut o està mal configurat",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "La conversió ha fallat. Mireu el log per a més detalls.",
"Saving..." => "Desant...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Ha fallat en carregar documents.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "No hi ha documents. Pugeu o creeu un document per començar!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "No hi ha connexió amb el servidor Intentant reconnectar.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Deixant aquesta pàgina en mode editor poden quedar dades sense desar. Es recomana usar el botó 'Tanca'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Ha fallat la càrrega d'aquest document. Comproveu si es pot obrir amb un editor odt extern. Això podria significar que s'ha deixat de compartir o eliminat recentment.",
"Save" => "Desa",
"Loading documents..." => "S'estan carregant els documents...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' és un nom no vàlid per un fitxer.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "El nom del fitxer no pot ser buit.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "El nóm no és vàlid, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' i '*' no estan permesos.",
"Align Left" => "Alinea a l'esquerra",
"Alignment" => "Alineament",
"Align Right" => "Alinea a la dreta",
"Annotate" => "Anota",
"Background" => "Fons",
"Bold" => "Negreta",
"Bottom" => "A baix",
"Cancel" => "Cancel·la",
"Center" => "Centra",
"Clone" => "Clona",
"Clone this Style" => "Clona aquest estil",
"Close" => "Tanca",
"Color" => "Color",
"Create" => "Crea",
"Decrease Indent" => "Decrementa la identació",
"Default Style" => "Estil predeterminat",
"Delete" => "Esborra",
"Family" => "Familia",
"Font" => "Lletra",
"Font Effects" => "Efectes de lletra",
"Format" => "Format",
"Increase Indent" => "Incrementa la identació",
"Insert Image" => "Insereix imatge",
"Invite Members" => "Convida a membres",
"Italic" => "Cursiva",
"Justified" => "Justificat",
"Justify" => "Justifica",
"Left" => "Esquerra",
"Loading" => "Carregant",
"Members" => "Membres",
"New Name:" => "Nom nou:",
"OK" => "D'acord",
"Open" => "Obre",
"Options" => "Options",
"Paragraph..." => "Paràgraf...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Estils de paràgraf",
"Redo" => "Refés",
"Right" => "Dreta",
"Size" => "Mida",
"Spacing" => "Espaiat",
"Strikethrough" => "Ratllat",
"Style" => "Estil",
"Text" => "Text",
"Top" => "A dalt",
"Underline" => "Subratllat",
"Undo" => "Desfés",
"Unknown Author" => "Autor desconegut",
"Shared" => "Compartit",
"Error" => "Error",
"Error while sharing" => "Error en compartir",
"Error while unsharing" => "Error en deixar de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Error en canviar els permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Compartit amb vos i amb el grup {group} per {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Compartit amb vos per {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Comparteix amb usuaris o grups ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Comparteix amb usuaris, grups o usuaris remots ...",
"Share" => "Comparteix",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "Compartir amb la gent en altres ownClouds utilitzant la sintaxi",
"Share link" => "Comparteix l'enllaç",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "L'enllaç públic tindrà venciment abans de {days} dies després de crear-lo",
"Link" => "Enllaç",
"Password protect" => "Protegir amb contrasenya",
"Password" => "Contrasenya",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Escolliu una contrasenya per l'enllaç públic",
"Allow editing" => "Permetre edició",
"Email link to person" => "Enllaç per correu electrónic amb la persona",
"Send" => "Envia",
"Set expiration date" => "Estableix la data de venciment",
"Expiration" => "Expiració",
"Expiration date" => "Data de venciment",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "Va ocórrer un error. Per favor, intenta-ho de nou",
"Adding user..." => "Afegint usuari...",
"group" => "grup",
"remote" => "remot",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "No es permet compartir de nou",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Compartit en {item} amb {user}",
"Unshare" => "Deixa de compartir",
"notify by email" => "notifica per correu electrònic",
"can share" => "pot compartir",
"can edit" => "pot editar",
"access control" => "control d'accés",
"create" => "crea",
"change" => "cambi",
"delete" => "elimina",
"Password protected" => "Protegeix amb contrasenya",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Error en eliminar la data de venciment",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Error en establir la data de venciment",
"Sending ..." => "Enviant...",
"Email sent" => "El correu electrónic s'ha enviat",
"Warning" => "Avís",
"Edit" => "Edita",
"guest" => "convidat",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "compatibilitat amb MS Word (requereix openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" => "Local",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/libreOffice està instal·ñlat en aquest servidor. La carpeta al binari es proporciona via preview_libreoffice_path a config.php",
"External" => "Extern",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "openOffice/libreOffice està instal·lat en un servidor extern executant un servidor de filtrat de formats",
"Disabled" => "Desactivat",
"No MS Word support" => "Sense suport per a MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "esquema://domini.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "URL del servidor",
"Apply and test" => "Aplica i testeja",
"New document" => "Document nou",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Pujada (màx. %s)",
"Upload" => "Puja",
"Save new documents to" => "Desa els documents nous a",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Contrasenya incorrecta. Intenteu-ho de nou.",
"Guest %s" => "Convidat %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Aquest enllaç ha vençut o no ha existit mai. Contacteu amb la persona que l'ha compartit amb vós per més detalls.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Joc d'opcions avançades",
"(Unstable)" => "(Inestable)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Dokumenty",
"Can't create document" : "Nelze vytvořit dokument",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Nemáte oprávnění pro přejmenování tohoto souboru",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Adresář byl úspěšně uložen.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Při pokusu o změnu adresáře došlo k chybě.",
"Saved" : "Uloženo",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Server pro zpracování formátu je nedostupný nebo chybně nakonfigurovaný",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Převod selhal. Zkontrolujte logy pro více detailů.",
"Saving..." : "Ukládám...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Nepodařilo se načíst dokumenty.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Žádné dokumenty nebyly nalezeny. Začněte nahráním nebo vytvořením prvního dokumentu!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Ztráta připojení k serveru. Zkouším znovu.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Ponecháním této stránky v módu editoru může dojít k neuložení změn. Místo toho je doporučeno použít tlačítko 'Zavřít'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Nepodařilo se otevřít tento dokument. Prosím zkontrolujte, zda je možné jej otevřít externím editorem odt. Může to také znamenat, že byl nedávno odsdílen nebo smazán.",
"Save" : "Uložit",
"Loading documents..." : "Nahrávám dokumenty ...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' je neplatným názvem souboru.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Název souboru nemůže být prázdný řetězec.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Neplatný název, znaky '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' a '*' nejsou povoleny.",
"Align Left" : "Zarovnat vlevo",
"Alignment" : "Zarovnání",
"Align Right" : "Zarovnat vpravo",
"Annotate" : "Komentovat",
"Background" : "Pozadí",
"Bold" : "Tučné",
"Bottom" : "Dolní",
"Cancel" : "Zrušit",
"Center" : "Vystředit",
"Clone" : "Klonovat",
"Clone this Style" : "Klonovat tento styl",
"Close" : "Zavřít",
"Color" : "Barva",
"Create" : "Vytvořit",
"Decrease Indent" : "Zmenšit odsazení",
"Default Style" : "Výchozí styl",
"Delete" : "Smazat",
"Family" : "Rodina",
"Font" : "Font",
"Font Effects" : "Efekty písma",
"Format" : "Formát",
"Increase Indent" : "Zvětšit odsazení",
"Insert Image" : "Vlož obrázek",
"Invite Members" : "Pozvat členy",
"Italic" : "Kurzíva",
"Justified" : "Zarovnaný",
"Justify" : "Zarovnat",
"Left" : "Vlevo",
"Loading" : "Načítám",
"Members" : "Členové",
"New Name:" : "Nový název:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Otevřít",
"Options" : "Možnosti",
"Paragraph..." : "Odstavec...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Styly odstavce",
"Redo" : "Znovu",
"Right" : "Vpravo",
"Size" : "Velikost",
"Spacing" : "Řádkování",
"Strikethrough" : "Přeškrtnuté",
"Style" : "Styl",
"Text" : "Text",
"Top" : "Horní",
"Underline" : "Podtržené",
"Undo" : "Zpět",
"Unknown Author" : "Autor neznámý",
"Shared" : "Sdílené",
"Error" : "Chyba",
"Error while sharing" : "Chyba při sdílení",
"Error while unsharing" : "Chyba při rušení sdílení",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Chyba při změně oprávnění",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "S Vámi a skupinou {group} sdílí {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "S Vámi sdílí {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Sdílet s uživateli nebo skupinami",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Sdílet s uživateli, skupinami nebo vzdálenými uživateli",
"Share" : "Sdílet",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Sdílejte s lidmi na ownClouds použitím syntaxe",
"Share link" : "Sdílet odkaz",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Veřejný odkaz vyprší nejpozději {days} dní od svého vytvoření",
"Link" : "Odkaz",
"Password protect" : "Chránit heslem",
"Password" : "Heslo",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Zadej heslo pro tento veřejný odkaz",
"Allow editing" : "Povolit úpravy",
"Email link to person" : "Odeslat osobě odkaz emailem",
"Send" : "Odeslat",
"Set expiration date" : "Nastavit datum vypršení platnosti",
"Expiration" : "Konec platnosti",
"Expiration date" : "Datum vypršení platnosti",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Nastala chyba. Prosím zkuste to znovu",
"Adding user..." : "Přidávám uživatele...",
"group" : "skupina",
"remote" : "vzdálený",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Sdílení již sdílené položky není povoleno",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Sdíleno v {item} s {user}",
"Unshare" : "Zrušit sdílení",
"notify by email" : "upozornit emailem",
"can share" : "může sdílet",
"can edit" : "lze upravovat",
"access control" : "řízení přístupu",
"create" : "vytvořit",
"change" : "změnit",
"delete" : "smazat",
"Password protected" : "Chráněno heslem",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Chyba při odstraňování data vypršení platnosti",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Chyba při nastavení data vypršení platnosti",
"Sending ..." : "Odesílám ...",
"Email sent" : "Email odeslán",
"Warning" : "Varování",
"Edit" : "Upravit",
"guest" : "host",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Podpora MS Word (vyžaduje openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Místní",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice je nainstalován na tomto serveru. Cesta ke spustitelnému souboru je zaznamenána pod preview_libreoffice_path v config.php",
"External" : "Externí",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffie je nainstalován na externím serveru, kde běží instance filtrující formáty",
"Disabled" : "Zakázáno",
"No MS Word support" : "Žádná podpora MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "schéma://doména.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "URL serveru",
"Apply and test" : "Použít a otestovat",
"New document" : "Nový dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Nahrát (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Odeslat",
"Save new documents to" : "Uložit nové dokumenty do",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Nesprávné heslo. Zkuste to znovu.",
"Guest %s" : "Host %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Tento odkaz vypršel nebo neexistuje. Pro podrobnosti kontaktujte osobu, která jej s vámi sdílela.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Pokročilá sada možností",
"(Unstable)" : "(Nestabilní)"
"nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;");

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Dokumenty",
"Can't create document" : "Nelze vytvořit dokument",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Nemáte oprávnění pro přejmenování tohoto souboru",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Adresář byl úspěšně uložen.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Při pokusu o změnu adresáře došlo k chybě.",
"Saved" : "Uloženo",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Server pro zpracování formátu je nedostupný nebo chybně nakonfigurovaný",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Převod selhal. Zkontrolujte logy pro více detailů.",
"Saving..." : "Ukládám...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Nepodařilo se načíst dokumenty.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Žádné dokumenty nebyly nalezeny. Začněte nahráním nebo vytvořením prvního dokumentu!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Ztráta připojení k serveru. Zkouším znovu.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Ponecháním této stránky v módu editoru může dojít k neuložení změn. Místo toho je doporučeno použít tlačítko 'Zavřít'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Nepodařilo se otevřít tento dokument. Prosím zkontrolujte, zda je možné jej otevřít externím editorem odt. Může to také znamenat, že byl nedávno odsdílen nebo smazán.",
"Save" : "Uložit",
"Loading documents..." : "Nahrávám dokumenty ...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' je neplatným názvem souboru.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Název souboru nemůže být prázdný řetězec.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Neplatný název, znaky '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' a '*' nejsou povoleny.",
"Align Left" : "Zarovnat vlevo",
"Alignment" : "Zarovnání",
"Align Right" : "Zarovnat vpravo",
"Annotate" : "Komentovat",
"Background" : "Pozadí",
"Bold" : "Tučné",
"Bottom" : "Dolní",
"Cancel" : "Zrušit",
"Center" : "Vystředit",
"Clone" : "Klonovat",
"Clone this Style" : "Klonovat tento styl",
"Close" : "Zavřít",
"Color" : "Barva",
"Create" : "Vytvořit",
"Decrease Indent" : "Zmenšit odsazení",
"Default Style" : "Výchozí styl",
"Delete" : "Smazat",
"Family" : "Rodina",
"Font" : "Font",
"Font Effects" : "Efekty písma",
"Format" : "Formát",
"Increase Indent" : "Zvětšit odsazení",
"Insert Image" : "Vlož obrázek",
"Invite Members" : "Pozvat členy",
"Italic" : "Kurzíva",
"Justified" : "Zarovnaný",
"Justify" : "Zarovnat",
"Left" : "Vlevo",
"Loading" : "Načítám",
"Members" : "Členové",
"New Name:" : "Nový název:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Otevřít",
"Options" : "Možnosti",
"Paragraph..." : "Odstavec...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Styly odstavce",
"Redo" : "Znovu",
"Right" : "Vpravo",
"Size" : "Velikost",
"Spacing" : "Řádkování",
"Strikethrough" : "Přeškrtnuté",
"Style" : "Styl",
"Text" : "Text",
"Top" : "Horní",
"Underline" : "Podtržené",
"Undo" : "Zpět",
"Unknown Author" : "Autor neznámý",
"Shared" : "Sdílené",
"Error" : "Chyba",
"Error while sharing" : "Chyba při sdílení",
"Error while unsharing" : "Chyba při rušení sdílení",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Chyba při změně oprávnění",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "S Vámi a skupinou {group} sdílí {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "S Vámi sdílí {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Sdílet s uživateli nebo skupinami",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Sdílet s uživateli, skupinami nebo vzdálenými uživateli",
"Share" : "Sdílet",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Sdílejte s lidmi na ownClouds použitím syntaxe",
"Share link" : "Sdílet odkaz",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Veřejný odkaz vyprší nejpozději {days} dní od svého vytvoření",
"Link" : "Odkaz",
"Password protect" : "Chránit heslem",
"Password" : "Heslo",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Zadej heslo pro tento veřejný odkaz",
"Allow editing" : "Povolit úpravy",
"Email link to person" : "Odeslat osobě odkaz emailem",
"Send" : "Odeslat",
"Set expiration date" : "Nastavit datum vypršení platnosti",
"Expiration" : "Konec platnosti",
"Expiration date" : "Datum vypršení platnosti",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Nastala chyba. Prosím zkuste to znovu",
"Adding user..." : "Přidávám uživatele...",
"group" : "skupina",
"remote" : "vzdálený",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Sdílení již sdílené položky není povoleno",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Sdíleno v {item} s {user}",
"Unshare" : "Zrušit sdílení",
"notify by email" : "upozornit emailem",
"can share" : "může sdílet",
"can edit" : "lze upravovat",
"access control" : "řízení přístupu",
"create" : "vytvořit",
"change" : "změnit",
"delete" : "smazat",
"Password protected" : "Chráněno heslem",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Chyba při odstraňování data vypršení platnosti",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Chyba při nastavení data vypršení platnosti",
"Sending ..." : "Odesílám ...",
"Email sent" : "Email odeslán",
"Warning" : "Varování",
"Edit" : "Upravit",
"guest" : "host",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Podpora MS Word (vyžaduje openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Místní",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice je nainstalován na tomto serveru. Cesta ke spustitelnému souboru je zaznamenána pod preview_libreoffice_path v config.php",
"External" : "Externí",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffie je nainstalován na externím serveru, kde běží instance filtrující formáty",
"Disabled" : "Zakázáno",
"No MS Word support" : "Žádná podpora MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "schéma://doména.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "URL serveru",
"Apply and test" : "Použít a otestovat",
"New document" : "Nový dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Nahrát (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Odeslat",
"Save new documents to" : "Uložit nové dokumenty do",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Nesprávné heslo. Zkuste to znovu.",
"Guest %s" : "Host %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Tento odkaz vypršel nebo neexistuje. Pro podrobnosti kontaktujte osobu, která jej s vámi sdílela.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Pokročilá sada možností",
"(Unstable)" : "(Nestabilní)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;"

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Dokumenty",
"Can't create document" => "Nelze vytvořit dokument",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Nemáte oprávnění pro přejmenování tohoto souboru",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Adresář byl úspěšně uložen.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Při pokusu o změnu adresáře došlo k chybě.",
"Saved" => "Uloženo",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Server pro zpracování formátu je nedostupný nebo chybně nakonfigurovaný",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Převod selhal. Zkontrolujte logy pro více detailů.",
"Saving..." => "Ukládám...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Nepodařilo se načíst dokumenty.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Žádné dokumenty nebyly nalezeny. Začněte nahráním nebo vytvořením prvního dokumentu!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Ztráta připojení k serveru. Zkouším znovu.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Ponecháním této stránky v módu editoru může dojít k neuložení změn. Místo toho je doporučeno použít tlačítko 'Zavřít'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Nepodařilo se otevřít tento dokument. Prosím zkontrolujte, zda je možné jej otevřít externím editorem odt. Může to také znamenat, že byl nedávno odsdílen nebo smazán.",
"Save" => "Uložit",
"Loading documents..." => "Nahrávám dokumenty ...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' je neplatným názvem souboru.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Název souboru nemůže být prázdný řetězec.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Neplatný název, znaky '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' a '*' nejsou povoleny.",
"Align Left" => "Zarovnat vlevo",
"Alignment" => "Zarovnání",
"Align Right" => "Zarovnat vpravo",
"Annotate" => "Komentovat",
"Background" => "Pozadí",
"Bold" => "Tučné",
"Bottom" => "Dolní",
"Cancel" => "Zrušit",
"Center" => "Vystředit",
"Clone" => "Klonovat",
"Clone this Style" => "Klonovat tento styl",
"Close" => "Zavřít",
"Color" => "Barva",
"Create" => "Vytvořit",
"Decrease Indent" => "Zmenšit odsazení",
"Default Style" => "Výchozí styl",
"Delete" => "Smazat",
"Family" => "Rodina",
"Font" => "Font",
"Font Effects" => "Efekty písma",
"Format" => "Formát",
"Increase Indent" => "Zvětšit odsazení",
"Insert Image" => "Vlož obrázek",
"Invite Members" => "Pozvat členy",
"Italic" => "Kurzíva",
"Justified" => "Zarovnaný",
"Justify" => "Zarovnat",
"Left" => "Vlevo",
"Loading" => "Načítám",
"Members" => "Členové",
"New Name:" => "Nový název:",
"OK" => "OK",
"Open" => "Otevřít",
"Options" => "Možnosti",
"Paragraph..." => "Odstavec...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Styly odstavce",
"Redo" => "Znovu",
"Right" => "Vpravo",
"Size" => "Velikost",
"Spacing" => "Řádkování",
"Strikethrough" => "Přeškrtnuté",
"Style" => "Styl",
"Text" => "Text",
"Top" => "Horní",
"Underline" => "Podtržené",
"Undo" => "Zpět",
"Unknown Author" => "Autor neznámý",
"Shared" => "Sdílené",
"Error" => "Chyba",
"Error while sharing" => "Chyba při sdílení",
"Error while unsharing" => "Chyba při rušení sdílení",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Chyba při změně oprávnění",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "S Vámi a skupinou {group} sdílí {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "S Vámi sdílí {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Sdílet s uživateli nebo skupinami",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Sdílet s uživateli, skupinami nebo vzdálenými uživateli",
"Share" => "Sdílet",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "Sdílejte s lidmi na ownClouds použitím syntaxe",
"Share link" => "Sdílet odkaz",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "Veřejný odkaz vyprší nejpozději {days} dní od svého vytvoření",
"Link" => "Odkaz",
"Password protect" => "Chránit heslem",
"Password" => "Heslo",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Zadej heslo pro tento veřejný odkaz",
"Allow editing" => "Povolit úpravy",
"Email link to person" => "Odeslat osobě odkaz emailem",
"Send" => "Odeslat",
"Set expiration date" => "Nastavit datum vypršení platnosti",
"Expiration" => "Konec platnosti",
"Expiration date" => "Datum vypršení platnosti",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "Nastala chyba. Prosím zkuste to znovu",
"Adding user..." => "Přidávám uživatele...",
"group" => "skupina",
"remote" => "vzdálený",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Sdílení již sdílené položky není povoleno",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Sdíleno v {item} s {user}",
"Unshare" => "Zrušit sdílení",
"notify by email" => "upozornit emailem",
"can share" => "může sdílet",
"can edit" => "lze upravovat",
"access control" => "řízení přístupu",
"create" => "vytvořit",
"change" => "změnit",
"delete" => "smazat",
"Password protected" => "Chráněno heslem",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Chyba při odstraňování data vypršení platnosti",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Chyba při nastavení data vypršení platnosti",
"Sending ..." => "Odesílám ...",
"Email sent" => "Email odeslán",
"Warning" => "Varování",
"Edit" => "Upravit",
"guest" => "host",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "Podpora MS Word (vyžaduje openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" => "Místní",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/libreOffice je nainstalován na tomto serveru. Cesta ke spustitelnému souboru je zaznamenána pod preview_libreoffice_path v config.php",
"External" => "Externí",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "openOffice/libreOffie je nainstalován na externím serveru, kde běží instance filtrující formáty",
"Disabled" => "Zakázáno",
"No MS Word support" => "Žádná podpora MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "schéma://doména.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "URL serveru",
"Apply and test" => "Použít a otestovat",
"New document" => "Nový dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Nahrát (max. %s)",
"Upload" => "Odeslat",
"Save new documents to" => "Uložit nové dokumenty do",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Nesprávné heslo. Zkuste to znovu.",
"Guest %s" => "Host %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Tento odkaz vypršel nebo neexistuje. Pro podrobnosti kontaktujte osobu, která jej s vámi sdílela.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Pokročilá sada možností",
"(Unstable)" => "(Nestabilní)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;";

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
"Saving..." => "Yn cadw...",
"Share" => "Rhannu",
"Save" => "Cadw",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "Mae '.' yn enw ffeil annilys.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Does dim hawl cael enw ffeil gwag.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Enw annilys, ni chaniateir, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' na '*'.",
"Cancel" => "Diddymu",
"Close" => "Cau",
"Delete" => "Dileu",
"OK" => "Iawn",
"Open" => "Agor",
"Size" => "Maint",
"Text" => "Testun",
"Edit" => "Golygu",
"Upload" => "Llwytho i fyny",
"Password" => "Cyfrinair"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=4; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n==2) ? 1 : (n != 8 && n != 11) ? 2 : 3;";

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Dokumenter",
"Can't create document" : "Kan ikke oprette dokument",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Du har ikke tilladelse til at omdøbe dette dokument",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Mappen blev gemt.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Fejl ved skift af bibliotek.",
"Saved" : "Gemt",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Formatfilter-server er nede eller konfigureret forkert",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Konvertering mislykkedes. Tjek loggen for detaljer.",
"Saving..." : "Gemmer...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Kunne ikke hente dokumenterne. ",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Der blev ikke fundet nogle dokumenter. Upload eller opret et dokument for at komme igang",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Ingen forbindelse til servver. Prøv at forbinde igen.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "At forlade denne side i redigeringstilstand kan resultere i ikke gemte data. Det anbefales at bruge 'Luk' knappen i stedet.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Kunne ikke hentet dette dokument. Undersøg venligst om det kan åbnes med en ekstern odt læser. Dette kan også betyde at dokumentet for nylig er blevet gjort privat eller slettet. ",
"Save" : "Gem",
"Loading documents..." : "Henter dokumenter...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' er et ugyldigt filnavn.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Filnavnet kan ikke stå tomt.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Ugyldigt navn, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':' | '?', '\"', '', og '*' er ikke tilladt.",
"Align Left" : "Venstrejusteret",
"Alignment" : "Justering",
"Align Right" : "Højrejusteret",
"Annotate" : "Kommenter",
"Background" : "Baggrund",
"Bold" : "Fed",
"Bottom" : "Bund",
"Cancel" : "Annuller",
"Center" : "Midten",
"Clone" : "Kopier",
"Clone this Style" : "Kopier denne typografi",
"Close" : "Luk",
"Color" : "Farve",
"Create" : "Ny",
"Decrease Indent" : "Formindsk indrykning",
"Default Style" : "Standardtypografi",
"Delete" : "Slet",
"Family" : "Familie",
"Font" : "Skrifttype",
"Font Effects" : "Skifteffekter",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Forøg indrykning",
"Insert Image" : "Indsæt billede",
"Invite Members" : "Inviter medlemmer",
"Italic" : "Kursiv",
"Justified" : "Justeret",
"Justify" : "Juster",
"Left" : "Venstre",
"Loading" : "Indlæser",
"Members" : "Medlemmer",
"New Name:" : "Nyt navn:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Åbn",
"Options" : "Valgmuligheder",
"Paragraph..." : "Afsnit...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Afsnitstypografi",
"Redo" : "Gentag",
"Right" : "Højre",
"Size" : "Størrelse",
"Spacing" : "Afstand",
"Strikethrough" : "Gennemstreget",
"Style" : "Typografi",
"Text" : "SMS",
"Top" : "Top",
"Underline" : "Understregning",
"Undo" : "Fortryd",
"Unknown Author" : "Ukendt forfatter",
"Shared" : "Delt",
"Error" : "Fejl",
"Error while sharing" : "Fejl under deling",
"Error while unsharing" : "Fejl under annullering af deling",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Fejl under justering af rettigheder",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Delt med dig og gruppen {group} af {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Delt med dig af {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Del med brugere eller grupper",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Del med brugere, grupper eller eksterne brugere...",
"Share" : "Del",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Del med andre på ownCloud ved hjælp af syntaxen",
"Share link" : "Del link",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Det offentlige link udløber senest {days} dage efter det blev oprettet",
"Link" : "Link",
"Password protect" : "Beskyt med adgangskode",
"Password" : "Kodeord",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Vælg et kodeord til det offentlige link",
"Allow editing" : "Tillad redigering",
"Email link to person" : "E-mail link til person",
"Send" : "Send",
"Set expiration date" : "Vælg udløbsdato",
"Expiration" : "Udløb",
"Expiration date" : "Udløbsdato",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Der skete en fejl. Prøv venligst igen",
"Adding user..." : "Tilføjer bruger...",
"group" : "gruppe",
"remote" : "ekstern",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Videredeling ikke tilladt",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Delt i {item} med {user}",
"Unshare" : "Fjern deling",
"notify by email" : "Giv besked med mail",
"can share" : "kan dele",
"can edit" : "kan redigere",
"access control" : "Adgangskontrol",
"create" : "opret",
"change" : "tilpas",
"delete" : "slet",
"Password protected" : "Beskyttet med adgangskode",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Fejl ved fjernelse af udløbsdato",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Fejl under sætning af udløbsdato",
"Sending ..." : "Sender ...",
"Email sent" : "E-mail afsendt",
"Warning" : "Advarsel",
"Edit" : "Rediger",
"guest" : "Gæst",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word-understøttelse (kræver openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Lokal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice er installeret på denne server. Stien til den binære fil er angivet via preview_libreoffice_path i config.php",
"External" : "Ekstern",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice er installeret på en ekstern server som kører en formatfilter-server",
"Disabled" : "Deaktiveret",
"No MS Word support" : "Ingen understøttelse af MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "system://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Server URL",
"Apply and test" : "Anvend og test",
"New document" : "Nyt dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Upload (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Upload",
"Save new documents to" : "Gem nye dokumenter til",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Forkert kodeord. Prøv igen.",
"Guest %s" : "Gæst %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Dette link er uløbet eller har aldrig eksisteret. Kontakt venligst personen der delte linket for yderligere detaljer. ",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Avancerede funktioner",
"(Unstable)" : "(Ustabil)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Dokumenter",
"Can't create document" : "Kan ikke oprette dokument",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Du har ikke tilladelse til at omdøbe dette dokument",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Mappen blev gemt.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Fejl ved skift af bibliotek.",
"Saved" : "Gemt",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Formatfilter-server er nede eller konfigureret forkert",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Konvertering mislykkedes. Tjek loggen for detaljer.",
"Saving..." : "Gemmer...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Kunne ikke hente dokumenterne. ",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Der blev ikke fundet nogle dokumenter. Upload eller opret et dokument for at komme igang",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Ingen forbindelse til servver. Prøv at forbinde igen.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "At forlade denne side i redigeringstilstand kan resultere i ikke gemte data. Det anbefales at bruge 'Luk' knappen i stedet.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Kunne ikke hentet dette dokument. Undersøg venligst om det kan åbnes med en ekstern odt læser. Dette kan også betyde at dokumentet for nylig er blevet gjort privat eller slettet. ",
"Save" : "Gem",
"Loading documents..." : "Henter dokumenter...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' er et ugyldigt filnavn.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Filnavnet kan ikke stå tomt.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Ugyldigt navn, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':' | '?', '\"', '', og '*' er ikke tilladt.",
"Align Left" : "Venstrejusteret",
"Alignment" : "Justering",
"Align Right" : "Højrejusteret",
"Annotate" : "Kommenter",
"Background" : "Baggrund",
"Bold" : "Fed",
"Bottom" : "Bund",
"Cancel" : "Annuller",
"Center" : "Midten",
"Clone" : "Kopier",
"Clone this Style" : "Kopier denne typografi",
"Close" : "Luk",
"Color" : "Farve",
"Create" : "Ny",
"Decrease Indent" : "Formindsk indrykning",
"Default Style" : "Standardtypografi",
"Delete" : "Slet",
"Family" : "Familie",
"Font" : "Skrifttype",
"Font Effects" : "Skifteffekter",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Forøg indrykning",
"Insert Image" : "Indsæt billede",
"Invite Members" : "Inviter medlemmer",
"Italic" : "Kursiv",
"Justified" : "Justeret",
"Justify" : "Juster",
"Left" : "Venstre",
"Loading" : "Indlæser",
"Members" : "Medlemmer",
"New Name:" : "Nyt navn:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Åbn",
"Options" : "Valgmuligheder",
"Paragraph..." : "Afsnit...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Afsnitstypografi",
"Redo" : "Gentag",
"Right" : "Højre",
"Size" : "Størrelse",
"Spacing" : "Afstand",
"Strikethrough" : "Gennemstreget",
"Style" : "Typografi",
"Text" : "SMS",
"Top" : "Top",
"Underline" : "Understregning",
"Undo" : "Fortryd",
"Unknown Author" : "Ukendt forfatter",
"Shared" : "Delt",
"Error" : "Fejl",
"Error while sharing" : "Fejl under deling",
"Error while unsharing" : "Fejl under annullering af deling",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Fejl under justering af rettigheder",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Delt med dig og gruppen {group} af {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Delt med dig af {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Del med brugere eller grupper",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Del med brugere, grupper eller eksterne brugere...",
"Share" : "Del",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Del med andre på ownCloud ved hjælp af syntaxen",
"Share link" : "Del link",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Det offentlige link udløber senest {days} dage efter det blev oprettet",
"Link" : "Link",
"Password protect" : "Beskyt med adgangskode",
"Password" : "Kodeord",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Vælg et kodeord til det offentlige link",
"Allow editing" : "Tillad redigering",
"Email link to person" : "E-mail link til person",
"Send" : "Send",
"Set expiration date" : "Vælg udløbsdato",
"Expiration" : "Udløb",
"Expiration date" : "Udløbsdato",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Der skete en fejl. Prøv venligst igen",
"Adding user..." : "Tilføjer bruger...",
"group" : "gruppe",
"remote" : "ekstern",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Videredeling ikke tilladt",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Delt i {item} med {user}",
"Unshare" : "Fjern deling",
"notify by email" : "Giv besked med mail",
"can share" : "kan dele",
"can edit" : "kan redigere",
"access control" : "Adgangskontrol",
"create" : "opret",
"change" : "tilpas",
"delete" : "slet",
"Password protected" : "Beskyttet med adgangskode",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Fejl ved fjernelse af udløbsdato",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Fejl under sætning af udløbsdato",
"Sending ..." : "Sender ...",
"Email sent" : "E-mail afsendt",
"Warning" : "Advarsel",
"Edit" : "Rediger",
"guest" : "Gæst",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word-understøttelse (kræver openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Lokal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice er installeret på denne server. Stien til den binære fil er angivet via preview_libreoffice_path i config.php",
"External" : "Ekstern",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice er installeret på en ekstern server som kører en formatfilter-server",
"Disabled" : "Deaktiveret",
"No MS Word support" : "Ingen understøttelse af MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "system://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Server URL",
"Apply and test" : "Anvend og test",
"New document" : "Nyt dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Upload (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Upload",
"Save new documents to" : "Gem nye dokumenter til",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Forkert kodeord. Prøv igen.",
"Guest %s" : "Gæst %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Dette link er uløbet eller har aldrig eksisteret. Kontakt venligst personen der delte linket for yderligere detaljer. ",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Avancerede funktioner",
"(Unstable)" : "(Ustabil)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Dokumenter",
"Can't create document" => "Kan ikke oprette dokument",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Du har ikke tilladelse til at omdøbe dette dokument",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Mappen blev gemt.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Fejl ved skift af bibliotek.",
"Saved" => "Gemt",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Formatfilter-server er nede eller konfigureret forkert",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Konvertering mislykkedes. Tjek loggen for detaljer.",
"Saving..." => "Gemmer...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Kunne ikke hente dokumenterne. ",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Der blev ikke fundet nogle dokumenter. Upload eller opret et dokument for at komme igang",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Ingen forbindelse til servver. Prøv at forbinde igen.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "At forlade denne side i redigeringstilstand kan resultere i ikke gemte data. Det anbefales at bruge 'Luk' knappen i stedet.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Kunne ikke hentet dette dokument. Undersøg venligst om det kan åbnes med en ekstern odt læser. Dette kan også betyde at dokumentet for nylig er blevet gjort privat eller slettet. ",
"Save" => "Gem",
"Loading documents..." => "Henter dokumenter...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' er et ugyldigt filnavn.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Filnavnet kan ikke stå tomt.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Ugyldigt navn, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':' | '?', '\"', '', og '*' er ikke tilladt.",
"Align Left" => "Venstrejusteret",
"Alignment" => "Justering",
"Align Right" => "Højrejusteret",
"Annotate" => "Kommenter",
"Background" => "Baggrund",
"Bold" => "Fed",
"Bottom" => "Bund",
"Cancel" => "Annuller",
"Center" => "Midten",
"Clone" => "Kopier",
"Clone this Style" => "Kopier denne typografi",
"Close" => "Luk",
"Color" => "Farve",
"Create" => "Ny",
"Decrease Indent" => "Formindsk indrykning",
"Default Style" => "Standardtypografi",
"Delete" => "Slet",
"Family" => "Familie",
"Font" => "Skrifttype",
"Font Effects" => "Skifteffekter",
"Format" => "Format",
"Increase Indent" => "Forøg indrykning",
"Insert Image" => "Indsæt billede",
"Invite Members" => "Inviter medlemmer",
"Italic" => "Kursiv",
"Justified" => "Justeret",
"Justify" => "Juster",
"Left" => "Venstre",
"Loading" => "Indlæser",
"Members" => "Medlemmer",
"New Name:" => "Nyt navn:",
"OK" => "OK",
"Open" => "Åbn",
"Options" => "Valgmuligheder",
"Paragraph..." => "Afsnit...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Afsnitstypografi",
"Redo" => "Gentag",
"Right" => "Højre",
"Size" => "Størrelse",
"Spacing" => "Afstand",
"Strikethrough" => "Gennemstreget",
"Style" => "Typografi",
"Text" => "SMS",
"Top" => "Top",
"Underline" => "Understregning",
"Undo" => "Fortryd",
"Unknown Author" => "Ukendt forfatter",
"Shared" => "Delt",
"Error" => "Fejl",
"Error while sharing" => "Fejl under deling",
"Error while unsharing" => "Fejl under annullering af deling",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Fejl under justering af rettigheder",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Delt med dig og gruppen {group} af {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Delt med dig af {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Del med brugere eller grupper",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Del med brugere, grupper eller eksterne brugere...",
"Share" => "Del",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "Del med andre på ownCloud ved hjælp af syntaxen",
"Share link" => "Del link",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "Det offentlige link udløber senest {days} dage efter det blev oprettet",
"Link" => "Link",
"Password protect" => "Beskyt med adgangskode",
"Password" => "Kodeord",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Vælg et kodeord til det offentlige link",
"Allow editing" => "Tillad redigering",
"Email link to person" => "E-mail link til person",
"Send" => "Send",
"Set expiration date" => "Vælg udløbsdato",
"Expiration" => "Udløb",
"Expiration date" => "Udløbsdato",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "Der skete en fejl. Prøv venligst igen",
"Adding user..." => "Tilføjer bruger...",
"group" => "gruppe",
"remote" => "ekstern",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Videredeling ikke tilladt",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Delt i {item} med {user}",
"Unshare" => "Fjern deling",
"notify by email" => "Giv besked med mail",
"can share" => "kan dele",
"can edit" => "kan redigere",
"access control" => "Adgangskontrol",
"create" => "opret",
"change" => "tilpas",
"delete" => "slet",
"Password protected" => "Beskyttet med adgangskode",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Fejl ved fjernelse af udløbsdato",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Fejl under sætning af udløbsdato",
"Sending ..." => "Sender ...",
"Email sent" => "E-mail afsendt",
"Warning" => "Advarsel",
"Edit" => "Rediger",
"guest" => "Gæst",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "MS Word-understøttelse (kræver openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" => "Lokal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/libreOffice er installeret på denne server. Stien til den binære fil er angivet via preview_libreoffice_path i config.php",
"External" => "Ekstern",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "openOffice/libreOffice er installeret på en ekstern server som kører en formatfilter-server",
"Disabled" => "Deaktiveret",
"No MS Word support" => "Ingen understøttelse af MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "system://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "Server URL",
"Apply and test" => "Anvend og test",
"New document" => "Nyt dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Upload (max. %s)",
"Upload" => "Upload",
"Save new documents to" => "Gem nye dokumenter til",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Forkert kodeord. Prøv igen.",
"Guest %s" => "Gæst %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Dette link er uløbet eller har aldrig eksisteret. Kontakt venligst personen der delte linket for yderligere detaljer. ",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Avancerede funktioner",
"(Unstable)" => "(Ustabil)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Dokumente",
"Can't create document" : "Dokument kann nicht erstellt werden",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Du besitzt nicht die Berechtigung, dieses Dokument umzubenennen.",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Verzeichnis erfolgreich gespeichert.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Es ist ein Fehler beim Wechseln des Verzeichnisses aufgetreten.",
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Formatfilter-Server ist ausgeschaltet oder falsch konfiguriert",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Fehler bei der Konvertierung. Für Einzelheiten Log-Dateien prüfen.",
"Saving..." : "Speichern…",
"Failed to load documents." : "Laden der Dokumente fehlgeschlagen.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Keine Dokumente gefunden. Bitte lade zu Beginn Dokumente hoch, oder erstellen Sie ein Dokument!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Keine Verbindung zum Server. Versuche wiederzuverbinden.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Das Verlassen dieser Seite im Editor-Modus kann zu nicht gespeicherten Daten führen. Es wird empfohlen, den 'Schließen' - Button zu verwenden.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Fehler beim Laden dieses Dokumentes. Bitte prüfe ob diese Datei mit einem externen ODT-Editor geöffnet werden kann. Dies könnte auch bedeuten, das die Datei nicht mehr geteilt wird oder kürzlich gelöscht wurde.",
"Save" : "Speichern",
"Loading documents..." : "Dokumente werden geladen…",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' ist kein gültiger Dateiname.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Ungültiger Name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' und '*' sind nicht zulässig.",
"Align Left" : "Linksbündig",
"Alignment" : "Ausrichtung",
"Align Right" : "Rechtsbündig",
"Annotate" : "Kommentieren",
"Background" : "Hintergrund",
"Bold" : "Fett",
"Bottom" : "Unten",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Center" : "Zentriert",
"Clone" : "Klonen",
"Clone this Style" : "Diesen Stil klonen",
"Close" : "Schließen",
"Color" : "Farbe",
"Create" : "Anlegen",
"Decrease Indent" : "Einzug verkleinern",
"Default Style" : "Standard-Stil",
"Delete" : "Löschen",
"Family" : "Familie",
"Font" : "Schriftart",
"Font Effects" : "Schriftarten-Effekte",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Einzug vergrößern",
"Insert Image" : "Bild einfügen",
"Invite Members" : "Mitglied einladen",
"Italic" : "Kursiv",
"Justified" : "Bündig",
"Justify" : "Ausrichten",
"Left" : "Links",
"Loading" : "Laden",
"Members" : "Mitglieder",
"New Name:" : "Neuer Name:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Öffnen",
"Options" : "Optionen",
"Paragraph..." : "Absatz…",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Absatz-Stile",
"Redo" : "Wiederholen",
"Right" : "Rechts",
"Size" : "Größe",
"Spacing" : "Abstand",
"Strikethrough" : "Durchgestrichen",
"Style" : "Stil",
"Text" : "Text",
"Top" : "Oben",
"Underline" : "Unterstrichen",
"Undo" : "Rückgängig",
"Unknown Author" : "Unbekannter Autor",
"Shared" : "Geteilt",
"Error" : "Fehler",
"Error while sharing" : "Fehler beim Teilen",
"Error while unsharing" : "Fehler beim Aufheben der Freigabe",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Fehler beim Ändern der Rechte",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "{owner} hat dies mit Dir und der Gruppe {group} geteilt",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} hat dies mit Dir geteilt",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Mit Benutzern oder Gruppen teilen…",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Mit Benutzern, Gruppen oder entfernten Benutzern teilen…",
"Share" : "Teilen",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Mit Benutzern anderer ownClouds unter Verwendung der Syntax teilen",
"Share link" : "Link teilen",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Der öffentliche Link wird spätestens {days} Tage nach seiner Erstellung ablaufen",
"Link" : "Link",
"Password protect" : "Passwortschutz",
"Password" : "Passwort",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Wählen Sie ein Passwort für den öffentlichen Link",
"Allow editing" : "Bearbeitung erlauben",
"Email link to person" : "Link per E-Mail verschicken",
"Send" : "Senden",
"Set expiration date" : "Setze ein Ablaufdatum",
"Expiration" : "Ablaufdatum",
"Expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal",
"Adding user..." : "Benutzer wird hinzugefügt…",
"group" : "Gruppe",
"remote" : "Entfernte Freigabe",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Weiterverteilen ist nicht erlaubt",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Für {user} in {item} freigegeben",
"Unshare" : "Freigabe aufheben",
"notify by email" : "per E-Mail benachrichtigen",
"can share" : "kann teilen",
"can edit" : "kann bearbeiten",
"access control" : "Zugriffskontrolle",
"create" : "erstellen",
"change" : "Ändern",
"delete" : "löschen",
"Password protected" : "Durch ein Passwort geschützt",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Fehler beim Entfernen des Ablaufdatums",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Fehler beim Setzen des Ablaufdatums",
"Sending ..." : "Senden…",
"Email sent" : "E-Mail wurde verschickt",
"Warning" : "Warnung",
"Edit" : "Bearbeiten",
"guest" : "Gast",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word Unterstützung (benötigt OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" : "Lokal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice ist auf diesem Server installiert. Der Pfad zur Binärdatei wird über preview_libreoffice_path in der config.php bereit gestellt.",
"External" : "Extern",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice ist auf einem externen Server installiert und läuft dort als Formatfilter-Server",
"Disabled" : "Deaktiviert",
"No MS Word support" : "Keine MS Word Unterstützung",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "Schema://Domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Server-URL",
"Apply and test" : "Übernehmen und Testen",
"New document" : "Neues Dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Hochladen (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Hochladen",
"Save new documents to" : "Neues Dokument speichern unter",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
"Guest %s" : "Gast %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Dieser Link ist abgelaufen oder existierte niemals. Bitte kontaktiere, für nähere Details, die Person, die dies mit Dir teilt.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Erweiterte Funktionseinstellungen",
"(Unstable)" : "(Instabil)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Dokumente",
"Can't create document" : "Dokument kann nicht erstellt werden",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Du besitzt nicht die Berechtigung, dieses Dokument umzubenennen.",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Verzeichnis erfolgreich gespeichert.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Es ist ein Fehler beim Wechseln des Verzeichnisses aufgetreten.",
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Formatfilter-Server ist ausgeschaltet oder falsch konfiguriert",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Fehler bei der Konvertierung. Für Einzelheiten Log-Dateien prüfen.",
"Saving..." : "Speichern…",
"Failed to load documents." : "Laden der Dokumente fehlgeschlagen.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Keine Dokumente gefunden. Bitte lade zu Beginn Dokumente hoch, oder erstellen Sie ein Dokument!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Keine Verbindung zum Server. Versuche wiederzuverbinden.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Das Verlassen dieser Seite im Editor-Modus kann zu nicht gespeicherten Daten führen. Es wird empfohlen, den 'Schließen' - Button zu verwenden.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Fehler beim Laden dieses Dokumentes. Bitte prüfe ob diese Datei mit einem externen ODT-Editor geöffnet werden kann. Dies könnte auch bedeuten, das die Datei nicht mehr geteilt wird oder kürzlich gelöscht wurde.",
"Save" : "Speichern",
"Loading documents..." : "Dokumente werden geladen…",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' ist kein gültiger Dateiname.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Ungültiger Name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' und '*' sind nicht zulässig.",
"Align Left" : "Linksbündig",
"Alignment" : "Ausrichtung",
"Align Right" : "Rechtsbündig",
"Annotate" : "Kommentieren",
"Background" : "Hintergrund",
"Bold" : "Fett",
"Bottom" : "Unten",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Center" : "Zentriert",
"Clone" : "Klonen",
"Clone this Style" : "Diesen Stil klonen",
"Close" : "Schließen",
"Color" : "Farbe",
"Create" : "Anlegen",
"Decrease Indent" : "Einzug verkleinern",
"Default Style" : "Standard-Stil",
"Delete" : "Löschen",
"Family" : "Familie",
"Font" : "Schriftart",
"Font Effects" : "Schriftarten-Effekte",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Einzug vergrößern",
"Insert Image" : "Bild einfügen",
"Invite Members" : "Mitglied einladen",
"Italic" : "Kursiv",
"Justified" : "Bündig",
"Justify" : "Ausrichten",
"Left" : "Links",
"Loading" : "Laden",
"Members" : "Mitglieder",
"New Name:" : "Neuer Name:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Öffnen",
"Options" : "Optionen",
"Paragraph..." : "Absatz…",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Absatz-Stile",
"Redo" : "Wiederholen",
"Right" : "Rechts",
"Size" : "Größe",
"Spacing" : "Abstand",
"Strikethrough" : "Durchgestrichen",
"Style" : "Stil",
"Text" : "Text",
"Top" : "Oben",
"Underline" : "Unterstrichen",
"Undo" : "Rückgängig",
"Unknown Author" : "Unbekannter Autor",
"Shared" : "Geteilt",
"Error" : "Fehler",
"Error while sharing" : "Fehler beim Teilen",
"Error while unsharing" : "Fehler beim Aufheben der Freigabe",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Fehler beim Ändern der Rechte",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "{owner} hat dies mit Dir und der Gruppe {group} geteilt",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} hat dies mit Dir geteilt",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Mit Benutzern oder Gruppen teilen…",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Mit Benutzern, Gruppen oder entfernten Benutzern teilen…",
"Share" : "Teilen",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Mit Benutzern anderer ownClouds unter Verwendung der Syntax teilen",
"Share link" : "Link teilen",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Der öffentliche Link wird spätestens {days} Tage nach seiner Erstellung ablaufen",
"Link" : "Link",
"Password protect" : "Passwortschutz",
"Password" : "Passwort",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Wählen Sie ein Passwort für den öffentlichen Link",
"Allow editing" : "Bearbeitung erlauben",
"Email link to person" : "Link per E-Mail verschicken",
"Send" : "Senden",
"Set expiration date" : "Setze ein Ablaufdatum",
"Expiration" : "Ablaufdatum",
"Expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal",
"Adding user..." : "Benutzer wird hinzugefügt…",
"group" : "Gruppe",
"remote" : "Entfernte Freigabe",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Weiterverteilen ist nicht erlaubt",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Für {user} in {item} freigegeben",
"Unshare" : "Freigabe aufheben",
"notify by email" : "per E-Mail benachrichtigen",
"can share" : "kann teilen",
"can edit" : "kann bearbeiten",
"access control" : "Zugriffskontrolle",
"create" : "erstellen",
"change" : "Ändern",
"delete" : "löschen",
"Password protected" : "Durch ein Passwort geschützt",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Fehler beim Entfernen des Ablaufdatums",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Fehler beim Setzen des Ablaufdatums",
"Sending ..." : "Senden…",
"Email sent" : "E-Mail wurde verschickt",
"Warning" : "Warnung",
"Edit" : "Bearbeiten",
"guest" : "Gast",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word Unterstützung (benötigt OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" : "Lokal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice ist auf diesem Server installiert. Der Pfad zur Binärdatei wird über preview_libreoffice_path in der config.php bereit gestellt.",
"External" : "Extern",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice ist auf einem externen Server installiert und läuft dort als Formatfilter-Server",
"Disabled" : "Deaktiviert",
"No MS Word support" : "Keine MS Word Unterstützung",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "Schema://Domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Server-URL",
"Apply and test" : "Übernehmen und Testen",
"New document" : "Neues Dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Hochladen (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Hochladen",
"Save new documents to" : "Neues Dokument speichern unter",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
"Guest %s" : "Gast %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Dieser Link ist abgelaufen oder existierte niemals. Bitte kontaktiere, für nähere Details, die Person, die dies mit Dir teilt.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Erweiterte Funktionseinstellungen",
"(Unstable)" : "(Instabil)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Dokumente",
"Can't create document" => "Dokument kann nicht erstellt werden",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Du besitzt nicht die Berechtigung, dieses Dokument umzubenennen.",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Verzeichnis erfolgreich gespeichert.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Es ist ein Fehler beim Wechseln des Verzeichnisses aufgetreten.",
"Saved" => "Gespeichert",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Formatfilter-Server ist ausgeschaltet oder falsch konfiguriert",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Fehler bei der Konvertierung. Für Einzelheiten Log-Dateien prüfen.",
"Saving..." => "Speichern…",
"Failed to load documents." => "Laden der Dokumente fehlgeschlagen.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Keine Dokumente gefunden. Bitte lade zu Beginn Dokumente hoch, oder erstellen Sie ein Dokument!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Keine Verbindung zum Server. Versuche wiederzuverbinden.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Das Verlassen dieser Seite im Editor-Modus kann zu nicht gespeicherten Daten führen. Es wird empfohlen, den 'Schließen' - Button zu verwenden.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Fehler beim Laden dieses Dokumentes. Bitte prüfe ob diese Datei mit einem externen ODT-Editor geöffnet werden kann. Dies könnte auch bedeuten, das die Datei nicht mehr geteilt wird oder kürzlich gelöscht wurde.",
"Save" => "Speichern",
"Loading documents..." => "Dokumente werden geladen…",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' ist kein gültiger Dateiname.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Ungültiger Name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' und '*' sind nicht zulässig.",
"Align Left" => "Linksbündig",
"Alignment" => "Ausrichtung",
"Align Right" => "Rechtsbündig",
"Annotate" => "Kommentieren",
"Background" => "Hintergrund",
"Bold" => "Fett",
"Bottom" => "Unten",
"Cancel" => "Abbrechen",
"Center" => "Zentriert",
"Clone" => "Klonen",
"Clone this Style" => "Diesen Stil klonen",
"Close" => "Schließen",
"Color" => "Farbe",
"Create" => "Anlegen",
"Decrease Indent" => "Einzug verkleinern",
"Default Style" => "Standard-Stil",
"Delete" => "Löschen",
"Family" => "Familie",
"Font" => "Schriftart",
"Font Effects" => "Schriftarten-Effekte",
"Format" => "Format",
"Increase Indent" => "Einzug vergrößern",
"Insert Image" => "Bild einfügen",
"Invite Members" => "Mitglied einladen",
"Italic" => "Kursiv",
"Justified" => "Bündig",
"Justify" => "Ausrichten",
"Left" => "Links",
"Loading" => "Laden",
"Members" => "Mitglieder",
"New Name:" => "Neuer Name:",
"OK" => "OK",
"Open" => "Öffnen",
"Options" => "Optionen",
"Paragraph..." => "Absatz…",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Absatz-Stile",
"Redo" => "Wiederholen",
"Right" => "Rechts",
"Size" => "Größe",
"Spacing" => "Abstand",
"Strikethrough" => "Durchgestrichen",
"Style" => "Stil",
"Text" => "Text",
"Top" => "Oben",
"Underline" => "Unterstrichen",
"Undo" => "Rückgängig",
"Unknown Author" => "Unbekannter Autor",
"Shared" => "Geteilt",
"Error" => "Fehler",
"Error while sharing" => "Fehler beim Teilen",
"Error while unsharing" => "Fehler beim Aufheben der Freigabe",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Fehler beim Ändern der Rechte",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "{owner} hat dies mit Dir und der Gruppe {group} geteilt",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "{owner} hat dies mit Dir geteilt",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Mit Benutzern oder Gruppen teilen…",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Mit Benutzern, Gruppen oder entfernten Benutzern teilen…",
"Share" => "Teilen",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "Mit Benutzern anderer ownClouds unter Verwendung der Syntax teilen",
"Share link" => "Link teilen",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "Der öffentliche Link wird spätestens {days} Tage nach seiner Erstellung ablaufen",
"Link" => "Link",
"Password protect" => "Passwortschutz",
"Password" => "Passwort",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Wählen Sie ein Passwort für den öffentlichen Link",
"Allow editing" => "Bearbeitung erlauben",
"Email link to person" => "Link per E-Mail verschicken",
"Send" => "Senden",
"Set expiration date" => "Setze ein Ablaufdatum",
"Expiration" => "Ablaufdatum",
"Expiration date" => "Ablaufdatum",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal",
"Adding user..." => "Benutzer wird hinzugefügt…",
"group" => "Gruppe",
"remote" => "Entfernte Freigabe",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Weiterverteilen ist nicht erlaubt",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Für {user} in {item} freigegeben",
"Unshare" => "Freigabe aufheben",
"notify by email" => "per E-Mail benachrichtigen",
"can share" => "kann teilen",
"can edit" => "kann bearbeiten",
"access control" => "Zugriffskontrolle",
"create" => "erstellen",
"change" => "Ändern",
"delete" => "löschen",
"Password protected" => "Durch ein Passwort geschützt",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Fehler beim Entfernen des Ablaufdatums",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Fehler beim Setzen des Ablaufdatums",
"Sending ..." => "Senden…",
"Email sent" => "E-Mail wurde verschickt",
"Warning" => "Warnung",
"Edit" => "Bearbeiten",
"guest" => "Gast",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "MS Word Unterstützung (benötigt OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" => "Lokal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "OpenOffice/LibreOffice ist auf diesem Server installiert. Der Pfad zur Binärdatei wird über preview_libreoffice_path in der config.php bereit gestellt.",
"External" => "Extern",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "OpenOffice/LibreOffice ist auf einem externen Server installiert und läuft dort als Formatfilter-Server",
"Disabled" => "Deaktiviert",
"No MS Word support" => "Keine MS Word Unterstützung",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "Schema://Domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "Server-URL",
"Apply and test" => "Übernehmen und Testen",
"New document" => "Neues Dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Hochladen (max. %s)",
"Upload" => "Hochladen",
"Save new documents to" => "Neues Dokument speichern unter",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
"Guest %s" => "Gast %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Dieser Link ist abgelaufen oder existierte niemals. Bitte kontaktiere, für nähere Details, die Person, die dies mit Dir teilt.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Erweiterte Funktionseinstellungen",
"(Unstable)" => "(Instabil)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
"Share" => "Freigeben",
"Save" => "Speichern",
"Cancel" => "Abbrechen",
"Delete" => "Löschen",
"Edit" => "Bearbeiten",
"Password" => "Passwort"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Dokumente",
"Can't create document" : "Dokument kann nicht erstellt werden",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Sie haben nicht die erforderlichen Rechte, dieses Dokument umzubenennen.",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Verzeichnis erfolgreich gespeichert.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Es ist ein Fehler beim Wechseln des Verzeichnisses aufgetreten.",
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Formatfilter-Server ist ausgeschaltet oder falsch konfiguriert",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Fehler bei der Konvertierung. Für Einzelheiten Log-Dateien prüfen.",
"Saving..." : "Speichervorgang …",
"Failed to load documents." : "Das Laden der Dokumente ist fehlgeschlagen.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Keine Dokumente gefunden. Bitte laden Sie zu Beginn Dokumente hoch, oder erstellen Sie ein Dokument!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Keine Verbindung zum Server. Es wird versucht diese wiederherzustellen.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Das Verlassen dieser Seite kann zu nicht gespeicherten Daten führen. Bitte verwenden die den 'Schließen'-Button.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Es ist ein Fehler beim Laden dieses Dokumentes aufgetreten. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob diese Datei mit einem externen ODT-Editor geöffnet werden kann. Dies könnte auch bedeuten, dass die Datei nicht mehr geteilt wird oder vor kurzem gelöscht wurde.",
"Save" : "Speichern",
"Loading documents..." : "Lade Dokumente…",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' ist kein gültiger Dateiname.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Ungültiger Name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' und '*' sind nicht zulässig.",
"Align Left" : "Linksbündig",
"Alignment" : "Ausrichtung",
"Align Right" : "Rechtsbündig",
"Annotate" : "Kommentieren",
"Background" : "Hintergrund",
"Bold" : "Fett",
"Bottom" : "Unten",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Center" : "Zentriert",
"Clone" : "Klonen",
"Clone this Style" : "Diesen Stil klonen",
"Close" : "Schließen",
"Color" : "Farbe",
"Create" : "Erstellen",
"Decrease Indent" : "Einrückung verkleinern",
"Default Style" : "Standard-Stil",
"Delete" : "Löschen",
"Family" : "Familie",
"Font" : "Schriftart",
"Font Effects" : "Schriftarten-Effekte",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Einrückung vergrößern",
"Insert Image" : "Bild einfügen",
"Invite Members" : "Mitglied einladen",
"Italic" : "Kursiv",
"Justified" : "Bündig",
"Justify" : "Ausrichten",
"Left" : "Links",
"Loading" : "Lade",
"Members" : "Mitglieder",
"New Name:" : "Neuer Name:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Öffnen",
"Options" : "Optionen",
"Paragraph..." : "Absatz…",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Absatz-Stile",
"Redo" : "Wiederholen",
"Right" : "Rechts",
"Size" : "Größe",
"Spacing" : "Abstand",
"Strikethrough" : "Durchgestrichen",
"Style" : "Stil",
"Text" : "Text",
"Top" : "Oben",
"Underline" : "Unterstrichen",
"Undo" : "Rückgängig",
"Unknown Author" : "Unbekannter Autor",
"Shared" : "Geteilt",
"Error" : "Fehler",
"Error while sharing" : "Fehler beim Teilen",
"Error while unsharing" : "Fehler beim Aufheben der Freigabe",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Fehler bei der Änderung der Rechte",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Von {owner} mit Ihnen und der Gruppe {group} geteilt.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Von {owner} mit Ihnen geteilt.",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Mit Benutzern oder Gruppen teilen…",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Mit Benutzern, Gruppen oder entfernten Benutzern teilen…",
"Share" : "Teilen",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Mit Benutzern anderer ownClouds unter Verwendung der Syntax teilen",
"Share link" : "Link teilen",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Der öffentliche Link wird spätestens {days} Tage nach seiner Erstellung ablaufen",
"Link" : "Link",
"Password protect" : "Passwortschutz",
"Password" : "Passwort",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Wählen Sie ein Passwort für den öffentlichen Link",
"Allow editing" : "Bearbeitung erlauben",
"Email link to person" : "Link per E-Mail verschicken",
"Send" : "Senden",
"Set expiration date" : "Ein Ablaufdatum setzen",
"Expiration" : "Ablaufdatum",
"Expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal",
"Adding user..." : "Benutzer wird hinzugefügt…",
"group" : "Gruppe",
"remote" : "Entfernte Freigabe",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Das Weiterverteilen ist nicht erlaubt",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Freigegeben in {item} von {user}",
"Unshare" : "Freigabe aufheben",
"notify by email" : "per E-Mail benachrichtigen",
"can share" : "kann teilen",
"can edit" : "kann bearbeiten",
"access control" : "Zugriffskontrolle",
"create" : "erstellen",
"change" : "Ändern",
"delete" : "löschen",
"Password protected" : "Passwortgeschützt",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Fehler beim Entfernen des Ablaufdatums",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Fehler beim Setzen des Ablaufdatums",
"Sending ..." : "Senden…",
"Email sent" : "E-Mail gesendet",
"Warning" : "Warnung",
"Edit" : "Bearbeiten",
"guest" : "Gast",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word Unterstützung (benötigt OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" : "Lokal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice ist auf diesem Server installiert. Der Pfad zur Binärdatei wird über preview_libreoffice_path in der config.php bereit gestellt.",
"External" : "Extern",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice ist auf einem externen Server installiert und läuft dort als Formatfilter-Server",
"Disabled" : "Deaktiviert",
"No MS Word support" : "Keine MS Word Unterstützung",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "Schema://Domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Serveradresse",
"Apply and test" : "Übernehmen und Testen",
"New document" : "Neues Dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Hochladen (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Hochladen",
"Save new documents to" : "Neues Dokument speichern unter",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",
"Guest %s" : "Gast %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Dieser Link ist abgelaufen oder existierte niemals. Bitte kontaktieren Sie für nähere Details die Person, die dieses Dokument mit Ihnen geteilt hat.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Erweiterte Funktionseinstellungen",
"(Unstable)" : "(Instabil)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Dokumente",
"Can't create document" : "Dokument kann nicht erstellt werden",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Sie haben nicht die erforderlichen Rechte, dieses Dokument umzubenennen.",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Verzeichnis erfolgreich gespeichert.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Es ist ein Fehler beim Wechseln des Verzeichnisses aufgetreten.",
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Formatfilter-Server ist ausgeschaltet oder falsch konfiguriert",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Fehler bei der Konvertierung. Für Einzelheiten Log-Dateien prüfen.",
"Saving..." : "Speichervorgang …",
"Failed to load documents." : "Das Laden der Dokumente ist fehlgeschlagen.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Keine Dokumente gefunden. Bitte laden Sie zu Beginn Dokumente hoch, oder erstellen Sie ein Dokument!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Keine Verbindung zum Server. Es wird versucht diese wiederherzustellen.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Das Verlassen dieser Seite kann zu nicht gespeicherten Daten führen. Bitte verwenden die den 'Schließen'-Button.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Es ist ein Fehler beim Laden dieses Dokumentes aufgetreten. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob diese Datei mit einem externen ODT-Editor geöffnet werden kann. Dies könnte auch bedeuten, dass die Datei nicht mehr geteilt wird oder vor kurzem gelöscht wurde.",
"Save" : "Speichern",
"Loading documents..." : "Lade Dokumente…",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' ist kein gültiger Dateiname.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Ungültiger Name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' und '*' sind nicht zulässig.",
"Align Left" : "Linksbündig",
"Alignment" : "Ausrichtung",
"Align Right" : "Rechtsbündig",
"Annotate" : "Kommentieren",
"Background" : "Hintergrund",
"Bold" : "Fett",
"Bottom" : "Unten",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Center" : "Zentriert",
"Clone" : "Klonen",
"Clone this Style" : "Diesen Stil klonen",
"Close" : "Schließen",
"Color" : "Farbe",
"Create" : "Erstellen",
"Decrease Indent" : "Einrückung verkleinern",
"Default Style" : "Standard-Stil",
"Delete" : "Löschen",
"Family" : "Familie",
"Font" : "Schriftart",
"Font Effects" : "Schriftarten-Effekte",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Einrückung vergrößern",
"Insert Image" : "Bild einfügen",
"Invite Members" : "Mitglied einladen",
"Italic" : "Kursiv",
"Justified" : "Bündig",
"Justify" : "Ausrichten",
"Left" : "Links",
"Loading" : "Lade",
"Members" : "Mitglieder",
"New Name:" : "Neuer Name:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Öffnen",
"Options" : "Optionen",
"Paragraph..." : "Absatz…",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Absatz-Stile",
"Redo" : "Wiederholen",
"Right" : "Rechts",
"Size" : "Größe",
"Spacing" : "Abstand",
"Strikethrough" : "Durchgestrichen",
"Style" : "Stil",
"Text" : "Text",
"Top" : "Oben",
"Underline" : "Unterstrichen",
"Undo" : "Rückgängig",
"Unknown Author" : "Unbekannter Autor",
"Shared" : "Geteilt",
"Error" : "Fehler",
"Error while sharing" : "Fehler beim Teilen",
"Error while unsharing" : "Fehler beim Aufheben der Freigabe",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Fehler bei der Änderung der Rechte",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Von {owner} mit Ihnen und der Gruppe {group} geteilt.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Von {owner} mit Ihnen geteilt.",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Mit Benutzern oder Gruppen teilen…",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Mit Benutzern, Gruppen oder entfernten Benutzern teilen…",
"Share" : "Teilen",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Mit Benutzern anderer ownClouds unter Verwendung der Syntax teilen",
"Share link" : "Link teilen",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Der öffentliche Link wird spätestens {days} Tage nach seiner Erstellung ablaufen",
"Link" : "Link",
"Password protect" : "Passwortschutz",
"Password" : "Passwort",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Wählen Sie ein Passwort für den öffentlichen Link",
"Allow editing" : "Bearbeitung erlauben",
"Email link to person" : "Link per E-Mail verschicken",
"Send" : "Senden",
"Set expiration date" : "Ein Ablaufdatum setzen",
"Expiration" : "Ablaufdatum",
"Expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal",
"Adding user..." : "Benutzer wird hinzugefügt…",
"group" : "Gruppe",
"remote" : "Entfernte Freigabe",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Das Weiterverteilen ist nicht erlaubt",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Freigegeben in {item} von {user}",
"Unshare" : "Freigabe aufheben",
"notify by email" : "per E-Mail benachrichtigen",
"can share" : "kann teilen",
"can edit" : "kann bearbeiten",
"access control" : "Zugriffskontrolle",
"create" : "erstellen",
"change" : "Ändern",
"delete" : "löschen",
"Password protected" : "Passwortgeschützt",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Fehler beim Entfernen des Ablaufdatums",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Fehler beim Setzen des Ablaufdatums",
"Sending ..." : "Senden…",
"Email sent" : "E-Mail gesendet",
"Warning" : "Warnung",
"Edit" : "Bearbeiten",
"guest" : "Gast",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word Unterstützung (benötigt OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" : "Lokal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice ist auf diesem Server installiert. Der Pfad zur Binärdatei wird über preview_libreoffice_path in der config.php bereit gestellt.",
"External" : "Extern",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice ist auf einem externen Server installiert und läuft dort als Formatfilter-Server",
"Disabled" : "Deaktiviert",
"No MS Word support" : "Keine MS Word Unterstützung",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "Schema://Domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Serveradresse",
"Apply and test" : "Übernehmen und Testen",
"New document" : "Neues Dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Hochladen (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Hochladen",
"Save new documents to" : "Neues Dokument speichern unter",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",
"Guest %s" : "Gast %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Dieser Link ist abgelaufen oder existierte niemals. Bitte kontaktieren Sie für nähere Details die Person, die dieses Dokument mit Ihnen geteilt hat.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Erweiterte Funktionseinstellungen",
"(Unstable)" : "(Instabil)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Dokumente",
"Can't create document" => "Dokument kann nicht erstellt werden",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Sie haben nicht die erforderlichen Rechte, dieses Dokument umzubenennen.",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Verzeichnis erfolgreich gespeichert.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Es ist ein Fehler beim Wechseln des Verzeichnisses aufgetreten.",
"Saved" => "Gespeichert",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Formatfilter-Server ist ausgeschaltet oder falsch konfiguriert",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Fehler bei der Konvertierung. Für Einzelheiten Log-Dateien prüfen.",
"Saving..." => "Speichervorgang …",
"Failed to load documents." => "Das Laden der Dokumente ist fehlgeschlagen.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Keine Dokumente gefunden. Bitte laden Sie zu Beginn Dokumente hoch, oder erstellen Sie ein Dokument!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Keine Verbindung zum Server. Es wird versucht diese wiederherzustellen.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Das Verlassen dieser Seite kann zu nicht gespeicherten Daten führen. Bitte verwenden die den 'Schließen'-Button.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Es ist ein Fehler beim Laden dieses Dokumentes aufgetreten. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob diese Datei mit einem externen ODT-Editor geöffnet werden kann. Dies könnte auch bedeuten, dass die Datei nicht mehr geteilt wird oder vor kurzem gelöscht wurde.",
"Save" => "Speichern",
"Loading documents..." => "Lade Dokumente…",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' ist kein gültiger Dateiname.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Ungültiger Name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' und '*' sind nicht zulässig.",
"Align Left" => "Linksbündig",
"Alignment" => "Ausrichtung",
"Align Right" => "Rechtsbündig",
"Annotate" => "Kommentieren",
"Background" => "Hintergrund",
"Bold" => "Fett",
"Bottom" => "Unten",
"Cancel" => "Abbrechen",
"Center" => "Zentriert",
"Clone" => "Klonen",
"Clone this Style" => "Diesen Stil klonen",
"Close" => "Schließen",
"Color" => "Farbe",
"Create" => "Erstellen",
"Decrease Indent" => "Einrückung verkleinern",
"Default Style" => "Standard-Stil",
"Delete" => "Löschen",
"Family" => "Familie",
"Font" => "Schriftart",
"Font Effects" => "Schriftarten-Effekte",
"Format" => "Format",
"Increase Indent" => "Einrückung vergrößern",
"Insert Image" => "Bild einfügen",
"Invite Members" => "Mitglied einladen",
"Italic" => "Kursiv",
"Justified" => "Bündig",
"Justify" => "Ausrichten",
"Left" => "Links",
"Loading" => "Lade",
"Members" => "Mitglieder",
"New Name:" => "Neuer Name:",
"OK" => "OK",
"Open" => "Öffnen",
"Options" => "Optionen",
"Paragraph..." => "Absatz…",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Absatz-Stile",
"Redo" => "Wiederholen",
"Right" => "Rechts",
"Size" => "Größe",
"Spacing" => "Abstand",
"Strikethrough" => "Durchgestrichen",
"Style" => "Stil",
"Text" => "Text",
"Top" => "Oben",
"Underline" => "Unterstrichen",
"Undo" => "Rückgängig",
"Unknown Author" => "Unbekannter Autor",
"Shared" => "Geteilt",
"Error" => "Fehler",
"Error while sharing" => "Fehler beim Teilen",
"Error while unsharing" => "Fehler beim Aufheben der Freigabe",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Fehler bei der Änderung der Rechte",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Von {owner} mit Ihnen und der Gruppe {group} geteilt.",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Von {owner} mit Ihnen geteilt.",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Mit Benutzern oder Gruppen teilen…",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Mit Benutzern, Gruppen oder entfernten Benutzern teilen…",
"Share" => "Teilen",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "Mit Benutzern anderer ownClouds unter Verwendung der Syntax teilen",
"Share link" => "Link teilen",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "Der öffentliche Link wird spätestens {days} Tage nach seiner Erstellung ablaufen",
"Link" => "Link",
"Password protect" => "Passwortschutz",
"Password" => "Passwort",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Wählen Sie ein Passwort für den öffentlichen Link",
"Allow editing" => "Bearbeitung erlauben",
"Email link to person" => "Link per E-Mail verschicken",
"Send" => "Senden",
"Set expiration date" => "Ein Ablaufdatum setzen",
"Expiration" => "Ablaufdatum",
"Expiration date" => "Ablaufdatum",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal",
"Adding user..." => "Benutzer wird hinzugefügt…",
"group" => "Gruppe",
"remote" => "Entfernte Freigabe",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Das Weiterverteilen ist nicht erlaubt",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Freigegeben in {item} von {user}",
"Unshare" => "Freigabe aufheben",
"notify by email" => "per E-Mail benachrichtigen",
"can share" => "kann teilen",
"can edit" => "kann bearbeiten",
"access control" => "Zugriffskontrolle",
"create" => "erstellen",
"change" => "Ändern",
"delete" => "löschen",
"Password protected" => "Passwortgeschützt",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Fehler beim Entfernen des Ablaufdatums",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Fehler beim Setzen des Ablaufdatums",
"Sending ..." => "Senden…",
"Email sent" => "E-Mail gesendet",
"Warning" => "Warnung",
"Edit" => "Bearbeiten",
"guest" => "Gast",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "MS Word Unterstützung (benötigt OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" => "Lokal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "OpenOffice/LibreOffice ist auf diesem Server installiert. Der Pfad zur Binärdatei wird über preview_libreoffice_path in der config.php bereit gestellt.",
"External" => "Extern",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "OpenOffice/LibreOffice ist auf einem externen Server installiert und läuft dort als Formatfilter-Server",
"Disabled" => "Deaktiviert",
"No MS Word support" => "Keine MS Word Unterstützung",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "Schema://Domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "Serveradresse",
"Apply and test" => "Übernehmen und Testen",
"New document" => "Neues Dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Hochladen (max. %s)",
"Upload" => "Hochladen",
"Save new documents to" => "Neues Dokument speichern unter",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Falsches Passwort. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",
"Guest %s" => "Gast %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Dieser Link ist abgelaufen oder existierte niemals. Bitte kontaktieren Sie für nähere Details die Person, die dieses Dokument mit Ihnen geteilt hat.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Erweiterte Funktionseinstellungen",
"(Unstable)" => "(Instabil)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Έγγραφα",
"Can't create document" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η δημιουργία του εγγράφου",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Δεν έχετε άδεια να μετονομάσετε αυτό το έγγραφο",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Η βιβλιοθήκη αποθηκεύτηκε επιτυχημένα.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Παρουσιάστηκε ένα πρόβλημα κατά την αλλαγή βιβλιοθήκης.",
"Saved" : "Αποθηκεύτηκαν",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Ο διακομιστής μορφών φίλτρων είναι εκτός σύνδεσης ή δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί σωστά",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Η μετατροπή απέτυχε. Ελέγξτε το αρχείο καταγραφής για λεπτομέρειες.",
"Saving..." : "Γίνεται αποθήκευση...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Αποτυχία φόρτωσης εγγράφων.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Δεν βρέθηκαν έγγραφα. Μεταφορτώστε ή δημιουργήστε ένα έγγραφο για να αρχίσετε!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Αποτυχία σύνδεσης με το διακομιστή. Προσπάθεια επανασύνδεσης σε εξέλιξη.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Αποχωρώντας από την κατάσταση Επεξεργασίας της σελίδας μπορεί να υπάρξουν μη αποθηκευμένα δεδομένα. Αντί γι' αυτό, συνίσταται να χρησιμοποιήσετε το κουμπί 'Κλείσιμο'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Αποτυχία φόρτωσης του εγγράφου. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε εάν μπορεί να ανοίξει με εξωτερικό επεξεργαστή odt. Αυτό επίσης μπορεί να σημαίνει ότι πρόσφατα έχει ακυρωθεί ο διαμοιρασμός ή διαγραφεί.",
"Save" : "Αποθήκευση",
"Loading documents..." : "Φόρτωση εγγράφων...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' είναι μη έγκυρο όνομα αρχείου.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Το όνομα αρχείου δεν μπορεί να είναι κενό.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Μη έγκυρο όνομα, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' και '*' δεν επιτρέπονται.",
"Align Left" : "Στοίχιση στα αριστερά",
"Alignment" : "Στοίχιση",
"Align Right" : "Στοίχιση στα δεξιά",
"Annotate" : "Εισαγωγή σχολίου",
"Background" : "Φόντο",
"Bold" : "Έντονα",
"Bottom" : "Κάτω",
"Cancel" : "Άκυρο",
"Center" : "Κέντρο",
"Clone" : "Κλώνος",
"Clone this Style" : "Κλωνοποίηση αυτού του μοτίβου",
"Close" : "Κλείσιμο",
"Color" : "Χρώμα",
"Create" : "Δημιουργία",
"Decrease Indent" : "Μείωση εσοχής",
"Default Style" : "Προεπιλεγμένη διάταξη",
"Delete" : "Διαγραφή",
"Family" : "Οικογένεια",
"Font" : "Γραμματοσειρά",
"Font Effects" : "Εφέ γραμματοσειράς",
"Format" : "Μορφοποίηση",
"Increase Indent" : "Αύξηση εσοχής",
"Insert Image" : "Εισαγωγή Εικόνας",
"Invite Members" : "Πρόσκληση μελών",
"Italic" : "Πλάγια",
"Justified" : "Στοιχισμένα",
"Justify" : "Στοίχιση",
"Left" : "Αριστερά",
"Loading" : "Φόρτωση",
"Members" : "Μέλη",
"New Name:" : "Νέο Όνομα:",
"OK" : "ΟΚ",
"Open" : "Άνοιγμα",
"Options" : "Επιλογές",
"Paragraph..." : "Παράγραφος",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Διάταξη Παραγράφου",
"Redo" : "Επανάληψη",
"Right" : "Δεξιά",
"Size" : "Μέγεθος",
"Spacing" : "Διαστήματα",
"Strikethrough" : "Διαγραφή",
"Style" : "Διάταξη",
"Text" : "Κείμενο",
"Top" : "Επάνω",
"Underline" : "Υπογράμμιση",
"Undo" : "Αναίρεση",
"Unknown Author" : "Άγνωστος Δημιουργός",
"Shared" : "Κοινόχρηστα",
"Error" : "Σφάλμα",
"Error while sharing" : "Σφάλμα κατά τον διαμοιρασμό",
"Error while unsharing" : "Σφάλμα κατά το σταμάτημα του διαμοιρασμού",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Σφάλμα κατά την αλλαγή των δικαιωμάτων",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Διαμοιράστηκε με σας και με την ομάδα {group} του {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Διαμοιράστηκε με σας από τον {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Διαμοιρασμός με χρήστες ή ομάδες ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Διαμοιρασμός με χρήστες, ομάδες ή απομακρυσμένους χρήστες ...",
"Share" : "Διαμοιρασμός",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Διαμοιρασμός με άτομα σε άλλα ownClouds χρησιμοποιώντας την σύνταξη",
"Share link" : "Διαμοιρασμός συνδέσμου",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Ο δημόσιος σύνδεσμος θα απενεργοποιηθεί το πολύ {days} ημέρες μετά την δημιουργία του",
"Link" : "Σύνδεσμος",
"Password protect" : "Προστασία συνθηματικού",
"Password" : "Συνθηματικό",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Επιλέξτε κωδικό για τον δημόσιο σύνδεσμο",
"Allow editing" : "Επιτρέπεται η επεξεργασία",
"Email link to person" : "Αποστολή συνδέσμου με email ",
"Send" : "Αποστολή",
"Set expiration date" : "Ορισμός ημ. λήξης",
"Expiration" : "Λήξη",
"Expiration date" : "Ημερομηνία λήξης",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Ένα σφάλμα προέκυψε. Παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά",
"Adding user..." : "Προσθήκη χρήστη ...",
"group" : "ομάδα",
"remote" : "απομακρυσμένα",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Ξαναμοιρασμός δεν επιτρέπεται",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Διαμοιρασμός του {item} με τον {user}",
"Unshare" : "Διακοπή διαμοιρασμού",
"notify by email" : "ειδοποίηση με email",
"can share" : "δυνατότητα διαμοιρασμού",
"can edit" : "δυνατότητα επεξεργασίας",
"access control" : "έλεγχος πρόσβασης",
"create" : "δημιουργία",
"change" : "αλλαγή",
"delete" : "διαγραφή",
"Password protected" : "Προστασία με συνθηματικό",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Σφάλμα κατά την διαγραφή της ημ. λήξης",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Σφάλμα κατά τον ορισμό ημ. λήξης",
"Sending ..." : "Αποστολή...",
"Email sent" : "Το Email απεστάλη ",
"Warning" : "Προειδοποίηση",
"Edit" : "Επεξεργασία",
"guest" : "Επισκέπτης",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Υποστήριξη MS Word (απαιτεί openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Τοπικός",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "Το openOffice/libreOffice είναι εγκατεστημένο σε αυτό το διακομιστή. Η διαδρομή στο δυαδικό παρέχεται μέσω του preview_libreoffice_path στο config.php",
"External" : "Εξωτερικός",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "Το openOffice/libreOffice είναι εγκατεστημένο σε εξωτερικό διακομιστή που εκτελεί ένα διακομιστή φίλτρου μορφοποίησης",
"Disabled" : "Απενεργοποιημένο",
"No MS Word support" : "Καμία υποστήριξη για MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Διεύθυνση URL διακομιστή",
"Apply and test" : "Εφαρμογή και δοκιμή",
"New document" : "Νέο έγγραφο",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Διαμοιρασμός (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Μεταφόρτωση",
"Save new documents to" : "Αποθήκευση νέων εγγράφων σε",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Λανθασμένος κωδικός πρόσβασης. Παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά.",
"Guest %s" : "Επισκέπτης %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Αυτός ο σύνδεσμος έχει λήξει ή δεν υπήρξε ποτέ. Παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε με το άτομο που το διαμοιράστηκε μαζί σας για λεπτομέρειες.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Σύνολο χαρακτηριστικών για προχωρημένους",
"(Unstable)" : "(Ασταθές)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Έγγραφα",
"Can't create document" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η δημιουργία του εγγράφου",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Δεν έχετε άδεια να μετονομάσετε αυτό το έγγραφο",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Η βιβλιοθήκη αποθηκεύτηκε επιτυχημένα.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Παρουσιάστηκε ένα πρόβλημα κατά την αλλαγή βιβλιοθήκης.",
"Saved" : "Αποθηκεύτηκαν",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Ο διακομιστής μορφών φίλτρων είναι εκτός σύνδεσης ή δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί σωστά",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Η μετατροπή απέτυχε. Ελέγξτε το αρχείο καταγραφής για λεπτομέρειες.",
"Saving..." : "Γίνεται αποθήκευση...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Αποτυχία φόρτωσης εγγράφων.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Δεν βρέθηκαν έγγραφα. Μεταφορτώστε ή δημιουργήστε ένα έγγραφο για να αρχίσετε!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Αποτυχία σύνδεσης με το διακομιστή. Προσπάθεια επανασύνδεσης σε εξέλιξη.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Αποχωρώντας από την κατάσταση Επεξεργασίας της σελίδας μπορεί να υπάρξουν μη αποθηκευμένα δεδομένα. Αντί γι' αυτό, συνίσταται να χρησιμοποιήσετε το κουμπί 'Κλείσιμο'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Αποτυχία φόρτωσης του εγγράφου. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε εάν μπορεί να ανοίξει με εξωτερικό επεξεργαστή odt. Αυτό επίσης μπορεί να σημαίνει ότι πρόσφατα έχει ακυρωθεί ο διαμοιρασμός ή διαγραφεί.",
"Save" : "Αποθήκευση",
"Loading documents..." : "Φόρτωση εγγράφων...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' είναι μη έγκυρο όνομα αρχείου.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Το όνομα αρχείου δεν μπορεί να είναι κενό.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Μη έγκυρο όνομα, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' και '*' δεν επιτρέπονται.",
"Align Left" : "Στοίχιση στα αριστερά",
"Alignment" : "Στοίχιση",
"Align Right" : "Στοίχιση στα δεξιά",
"Annotate" : "Εισαγωγή σχολίου",
"Background" : "Φόντο",
"Bold" : "Έντονα",
"Bottom" : "Κάτω",
"Cancel" : "Άκυρο",
"Center" : "Κέντρο",
"Clone" : "Κλώνος",
"Clone this Style" : "Κλωνοποίηση αυτού του μοτίβου",
"Close" : "Κλείσιμο",
"Color" : "Χρώμα",
"Create" : "Δημιουργία",
"Decrease Indent" : "Μείωση εσοχής",
"Default Style" : "Προεπιλεγμένη διάταξη",
"Delete" : "Διαγραφή",
"Family" : "Οικογένεια",
"Font" : "Γραμματοσειρά",
"Font Effects" : "Εφέ γραμματοσειράς",
"Format" : "Μορφοποίηση",
"Increase Indent" : "Αύξηση εσοχής",
"Insert Image" : "Εισαγωγή Εικόνας",
"Invite Members" : "Πρόσκληση μελών",
"Italic" : "Πλάγια",
"Justified" : "Στοιχισμένα",
"Justify" : "Στοίχιση",
"Left" : "Αριστερά",
"Loading" : "Φόρτωση",
"Members" : "Μέλη",
"New Name:" : "Νέο Όνομα:",
"OK" : "ΟΚ",
"Open" : "Άνοιγμα",
"Options" : "Επιλογές",
"Paragraph..." : "Παράγραφος",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Διάταξη Παραγράφου",
"Redo" : "Επανάληψη",
"Right" : "Δεξιά",
"Size" : "Μέγεθος",
"Spacing" : "Διαστήματα",
"Strikethrough" : "Διαγραφή",
"Style" : "Διάταξη",
"Text" : "Κείμενο",
"Top" : "Επάνω",
"Underline" : "Υπογράμμιση",
"Undo" : "Αναίρεση",
"Unknown Author" : "Άγνωστος Δημιουργός",
"Shared" : "Κοινόχρηστα",
"Error" : "Σφάλμα",
"Error while sharing" : "Σφάλμα κατά τον διαμοιρασμό",
"Error while unsharing" : "Σφάλμα κατά το σταμάτημα του διαμοιρασμού",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Σφάλμα κατά την αλλαγή των δικαιωμάτων",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Διαμοιράστηκε με σας και με την ομάδα {group} του {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Διαμοιράστηκε με σας από τον {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Διαμοιρασμός με χρήστες ή ομάδες ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Διαμοιρασμός με χρήστες, ομάδες ή απομακρυσμένους χρήστες ...",
"Share" : "Διαμοιρασμός",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Διαμοιρασμός με άτομα σε άλλα ownClouds χρησιμοποιώντας την σύνταξη",
"Share link" : "Διαμοιρασμός συνδέσμου",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Ο δημόσιος σύνδεσμος θα απενεργοποιηθεί το πολύ {days} ημέρες μετά την δημιουργία του",
"Link" : "Σύνδεσμος",
"Password protect" : "Προστασία συνθηματικού",
"Password" : "Συνθηματικό",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Επιλέξτε κωδικό για τον δημόσιο σύνδεσμο",
"Allow editing" : "Επιτρέπεται η επεξεργασία",
"Email link to person" : "Αποστολή συνδέσμου με email ",
"Send" : "Αποστολή",
"Set expiration date" : "Ορισμός ημ. λήξης",
"Expiration" : "Λήξη",
"Expiration date" : "Ημερομηνία λήξης",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Ένα σφάλμα προέκυψε. Παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά",
"Adding user..." : "Προσθήκη χρήστη ...",
"group" : "ομάδα",
"remote" : "απομακρυσμένα",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Ξαναμοιρασμός δεν επιτρέπεται",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Διαμοιρασμός του {item} με τον {user}",
"Unshare" : "Διακοπή διαμοιρασμού",
"notify by email" : "ειδοποίηση με email",
"can share" : "δυνατότητα διαμοιρασμού",
"can edit" : "δυνατότητα επεξεργασίας",
"access control" : "έλεγχος πρόσβασης",
"create" : "δημιουργία",
"change" : "αλλαγή",
"delete" : "διαγραφή",
"Password protected" : "Προστασία με συνθηματικό",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Σφάλμα κατά την διαγραφή της ημ. λήξης",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Σφάλμα κατά τον ορισμό ημ. λήξης",
"Sending ..." : "Αποστολή...",
"Email sent" : "Το Email απεστάλη ",
"Warning" : "Προειδοποίηση",
"Edit" : "Επεξεργασία",
"guest" : "Επισκέπτης",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Υποστήριξη MS Word (απαιτεί openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Τοπικός",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "Το openOffice/libreOffice είναι εγκατεστημένο σε αυτό το διακομιστή. Η διαδρομή στο δυαδικό παρέχεται μέσω του preview_libreoffice_path στο config.php",
"External" : "Εξωτερικός",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "Το openOffice/libreOffice είναι εγκατεστημένο σε εξωτερικό διακομιστή που εκτελεί ένα διακομιστή φίλτρου μορφοποίησης",
"Disabled" : "Απενεργοποιημένο",
"No MS Word support" : "Καμία υποστήριξη για MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Διεύθυνση URL διακομιστή",
"Apply and test" : "Εφαρμογή και δοκιμή",
"New document" : "Νέο έγγραφο",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Διαμοιρασμός (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Μεταφόρτωση",
"Save new documents to" : "Αποθήκευση νέων εγγράφων σε",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Λανθασμένος κωδικός πρόσβασης. Παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά.",
"Guest %s" : "Επισκέπτης %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Αυτός ο σύνδεσμος έχει λήξει ή δεν υπήρξε ποτέ. Παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε με το άτομο που το διαμοιράστηκε μαζί σας για λεπτομέρειες.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Σύνολο χαρακτηριστικών για προχωρημένους",
"(Unstable)" : "(Ασταθές)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Έγγραφα",
"Can't create document" => "Δεν είναι δυνατή η δημιουργία του εγγράφου",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Δεν έχετε άδεια να μετονομάσετε αυτό το έγγραφο",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Η βιβλιοθήκη αποθηκεύτηκε επιτυχημένα.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Παρουσιάστηκε ένα πρόβλημα κατά την αλλαγή βιβλιοθήκης.",
"Saved" => "Αποθηκεύτηκαν",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Ο διακομιστής μορφών φίλτρων είναι εκτός σύνδεσης ή δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί σωστά",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Η μετατροπή απέτυχε. Ελέγξτε το αρχείο καταγραφής για λεπτομέρειες.",
"Saving..." => "Γίνεται αποθήκευση...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Αποτυχία φόρτωσης εγγράφων.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Δεν βρέθηκαν έγγραφα. Μεταφορτώστε ή δημιουργήστε ένα έγγραφο για να αρχίσετε!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Αποτυχία σύνδεσης με το διακομιστή. Προσπάθεια επανασύνδεσης σε εξέλιξη.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Αποχωρώντας από την κατάσταση Επεξεργασίας της σελίδας μπορεί να υπάρξουν μη αποθηκευμένα δεδομένα. Αντί γι' αυτό, συνίσταται να χρησιμοποιήσετε το κουμπί 'Κλείσιμο'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Αποτυχία φόρτωσης του εγγράφου. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε εάν μπορεί να ανοίξει με εξωτερικό επεξεργαστή odt. Αυτό επίσης μπορεί να σημαίνει ότι πρόσφατα έχει ακυρωθεί ο διαμοιρασμός ή διαγραφεί.",
"Save" => "Αποθήκευση",
"Loading documents..." => "Φόρτωση εγγράφων...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' είναι μη έγκυρο όνομα αρχείου.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Το όνομα αρχείου δεν μπορεί να είναι κενό.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Μη έγκυρο όνομα, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' και '*' δεν επιτρέπονται.",
"Align Left" => "Στοίχιση στα αριστερά",
"Alignment" => "Στοίχιση",
"Align Right" => "Στοίχιση στα δεξιά",
"Annotate" => "Εισαγωγή σχολίου",
"Background" => "Φόντο",
"Bold" => "Έντονα",
"Bottom" => "Κάτω",
"Cancel" => "Άκυρο",
"Center" => "Κέντρο",
"Clone" => "Κλώνος",
"Clone this Style" => "Κλωνοποίηση αυτού του μοτίβου",
"Close" => "Κλείσιμο",
"Color" => "Χρώμα",
"Create" => "Δημιουργία",
"Decrease Indent" => "Μείωση εσοχής",
"Default Style" => "Προεπιλεγμένη διάταξη",
"Delete" => "Διαγραφή",
"Family" => "Οικογένεια",
"Font" => "Γραμματοσειρά",
"Font Effects" => "Εφέ γραμματοσειράς",
"Format" => "Μορφοποίηση",
"Increase Indent" => "Αύξηση εσοχής",
"Insert Image" => "Εισαγωγή Εικόνας",
"Invite Members" => "Πρόσκληση μελών",
"Italic" => "Πλάγια",
"Justified" => "Στοιχισμένα",
"Justify" => "Στοίχιση",
"Left" => "Αριστερά",
"Loading" => "Φόρτωση",
"Members" => "Μέλη",
"New Name:" => "Νέο Όνομα:",
"OK" => "ΟΚ",
"Open" => "Άνοιγμα",
"Options" => "Επιλογές",
"Paragraph..." => "Παράγραφος",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Διάταξη Παραγράφου",
"Redo" => "Επανάληψη",
"Right" => "Δεξιά",
"Size" => "Μέγεθος",
"Spacing" => "Διαστήματα",
"Strikethrough" => "Διαγραφή",
"Style" => "Διάταξη",
"Text" => "Κείμενο",
"Top" => "Επάνω",
"Underline" => "Υπογράμμιση",
"Undo" => "Αναίρεση",
"Unknown Author" => "Άγνωστος Δημιουργός",
"Shared" => "Κοινόχρηστα",
"Error" => "Σφάλμα",
"Error while sharing" => "Σφάλμα κατά τον διαμοιρασμό",
"Error while unsharing" => "Σφάλμα κατά το σταμάτημα του διαμοιρασμού",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Σφάλμα κατά την αλλαγή των δικαιωμάτων",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Διαμοιράστηκε με σας και με την ομάδα {group} του {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Διαμοιράστηκε με σας από τον {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Διαμοιρασμός με χρήστες ή ομάδες ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Διαμοιρασμός με χρήστες, ομάδες ή απομακρυσμένους χρήστες ...",
"Share" => "Διαμοιρασμός",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "Διαμοιρασμός με άτομα σε άλλα ownClouds χρησιμοποιώντας την σύνταξη",
"Share link" => "Διαμοιρασμός συνδέσμου",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "Ο δημόσιος σύνδεσμος θα απενεργοποιηθεί το πολύ {days} ημέρες μετά την δημιουργία του",
"Link" => "Σύνδεσμος",
"Password protect" => "Προστασία συνθηματικού",
"Password" => "Συνθηματικό",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Επιλέξτε κωδικό για τον δημόσιο σύνδεσμο",
"Allow editing" => "Επιτρέπεται η επεξεργασία",
"Email link to person" => "Αποστολή συνδέσμου με email ",
"Send" => "Αποστολή",
"Set expiration date" => "Ορισμός ημ. λήξης",
"Expiration" => "Λήξη",
"Expiration date" => "Ημερομηνία λήξης",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "Ένα σφάλμα προέκυψε. Παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά",
"Adding user..." => "Προσθήκη χρήστη ...",
"group" => "ομάδα",
"remote" => "απομακρυσμένα",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Ξαναμοιρασμός δεν επιτρέπεται",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Διαμοιρασμός του {item} με τον {user}",
"Unshare" => "Διακοπή διαμοιρασμού",
"notify by email" => "ειδοποίηση με email",
"can share" => "δυνατότητα διαμοιρασμού",
"can edit" => "δυνατότητα επεξεργασίας",
"access control" => "έλεγχος πρόσβασης",
"create" => "δημιουργία",
"change" => "αλλαγή",
"delete" => "διαγραφή",
"Password protected" => "Προστασία με συνθηματικό",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Σφάλμα κατά την διαγραφή της ημ. λήξης",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Σφάλμα κατά τον ορισμό ημ. λήξης",
"Sending ..." => "Αποστολή...",
"Email sent" => "Το Email απεστάλη ",
"Warning" => "Προειδοποίηση",
"Edit" => "Επεξεργασία",
"guest" => "Επισκέπτης",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "Υποστήριξη MS Word (απαιτεί openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" => "Τοπικός",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "Το openOffice/libreOffice είναι εγκατεστημένο σε αυτό το διακομιστή. Η διαδρομή στο δυαδικό παρέχεται μέσω του preview_libreoffice_path στο config.php",
"External" => "Εξωτερικός",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "Το openOffice/libreOffice είναι εγκατεστημένο σε εξωτερικό διακομιστή που εκτελεί ένα διακομιστή φίλτρου μορφοποίησης",
"Disabled" => "Απενεργοποιημένο",
"No MS Word support" => "Καμία υποστήριξη για MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "Διεύθυνση URL διακομιστή",
"Apply and test" => "Εφαρμογή και δοκιμή",
"New document" => "Νέο έγγραφο",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Διαμοιρασμός (max. %s)",
"Upload" => "Μεταφόρτωση",
"Save new documents to" => "Αποθήκευση νέων εγγράφων σε",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Λανθασμένος κωδικός πρόσβασης. Παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά.",
"Guest %s" => "Επισκέπτης %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Αυτός ο σύνδεσμος έχει λήξει ή δεν υπήρξε ποτέ. Παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε με το άτομο που το διαμοιράστηκε μαζί σας για λεπτομέρειες.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Σύνολο χαρακτηριστικών για προχωρημένους",
"(Unstable)" => "(Ασταθές)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"Password" => "Secret Code"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Documents",
"Can't create document" : "Can't create document",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "You don't have permission to rename this document",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Directory saved successfully.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "An error occurred whilst changing directory.",
"Saved" : "Saved",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Format filter server is down or misconfigured",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Conversion failed. Check log for details.",
"Saving..." : "Saving...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Failed to load documents.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "No connection to server. Trying to reconnect.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external ODT editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently.",
"Save" : "Save",
"Loading documents..." : "Loading documents...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' is an invalid file name.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "File name cannot be empty.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Invalid name: '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed.",
"Align Left" : "Align Left",
"Alignment" : "Alignment",
"Align Right" : "Align Right",
"Annotate" : "Annotate",
"Background" : "Background",
"Bold" : "Bold",
"Bottom" : "Bottom",
"Cancel" : "Cancel",
"Center" : "Centre",
"Clone" : "Clone",
"Clone this Style" : "Clone this Style",
"Close" : "Close",
"Color" : "Colour",
"Create" : "Create",
"Decrease Indent" : "Decrease Indent",
"Default Style" : "Default Style",
"Delete" : "Delete",
"Family" : "Family",
"Font" : "Font",
"Font Effects" : "Font Effects",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Increase Indent",
"Insert Image" : "Insert Image",
"Invite Members" : "Invite Members",
"Italic" : "Italic",
"Justified" : "Justified",
"Justify" : "Justify",
"Left" : "Left",
"Loading" : "Loading",
"Members" : "Members",
"New Name:" : "New Name:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Open",
"Options" : "Options",
"Paragraph..." : "Paragraph...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Paragraph Styles",
"Redo" : "Redo",
"Right" : "Right",
"Size" : "Size",
"Spacing" : "Spacing",
"Strikethrough" : "Strikethrough",
"Style" : "Style",
"Text" : "Text",
"Top" : "Top",
"Underline" : "Underline",
"Undo" : "Undo",
"Unknown Author" : "Unknown Author",
"Shared" : "Shared",
"Error" : "Error",
"Error while sharing" : "Error whilst sharing",
"Error while unsharing" : "Error whilst unsharing",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Error whilst changing permissions",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Shared with you by {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Share with users or groups …",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Share with users, groups or remote users …",
"Share" : "Share",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax",
"Share link" : "Share link",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created",
"Link" : "Link",
"Password protect" : "Password protect",
"Password" : "Password",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Choose a password for the public link",
"Allow editing" : "Allow editing",
"Email link to person" : "Email link to person",
"Send" : "Send",
"Set expiration date" : "Set expiration date",
"Expiration" : "Expiration",
"Expiration date" : "Expiration date",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "An error occured. Please try again",
"Adding user..." : "Adding user...",
"group" : "group",
"remote" : "remote",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Resharing is not allowed",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Shared in {item} with {user}",
"Unshare" : "Unshare",
"notify by email" : "notify by email",
"can share" : "can share",
"can edit" : "can edit",
"access control" : "access control",
"create" : "create",
"change" : "change",
"delete" : "delete",
"Password protected" : "Password protected",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Error unsetting expiration date",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Error setting expiration date",
"Sending ..." : "Sending ...",
"Email sent" : "Email sent",
"Warning" : "Warning",
"Edit" : "Edit",
"guest" : "guest",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Local",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php",
"External" : "External",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server",
"Disabled" : "Disabled",
"No MS Word support" : "No MS Word support",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Server URL",
"Apply and test" : "Apply and test",
"New document" : "New document",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Upload (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Upload",
"Save new documents to" : "Save new documents to",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Incorrect password. Please try again.",
"Guest %s" : "Guest %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "This link has expired or is incorrect. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Advanced feature-set",
"(Unstable)" : "(Unstable)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Documents",
"Can't create document" : "Can't create document",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "You don't have permission to rename this document",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Directory saved successfully.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "An error occurred whilst changing directory.",
"Saved" : "Saved",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Format filter server is down or misconfigured",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Conversion failed. Check log for details.",
"Saving..." : "Saving...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Failed to load documents.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "No connection to server. Trying to reconnect.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external ODT editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently.",
"Save" : "Save",
"Loading documents..." : "Loading documents...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' is an invalid file name.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "File name cannot be empty.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Invalid name: '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed.",
"Align Left" : "Align Left",
"Alignment" : "Alignment",
"Align Right" : "Align Right",
"Annotate" : "Annotate",
"Background" : "Background",
"Bold" : "Bold",
"Bottom" : "Bottom",
"Cancel" : "Cancel",
"Center" : "Centre",
"Clone" : "Clone",
"Clone this Style" : "Clone this Style",
"Close" : "Close",
"Color" : "Colour",
"Create" : "Create",
"Decrease Indent" : "Decrease Indent",
"Default Style" : "Default Style",
"Delete" : "Delete",
"Family" : "Family",
"Font" : "Font",
"Font Effects" : "Font Effects",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Increase Indent",
"Insert Image" : "Insert Image",
"Invite Members" : "Invite Members",
"Italic" : "Italic",
"Justified" : "Justified",
"Justify" : "Justify",
"Left" : "Left",
"Loading" : "Loading",
"Members" : "Members",
"New Name:" : "New Name:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Open",
"Options" : "Options",
"Paragraph..." : "Paragraph...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Paragraph Styles",
"Redo" : "Redo",
"Right" : "Right",
"Size" : "Size",
"Spacing" : "Spacing",
"Strikethrough" : "Strikethrough",
"Style" : "Style",
"Text" : "Text",
"Top" : "Top",
"Underline" : "Underline",
"Undo" : "Undo",
"Unknown Author" : "Unknown Author",
"Shared" : "Shared",
"Error" : "Error",
"Error while sharing" : "Error whilst sharing",
"Error while unsharing" : "Error whilst unsharing",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Error whilst changing permissions",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Shared with you by {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Share with users or groups …",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Share with users, groups or remote users …",
"Share" : "Share",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax",
"Share link" : "Share link",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created",
"Link" : "Link",
"Password protect" : "Password protect",
"Password" : "Password",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Choose a password for the public link",
"Allow editing" : "Allow editing",
"Email link to person" : "Email link to person",
"Send" : "Send",
"Set expiration date" : "Set expiration date",
"Expiration" : "Expiration",
"Expiration date" : "Expiration date",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "An error occured. Please try again",
"Adding user..." : "Adding user...",
"group" : "group",
"remote" : "remote",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Resharing is not allowed",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Shared in {item} with {user}",
"Unshare" : "Unshare",
"notify by email" : "notify by email",
"can share" : "can share",
"can edit" : "can edit",
"access control" : "access control",
"create" : "create",
"change" : "change",
"delete" : "delete",
"Password protected" : "Password protected",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Error unsetting expiration date",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Error setting expiration date",
"Sending ..." : "Sending ...",
"Email sent" : "Email sent",
"Warning" : "Warning",
"Edit" : "Edit",
"guest" : "guest",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Local",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php",
"External" : "External",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server",
"Disabled" : "Disabled",
"No MS Word support" : "No MS Word support",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Server URL",
"Apply and test" : "Apply and test",
"New document" : "New document",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Upload (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Upload",
"Save new documents to" : "Save new documents to",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Incorrect password. Please try again.",
"Guest %s" : "Guest %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "This link has expired or is incorrect. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Advanced feature-set",
"(Unstable)" : "(Unstable)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Documents",
"Can't create document" => "Can't create document",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "You don't have permission to rename this document",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Directory saved successfully.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "An error occurred whilst changing directory.",
"Saved" => "Saved",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Format filter server is down or misconfigured",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Conversion failed. Check log for details.",
"Saving..." => "Saving...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Failed to load documents.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "No connection to server. Trying to reconnect.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external ODT editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently.",
"Save" => "Save",
"Loading documents..." => "Loading documents...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' is an invalid file name.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "File name cannot be empty.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Invalid name: '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed.",
"Align Left" => "Align Left",
"Alignment" => "Alignment",
"Align Right" => "Align Right",
"Annotate" => "Annotate",
"Background" => "Background",
"Bold" => "Bold",
"Bottom" => "Bottom",
"Cancel" => "Cancel",
"Center" => "Centre",
"Clone" => "Clone",
"Clone this Style" => "Clone this Style",
"Close" => "Close",
"Color" => "Colour",
"Create" => "Create",
"Decrease Indent" => "Decrease Indent",
"Default Style" => "Default Style",
"Delete" => "Delete",
"Family" => "Family",
"Font" => "Font",
"Font Effects" => "Font Effects",
"Format" => "Format",
"Increase Indent" => "Increase Indent",
"Insert Image" => "Insert Image",
"Invite Members" => "Invite Members",
"Italic" => "Italic",
"Justified" => "Justified",
"Justify" => "Justify",
"Left" => "Left",
"Loading" => "Loading",
"Members" => "Members",
"New Name:" => "New Name:",
"OK" => "OK",
"Open" => "Open",
"Options" => "Options",
"Paragraph..." => "Paragraph...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Paragraph Styles",
"Redo" => "Redo",
"Right" => "Right",
"Size" => "Size",
"Spacing" => "Spacing",
"Strikethrough" => "Strikethrough",
"Style" => "Style",
"Text" => "Text",
"Top" => "Top",
"Underline" => "Underline",
"Undo" => "Undo",
"Unknown Author" => "Unknown Author",
"Shared" => "Shared",
"Error" => "Error",
"Error while sharing" => "Error whilst sharing",
"Error while unsharing" => "Error whilst unsharing",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Error whilst changing permissions",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Shared with you by {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Share with users or groups …",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Share with users, groups or remote users …",
"Share" => "Share",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax",
"Share link" => "Share link",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created",
"Link" => "Link",
"Password protect" => "Password protect",
"Password" => "Password",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Choose a password for the public link",
"Allow editing" => "Allow editing",
"Email link to person" => "Email link to person",
"Send" => "Send",
"Set expiration date" => "Set expiration date",
"Expiration" => "Expiration",
"Expiration date" => "Expiration date",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "An error occured. Please try again",
"Adding user..." => "Adding user...",
"group" => "group",
"remote" => "remote",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Resharing is not allowed",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Shared in {item} with {user}",
"Unshare" => "Unshare",
"notify by email" => "notify by email",
"can share" => "can share",
"can edit" => "can edit",
"access control" => "access control",
"create" => "create",
"change" => "change",
"delete" => "delete",
"Password protected" => "Password protected",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Error unsetting expiration date",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Error setting expiration date",
"Sending ..." => "Sending ...",
"Email sent" => "Email sent",
"Warning" => "Warning",
"Edit" => "Edit",
"guest" => "guest",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" => "Local",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php",
"External" => "External",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server",
"Disabled" => "Disabled",
"No MS Word support" => "No MS Word support",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "Server URL",
"Apply and test" => "Apply and test",
"New document" => "New document",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Upload (max. %s)",
"Upload" => "Upload",
"Save new documents to" => "Save new documents to",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Incorrect password. Please try again.",
"Guest %s" => "Guest %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "This link has expired or is incorrect. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Advanced feature-set",
"(Unstable)" => "(Unstable)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Dokumentoj",
"Can't create document" : "Ne povas kreiĝi dokumento",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Vi ne havas permeson alinomigi ĉi tiun dokumenton",
"Directory saved successfully." : "La dosierujo konserviĝis sukcese.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Eraro okazis dum ŝanĝo de dosierujo.",
"Saved" : "Konservita",
"Saving..." : "Konservante...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Malsukcesis ŝargo de dokumentoj.",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Ne estas konekto al servilo. Provu rekonekti.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Laso de ĉi tiu paĝo en reĝimo Redaktilo povas kaŭzi nekonservotaj datumoj. Rekomendatas uzo de la butono “Fermi” anstataŭe.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Malsukcesis ŝargo de ĉi tiu dokumento. Bonvolu kontroli ĉu ĝi malfermeblas per malena odt-redaktilo. Ĉi tio povas ankaŭ signifi, ke ĝi malkunhaviĝis aŭ foriĝis lastatempe.",
"Save" : "Konservi",
"Loading documents..." : "Ŝargante dokumentojn...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' ne estas valida dosiernomo.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Dosiernomo devas ne malpleni.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nevalida nomo: “\\”, “/”, “<”, “>”, “:”, “\"”, “|”, “?” kaj “*” ne permesatas.",
"Align Left" : "Ĝisrandigi maldekstren",
"Alignment" : "Ĝisrandigo",
"Align Right" : "Ĝisrandigi dekstren",
"Annotate" : "Prinoti",
"Background" : "Fono",
"Bold" : "Grasa",
"Bottom" : "Malsupro",
"Cancel" : "Nuligi",
"Center" : "Centrigi",
"Clone" : "Kloni",
"Clone this Style" : "Kloni ĉi tiun stilon",
"Close" : "Fermi",
"Color" : "Koloro",
"Create" : "Krei",
"Decrease Indent" : "Malgrindigi krommarĝenon",
"Default Style" : "Defaŭlta stilo",
"Delete" : "Forigi",
"Family" : "Familio",
"Font" : "Tiparo",
"Font Effects" : "Tiparaj efektoj",
"Format" : "Aranĝo",
"Increase Indent" : "Grandigi krommarĝenon",
"Insert Image" : "Enigi bildon",
"Invite Members" : "Inviti membrojn",
"Italic" : "Kursiva",
"Justified" : "Ĝis ambaŭ randoj",
"Justify" : "Ĝisambaŭrandigi",
"Left" : "Maldekstren",
"Loading" : "Ŝargante",
"Members" : "Membroj",
"New Name:" : "Nova nomo:",
"OK" : "Akcepti",
"Open" : "Malfermi",
"Options" : "Malneproj",
"Paragraph..." : "Alineo...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Alineaj stiloj",
"Redo" : "Refari",
"Right" : "Dekstren",
"Size" : "Grando",
"Spacing" : "Interspaco",
"Strikethrough" : "Trastreko",
"Style" : "Stilo",
"Text" : "Teksto",
"Top" : "Supro",
"Underline" : "Substreko",
"Undo" : "Malfari",
"Unknown Author" : "Nekonata verkinto",
"Shared" : "Kunhavata",
"Error" : "Eraro",
"Error while sharing" : "Eraro dum kunhavigo",
"Error while unsharing" : "Eraro dum malkunhavigo",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Eraro dum ŝanĝo de permesoj",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Kunhavigita kun vi kaj la grupo {group} de {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Kunhavigita kun vi de {owner}",
"Share" : "Kunhavigi",
"Share link" : "Kunhavigi ligilon",
"Password protect" : "Protekti per pasvorto",
"Password" : "Pasvorto",
"Email link to person" : "Retpoŝti la ligilon al ulo",
"Send" : "Sendi",
"Set expiration date" : "Agordi limdaton",
"Expiration" : "Eksvalidiĝo",
"Expiration date" : "Limdato",
"group" : "grupo",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Rekunhavigo ne permesatas",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Kunhavigita en {item} kun {user}",
"Unshare" : "Malkunhavigi",
"notify by email" : "avizi per retpoŝto",
"can share" : "kunhavebla",
"can edit" : "povas redakti",
"access control" : "alirkontrolo",
"create" : "krei",
"delete" : "forigi",
"Password protected" : "Protektita per pasvorto",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Eraro dum malagordado de limdato",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Eraro dum agordado de limdato",
"Sending ..." : "Sendante...",
"Email sent" : "La retpoŝtaĵo sendiĝis",
"Warning" : "Averto",
"Edit" : "Redakti",
"guest" : "gasto",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Kongruo kun MS Word (postuliĝas openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Loka",
"External" : "Malena",
"Disabled" : "Malkapabligita",
"Server URL" : "Servila URL",
"New document" : "Nova dokumento",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Alŝuti (maks. %s)",
"Upload" : "Alŝuti",
"Save new documents to" : "Konservi novajn dokumentojn en",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "La pasvorto malĝustas. Bonvolu reprovi.",
"Guest %s" : "Gasto %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Ĉi tiu ligilo eksvalidiĝis aŭ neniam ekzistis. Bonvolu kontakti la personon, kiu kunhavigis ĝin kun vi, por detaloj.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Altanivela funkciaro",
"(Unstable)" : "(nestabila)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Dokumentoj",
"Can't create document" : "Ne povas kreiĝi dokumento",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Vi ne havas permeson alinomigi ĉi tiun dokumenton",
"Directory saved successfully." : "La dosierujo konserviĝis sukcese.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Eraro okazis dum ŝanĝo de dosierujo.",
"Saved" : "Konservita",
"Saving..." : "Konservante...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Malsukcesis ŝargo de dokumentoj.",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Ne estas konekto al servilo. Provu rekonekti.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Laso de ĉi tiu paĝo en reĝimo Redaktilo povas kaŭzi nekonservotaj datumoj. Rekomendatas uzo de la butono “Fermi” anstataŭe.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Malsukcesis ŝargo de ĉi tiu dokumento. Bonvolu kontroli ĉu ĝi malfermeblas per malena odt-redaktilo. Ĉi tio povas ankaŭ signifi, ke ĝi malkunhaviĝis aŭ foriĝis lastatempe.",
"Save" : "Konservi",
"Loading documents..." : "Ŝargante dokumentojn...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' ne estas valida dosiernomo.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Dosiernomo devas ne malpleni.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nevalida nomo: “\\”, “/”, “<”, “>”, “:”, “\"”, “|”, “?” kaj “*” ne permesatas.",
"Align Left" : "Ĝisrandigi maldekstren",
"Alignment" : "Ĝisrandigo",
"Align Right" : "Ĝisrandigi dekstren",
"Annotate" : "Prinoti",
"Background" : "Fono",
"Bold" : "Grasa",
"Bottom" : "Malsupro",
"Cancel" : "Nuligi",
"Center" : "Centrigi",
"Clone" : "Kloni",
"Clone this Style" : "Kloni ĉi tiun stilon",
"Close" : "Fermi",
"Color" : "Koloro",
"Create" : "Krei",
"Decrease Indent" : "Malgrindigi krommarĝenon",
"Default Style" : "Defaŭlta stilo",
"Delete" : "Forigi",
"Family" : "Familio",
"Font" : "Tiparo",
"Font Effects" : "Tiparaj efektoj",
"Format" : "Aranĝo",
"Increase Indent" : "Grandigi krommarĝenon",
"Insert Image" : "Enigi bildon",
"Invite Members" : "Inviti membrojn",
"Italic" : "Kursiva",
"Justified" : "Ĝis ambaŭ randoj",
"Justify" : "Ĝisambaŭrandigi",
"Left" : "Maldekstren",
"Loading" : "Ŝargante",
"Members" : "Membroj",
"New Name:" : "Nova nomo:",
"OK" : "Akcepti",
"Open" : "Malfermi",
"Options" : "Malneproj",
"Paragraph..." : "Alineo...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Alineaj stiloj",
"Redo" : "Refari",
"Right" : "Dekstren",
"Size" : "Grando",
"Spacing" : "Interspaco",
"Strikethrough" : "Trastreko",
"Style" : "Stilo",
"Text" : "Teksto",
"Top" : "Supro",
"Underline" : "Substreko",
"Undo" : "Malfari",
"Unknown Author" : "Nekonata verkinto",
"Shared" : "Kunhavata",
"Error" : "Eraro",
"Error while sharing" : "Eraro dum kunhavigo",
"Error while unsharing" : "Eraro dum malkunhavigo",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Eraro dum ŝanĝo de permesoj",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Kunhavigita kun vi kaj la grupo {group} de {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Kunhavigita kun vi de {owner}",
"Share" : "Kunhavigi",
"Share link" : "Kunhavigi ligilon",
"Password protect" : "Protekti per pasvorto",
"Password" : "Pasvorto",
"Email link to person" : "Retpoŝti la ligilon al ulo",
"Send" : "Sendi",
"Set expiration date" : "Agordi limdaton",
"Expiration" : "Eksvalidiĝo",
"Expiration date" : "Limdato",
"group" : "grupo",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Rekunhavigo ne permesatas",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Kunhavigita en {item} kun {user}",
"Unshare" : "Malkunhavigi",
"notify by email" : "avizi per retpoŝto",
"can share" : "kunhavebla",
"can edit" : "povas redakti",
"access control" : "alirkontrolo",
"create" : "krei",
"delete" : "forigi",
"Password protected" : "Protektita per pasvorto",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Eraro dum malagordado de limdato",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Eraro dum agordado de limdato",
"Sending ..." : "Sendante...",
"Email sent" : "La retpoŝtaĵo sendiĝis",
"Warning" : "Averto",
"Edit" : "Redakti",
"guest" : "gasto",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Kongruo kun MS Word (postuliĝas openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Loka",
"External" : "Malena",
"Disabled" : "Malkapabligita",
"Server URL" : "Servila URL",
"New document" : "Nova dokumento",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Alŝuti (maks. %s)",
"Upload" : "Alŝuti",
"Save new documents to" : "Konservi novajn dokumentojn en",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "La pasvorto malĝustas. Bonvolu reprovi.",
"Guest %s" : "Gasto %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Ĉi tiu ligilo eksvalidiĝis aŭ neniam ekzistis. Bonvolu kontakti la personon, kiu kunhavigis ĝin kun vi, por detaloj.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Altanivela funkciaro",
"(Unstable)" : "(nestabila)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Dokumentoj",
"Can't create document" => "Ne povas kreiĝi dokumento",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Vi ne havas permeson alinomigi ĉi tiun dokumenton",
"Directory saved successfully." => "La dosierujo konserviĝis sukcese.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Eraro okazis dum ŝanĝo de dosierujo.",
"Saved" => "Konservita",
"Saving..." => "Konservante...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Malsukcesis ŝargo de dokumentoj.",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Ne estas konekto al servilo. Provu rekonekti.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Laso de ĉi tiu paĝo en reĝimo Redaktilo povas kaŭzi nekonservotaj datumoj. Rekomendatas uzo de la butono “Fermi” anstataŭe.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Malsukcesis ŝargo de ĉi tiu dokumento. Bonvolu kontroli ĉu ĝi malfermeblas per malena odt-redaktilo. Ĉi tio povas ankaŭ signifi, ke ĝi malkunhaviĝis aŭ foriĝis lastatempe.",
"Save" => "Konservi",
"Loading documents..." => "Ŝargante dokumentojn...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' ne estas valida dosiernomo.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Dosiernomo devas ne malpleni.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nevalida nomo: “\\”, “/”, “<”, “>”, “:”, “\"”, “|”, “?” kaj “*” ne permesatas.",
"Align Left" => "Ĝisrandigi maldekstren",
"Alignment" => "Ĝisrandigo",
"Align Right" => "Ĝisrandigi dekstren",
"Annotate" => "Prinoti",
"Background" => "Fono",
"Bold" => "Grasa",
"Bottom" => "Malsupro",
"Cancel" => "Nuligi",
"Center" => "Centrigi",
"Clone" => "Kloni",
"Clone this Style" => "Kloni ĉi tiun stilon",
"Close" => "Fermi",
"Color" => "Koloro",
"Create" => "Krei",
"Decrease Indent" => "Malgrindigi krommarĝenon",
"Default Style" => "Defaŭlta stilo",
"Delete" => "Forigi",
"Family" => "Familio",
"Font" => "Tiparo",
"Font Effects" => "Tiparaj efektoj",
"Format" => "Aranĝo",
"Increase Indent" => "Grandigi krommarĝenon",
"Insert Image" => "Enigi bildon",
"Invite Members" => "Inviti membrojn",
"Italic" => "Kursiva",
"Justified" => "Ĝis ambaŭ randoj",
"Justify" => "Ĝisambaŭrandigi",
"Left" => "Maldekstren",
"Loading" => "Ŝargante",
"Members" => "Membroj",
"New Name:" => "Nova nomo:",
"OK" => "Akcepti",
"Open" => "Malfermi",
"Options" => "Malneproj",
"Paragraph..." => "Alineo...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Alineaj stiloj",
"Redo" => "Refari",
"Right" => "Dekstren",
"Size" => "Grando",
"Spacing" => "Interspaco",
"Strikethrough" => "Trastreko",
"Style" => "Stilo",
"Text" => "Teksto",
"Top" => "Supro",
"Underline" => "Substreko",
"Undo" => "Malfari",
"Unknown Author" => "Nekonata verkinto",
"Shared" => "Kunhavata",
"Error" => "Eraro",
"Error while sharing" => "Eraro dum kunhavigo",
"Error while unsharing" => "Eraro dum malkunhavigo",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Eraro dum ŝanĝo de permesoj",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Kunhavigita kun vi kaj la grupo {group} de {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Kunhavigita kun vi de {owner}",
"Share" => "Kunhavigi",
"Share link" => "Kunhavigi ligilon",
"Password protect" => "Protekti per pasvorto",
"Password" => "Pasvorto",
"Email link to person" => "Retpoŝti la ligilon al ulo",
"Send" => "Sendi",
"Set expiration date" => "Agordi limdaton",
"Expiration" => "Eksvalidiĝo",
"Expiration date" => "Limdato",
"group" => "grupo",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Rekunhavigo ne permesatas",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Kunhavigita en {item} kun {user}",
"Unshare" => "Malkunhavigi",
"notify by email" => "avizi per retpoŝto",
"can share" => "kunhavebla",
"can edit" => "povas redakti",
"access control" => "alirkontrolo",
"create" => "krei",
"delete" => "forigi",
"Password protected" => "Protektita per pasvorto",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Eraro dum malagordado de limdato",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Eraro dum agordado de limdato",
"Sending ..." => "Sendante...",
"Email sent" => "La retpoŝtaĵo sendiĝis",
"Warning" => "Averto",
"Edit" => "Redakti",
"guest" => "gasto",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "Kongruo kun MS Word (postuliĝas openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" => "Loka",
"External" => "Malena",
"Disabled" => "Malkapabligita",
"Server URL" => "Servila URL",
"New document" => "Nova dokumento",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Alŝuti (maks. %s)",
"Upload" => "Alŝuti",
"Save new documents to" => "Konservi novajn dokumentojn en",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "La pasvorto malĝustas. Bonvolu reprovi.",
"Guest %s" => "Gasto %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Ĉi tiu ligilo eksvalidiĝis aŭ neniam ekzistis. Bonvolu kontakti la personon, kiu kunhavigis ĝin kun vi, por detaloj.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Altanivela funkciaro",
"(Unstable)" => "(nestabila)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Documentos",
"Can't create document" : "No es posible crear el documento",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "No tiene permiso para cambiar de nombre a este documento",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Directorio guardado con éxito.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Se produjo un error mientras se cambiaba el directorio.",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "El filtro de formato del servidor está caído o desconfigurado",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "La conversión falló. Para más detalles, revise el registro.",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Error al cargar los documentos.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "No se encontraron documentos. ¡Suba o cree un documento para comenzar!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "No hay conexión con el servidor. Intentando reconectar.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Si deja esta página en el modo de edición, puede que algunos datos no sean guardados. Es preferible usar el botón «Cerrar».",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "No se pudo cargar el documento. Sírvase comprobar si puede abrirlo con un editor de archivos ODT externo. También puede ser que hayan dejado de compartirlo o haya sido eliminado recientemente.",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents..." : "Cargando los documentos...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' no es un nombre de archivo válido.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "El nombre de archivo no puede estar vacío.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nombre inválido, los caracteres \"\\\", \"/\", \"<\", \">\", \":\", \"\", \"|\" \"?\" y \"*\" no están permitidos ",
"Align Left" : "Alinear a la izquierda",
"Alignment" : "Alineación",
"Align Right" : "Alinear a la derecha",
"Annotate" : "Anotar",
"Background" : "Fondo",
"Bold" : "Negrita",
"Bottom" : "Inferior",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Center" : "Centrado",
"Clone" : "Clonar",
"Clone this Style" : "Clonar este estilo",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Color" : "Color",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Decrease Indent" : "Disminuir sangría",
"Default Style" : "Estilo por defecto",
"Delete" : "Eliminar",
"Family" : "Familia",
"Font" : "Fuente",
"Font Effects" : "Efectos de fuente",
"Format" : "Formato",
"Increase Indent" : "Aumentar sangría",
"Insert Image" : "Insertar una imagen",
"Invite Members" : "Invitar a miembros",
"Italic" : "Cursiva",
"Justified" : "Justificado",
"Justify" : "Justificar",
"Left" : "Izquierda",
"Loading" : "Cargando",
"Members" : "Miembros",
"New Name:" : "Nuevo nombre",
"OK" : "Aceptar",
"Open" : "Abrir",
"Options" : "Opciones",
"Paragraph..." : "Parrafo",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Estilos de párrafo",
"Redo" : "Rehacer",
"Right" : "Derecho",
"Size" : "Tamaño",
"Spacing" : "Espaciamiento",
"Strikethrough" : "Tachado",
"Style" : "Estilo",
"Text" : "Texto",
"Top" : "Superior",
"Underline" : "Subrayado",
"Undo" : "Deshacer",
"Unknown Author" : "Autor desconocido",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
"Error" : "Error",
"Error while sharing" : "Error al compartir",
"Error while unsharing" : "Error al dejar de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Error al cambiar permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Compartido contigo y el grupo {group} por {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartido contigo por {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Compartir con usuarios o grupos ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Comparte con usuarios, grupos o usuarios remotos...",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Comparta con personas en otros ownClouds utilizando la sintáxis",
"Share link" : "Compartir enlace",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "El vínculo público no expirará antes de {days} desde que se creó",
"Link" : "Enlace",
"Password protect" : "Protección con contraseña",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Elija una contraseña para el enlace publico",
"Allow editing" : "Permitir edición",
"Email link to person" : "Enviar enlace por correo electrónico a una persona",
"Send" : "Enviar",
"Set expiration date" : "Establecer fecha de caducidad",
"Expiration" : "Expira en:",
"Expiration date" : "Fecha de caducidad",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Ocurrió un error. Por favor, reinténtelo nuevamente.",
"Adding user..." : "Añadiendo usuario...",
"group" : "grupo",
"remote" : "remoto",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "No se permite compartir de nuevo",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Compartido en {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" : "Dejar de compartir",
"notify by email" : "notificar por correo electrónico",
"can share" : "puede compartir",
"can edit" : "puede editar",
"access control" : "control de acceso",
"create" : "crear",
"change" : "cambio",
"delete" : "borrar",
"Password protected" : "Protegido con contraseña",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Error al destablecer la fecha de caducidad",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Error estableciendo fecha de caducidad",
"Sending ..." : "Enviando...",
"Email sent" : "Correo electrónico enviado",
"Warning" : "Precaución",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"guest" : "invitado",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Soporte de MS Word (requiere OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" : "Local",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice está instalado en este servidor. La ruta a los binarios está en el archivo config.php en la entrada preview_libreoffice_path",
"External" : "Externo",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice está instalado en un servidor externo ejecutando un filtro de formato",
"Disabled" : "Deshabilitado",
"No MS Word support" : "Sin soporte para MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "Esquema://dominio.tld[:puerto]",
"Server URL" : "URL del servidor",
"Apply and test" : "Aplicar y probar",
"New document" : "Nuevo documento",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Subida (máx. %s)",
"Upload" : "Subir",
"Save new documents to" : "Guardar nuevos documentos en",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Inténtelo de nuevo.",
"Guest %s" : "Invitado %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Este enlace caducó o nunca existió. Para más detalles, sírvase contactar a la persona que lo compartió con usted.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Características avanzadas",
"(Unstable)" : "(Inestable)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Documentos",
"Can't create document" : "No es posible crear el documento",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "No tiene permiso para cambiar de nombre a este documento",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Directorio guardado con éxito.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Se produjo un error mientras se cambiaba el directorio.",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "El filtro de formato del servidor está caído o desconfigurado",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "La conversión falló. Para más detalles, revise el registro.",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Error al cargar los documentos.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "No se encontraron documentos. ¡Suba o cree un documento para comenzar!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "No hay conexión con el servidor. Intentando reconectar.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Si deja esta página en el modo de edición, puede que algunos datos no sean guardados. Es preferible usar el botón «Cerrar».",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "No se pudo cargar el documento. Sírvase comprobar si puede abrirlo con un editor de archivos ODT externo. También puede ser que hayan dejado de compartirlo o haya sido eliminado recientemente.",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents..." : "Cargando los documentos...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' no es un nombre de archivo válido.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "El nombre de archivo no puede estar vacío.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nombre inválido, los caracteres \"\\\", \"/\", \"<\", \">\", \":\", \"\", \"|\" \"?\" y \"*\" no están permitidos ",
"Align Left" : "Alinear a la izquierda",
"Alignment" : "Alineación",
"Align Right" : "Alinear a la derecha",
"Annotate" : "Anotar",
"Background" : "Fondo",
"Bold" : "Negrita",
"Bottom" : "Inferior",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Center" : "Centrado",
"Clone" : "Clonar",
"Clone this Style" : "Clonar este estilo",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Color" : "Color",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Decrease Indent" : "Disminuir sangría",
"Default Style" : "Estilo por defecto",
"Delete" : "Eliminar",
"Family" : "Familia",
"Font" : "Fuente",
"Font Effects" : "Efectos de fuente",
"Format" : "Formato",
"Increase Indent" : "Aumentar sangría",
"Insert Image" : "Insertar una imagen",
"Invite Members" : "Invitar a miembros",
"Italic" : "Cursiva",
"Justified" : "Justificado",
"Justify" : "Justificar",
"Left" : "Izquierda",
"Loading" : "Cargando",
"Members" : "Miembros",
"New Name:" : "Nuevo nombre",
"OK" : "Aceptar",
"Open" : "Abrir",
"Options" : "Opciones",
"Paragraph..." : "Parrafo",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Estilos de párrafo",
"Redo" : "Rehacer",
"Right" : "Derecho",
"Size" : "Tamaño",
"Spacing" : "Espaciamiento",
"Strikethrough" : "Tachado",
"Style" : "Estilo",
"Text" : "Texto",
"Top" : "Superior",
"Underline" : "Subrayado",
"Undo" : "Deshacer",
"Unknown Author" : "Autor desconocido",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
"Error" : "Error",
"Error while sharing" : "Error al compartir",
"Error while unsharing" : "Error al dejar de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Error al cambiar permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Compartido contigo y el grupo {group} por {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartido contigo por {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Compartir con usuarios o grupos ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Comparte con usuarios, grupos o usuarios remotos...",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Comparta con personas en otros ownClouds utilizando la sintáxis",
"Share link" : "Compartir enlace",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "El vínculo público no expirará antes de {days} desde que se creó",
"Link" : "Enlace",
"Password protect" : "Protección con contraseña",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Elija una contraseña para el enlace publico",
"Allow editing" : "Permitir edición",
"Email link to person" : "Enviar enlace por correo electrónico a una persona",
"Send" : "Enviar",
"Set expiration date" : "Establecer fecha de caducidad",
"Expiration" : "Expira en:",
"Expiration date" : "Fecha de caducidad",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Ocurrió un error. Por favor, reinténtelo nuevamente.",
"Adding user..." : "Añadiendo usuario...",
"group" : "grupo",
"remote" : "remoto",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "No se permite compartir de nuevo",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Compartido en {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" : "Dejar de compartir",
"notify by email" : "notificar por correo electrónico",
"can share" : "puede compartir",
"can edit" : "puede editar",
"access control" : "control de acceso",
"create" : "crear",
"change" : "cambio",
"delete" : "borrar",
"Password protected" : "Protegido con contraseña",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Error al destablecer la fecha de caducidad",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Error estableciendo fecha de caducidad",
"Sending ..." : "Enviando...",
"Email sent" : "Correo electrónico enviado",
"Warning" : "Precaución",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"guest" : "invitado",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Soporte de MS Word (requiere OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" : "Local",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice está instalado en este servidor. La ruta a los binarios está en el archivo config.php en la entrada preview_libreoffice_path",
"External" : "Externo",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice está instalado en un servidor externo ejecutando un filtro de formato",
"Disabled" : "Deshabilitado",
"No MS Word support" : "Sin soporte para MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "Esquema://dominio.tld[:puerto]",
"Server URL" : "URL del servidor",
"Apply and test" : "Aplicar y probar",
"New document" : "Nuevo documento",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Subida (máx. %s)",
"Upload" : "Subir",
"Save new documents to" : "Guardar nuevos documentos en",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Inténtelo de nuevo.",
"Guest %s" : "Invitado %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Este enlace caducó o nunca existió. Para más detalles, sírvase contactar a la persona que lo compartió con usted.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Características avanzadas",
"(Unstable)" : "(Inestable)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Documentos",
"Can't create document" => "No es posible crear el documento",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "No tiene permiso para cambiar de nombre a este documento",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Directorio guardado con éxito.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Se produjo un error mientras se cambiaba el directorio.",
"Saved" => "Guardado",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "El filtro de formato del servidor está caído o desconfigurado",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "La conversión falló. Para más detalles, revise el registro.",
"Saving..." => "Guardando...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Error al cargar los documentos.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "No se encontraron documentos. ¡Suba o cree un documento para comenzar!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "No hay conexión con el servidor. Intentando reconectar.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Si deja esta página en el modo de edición, puede que algunos datos no sean guardados. Es preferible usar el botón «Cerrar».",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "No se pudo cargar el documento. Sírvase comprobar si puede abrirlo con un editor de archivos ODT externo. También puede ser que hayan dejado de compartirlo o haya sido eliminado recientemente.",
"Save" => "Guardar",
"Loading documents..." => "Cargando los documentos...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' no es un nombre de archivo válido.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "El nombre de archivo no puede estar vacío.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nombre inválido, los caracteres \"\\\", \"/\", \"<\", \">\", \":\", \"\", \"|\" \"?\" y \"*\" no están permitidos ",
"Align Left" => "Alinear a la izquierda",
"Alignment" => "Alineación",
"Align Right" => "Alinear a la derecha",
"Annotate" => "Anotar",
"Background" => "Fondo",
"Bold" => "Negrita",
"Bottom" => "Inferior",
"Cancel" => "Cancelar",
"Center" => "Centrado",
"Clone" => "Clonar",
"Clone this Style" => "Clonar este estilo",
"Close" => "Cerrar",
"Color" => "Color",
"Create" => "Crear",
"Decrease Indent" => "Disminuir sangría",
"Default Style" => "Estilo por defecto",
"Delete" => "Eliminar",
"Family" => "Familia",
"Font" => "Fuente",
"Font Effects" => "Efectos de fuente",
"Format" => "Formato",
"Increase Indent" => "Aumentar sangría",
"Insert Image" => "Insertar una imagen",
"Invite Members" => "Invitar a miembros",
"Italic" => "Cursiva",
"Justified" => "Justificado",
"Justify" => "Justificar",
"Left" => "Izquierda",
"Loading" => "Cargando",
"Members" => "Miembros",
"New Name:" => "Nuevo nombre",
"OK" => "Aceptar",
"Open" => "Abrir",
"Options" => "Opciones",
"Paragraph..." => "Parrafo",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Estilos de párrafo",
"Redo" => "Rehacer",
"Right" => "Derecho",
"Size" => "Tamaño",
"Spacing" => "Espaciamiento",
"Strikethrough" => "Tachado",
"Style" => "Estilo",
"Text" => "Texto",
"Top" => "Superior",
"Underline" => "Subrayado",
"Undo" => "Deshacer",
"Unknown Author" => "Autor desconocido",
"Shared" => "Compartido",
"Error" => "Error",
"Error while sharing" => "Error al compartir",
"Error while unsharing" => "Error al dejar de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Error al cambiar permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Compartido contigo y el grupo {group} por {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Compartido contigo por {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Compartir con usuarios o grupos ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Comparte con usuarios, grupos o usuarios remotos...",
"Share" => "Compartir",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "Comparta con personas en otros ownClouds utilizando la sintáxis",
"Share link" => "Compartir enlace",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "El vínculo público no expirará antes de {days} desde que se creó",
"Link" => "Enlace",
"Password protect" => "Protección con contraseña",
"Password" => "Contraseña",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Elija una contraseña para el enlace publico",
"Allow editing" => "Permitir edición",
"Email link to person" => "Enviar enlace por correo electrónico a una persona",
"Send" => "Enviar",
"Set expiration date" => "Establecer fecha de caducidad",
"Expiration" => "Expira en:",
"Expiration date" => "Fecha de caducidad",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "Ocurrió un error. Por favor, reinténtelo nuevamente.",
"Adding user..." => "Añadiendo usuario...",
"group" => "grupo",
"remote" => "remoto",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "No se permite compartir de nuevo",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Compartido en {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" => "Dejar de compartir",
"notify by email" => "notificar por correo electrónico",
"can share" => "puede compartir",
"can edit" => "puede editar",
"access control" => "control de acceso",
"create" => "crear",
"change" => "cambio",
"delete" => "borrar",
"Password protected" => "Protegido con contraseña",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Error al destablecer la fecha de caducidad",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Error estableciendo fecha de caducidad",
"Sending ..." => "Enviando...",
"Email sent" => "Correo electrónico enviado",
"Warning" => "Precaución",
"Edit" => "Editar",
"guest" => "invitado",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "Soporte de MS Word (requiere OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" => "Local",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/libreOffice está instalado en este servidor. La ruta a los binarios está en el archivo config.php en la entrada preview_libreoffice_path",
"External" => "Externo",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "OpenOffice/LibreOffice está instalado en un servidor externo ejecutando un filtro de formato",
"Disabled" => "Deshabilitado",
"No MS Word support" => "Sin soporte para MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "Esquema://dominio.tld[:puerto]",
"Server URL" => "URL del servidor",
"Apply and test" => "Aplicar y probar",
"New document" => "Nuevo documento",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Subida (máx. %s)",
"Upload" => "Subir",
"Save new documents to" => "Guardar nuevos documentos en",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Contraseña incorrecta. Inténtelo de nuevo.",
"Guest %s" => "Invitado %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Este enlace caducó o nunca existió. Para más detalles, sírvase contactar a la persona que lo compartió con usted.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Características avanzadas",
"(Unstable)" => "(Inestable)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Documentos",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "No tienes permisos para cambiar de nombre a este documento.",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"Failed to load documents." : "La carga de documentos ha fallado.",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "No hay conexión al servidor. Intentado reconectar.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Salir de esta página en modo Editor puede causar pérdida de datos. Es recomendable usar el botón 'Cerrar'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Fallo al cargar este documento. Por favor, chequée si puede ser abierto con un editor odt externo. Esto también puede suceder si ha dejado de compartirse o ha sido borrado recietemente.",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents..." : "Cargando documentos...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' es un nombre de archivo inválido.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "El nombre del archivo no puede quedar vacío.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nombre invalido, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' y '*' no están permitidos.",
"Align Left" : "Alinear a la izquierda",
"Alignment" : "Alineación",
"Align Right" : "Alinear a la derecha",
"Annotate" : "Anotar",
"Background" : "Fondo",
"Bold" : "Negrita",
"Bottom" : "Abajo",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Center" : "Centro",
"Clone" : "Clonar",
"Clone this Style" : "Clonar este Estilo",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Color" : "Color",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Decrease Indent" : "Disminuir indentación",
"Default Style" : "Estilo Predefinido",
"Delete" : "Borrar",
"Family" : "Familia",
"Font" : "Fuente",
"Font Effects" : "Efectos de Fuente",
"Format" : "Formato",
"Increase Indent" : "Incrementar Indentación",
"Insert Image" : "Insertar Imágen",
"Invite Members" : "Invitar Miembros",
"Italic" : "Itálica",
"Justified" : "Justificado",
"Justify" : "Justificar",
"Left" : "Izquierda",
"Loading" : "Cargando",
"Members" : "Miembros",
"New Name:" : "Nuevo Nombre:",
"OK" : "Aceptar",
"Open" : "Abrir",
"Options" : "Opciones",
"Paragraph..." : "Párrafo...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Estilos de Párrafo",
"Redo" : "Rehacer",
"Right" : "Derecha",
"Size" : "Tamaño",
"Spacing" : "Espaciado",
"Strikethrough" : "Tachado",
"Style" : "Estilo",
"Text" : "Texto",
"Top" : "Arriba",
"Underline" : "Subrayado",
"Undo" : "Deshacer",
"Unknown Author" : "Autor Desconocido",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
"Error" : "Error",
"Error while sharing" : "Error al compartir",
"Error while unsharing" : "Error en al dejar de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Error al cambiar permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Compartido con vos y el grupo {group} por {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartido con vos por {owner}",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Share link" : "Compartir vínculo",
"Password protect" : "Proteger con contraseña ",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"Email link to person" : "Enviar el enlace por e-mail.",
"Send" : "Mandar",
"Set expiration date" : "Asignar fecha de vencimiento",
"Expiration" : "Vencimiento",
"Expiration date" : "Fecha de vencimiento",
"group" : "grupo",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "No se permite volver a compartir",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Compartido en {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" : "Dejar de compartir",
"notify by email" : "notificar por correo",
"can share" : "puede compartir",
"can edit" : "podés editar",
"access control" : "control de acceso",
"create" : "crear",
"delete" : "borrar",
"Password protected" : "Protegido por contraseña",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Error al remover la fecha de vencimiento",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Error al asignar fecha de vencimiento",
"Sending ..." : "Mandando...",
"Email sent" : "e-mail mandado",
"Warning" : "Atención",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"Disabled" : "Deshabilitado",
"New document" : "Nuevo documento",
"Upload" : "Subir",
"Save new documents to" : "Guardar nuevo documento a",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Clave incorrecta. Intente de nuevo.",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Este vínculo ha expirado o nunca existió. Por favor contacte a la persona que lo compartió con usted para más detalles.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Características Avanzadas",
"(Unstable)" : "(Inestable)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Documentos",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "No tienes permisos para cambiar de nombre a este documento.",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"Failed to load documents." : "La carga de documentos ha fallado.",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "No hay conexión al servidor. Intentado reconectar.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Salir de esta página en modo Editor puede causar pérdida de datos. Es recomendable usar el botón 'Cerrar'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Fallo al cargar este documento. Por favor, chequée si puede ser abierto con un editor odt externo. Esto también puede suceder si ha dejado de compartirse o ha sido borrado recietemente.",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents..." : "Cargando documentos...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' es un nombre de archivo inválido.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "El nombre del archivo no puede quedar vacío.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nombre invalido, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' y '*' no están permitidos.",
"Align Left" : "Alinear a la izquierda",
"Alignment" : "Alineación",
"Align Right" : "Alinear a la derecha",
"Annotate" : "Anotar",
"Background" : "Fondo",
"Bold" : "Negrita",
"Bottom" : "Abajo",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Center" : "Centro",
"Clone" : "Clonar",
"Clone this Style" : "Clonar este Estilo",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Color" : "Color",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Decrease Indent" : "Disminuir indentación",
"Default Style" : "Estilo Predefinido",
"Delete" : "Borrar",
"Family" : "Familia",
"Font" : "Fuente",
"Font Effects" : "Efectos de Fuente",
"Format" : "Formato",
"Increase Indent" : "Incrementar Indentación",
"Insert Image" : "Insertar Imágen",
"Invite Members" : "Invitar Miembros",
"Italic" : "Itálica",
"Justified" : "Justificado",
"Justify" : "Justificar",
"Left" : "Izquierda",
"Loading" : "Cargando",
"Members" : "Miembros",
"New Name:" : "Nuevo Nombre:",
"OK" : "Aceptar",
"Open" : "Abrir",
"Options" : "Opciones",
"Paragraph..." : "Párrafo...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Estilos de Párrafo",
"Redo" : "Rehacer",
"Right" : "Derecha",
"Size" : "Tamaño",
"Spacing" : "Espaciado",
"Strikethrough" : "Tachado",
"Style" : "Estilo",
"Text" : "Texto",
"Top" : "Arriba",
"Underline" : "Subrayado",
"Undo" : "Deshacer",
"Unknown Author" : "Autor Desconocido",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
"Error" : "Error",
"Error while sharing" : "Error al compartir",
"Error while unsharing" : "Error en al dejar de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Error al cambiar permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Compartido con vos y el grupo {group} por {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartido con vos por {owner}",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Share link" : "Compartir vínculo",
"Password protect" : "Proteger con contraseña ",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"Email link to person" : "Enviar el enlace por e-mail.",
"Send" : "Mandar",
"Set expiration date" : "Asignar fecha de vencimiento",
"Expiration" : "Vencimiento",
"Expiration date" : "Fecha de vencimiento",
"group" : "grupo",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "No se permite volver a compartir",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Compartido en {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" : "Dejar de compartir",
"notify by email" : "notificar por correo",
"can share" : "puede compartir",
"can edit" : "podés editar",
"access control" : "control de acceso",
"create" : "crear",
"delete" : "borrar",
"Password protected" : "Protegido por contraseña",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Error al remover la fecha de vencimiento",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Error al asignar fecha de vencimiento",
"Sending ..." : "Mandando...",
"Email sent" : "e-mail mandado",
"Warning" : "Atención",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"Disabled" : "Deshabilitado",
"New document" : "Nuevo documento",
"Upload" : "Subir",
"Save new documents to" : "Guardar nuevo documento a",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Clave incorrecta. Intente de nuevo.",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Este vínculo ha expirado o nunca existió. Por favor contacte a la persona que lo compartió con usted para más detalles.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Características Avanzadas",
"(Unstable)" : "(Inestable)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Documentos",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "No tienes permisos para cambiar de nombre a este documento.",
"Saved" => "Guardado",
"Saving..." => "Guardando...",
"Failed to load documents." => "La carga de documentos ha fallado.",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "No hay conexión al servidor. Intentado reconectar.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Salir de esta página en modo Editor puede causar pérdida de datos. Es recomendable usar el botón 'Cerrar'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Fallo al cargar este documento. Por favor, chequée si puede ser abierto con un editor odt externo. Esto también puede suceder si ha dejado de compartirse o ha sido borrado recietemente.",
"Save" => "Guardar",
"Loading documents..." => "Cargando documentos...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' es un nombre de archivo inválido.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "El nombre del archivo no puede quedar vacío.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nombre invalido, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' y '*' no están permitidos.",
"Align Left" => "Alinear a la izquierda",
"Alignment" => "Alineación",
"Align Right" => "Alinear a la derecha",
"Annotate" => "Anotar",
"Background" => "Fondo",
"Bold" => "Negrita",
"Bottom" => "Abajo",
"Cancel" => "Cancelar",
"Center" => "Centro",
"Clone" => "Clonar",
"Clone this Style" => "Clonar este Estilo",
"Close" => "Cerrar",
"Color" => "Color",
"Create" => "Crear",
"Decrease Indent" => "Disminuir indentación",
"Default Style" => "Estilo Predefinido",
"Delete" => "Borrar",
"Family" => "Familia",
"Font" => "Fuente",
"Font Effects" => "Efectos de Fuente",
"Format" => "Formato",
"Increase Indent" => "Incrementar Indentación",
"Insert Image" => "Insertar Imágen",
"Invite Members" => "Invitar Miembros",
"Italic" => "Itálica",
"Justified" => "Justificado",
"Justify" => "Justificar",
"Left" => "Izquierda",
"Loading" => "Cargando",
"Members" => "Miembros",
"New Name:" => "Nuevo Nombre:",
"OK" => "Aceptar",
"Open" => "Abrir",
"Options" => "Opciones",
"Paragraph..." => "Párrafo...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Estilos de Párrafo",
"Redo" => "Rehacer",
"Right" => "Derecha",
"Size" => "Tamaño",
"Spacing" => "Espaciado",
"Strikethrough" => "Tachado",
"Style" => "Estilo",
"Text" => "Texto",
"Top" => "Arriba",
"Underline" => "Subrayado",
"Undo" => "Deshacer",
"Unknown Author" => "Autor Desconocido",
"Shared" => "Compartido",
"Error" => "Error",
"Error while sharing" => "Error al compartir",
"Error while unsharing" => "Error en al dejar de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Error al cambiar permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Compartido con vos y el grupo {group} por {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Compartido con vos por {owner}",
"Share" => "Compartir",
"Share link" => "Compartir vínculo",
"Password protect" => "Proteger con contraseña ",
"Password" => "Contraseña",
"Email link to person" => "Enviar el enlace por e-mail.",
"Send" => "Mandar",
"Set expiration date" => "Asignar fecha de vencimiento",
"Expiration" => "Vencimiento",
"Expiration date" => "Fecha de vencimiento",
"group" => "grupo",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "No se permite volver a compartir",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Compartido en {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" => "Dejar de compartir",
"notify by email" => "notificar por correo",
"can share" => "puede compartir",
"can edit" => "podés editar",
"access control" => "control de acceso",
"create" => "crear",
"delete" => "borrar",
"Password protected" => "Protegido por contraseña",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Error al remover la fecha de vencimiento",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Error al asignar fecha de vencimiento",
"Sending ..." => "Mandando...",
"Email sent" => "e-mail mandado",
"Warning" => "Atención",
"Edit" => "Editar",
"Disabled" => "Deshabilitado",
"New document" => "Nuevo documento",
"Upload" => "Subir",
"Save new documents to" => "Guardar nuevo documento a",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Clave incorrecta. Intente de nuevo.",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Este vínculo ha expirado o nunca existió. Por favor contacte a la persona que lo compartió con usted para más detalles.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Características Avanzadas",
"(Unstable)" => "(Inestable)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
"Share" => "Compartir",
"Cancel" => "Cancelar",
"OK" => "OK",
"Upload" => "Subir",
"Password" => "Clave"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Documentos",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "No tiene permiso para cambiar de nombre a este documento",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Error al cargar los documentos.",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "No hay conexión con el servidor. Intentando reconectar.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Si deja esta página en el modo de edición, puede que algunos datos no sean guardados. Es preferible usar el botón «Cerrar».",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "No se pudo cargar el documento. Sírvase comprobar si puede abrirlo con un editor de archivos ODT externo. También puede ser que hayan dejado de compartirlo o haya sido eliminado recientemente.",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents..." : "Cargando los documentos...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' no es un nombre de archivo válido.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "El nombre de archivo no puede estar vacío.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nombre inválido, los caracteres \"\\\", \"/\", \"<\", \">\", \":\", \"\", \"|\" \"?\" y \"*\" no están permitidos ",
"Align Left" : "Alinear a la izquierda",
"Alignment" : "Alineación",
"Align Right" : "Alinear a la derecha",
"Annotate" : "Anotar",
"Background" : "Fondo",
"Bold" : "Negrita",
"Bottom" : "inferior",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Center" : "Centrado",
"Clone" : "Clonar",
"Clone this Style" : "Clonar este estilo",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Color" : "Color",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Decrease Indent" : "Disminuir identación",
"Default Style" : "Estilo por defecto",
"Delete" : "Eliminar",
"Family" : "Familia",
"Font" : "Fuente",
"Font Effects" : "Efectos",
"Format" : "Formato",
"Increase Indent" : "Incrementar identación",
"Insert Image" : "Insertar una imagen",
"Invite Members" : "Invitar a miembros",
"Italic" : "Italica",
"Justified" : "Justificado",
"Justify" : "Justificar",
"Left" : "Izquierda",
"Loading" : "Cargando",
"Members" : "Miembros",
"New Name:" : "Nuevo nombre",
"OK" : "Aceptar",
"Open" : "Abrir",
"Options" : "Opciones",
"Paragraph..." : "Parrafo",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Estilo del parrafo",
"Redo" : "Rehacer",
"Right" : "Derecho",
"Size" : "Tamaño",
"Spacing" : "Espaciamiento",
"Strikethrough" : "Tachado",
"Style" : "Estilo",
"Text" : "Texto",
"Top" : "Superior",
"Underline" : "Subrayado",
"Undo" : "Deshacer",
"Unknown Author" : "Autor desconocido",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
"Error" : "Error",
"Error while sharing" : "Error al compartir",
"Error while unsharing" : "Error al dejar de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Error al cambiar permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Compartido contigo y el grupo {group} por {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartido contigo por {owner}",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Share link" : "Enlace compartido",
"Password protect" : "Protección con contraseña",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"Email link to person" : "Enviar enlace por correo electrónico a una persona",
"Send" : "Enviar",
"Set expiration date" : "Establecer fecha de caducidad",
"Expiration" : "Caducidad",
"Expiration date" : "Fecha de caducidad",
"group" : "grupo",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "No se permite compartir de nuevo",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Compartido en {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" : "Dejar de compartir",
"notify by email" : "notificar al usuario por correo electrónico",
"can share" : "puede compartir",
"can edit" : "puede editar",
"access control" : "control de acceso",
"create" : "crear",
"delete" : "eliminar",
"Password protected" : "Protegido con contraseña",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Error eliminando fecha de caducidad",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Error estableciendo fecha de caducidad",
"Sending ..." : "Enviando...",
"Email sent" : "Correo electrónico enviado",
"Warning" : "Precaución",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"Disabled" : "Deshabilitado",
"New document" : "Nuevo documento",
"Upload" : "Subir",
"Save new documents to" : "Guardar nuevos documentos en",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Inténtelo de nuevo.",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Este enlace caducó o nunca existió. Para más detalles, sírvase contactar a la persona que lo compartió con usted.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Características avanzadas",
"(Unstable)" : "(Inestable)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Documentos",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "No tiene permiso para cambiar de nombre a este documento",
"Saved" : "Guardado",
"Saving..." : "Guardando...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Error al cargar los documentos.",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "No hay conexión con el servidor. Intentando reconectar.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Si deja esta página en el modo de edición, puede que algunos datos no sean guardados. Es preferible usar el botón «Cerrar».",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "No se pudo cargar el documento. Sírvase comprobar si puede abrirlo con un editor de archivos ODT externo. También puede ser que hayan dejado de compartirlo o haya sido eliminado recientemente.",
"Save" : "Guardar",
"Loading documents..." : "Cargando los documentos...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' no es un nombre de archivo válido.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "El nombre de archivo no puede estar vacío.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nombre inválido, los caracteres \"\\\", \"/\", \"<\", \">\", \":\", \"\", \"|\" \"?\" y \"*\" no están permitidos ",
"Align Left" : "Alinear a la izquierda",
"Alignment" : "Alineación",
"Align Right" : "Alinear a la derecha",
"Annotate" : "Anotar",
"Background" : "Fondo",
"Bold" : "Negrita",
"Bottom" : "inferior",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Center" : "Centrado",
"Clone" : "Clonar",
"Clone this Style" : "Clonar este estilo",
"Close" : "Cerrar",
"Color" : "Color",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Decrease Indent" : "Disminuir identación",
"Default Style" : "Estilo por defecto",
"Delete" : "Eliminar",
"Family" : "Familia",
"Font" : "Fuente",
"Font Effects" : "Efectos",
"Format" : "Formato",
"Increase Indent" : "Incrementar identación",
"Insert Image" : "Insertar una imagen",
"Invite Members" : "Invitar a miembros",
"Italic" : "Italica",
"Justified" : "Justificado",
"Justify" : "Justificar",
"Left" : "Izquierda",
"Loading" : "Cargando",
"Members" : "Miembros",
"New Name:" : "Nuevo nombre",
"OK" : "Aceptar",
"Open" : "Abrir",
"Options" : "Opciones",
"Paragraph..." : "Parrafo",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Estilo del parrafo",
"Redo" : "Rehacer",
"Right" : "Derecho",
"Size" : "Tamaño",
"Spacing" : "Espaciamiento",
"Strikethrough" : "Tachado",
"Style" : "Estilo",
"Text" : "Texto",
"Top" : "Superior",
"Underline" : "Subrayado",
"Undo" : "Deshacer",
"Unknown Author" : "Autor desconocido",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
"Error" : "Error",
"Error while sharing" : "Error al compartir",
"Error while unsharing" : "Error al dejar de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Error al cambiar permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Compartido contigo y el grupo {group} por {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartido contigo por {owner}",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Share link" : "Enlace compartido",
"Password protect" : "Protección con contraseña",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"Email link to person" : "Enviar enlace por correo electrónico a una persona",
"Send" : "Enviar",
"Set expiration date" : "Establecer fecha de caducidad",
"Expiration" : "Caducidad",
"Expiration date" : "Fecha de caducidad",
"group" : "grupo",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "No se permite compartir de nuevo",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Compartido en {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" : "Dejar de compartir",
"notify by email" : "notificar al usuario por correo electrónico",
"can share" : "puede compartir",
"can edit" : "puede editar",
"access control" : "control de acceso",
"create" : "crear",
"delete" : "eliminar",
"Password protected" : "Protegido con contraseña",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Error eliminando fecha de caducidad",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Error estableciendo fecha de caducidad",
"Sending ..." : "Enviando...",
"Email sent" : "Correo electrónico enviado",
"Warning" : "Precaución",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"Disabled" : "Deshabilitado",
"New document" : "Nuevo documento",
"Upload" : "Subir",
"Save new documents to" : "Guardar nuevos documentos en",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contraseña incorrecta. Inténtelo de nuevo.",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Este enlace caducó o nunca existió. Para más detalles, sírvase contactar a la persona que lo compartió con usted.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Características avanzadas",
"(Unstable)" : "(Inestable)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Documentos",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "No tiene permiso para cambiar de nombre a este documento",
"Saved" => "Guardado",
"Saving..." => "Guardando...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Error al cargar los documentos.",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "No hay conexión con el servidor. Intentando reconectar.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Si deja esta página en el modo de edición, puede que algunos datos no sean guardados. Es preferible usar el botón «Cerrar».",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "No se pudo cargar el documento. Sírvase comprobar si puede abrirlo con un editor de archivos ODT externo. También puede ser que hayan dejado de compartirlo o haya sido eliminado recientemente.",
"Save" => "Guardar",
"Loading documents..." => "Cargando los documentos...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' no es un nombre de archivo válido.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "El nombre de archivo no puede estar vacío.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nombre inválido, los caracteres \"\\\", \"/\", \"<\", \">\", \":\", \"\", \"|\" \"?\" y \"*\" no están permitidos ",
"Align Left" => "Alinear a la izquierda",
"Alignment" => "Alineación",
"Align Right" => "Alinear a la derecha",
"Annotate" => "Anotar",
"Background" => "Fondo",
"Bold" => "Negrita",
"Bottom" => "inferior",
"Cancel" => "Cancelar",
"Center" => "Centrado",
"Clone" => "Clonar",
"Clone this Style" => "Clonar este estilo",
"Close" => "Cerrar",
"Color" => "Color",
"Create" => "Crear",
"Decrease Indent" => "Disminuir identación",
"Default Style" => "Estilo por defecto",
"Delete" => "Eliminar",
"Family" => "Familia",
"Font" => "Fuente",
"Font Effects" => "Efectos",
"Format" => "Formato",
"Increase Indent" => "Incrementar identación",
"Insert Image" => "Insertar una imagen",
"Invite Members" => "Invitar a miembros",
"Italic" => "Italica",
"Justified" => "Justificado",
"Justify" => "Justificar",
"Left" => "Izquierda",
"Loading" => "Cargando",
"Members" => "Miembros",
"New Name:" => "Nuevo nombre",
"OK" => "Aceptar",
"Open" => "Abrir",
"Options" => "Opciones",
"Paragraph..." => "Parrafo",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Estilo del parrafo",
"Redo" => "Rehacer",
"Right" => "Derecho",
"Size" => "Tamaño",
"Spacing" => "Espaciamiento",
"Strikethrough" => "Tachado",
"Style" => "Estilo",
"Text" => "Texto",
"Top" => "Superior",
"Underline" => "Subrayado",
"Undo" => "Deshacer",
"Unknown Author" => "Autor desconocido",
"Shared" => "Compartido",
"Error" => "Error",
"Error while sharing" => "Error al compartir",
"Error while unsharing" => "Error al dejar de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Error al cambiar permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Compartido contigo y el grupo {group} por {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Compartido contigo por {owner}",
"Share" => "Compartir",
"Share link" => "Enlace compartido",
"Password protect" => "Protección con contraseña",
"Password" => "Contraseña",
"Email link to person" => "Enviar enlace por correo electrónico a una persona",
"Send" => "Enviar",
"Set expiration date" => "Establecer fecha de caducidad",
"Expiration" => "Caducidad",
"Expiration date" => "Fecha de caducidad",
"group" => "grupo",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "No se permite compartir de nuevo",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Compartido en {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" => "Dejar de compartir",
"notify by email" => "notificar al usuario por correo electrónico",
"can share" => "puede compartir",
"can edit" => "puede editar",
"access control" => "control de acceso",
"create" => "crear",
"delete" => "eliminar",
"Password protected" => "Protegido con contraseña",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Error eliminando fecha de caducidad",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Error estableciendo fecha de caducidad",
"Sending ..." => "Enviando...",
"Email sent" => "Correo electrónico enviado",
"Warning" => "Precaución",
"Edit" => "Editar",
"Disabled" => "Deshabilitado",
"New document" => "Nuevo documento",
"Upload" => "Subir",
"Save new documents to" => "Guardar nuevos documentos en",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Contraseña incorrecta. Inténtelo de nuevo.",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Este enlace caducó o nunca existió. Para más detalles, sírvase contactar a la persona que lo compartió con usted.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Características avanzadas",
"(Unstable)" => "(Inestable)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Dokumendid",
"Can't create document" : "Ei suuda dokumenti luua",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Puuduvad õigused dokumendi ümber nimetamiseks",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Kataloog salvestatud edukalt.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Kataloogi vahetamisel tekkis viga.",
"Saved" : "Salvestatud",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Formaadi filtri server ei ole saadaval või on valesti seadistatud",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Muutmine ebaõnnestus. Vaata logidest lisaks.",
"Saving..." : "Salvestamine...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Dokumentide laadimine ebaõnnestus.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Ühtegi dokumenti ei leitud. Alustamiseks laadi mõni üles või loo uus dokument!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Serveriga puudub ühendus. Proovin uuesti ühenduda.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Selle lehe jätmine Redaktori moodi võib põhjustada salvestamata andmete kadu. On soovitav selle asemel kasutada \"Sulge\" nuppu.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Selle dokumendi laadimine ebaõnnestus. Palun kontrolli, kas seda saab avada välise odt redaktoriga. Ühtlasi võib see tähendada, et fail pole jagatud või on hiljuti kustutatud.",
"Save" : "Salvesta",
"Loading documents..." : "Laadin dokumente...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' on vigane failinimi.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Faili nimi ei saa olla tühi.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Vigane nimi, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ja '*' pole lubatud.",
"Align Left" : "Joonda vasakule",
"Alignment" : "Joondus",
"Align Right" : "Joonda paremale",
"Annotate" : "Annoteeri",
"Background" : "Taust",
"Bold" : "Rasvane",
"Bottom" : "Alla",
"Cancel" : "Loobu",
"Center" : "Keskel",
"Clone" : "Klooni",
"Clone this Style" : "Klooni see stiil",
"Close" : "Sulge",
"Color" : "Värv",
"Create" : "Lisa",
"Decrease Indent" : "Vähenda taanet",
"Default Style" : "Vaikimisi stiil",
"Delete" : "Kustuta",
"Family" : "Pereliikmed",
"Font" : "Kirjatüüp",
"Font Effects" : "Kirjatüübi efektid",
"Format" : "Formaat",
"Increase Indent" : "Suurenda taanet",
"Insert Image" : "Lisa pilt",
"Invite Members" : "Kutsu liikmeid",
"Italic" : "Kaldkiri",
"Justified" : "Joondatud",
"Justify" : "Joonda",
"Left" : "Vasak",
"Loading" : "Laadimine",
"Members" : "Liikmed",
"New Name:" : "Uus nimi:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Ava",
"Options" : "Valikud",
"Paragraph..." : "Lõik..",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Lõigu stiilid",
"Redo" : "Tee uuesti",
"Right" : "Parem",
"Size" : "Suurus",
"Spacing" : "Asetus",
"Strikethrough" : "Läbikriipsutus",
"Style" : "Stiil",
"Text" : "Tekst",
"Top" : "Üles",
"Underline" : "Alljoon",
"Undo" : "Ennista",
"Unknown Author" : "Tundmatu autor",
"Shared" : "Jagatud",
"Error" : "Tõrge",
"Error while sharing" : "Viga jagamisel",
"Error while unsharing" : "Viga jagamise lõpetamisel",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Viga õiguste muutmisel",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Jagatud sinu ja {group} grupiga {owner} poolt",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Sinuga jagas {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Jaga kasutajate või gruppidega ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Jaga kasutajate, gruppide või eemal olevate kasutajatega ...",
"Share" : "Jaga",
"Share link" : "Jaga linki",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Avalik link aegub mitte hiljem kui pärast {days} päeva selle loomist",
"Link" : "Link",
"Password protect" : "Parooliga kaitstud",
"Password" : "Parool",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Vali avaliku lingi jaoks parool",
"Allow editing" : "Luba muutmine",
"Email link to person" : "Saada link isikule e-postiga",
"Send" : "Saada",
"Set expiration date" : "Määra aegumise kuupäev",
"Expiration" : "Aegumine",
"Expiration date" : "Aegumise kuupäev",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Tekkis tõrge. Palun proovi uuesti",
"Adding user..." : "Kasutaja lisamine...",
"group" : "grupp",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Edasijagamine pole lubatud",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Jagatud {item} kasutajaga {user}",
"Unshare" : "Lõpeta jagamine",
"notify by email" : "teavita e-postiga",
"can share" : "saab jagada",
"can edit" : "saab muuta",
"access control" : "ligipääsukontroll",
"create" : "loo",
"change" : "muuda",
"delete" : "kustuta",
"Password protected" : "Parooliga kaitstud",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Viga aegumise kuupäeva eemaldamisel",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Viga aegumise kuupäeva määramisel",
"Sending ..." : "Saatmine ...",
"Email sent" : "E-kiri on saadetud",
"Warning" : "Hoiatus",
"Edit" : "Muuda",
"guest" : "külaline",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word tugi (vajalik OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" : "Kohalik",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "Selles serveris on paigaldatud OpenOffice/LibreOffice. Otsinguteed rakenduseni pakutakse läbi preview_libreoffice_path in config.php",
"External" : "Väline",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice on paigaldatud välisesse serverisse, millel jookseb formaatide filter server.",
"Disabled" : "Välja lülitatud",
"No MS Word support" : "MS Word tugi puudub",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Serveri URL",
"Apply and test" : "Rakenda ja testi",
"New document" : "Uus dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Üleslaadimine (maks. %s)",
"Upload" : "Lae üles",
"Save new documents to" : "Salvesta dokumendid",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Vale parool. Palun proovi uuesti.",
"Guest %s" : "Külaline %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "See link on aegunud või seda pole kunagi eksisteerinud. Palun võta ühendust inimesega, kes selle sulle jagas.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Täpsemad seaded",
"(Unstable)" : "(Ebastabiilne)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Dokumendid",
"Can't create document" : "Ei suuda dokumenti luua",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Puuduvad õigused dokumendi ümber nimetamiseks",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Kataloog salvestatud edukalt.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Kataloogi vahetamisel tekkis viga.",
"Saved" : "Salvestatud",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Formaadi filtri server ei ole saadaval või on valesti seadistatud",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Muutmine ebaõnnestus. Vaata logidest lisaks.",
"Saving..." : "Salvestamine...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Dokumentide laadimine ebaõnnestus.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Ühtegi dokumenti ei leitud. Alustamiseks laadi mõni üles või loo uus dokument!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Serveriga puudub ühendus. Proovin uuesti ühenduda.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Selle lehe jätmine Redaktori moodi võib põhjustada salvestamata andmete kadu. On soovitav selle asemel kasutada \"Sulge\" nuppu.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Selle dokumendi laadimine ebaõnnestus. Palun kontrolli, kas seda saab avada välise odt redaktoriga. Ühtlasi võib see tähendada, et fail pole jagatud või on hiljuti kustutatud.",
"Save" : "Salvesta",
"Loading documents..." : "Laadin dokumente...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' on vigane failinimi.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Faili nimi ei saa olla tühi.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Vigane nimi, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ja '*' pole lubatud.",
"Align Left" : "Joonda vasakule",
"Alignment" : "Joondus",
"Align Right" : "Joonda paremale",
"Annotate" : "Annoteeri",
"Background" : "Taust",
"Bold" : "Rasvane",
"Bottom" : "Alla",
"Cancel" : "Loobu",
"Center" : "Keskel",
"Clone" : "Klooni",
"Clone this Style" : "Klooni see stiil",
"Close" : "Sulge",
"Color" : "Värv",
"Create" : "Lisa",
"Decrease Indent" : "Vähenda taanet",
"Default Style" : "Vaikimisi stiil",
"Delete" : "Kustuta",
"Family" : "Pereliikmed",
"Font" : "Kirjatüüp",
"Font Effects" : "Kirjatüübi efektid",
"Format" : "Formaat",
"Increase Indent" : "Suurenda taanet",
"Insert Image" : "Lisa pilt",
"Invite Members" : "Kutsu liikmeid",
"Italic" : "Kaldkiri",
"Justified" : "Joondatud",
"Justify" : "Joonda",
"Left" : "Vasak",
"Loading" : "Laadimine",
"Members" : "Liikmed",
"New Name:" : "Uus nimi:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Ava",
"Options" : "Valikud",
"Paragraph..." : "Lõik..",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Lõigu stiilid",
"Redo" : "Tee uuesti",
"Right" : "Parem",
"Size" : "Suurus",
"Spacing" : "Asetus",
"Strikethrough" : "Läbikriipsutus",
"Style" : "Stiil",
"Text" : "Tekst",
"Top" : "Üles",
"Underline" : "Alljoon",
"Undo" : "Ennista",
"Unknown Author" : "Tundmatu autor",
"Shared" : "Jagatud",
"Error" : "Tõrge",
"Error while sharing" : "Viga jagamisel",
"Error while unsharing" : "Viga jagamise lõpetamisel",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Viga õiguste muutmisel",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Jagatud sinu ja {group} grupiga {owner} poolt",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Sinuga jagas {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Jaga kasutajate või gruppidega ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Jaga kasutajate, gruppide või eemal olevate kasutajatega ...",
"Share" : "Jaga",
"Share link" : "Jaga linki",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Avalik link aegub mitte hiljem kui pärast {days} päeva selle loomist",
"Link" : "Link",
"Password protect" : "Parooliga kaitstud",
"Password" : "Parool",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Vali avaliku lingi jaoks parool",
"Allow editing" : "Luba muutmine",
"Email link to person" : "Saada link isikule e-postiga",
"Send" : "Saada",
"Set expiration date" : "Määra aegumise kuupäev",
"Expiration" : "Aegumine",
"Expiration date" : "Aegumise kuupäev",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Tekkis tõrge. Palun proovi uuesti",
"Adding user..." : "Kasutaja lisamine...",
"group" : "grupp",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Edasijagamine pole lubatud",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Jagatud {item} kasutajaga {user}",
"Unshare" : "Lõpeta jagamine",
"notify by email" : "teavita e-postiga",
"can share" : "saab jagada",
"can edit" : "saab muuta",
"access control" : "ligipääsukontroll",
"create" : "loo",
"change" : "muuda",
"delete" : "kustuta",
"Password protected" : "Parooliga kaitstud",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Viga aegumise kuupäeva eemaldamisel",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Viga aegumise kuupäeva määramisel",
"Sending ..." : "Saatmine ...",
"Email sent" : "E-kiri on saadetud",
"Warning" : "Hoiatus",
"Edit" : "Muuda",
"guest" : "külaline",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word tugi (vajalik OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" : "Kohalik",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "Selles serveris on paigaldatud OpenOffice/LibreOffice. Otsinguteed rakenduseni pakutakse läbi preview_libreoffice_path in config.php",
"External" : "Väline",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice on paigaldatud välisesse serverisse, millel jookseb formaatide filter server.",
"Disabled" : "Välja lülitatud",
"No MS Word support" : "MS Word tugi puudub",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Serveri URL",
"Apply and test" : "Rakenda ja testi",
"New document" : "Uus dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Üleslaadimine (maks. %s)",
"Upload" : "Lae üles",
"Save new documents to" : "Salvesta dokumendid",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Vale parool. Palun proovi uuesti.",
"Guest %s" : "Külaline %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "See link on aegunud või seda pole kunagi eksisteerinud. Palun võta ühendust inimesega, kes selle sulle jagas.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Täpsemad seaded",
"(Unstable)" : "(Ebastabiilne)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Dokumendid",
"Can't create document" => "Ei suuda dokumenti luua",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Puuduvad õigused dokumendi ümber nimetamiseks",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Kataloog salvestatud edukalt.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Kataloogi vahetamisel tekkis viga.",
"Saved" => "Salvestatud",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Formaadi filtri server ei ole saadaval või on valesti seadistatud",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Muutmine ebaõnnestus. Vaata logidest lisaks.",
"Saving..." => "Salvestamine...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Dokumentide laadimine ebaõnnestus.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Ühtegi dokumenti ei leitud. Alustamiseks laadi mõni üles või loo uus dokument!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Serveriga puudub ühendus. Proovin uuesti ühenduda.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Selle lehe jätmine Redaktori moodi võib põhjustada salvestamata andmete kadu. On soovitav selle asemel kasutada \"Sulge\" nuppu.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Selle dokumendi laadimine ebaõnnestus. Palun kontrolli, kas seda saab avada välise odt redaktoriga. Ühtlasi võib see tähendada, et fail pole jagatud või on hiljuti kustutatud.",
"Save" => "Salvesta",
"Loading documents..." => "Laadin dokumente...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' on vigane failinimi.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Faili nimi ei saa olla tühi.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Vigane nimi, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ja '*' pole lubatud.",
"Align Left" => "Joonda vasakule",
"Alignment" => "Joondus",
"Align Right" => "Joonda paremale",
"Annotate" => "Annoteeri",
"Background" => "Taust",
"Bold" => "Rasvane",
"Bottom" => "Alla",
"Cancel" => "Loobu",
"Center" => "Keskel",
"Clone" => "Klooni",
"Clone this Style" => "Klooni see stiil",
"Close" => "Sulge",
"Color" => "Värv",
"Create" => "Lisa",
"Decrease Indent" => "Vähenda taanet",
"Default Style" => "Vaikimisi stiil",
"Delete" => "Kustuta",
"Family" => "Pereliikmed",
"Font" => "Kirjatüüp",
"Font Effects" => "Kirjatüübi efektid",
"Format" => "Formaat",
"Increase Indent" => "Suurenda taanet",
"Insert Image" => "Lisa pilt",
"Invite Members" => "Kutsu liikmeid",
"Italic" => "Kaldkiri",
"Justified" => "Joondatud",
"Justify" => "Joonda",
"Left" => "Vasak",
"Loading" => "Laadimine",
"Members" => "Liikmed",
"New Name:" => "Uus nimi:",
"OK" => "OK",
"Open" => "Ava",
"Options" => "Valikud",
"Paragraph..." => "Lõik..",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Lõigu stiilid",
"Redo" => "Tee uuesti",
"Right" => "Parem",
"Size" => "Suurus",
"Spacing" => "Asetus",
"Strikethrough" => "Läbikriipsutus",
"Style" => "Stiil",
"Text" => "Tekst",
"Top" => "Üles",
"Underline" => "Alljoon",
"Undo" => "Ennista",
"Unknown Author" => "Tundmatu autor",
"Shared" => "Jagatud",
"Error" => "Tõrge",
"Error while sharing" => "Viga jagamisel",
"Error while unsharing" => "Viga jagamise lõpetamisel",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Viga õiguste muutmisel",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Jagatud sinu ja {group} grupiga {owner} poolt",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Sinuga jagas {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Jaga kasutajate või gruppidega ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Jaga kasutajate, gruppide või eemal olevate kasutajatega ...",
"Share" => "Jaga",
"Share link" => "Jaga linki",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "Avalik link aegub mitte hiljem kui pärast {days} päeva selle loomist",
"Link" => "Link",
"Password protect" => "Parooliga kaitstud",
"Password" => "Parool",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Vali avaliku lingi jaoks parool",
"Allow editing" => "Luba muutmine",
"Email link to person" => "Saada link isikule e-postiga",
"Send" => "Saada",
"Set expiration date" => "Määra aegumise kuupäev",
"Expiration" => "Aegumine",
"Expiration date" => "Aegumise kuupäev",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "Tekkis tõrge. Palun proovi uuesti",
"Adding user..." => "Kasutaja lisamine...",
"group" => "grupp",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Edasijagamine pole lubatud",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Jagatud {item} kasutajaga {user}",
"Unshare" => "Lõpeta jagamine",
"notify by email" => "teavita e-postiga",
"can share" => "saab jagada",
"can edit" => "saab muuta",
"access control" => "ligipääsukontroll",
"create" => "loo",
"change" => "muuda",
"delete" => "kustuta",
"Password protected" => "Parooliga kaitstud",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Viga aegumise kuupäeva eemaldamisel",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Viga aegumise kuupäeva määramisel",
"Sending ..." => "Saatmine ...",
"Email sent" => "E-kiri on saadetud",
"Warning" => "Hoiatus",
"Edit" => "Muuda",
"guest" => "külaline",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "MS Word tugi (vajalik OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" => "Kohalik",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "Selles serveris on paigaldatud OpenOffice/LibreOffice. Otsinguteed rakenduseni pakutakse läbi preview_libreoffice_path in config.php",
"External" => "Väline",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "OpenOffice/LibreOffice on paigaldatud välisesse serverisse, millel jookseb formaatide filter server.",
"Disabled" => "Välja lülitatud",
"No MS Word support" => "MS Word tugi puudub",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "Serveri URL",
"Apply and test" => "Rakenda ja testi",
"New document" => "Uus dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Üleslaadimine (maks. %s)",
"Upload" => "Lae üles",
"Save new documents to" => "Salvesta dokumendid",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Vale parool. Palun proovi uuesti.",
"Guest %s" => "Külaline %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "See link on aegunud või seda pole kunagi eksisteerinud. Palun võta ühendust inimesega, kes selle sulle jagas.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Täpsemad seaded",
"(Unstable)" => "(Ebastabiilne)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Dokumentuak",
"Can't create document" : "Ezin da dokumentua sortu",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Ez duzu dokumentu honi izena aldatzeko baimenik",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Direktorioa ongi gorde da.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Errore bat gertatu da direktorioz aldatzen.",
"Saved" : "Gordeta",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Formatuen iragazki zerbitzaria erorita edo gaizki konfiguratua",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Bihurketak huts egin du. Begiratu erregistroak zehaztapenetarako.",
"Saving..." : "Gordetzen...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Dokumentuak kargatzeak huts egin du.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Ez da dokumenturik aurkitu. Igo edo sortu dokumentu bat hasteko!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Ez dago konexiorik zerbitzariarekin. Birkonektatzen saiatzen.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Orri hau Editore moduan uzteak gordegabeko datuak utz ditzake. Aholkatzen da 'Itxi' botoia erabiltzea.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Dokumentu hau kargatzeak huts egin du. Mesedez egiaztatu ea kanpoko odt editore batekin ireki daitekeen. Honek ere dokumentua partekatzeari utzi egin zaiola edo ezabatu egin dela esan dezake.",
"Save" : "Gorde",
"Loading documents..." : "Dokumentuak kargatzen...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' ez da fitxategi izen baliogarria.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Fitxategi izena ezin da hutsa izan.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "IZen aliogabea, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' eta '*' ez daude baimenduta.",
"Align Left" : "Lerrokatu ezkerrean",
"Alignment" : "Lerrokatzea",
"Align Right" : "Lerrokatu eskuinean",
"Annotate" : "Oharra idatzi",
"Background" : "Atzeko planoa",
"Bold" : "Lodia",
"Bottom" : "Behean",
"Cancel" : "Ezeztatu",
"Center" : "Edrian",
"Clone" : "Klonatu",
"Clone this Style" : "Klonatu Estiloa",
"Close" : "Itxi",
"Color" : "Kolorea",
"Create" : "Sortu",
"Decrease Indent" : "Txikitu koxka",
"Default Style" : "Estilo lehenetsia",
"Delete" : "Ezabatu",
"Family" : "Familia",
"Font" : "Letra tipoa",
"Font Effects" : "Letra efektuak",
"Format" : "Formatua",
"Increase Indent" : "Handitu koxka",
"Insert Image" : "Txertatu irudia",
"Invite Members" : "Gonbidatu partaideak",
"Italic" : "Etzana",
"Justified" : "Justifikatuta",
"Justify" : "Justifikatu",
"Left" : "Ezkerra",
"Loading" : "Kargatzen",
"Members" : "Partaideak",
"New Name:" : "Izen berria",
"OK" : "Ados",
"Open" : "Ireki",
"Options" : "Aukerak",
"Paragraph..." : "Paragrafoa...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Paragrafo Estiloak",
"Redo" : "Berregin",
"Right" : "Eskuina",
"Size" : "Tamaina",
"Spacing" : "Tarteak",
"Strikethrough" : "Marratuta",
"Style" : "Estiloa",
"Text" : "Testua",
"Top" : "Goian",
"Underline" : "Azpimarratua",
"Undo" : "Desegin",
"Unknown Author" : "Egile ezezaguna",
"Shared" : "Elkarbanatuta",
"Error" : "Errorea",
"Error while sharing" : "Errore bat egon da elkarbanatzean",
"Error while unsharing" : "Errore bat egon da elkarbanaketa desegitean",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Errore bat egon da baimenak aldatzean",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "{owner}-k zu eta {group} taldearekin elkarbanatuta",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner}-k zurekin elkarbanatuta",
"Share" : "Partekatu",
"Share link" : "Elkarbanatu lotura",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Esteka publikoak iraungi egingo du, askoz jota, sortu eta {days} egunetara.",
"Link" : "Esteka",
"Password protect" : "Babestu pasahitzarekin",
"Password" : "Pasahitza",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Aukeratu pasahitz bat esteka publikorako",
"Allow editing" : "Baimendu editatzea",
"Email link to person" : "Postaz bidali lotura ",
"Send" : "Bidali",
"Set expiration date" : "Ezarri muga data",
"Expiration" : "Iraungitzea",
"Expiration date" : "Muga data",
"Adding user..." : "Erabiltzailea gehitzen...",
"group" : "taldea",
"remote" : "urrunekoa",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Berriz elkarbanatzea ez dago baimendua",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "{user}ekin {item}-n elkarbanatuta",
"Unshare" : "Ez elkarbanatu",
"notify by email" : "jakinarazi eposta bidez",
"can share" : "elkarbana dezake",
"can edit" : "editatu dezake",
"access control" : "sarrera kontrola",
"create" : "sortu",
"change" : "aldatu",
"delete" : "ezabatu",
"Password protected" : "Pasahitzarekin babestuta",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Errorea izan da muga data kentzean",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Errore bat egon da muga data ezartzean",
"Sending ..." : "Bidaltzen ...",
"Email sent" : "Eposta bidalia",
"Warning" : "Abisua",
"Edit" : "Editatu",
"guest" : "gonbidatua",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word (openOffice/libreOffice behar du)",
"Local" : "Bertakoa",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice zerbitzarian instalatuta dago. Programaren bidea preview_libreoffice_path aukeran zehaztu behar da config.php fitxategian",
"External" : "Kanpokoa",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice kanpoko zerbitzari batean instalatuta dago zeinak formatu iragazki zerbitzari bat duen",
"Disabled" : "Ez-gaitua",
"No MS Word support" : "Ez da MS Word onartzen",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "eskema://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Zerbitzariaren URLa",
"Apply and test" : "Aplikatu eta probatu",
"New document" : "Dokumentu berria",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Igo (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Igo",
"Save new documents to" : "Gorde dokumentu berriak hemen",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Pasahitz okerra. Saiatu berriro.",
"Guest %s" : "Gonbidatua %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Lotura hau iraungi da edo ez da inoiz existitu. Mesedez zurekin partekatu zuen pertsonarekin harremanetan jarri zehaztasun gehiago izateko.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Ezaugarri aurreratu multzoa",
"(Unstable)" : "(Ez-egonkorra)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Dokumentuak",
"Can't create document" : "Ezin da dokumentua sortu",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Ez duzu dokumentu honi izena aldatzeko baimenik",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Direktorioa ongi gorde da.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Errore bat gertatu da direktorioz aldatzen.",
"Saved" : "Gordeta",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Formatuen iragazki zerbitzaria erorita edo gaizki konfiguratua",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Bihurketak huts egin du. Begiratu erregistroak zehaztapenetarako.",
"Saving..." : "Gordetzen...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Dokumentuak kargatzeak huts egin du.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Ez da dokumenturik aurkitu. Igo edo sortu dokumentu bat hasteko!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Ez dago konexiorik zerbitzariarekin. Birkonektatzen saiatzen.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Orri hau Editore moduan uzteak gordegabeko datuak utz ditzake. Aholkatzen da 'Itxi' botoia erabiltzea.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Dokumentu hau kargatzeak huts egin du. Mesedez egiaztatu ea kanpoko odt editore batekin ireki daitekeen. Honek ere dokumentua partekatzeari utzi egin zaiola edo ezabatu egin dela esan dezake.",
"Save" : "Gorde",
"Loading documents..." : "Dokumentuak kargatzen...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' ez da fitxategi izen baliogarria.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Fitxategi izena ezin da hutsa izan.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "IZen aliogabea, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' eta '*' ez daude baimenduta.",
"Align Left" : "Lerrokatu ezkerrean",
"Alignment" : "Lerrokatzea",
"Align Right" : "Lerrokatu eskuinean",
"Annotate" : "Oharra idatzi",
"Background" : "Atzeko planoa",
"Bold" : "Lodia",
"Bottom" : "Behean",
"Cancel" : "Ezeztatu",
"Center" : "Edrian",
"Clone" : "Klonatu",
"Clone this Style" : "Klonatu Estiloa",
"Close" : "Itxi",
"Color" : "Kolorea",
"Create" : "Sortu",
"Decrease Indent" : "Txikitu koxka",
"Default Style" : "Estilo lehenetsia",
"Delete" : "Ezabatu",
"Family" : "Familia",
"Font" : "Letra tipoa",
"Font Effects" : "Letra efektuak",
"Format" : "Formatua",
"Increase Indent" : "Handitu koxka",
"Insert Image" : "Txertatu irudia",
"Invite Members" : "Gonbidatu partaideak",
"Italic" : "Etzana",
"Justified" : "Justifikatuta",
"Justify" : "Justifikatu",
"Left" : "Ezkerra",
"Loading" : "Kargatzen",
"Members" : "Partaideak",
"New Name:" : "Izen berria",
"OK" : "Ados",
"Open" : "Ireki",
"Options" : "Aukerak",
"Paragraph..." : "Paragrafoa...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Paragrafo Estiloak",
"Redo" : "Berregin",
"Right" : "Eskuina",
"Size" : "Tamaina",
"Spacing" : "Tarteak",
"Strikethrough" : "Marratuta",
"Style" : "Estiloa",
"Text" : "Testua",
"Top" : "Goian",
"Underline" : "Azpimarratua",
"Undo" : "Desegin",
"Unknown Author" : "Egile ezezaguna",
"Shared" : "Elkarbanatuta",
"Error" : "Errorea",
"Error while sharing" : "Errore bat egon da elkarbanatzean",
"Error while unsharing" : "Errore bat egon da elkarbanaketa desegitean",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Errore bat egon da baimenak aldatzean",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "{owner}-k zu eta {group} taldearekin elkarbanatuta",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner}-k zurekin elkarbanatuta",
"Share" : "Partekatu",
"Share link" : "Elkarbanatu lotura",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Esteka publikoak iraungi egingo du, askoz jota, sortu eta {days} egunetara.",
"Link" : "Esteka",
"Password protect" : "Babestu pasahitzarekin",
"Password" : "Pasahitza",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Aukeratu pasahitz bat esteka publikorako",
"Allow editing" : "Baimendu editatzea",
"Email link to person" : "Postaz bidali lotura ",
"Send" : "Bidali",
"Set expiration date" : "Ezarri muga data",
"Expiration" : "Iraungitzea",
"Expiration date" : "Muga data",
"Adding user..." : "Erabiltzailea gehitzen...",
"group" : "taldea",
"remote" : "urrunekoa",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Berriz elkarbanatzea ez dago baimendua",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "{user}ekin {item}-n elkarbanatuta",
"Unshare" : "Ez elkarbanatu",
"notify by email" : "jakinarazi eposta bidez",
"can share" : "elkarbana dezake",
"can edit" : "editatu dezake",
"access control" : "sarrera kontrola",
"create" : "sortu",
"change" : "aldatu",
"delete" : "ezabatu",
"Password protected" : "Pasahitzarekin babestuta",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Errorea izan da muga data kentzean",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Errore bat egon da muga data ezartzean",
"Sending ..." : "Bidaltzen ...",
"Email sent" : "Eposta bidalia",
"Warning" : "Abisua",
"Edit" : "Editatu",
"guest" : "gonbidatua",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word (openOffice/libreOffice behar du)",
"Local" : "Bertakoa",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice zerbitzarian instalatuta dago. Programaren bidea preview_libreoffice_path aukeran zehaztu behar da config.php fitxategian",
"External" : "Kanpokoa",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice kanpoko zerbitzari batean instalatuta dago zeinak formatu iragazki zerbitzari bat duen",
"Disabled" : "Ez-gaitua",
"No MS Word support" : "Ez da MS Word onartzen",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "eskema://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Zerbitzariaren URLa",
"Apply and test" : "Aplikatu eta probatu",
"New document" : "Dokumentu berria",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Igo (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Igo",
"Save new documents to" : "Gorde dokumentu berriak hemen",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Pasahitz okerra. Saiatu berriro.",
"Guest %s" : "Gonbidatua %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Lotura hau iraungi da edo ez da inoiz existitu. Mesedez zurekin partekatu zuen pertsonarekin harremanetan jarri zehaztasun gehiago izateko.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Ezaugarri aurreratu multzoa",
"(Unstable)" : "(Ez-egonkorra)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Dokumentuak",
"Can't create document" => "Ezin da dokumentua sortu",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Ez duzu dokumentu honi izena aldatzeko baimenik",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Direktorioa ongi gorde da.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Errore bat gertatu da direktorioz aldatzen.",
"Saved" => "Gordeta",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Formatuen iragazki zerbitzaria erorita edo gaizki konfiguratua",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Bihurketak huts egin du. Begiratu erregistroak zehaztapenetarako.",
"Saving..." => "Gordetzen...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Dokumentuak kargatzeak huts egin du.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Ez da dokumenturik aurkitu. Igo edo sortu dokumentu bat hasteko!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Ez dago konexiorik zerbitzariarekin. Birkonektatzen saiatzen.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Orri hau Editore moduan uzteak gordegabeko datuak utz ditzake. Aholkatzen da 'Itxi' botoia erabiltzea.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Dokumentu hau kargatzeak huts egin du. Mesedez egiaztatu ea kanpoko odt editore batekin ireki daitekeen. Honek ere dokumentua partekatzeari utzi egin zaiola edo ezabatu egin dela esan dezake.",
"Save" => "Gorde",
"Loading documents..." => "Dokumentuak kargatzen...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' ez da fitxategi izen baliogarria.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Fitxategi izena ezin da hutsa izan.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "IZen aliogabea, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' eta '*' ez daude baimenduta.",
"Align Left" => "Lerrokatu ezkerrean",
"Alignment" => "Lerrokatzea",
"Align Right" => "Lerrokatu eskuinean",
"Annotate" => "Oharra idatzi",
"Background" => "Atzeko planoa",
"Bold" => "Lodia",
"Bottom" => "Behean",
"Cancel" => "Ezeztatu",
"Center" => "Edrian",
"Clone" => "Klonatu",
"Clone this Style" => "Klonatu Estiloa",
"Close" => "Itxi",
"Color" => "Kolorea",
"Create" => "Sortu",
"Decrease Indent" => "Txikitu koxka",
"Default Style" => "Estilo lehenetsia",
"Delete" => "Ezabatu",
"Family" => "Familia",
"Font" => "Letra tipoa",
"Font Effects" => "Letra efektuak",
"Format" => "Formatua",
"Increase Indent" => "Handitu koxka",
"Insert Image" => "Txertatu irudia",
"Invite Members" => "Gonbidatu partaideak",
"Italic" => "Etzana",
"Justified" => "Justifikatuta",
"Justify" => "Justifikatu",
"Left" => "Ezkerra",
"Loading" => "Kargatzen",
"Members" => "Partaideak",
"New Name:" => "Izen berria",
"OK" => "Ados",
"Open" => "Ireki",
"Options" => "Aukerak",
"Paragraph..." => "Paragrafoa...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Paragrafo Estiloak",
"Redo" => "Berregin",
"Right" => "Eskuina",
"Size" => "Tamaina",
"Spacing" => "Tarteak",
"Strikethrough" => "Marratuta",
"Style" => "Estiloa",
"Text" => "Testua",
"Top" => "Goian",
"Underline" => "Azpimarratua",
"Undo" => "Desegin",
"Unknown Author" => "Egile ezezaguna",
"Shared" => "Elkarbanatuta",
"Error" => "Errorea",
"Error while sharing" => "Errore bat egon da elkarbanatzean",
"Error while unsharing" => "Errore bat egon da elkarbanaketa desegitean",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Errore bat egon da baimenak aldatzean",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "{owner}-k zu eta {group} taldearekin elkarbanatuta",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "{owner}-k zurekin elkarbanatuta",
"Share" => "Partekatu",
"Share link" => "Elkarbanatu lotura",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "Esteka publikoak iraungi egingo du, askoz jota, sortu eta {days} egunetara.",
"Link" => "Esteka",
"Password protect" => "Babestu pasahitzarekin",
"Password" => "Pasahitza",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Aukeratu pasahitz bat esteka publikorako",
"Allow editing" => "Baimendu editatzea",
"Email link to person" => "Postaz bidali lotura ",
"Send" => "Bidali",
"Set expiration date" => "Ezarri muga data",
"Expiration" => "Iraungitzea",
"Expiration date" => "Muga data",
"Adding user..." => "Erabiltzailea gehitzen...",
"group" => "taldea",
"remote" => "urrunekoa",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Berriz elkarbanatzea ez dago baimendua",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "{user}ekin {item}-n elkarbanatuta",
"Unshare" => "Ez elkarbanatu",
"notify by email" => "jakinarazi eposta bidez",
"can share" => "elkarbana dezake",
"can edit" => "editatu dezake",
"access control" => "sarrera kontrola",
"create" => "sortu",
"change" => "aldatu",
"delete" => "ezabatu",
"Password protected" => "Pasahitzarekin babestuta",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Errorea izan da muga data kentzean",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Errore bat egon da muga data ezartzean",
"Sending ..." => "Bidaltzen ...",
"Email sent" => "Eposta bidalia",
"Warning" => "Abisua",
"Edit" => "Editatu",
"guest" => "gonbidatua",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "MS Word (openOffice/libreOffice behar du)",
"Local" => "Bertakoa",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/libreOffice zerbitzarian instalatuta dago. Programaren bidea preview_libreoffice_path aukeran zehaztu behar da config.php fitxategian",
"External" => "Kanpokoa",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "openOffice/libreOffice kanpoko zerbitzari batean instalatuta dago zeinak formatu iragazki zerbitzari bat duen",
"Disabled" => "Ez-gaitua",
"No MS Word support" => "Ez da MS Word onartzen",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "eskema://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "Zerbitzariaren URLa",
"Apply and test" => "Aplikatu eta probatu",
"New document" => "Dokumentu berria",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Igo (max. %s)",
"Upload" => "Igo",
"Save new documents to" => "Gorde dokumentu berriak hemen",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Pasahitz okerra. Saiatu berriro.",
"Guest %s" => "Gonbidatua %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Lotura hau iraungi da edo ez da inoiz existitu. Mesedez zurekin partekatu zuen pertsonarekin harremanetan jarri zehaztasun gehiago izateko.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Ezaugarri aurreratu multzoa",
"(Unstable)" => "(Ez-egonkorra)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"Save" => "Gorde",
"Cancel" => "Ezeztatu",
"Delete" => "Ezabatu",
"Edit" => "Aldatu"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "اسناد",
"Can't create document" : "امکان ایجاد مستند وجود ندارد",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "شما دسترسی مجاز برای تغییر نام این سند را ندارید",
"Directory saved successfully." : "پوشه با موفقیت ذخیره شد.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "یک خطا در حین تغییر پوشه رخ داده است.",
"Saved" : "ذخیره شد",
"Saving..." : "در حال ذخیره سازی...",
"Failed to load documents." : "فراخوانی اسناد با شکست مواجه شد",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "هیچگونه ارتباط به سرور موجود نمی‌باشد. لطفاً ارتباط مجدد برقرار کنید.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "خروج از این صفحه در مود ویرایش باعث از دست دادن اطلاعات ذخیر نشده خواهد شد. پیشنهاد می‌شود بجای آن که از دکمه‌ی 'خروج' استفاده فرمایید.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "فراخوانی این سند با مشکل مواجه شد. لطفاً بررسی نمایید که آیا می‌توان آن را با یک برنامه‌ی ویرایشگر odt خارجی باز نمود. البته این اشکال ممکن است بخاطر حذف شدن یا حذف اشتراک گذاری آن نیز اتفاق افتاده باشد",
"Save" : "ذخیره",
"Loading documents..." : "در حال بارگذاری اسناد...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' یک نام پرونده نامعتبر است.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "نام پرونده نمی تواند خالی باشد.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "نام نامعتبر ، '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' و '*' مجاز نمی باشند.",
"Align Left" : "چپ تراز",
"Alignment" : "ترازکردن",
"Align Right" : "راست تراز",
"Annotate" : "حاشیه نگاری",
"Background" : "پس زمینه",
"Bold" : "ضخیم",
"Bottom" : "پایین",
"Cancel" : "منصرف شدن",
"Center" : "وسط",
"Close" : "بستن",
"Color" : "رنگ",
"Create" : "ایجاد کردن",
"Decrease Indent" : "کاهش تورفتگی",
"Default Style" : "استایل پیشفرض",
"Delete" : "حذف",
"Family" : "خانواده",
"Font" : "فونت",
"Font Effects" : "افکت‌های فونت",
"Format" : "فرمت",
"Increase Indent" : "افزایش تورفتگی",
"Insert Image" : "درج تصویر",
"Invite Members" : "دعوت کردن اعضا",
"Italic" : "کج نویس",
"Left" : "چپ",
"Loading" : "بارگذاری",
"Members" : "اعضا",
"New Name:" : "نام جدید:",
"OK" : "باشه",
"Open" : "باز کردن",
"Options" : "تنظیمات",
"Paragraph..." : "پاراگراف...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "استایل های پاراگراف",
"Redo" : "ازنو",
"Right" : "راست",
"Size" : "اندازه",
"Spacing" : "فاصله گذاری",
"Strikethrough" : "خط خورده",
"Style" : "استایل",
"Text" : "متن",
"Top" : "ا",
"Underline" : "خط زیرین",
"Undo" : "بازگردان",
"Unknown Author" : "نویسنده‌ی نامعلوم",
"Shared" : "اشتراک گذاشته شده",
"Error" : "خطا",
"Error while sharing" : "خطا درحال به اشتراک گذاشتن",
"Error while unsharing" : "خطا درحال لغو اشتراک",
"Error while changing permissions" : "خطا در حال تغییر مجوز",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "به اشتراک گذاشته شده با شما و گروه {گروه} توسط {دارنده}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "به اشتراک گذاشته شده با شما توسط { دارنده}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "اشتراک گذاری با کاربران یا گروه ها ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "اشتراک گذاری با کاربران، گروه‌ها یا کاربران راه دور...",
"Share" : "اشتراک‌گذاری",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "اشتراک‌گذاری با دیگر افراد بر روی ownClouds بصورت",
"Share link" : "اشتراک گذاشتن لینک",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "لینک عمومی پس از {days} روز پس از ایجاد منقضی خواهد شد",
"Link" : "لینک",
"Password protect" : "نگهداری کردن رمز عبور",
"Password" : "گذرواژه",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "انتخاب رمز برای لینک عمومی",
"Allow editing" : "اجازه‌ی ویرایش",
"Email link to person" : "پیوند ایمیل برای شخص.",
"Send" : "ارسال",
"Set expiration date" : "تنظیم تاریخ انقضا",
"Expiration" : "تاریخ انقضا",
"Expiration date" : "تاریخ انقضا",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "یک خطا رخ داده است، لطفا مجددا تلاش کنید",
"Adding user..." : "افزودن کاربر...",
"group" : "گروه",
"remote" : "از راه دور",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "اشتراک گذاری مجدد مجاز نمی باشد",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "به اشتراک گذاشته شده در {بخش} با {کاربر}",
"Unshare" : "لغو اشتراک",
"notify by email" : "دریافت هشدار از طریق ایمیل",
"can share" : "قابل به اشتراک گذاری",
"can edit" : "می توان ویرایش کرد",
"access control" : "کنترل دسترسی",
"create" : "ایجاد",
"change" : "تغییر",
"delete" : "پاک کردن",
"Password protected" : "نگهداری از رمز عبور",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "خطا در تنظیم نکردن تاریخ انقضا ",
"Error setting expiration date" : "خطا در تنظیم تاریخ انقضا",
"Sending ..." : "درحال ارسال ...",
"Email sent" : "ایمیل ارسال شد",
"Warning" : "اخطار",
"Edit" : "ویرایش",
"guest" : "میهمان",
"Local" : "محلی",
"External" : "خارجی",
"Disabled" : "غیرفعال شده",
"No MS Word support" : "عدم پشتیبانی از MS Word",
"Server URL" : "URL سرور",
"Apply and test" : "اعمال و تست",
"New document" : "سند جدید",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "آپلود (بیشترین سایز %s)",
"Upload" : "بارگزاری",
"Save new documents to" : "ذخیره کردن اسناد جدید به",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "رمز اشتباه. لطفاً مجددا تکرار فرمایید.",
"Guest %s" : "میهمان %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "این لینک منقضی شده یا اینکه هرگز وجود نداشته است. لطفاً از کسی که آن را با شما به اشتراک گذاشته جزئیات را جویا شوید.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "مجموعه‌ی امکانات پیشرفته",
"(Unstable)" : "(ناپایدار)"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "اسناد",
"Can't create document" : "امکان ایجاد مستند وجود ندارد",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "شما دسترسی مجاز برای تغییر نام این سند را ندارید",
"Directory saved successfully." : "پوشه با موفقیت ذخیره شد.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "یک خطا در حین تغییر پوشه رخ داده است.",
"Saved" : "ذخیره شد",
"Saving..." : "در حال ذخیره سازی...",
"Failed to load documents." : "فراخوانی اسناد با شکست مواجه شد",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "هیچگونه ارتباط به سرور موجود نمی‌باشد. لطفاً ارتباط مجدد برقرار کنید.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "خروج از این صفحه در مود ویرایش باعث از دست دادن اطلاعات ذخیر نشده خواهد شد. پیشنهاد می‌شود بجای آن که از دکمه‌ی 'خروج' استفاده فرمایید.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "فراخوانی این سند با مشکل مواجه شد. لطفاً بررسی نمایید که آیا می‌توان آن را با یک برنامه‌ی ویرایشگر odt خارجی باز نمود. البته این اشکال ممکن است بخاطر حذف شدن یا حذف اشتراک گذاری آن نیز اتفاق افتاده باشد",
"Save" : "ذخیره",
"Loading documents..." : "در حال بارگذاری اسناد...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' یک نام پرونده نامعتبر است.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "نام پرونده نمی تواند خالی باشد.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "نام نامعتبر ، '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' و '*' مجاز نمی باشند.",
"Align Left" : "چپ تراز",
"Alignment" : "ترازکردن",
"Align Right" : "راست تراز",
"Annotate" : "حاشیه نگاری",
"Background" : "پس زمینه",
"Bold" : "ضخیم",
"Bottom" : "پایین",
"Cancel" : "منصرف شدن",
"Center" : "وسط",
"Close" : "بستن",
"Color" : "رنگ",
"Create" : "ایجاد کردن",
"Decrease Indent" : "کاهش تورفتگی",
"Default Style" : "استایل پیشفرض",
"Delete" : "حذف",
"Family" : "خانواده",
"Font" : "فونت",
"Font Effects" : "افکت‌های فونت",
"Format" : "فرمت",
"Increase Indent" : "افزایش تورفتگی",
"Insert Image" : "درج تصویر",
"Invite Members" : "دعوت کردن اعضا",
"Italic" : "کج نویس",
"Left" : "چپ",
"Loading" : "بارگذاری",
"Members" : "اعضا",
"New Name:" : "نام جدید:",
"OK" : "باشه",
"Open" : "باز کردن",
"Options" : "تنظیمات",
"Paragraph..." : "پاراگراف...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "استایل های پاراگراف",
"Redo" : "ازنو",
"Right" : "راست",
"Size" : "اندازه",
"Spacing" : "فاصله گذاری",
"Strikethrough" : "خط خورده",
"Style" : "استایل",
"Text" : "متن",
"Top" : "ا",
"Underline" : "خط زیرین",
"Undo" : "بازگردان",
"Unknown Author" : "نویسنده‌ی نامعلوم",
"Shared" : "اشتراک گذاشته شده",
"Error" : "خطا",
"Error while sharing" : "خطا درحال به اشتراک گذاشتن",
"Error while unsharing" : "خطا درحال لغو اشتراک",
"Error while changing permissions" : "خطا در حال تغییر مجوز",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "به اشتراک گذاشته شده با شما و گروه {گروه} توسط {دارنده}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "به اشتراک گذاشته شده با شما توسط { دارنده}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "اشتراک گذاری با کاربران یا گروه ها ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "اشتراک گذاری با کاربران، گروه‌ها یا کاربران راه دور...",
"Share" : "اشتراک‌گذاری",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "اشتراک‌گذاری با دیگر افراد بر روی ownClouds بصورت",
"Share link" : "اشتراک گذاشتن لینک",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "لینک عمومی پس از {days} روز پس از ایجاد منقضی خواهد شد",
"Link" : "لینک",
"Password protect" : "نگهداری کردن رمز عبور",
"Password" : "گذرواژه",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "انتخاب رمز برای لینک عمومی",
"Allow editing" : "اجازه‌ی ویرایش",
"Email link to person" : "پیوند ایمیل برای شخص.",
"Send" : "ارسال",
"Set expiration date" : "تنظیم تاریخ انقضا",
"Expiration" : "تاریخ انقضا",
"Expiration date" : "تاریخ انقضا",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "یک خطا رخ داده است، لطفا مجددا تلاش کنید",
"Adding user..." : "افزودن کاربر...",
"group" : "گروه",
"remote" : "از راه دور",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "اشتراک گذاری مجدد مجاز نمی باشد",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "به اشتراک گذاشته شده در {بخش} با {کاربر}",
"Unshare" : "لغو اشتراک",
"notify by email" : "دریافت هشدار از طریق ایمیل",
"can share" : "قابل به اشتراک گذاری",
"can edit" : "می توان ویرایش کرد",
"access control" : "کنترل دسترسی",
"create" : "ایجاد",
"change" : "تغییر",
"delete" : "پاک کردن",
"Password protected" : "نگهداری از رمز عبور",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "خطا در تنظیم نکردن تاریخ انقضا ",
"Error setting expiration date" : "خطا در تنظیم تاریخ انقضا",
"Sending ..." : "درحال ارسال ...",
"Email sent" : "ایمیل ارسال شد",
"Warning" : "اخطار",
"Edit" : "ویرایش",
"guest" : "میهمان",
"Local" : "محلی",
"External" : "خارجی",
"Disabled" : "غیرفعال شده",
"No MS Word support" : "عدم پشتیبانی از MS Word",
"Server URL" : "URL سرور",
"Apply and test" : "اعمال و تست",
"New document" : "سند جدید",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "آپلود (بیشترین سایز %s)",
"Upload" : "بارگزاری",
"Save new documents to" : "ذخیره کردن اسناد جدید به",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "رمز اشتباه. لطفاً مجددا تکرار فرمایید.",
"Guest %s" : "میهمان %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "این لینک منقضی شده یا اینکه هرگز وجود نداشته است. لطفاً از کسی که آن را با شما به اشتراک گذاشته جزئیات را جویا شوید.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "مجموعه‌ی امکانات پیشرفته",
"(Unstable)" : "(ناپایدار)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"

@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "اسناد",
"Can't create document" => "امکان ایجاد مستند وجود ندارد",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "شما دسترسی مجاز برای تغییر نام این سند را ندارید",
"Directory saved successfully." => "پوشه با موفقیت ذخیره شد.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "یک خطا در حین تغییر پوشه رخ داده است.",
"Saved" => "ذخیره شد",
"Saving..." => "در حال ذخیره سازی...",
"Failed to load documents." => "فراخوانی اسناد با شکست مواجه شد",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "هیچگونه ارتباط به سرور موجود نمی‌باشد. لطفاً ارتباط مجدد برقرار کنید.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "خروج از این صفحه در مود ویرایش باعث از دست دادن اطلاعات ذخیر نشده خواهد شد. پیشنهاد می‌شود بجای آن که از دکمه‌ی 'خروج' استفاده فرمایید.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "فراخوانی این سند با مشکل مواجه شد. لطفاً بررسی نمایید که آیا می‌توان آن را با یک برنامه‌ی ویرایشگر odt خارجی باز نمود. البته این اشکال ممکن است بخاطر حذف شدن یا حذف اشتراک گذاری آن نیز اتفاق افتاده باشد",
"Save" => "ذخیره",
"Loading documents..." => "در حال بارگذاری اسناد...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' یک نام پرونده نامعتبر است.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "نام پرونده نمی تواند خالی باشد.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "نام نامعتبر ، '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' و '*' مجاز نمی باشند.",
"Align Left" => "چپ تراز",
"Alignment" => "ترازکردن",
"Align Right" => "راست تراز",
"Annotate" => "حاشیه نگاری",
"Background" => "پس زمینه",
"Bold" => "ضخیم",
"Bottom" => "پایین",
"Cancel" => "منصرف شدن",
"Center" => "وسط",
"Close" => "بستن",
"Color" => "رنگ",
"Create" => "ایجاد کردن",
"Decrease Indent" => "کاهش تورفتگی",
"Default Style" => "استایل پیشفرض",
"Delete" => "حذف",
"Family" => "خانواده",
"Font" => "فونت",
"Font Effects" => "افکت‌های فونت",
"Format" => "فرمت",
"Increase Indent" => "افزایش تورفتگی",
"Insert Image" => "درج تصویر",
"Invite Members" => "دعوت کردن اعضا",
"Italic" => "کج نویس",
"Left" => "چپ",
"Loading" => "بارگذاری",
"Members" => "اعضا",
"New Name:" => "نام جدید:",
"OK" => "باشه",
"Open" => "باز کردن",
"Options" => "تنظیمات",
"Paragraph..." => "پاراگراف...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "استایل های پاراگراف",
"Redo" => "ازنو",
"Right" => "راست",
"Size" => "اندازه",
"Spacing" => "فاصله گذاری",
"Strikethrough" => "خط خورده",
"Style" => "استایل",
"Text" => "متن",
"Top" => "ا",
"Underline" => "خط زیرین",
"Undo" => "بازگردان",
"Unknown Author" => "نویسنده‌ی نامعلوم",
"Shared" => "اشتراک گذاشته شده",
"Error" => "خطا",
"Error while sharing" => "خطا درحال به اشتراک گذاشتن",
"Error while unsharing" => "خطا درحال لغو اشتراک",
"Error while changing permissions" => "خطا در حال تغییر مجوز",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "به اشتراک گذاشته شده با شما و گروه {گروه} توسط {دارنده}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "به اشتراک گذاشته شده با شما توسط { دارنده}",
"Share with users or groups …" => "اشتراک گذاری با کاربران یا گروه ها ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "اشتراک گذاری با کاربران، گروه‌ها یا کاربران راه دور...",
"Share" => "اشتراک‌گذاری",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "اشتراک‌گذاری با دیگر افراد بر روی ownClouds بصورت",
"Share link" => "اشتراک گذاشتن لینک",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "لینک عمومی پس از {days} روز پس از ایجاد منقضی خواهد شد",
"Link" => "لینک",
"Password protect" => "نگهداری کردن رمز عبور",
"Password" => "گذرواژه",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "انتخاب رمز برای لینک عمومی",
"Allow editing" => "اجازه‌ی ویرایش",
"Email link to person" => "پیوند ایمیل برای شخص.",
"Send" => "ارسال",
"Set expiration date" => "تنظیم تاریخ انقضا",
"Expiration" => "تاریخ انقضا",
"Expiration date" => "تاریخ انقضا",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "یک خطا رخ داده است، لطفا مجددا تلاش کنید",
"Adding user..." => "افزودن کاربر...",
"group" => "گروه",
"remote" => "از راه دور",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "اشتراک گذاری مجدد مجاز نمی باشد",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "به اشتراک گذاشته شده در {بخش} با {کاربر}",
"Unshare" => "لغو اشتراک",
"notify by email" => "دریافت هشدار از طریق ایمیل",
"can share" => "قابل به اشتراک گذاری",
"can edit" => "می توان ویرایش کرد",
"access control" => "کنترل دسترسی",
"create" => "ایجاد",
"change" => "تغییر",
"delete" => "پاک کردن",
"Password protected" => "نگهداری از رمز عبور",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "خطا در تنظیم نکردن تاریخ انقضا ",
"Error setting expiration date" => "خطا در تنظیم تاریخ انقضا",
"Sending ..." => "درحال ارسال ...",
"Email sent" => "ایمیل ارسال شد",
"Warning" => "اخطار",
"Edit" => "ویرایش",
"guest" => "میهمان",
"Local" => "محلی",
"External" => "خارجی",
"Disabled" => "غیرفعال شده",
"No MS Word support" => "عدم پشتیبانی از MS Word",
"Server URL" => "URL سرور",
"Apply and test" => "اعمال و تست",
"New document" => "سند جدید",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "آپلود (بیشترین سایز %s)",
"Upload" => "بارگزاری",
"Save new documents to" => "ذخیره کردن اسناد جدید به",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "رمز اشتباه. لطفاً مجددا تکرار فرمایید.",
"Guest %s" => "میهمان %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "این لینک منقضی شده یا اینکه هرگز وجود نداشته است. لطفاً از کسی که آن را با شما به اشتراک گذاشته جزئیات را جویا شوید.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "مجموعه‌ی امکانات پیشرفته",
"(Unstable)" => "(ناپایدار)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=1; plural=0;";

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Asiakirjat",
"Can't create document" : "Asiakirjan luominen epäonnistui",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Oikeutesi eivät riitä nimeämään tätä asiakirjaa uudelleen",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Kansio tallennettiin onnistuneesti.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Virhe kansiota vaihtaessa.",
"Saved" : "Tallennettu",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Muotosuodatuspalvelin ei ole käytettävissä tai sen asetukset ovat väärin",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Muuntaminen epäonnistui. Katso lisätietoja lokista.",
"Saving..." : "Tallennetaan...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Virhe ladattaessa dokumentteja.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Asiakirjoja ei löytynyt. Lähetä tai luo asiakirja aloittaaksesi!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Ei yhteyttä palvelimeen. Yritetään yhdistää uudelleen.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Tältä sivulta poistuminen muokkaustilassa saattaa aiheuttaa tallentamatonta tietoa. Käytä sivulta poistumisen sijaan \"Sulje\"-painiketta.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Asiakirjan lataaminen epäonnistui. Yritä avata asiakirja erillisellä odt:tä tukevalla sovelluksella. Tämä virhe voi myös tarkoittaa, että asiakirja ei ole enää jaettu tai asiakirja on poistettu äskettäin.",
"Save" : "Tallenna",
"Loading documents..." : "Ladataan asiakirjoja...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' on virheellinen nimi tiedostolle.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Tiedoston nimi ei voi olla tyhjä.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Virheellinen nimi, merkit '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ja '*' eivät ole sallittuja.",
"Align Left" : "Tasaa vasemmalle",
"Alignment" : "Tasaus",
"Align Right" : "Tasaa oikealle",
"Annotate" : "Kommentoi",
"Background" : "Tausta",
"Bold" : "Lihavoitu",
"Bottom" : "Alas",
"Cancel" : "Peru",
"Center" : "Keskelle",
"Clone" : "Kloonaa",
"Clone this Style" : "Kloonaa tämä tyyli",
"Close" : "Sulje",
"Color" : "Väri",
"Create" : "Luo",
"Decrease Indent" : "Vähennä sisennystä",
"Default Style" : "Oletustyyli",
"Delete" : "Poista",
"Family" : "Perhe",
"Font" : "Kirjasin",
"Font Effects" : "Kirjasintehosteet",
"Format" : "Muotoilu",
"Increase Indent" : "Lisää sisennystä",
"Insert Image" : "Lisää kuva",
"Invite Members" : "Kutsu jäseniä",
"Italic" : "Kursivoitu",
"Justified" : "Tasattu",
"Justify" : "Tasaa",
"Left" : "Vasemmalle",
"Loading" : "Ladataan",
"Members" : "Jäsenet",
"New Name:" : "Uusi nimi:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Avaa",
"Options" : "Valinnat",
"Paragraph..." : "Kappale...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Kappaletyylit",
"Redo" : "Tee uudelleen",
"Right" : "Oikealle",
"Size" : "Koko",
"Spacing" : "Välistys",
"Strikethrough" : "Yliviivattu",
"Style" : "Tyyli",
"Text" : "Teksti",
"Top" : "Ylös",
"Underline" : "Alleviivattu",
"Undo" : "Kumoa",
"Unknown Author" : "Tuntematon tekijä",
"Shared" : "Jaettu",
"Error" : "Virhe",
"Error while sharing" : "Virhe jaettaessa",
"Error while unsharing" : "Virhe jakoa peruttaessa",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Virhe oikeuksia muuttaessa",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Jaettu sinun ja ryhmän {group} kanssa käyttäjän {owner} toimesta",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Jaettu kanssasi käyttäjän {owner} toimesta",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Jaa käyttäjien tai ryhmien kanssa…",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Jaa käyttäjien, ryhmien tai etäkäyttäjien kanssa…",
"Share" : "Jaa",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Jaa toisia ownCloud-järjestelmiä käyttävien kesken käyttäen syntaksia käyttäjä",
"Share link" : "Jaa linkki",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Julkinen linkki vanhenee {days} päivän jälkeen sen luomisesta",
"Link" : "Linkki",
"Password protect" : "Suojaa salasanalla",
"Password" : "Salasana",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Valitse salasana julkiselle linkille",
"Allow editing" : "Salli muokkaus",
"Email link to person" : "Lähetä linkki sähköpostitse",
"Send" : "Lähetä",
"Set expiration date" : "Aseta päättymispäivä",
"Expiration" : "Erääntyminen",
"Expiration date" : "Päättymispäivä",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Tapahtui virhe. Yritä myöhemmin uudestaan",
"Adding user..." : "Lisätään käyttäjä...",
"group" : "ryhmä",
"remote" : "etä",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Jakaminen uudelleen ei ole salittu",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "{item} on jaettu {user} kanssa",
"Unshare" : "Peru jakaminen",
"notify by email" : "ilmoita sähköpostitse",
"can share" : "jaa",
"can edit" : "voi muokata",
"access control" : "Pääsyn hallinta",
"create" : "luo",
"change" : "muuta",
"delete" : "poista",
"Password protected" : "Salasanasuojattu",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Virhe purettaessa eräpäivää",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Virhe päättymispäivää asettaessa",
"Sending ..." : "Lähetetään...",
"Email sent" : "Sähköposti lähetetty",
"Warning" : "Varoitus",
"Edit" : "Muokkaa",
"guest" : "vieras",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word -tuki (vaatimuksena openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Paikallinen",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice on asennettu tälle palvelimelle. Polku suoritettavaan tiedostoon määritetään tiedoston config.php kohdassa preview_libreoffice_path",
"External" : "Ulkoinen",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice on asennettu erillisille palvelimelle, joka tarjoaa muotosuodatuspalvelimen ominaisuudet",
"Disabled" : "Ei käytössä",
"No MS Word support" : "Ei MS Word -tukea",
"Server URL" : "Palvelimen osoite",
"Apply and test" : "Toteuta ja testaa",
"New document" : "Uusi asiakirja",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Lähetys (enintään %s)",
"Upload" : "Lähetä",
"Save new documents to" : "Uusien asiakirjojen tallennussijainti",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Väärä salasana. Yritä uudelleen.",
"Guest %s" : "Vieras %s",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Tarkemmat toiminto-asetukset",
"(Unstable)" : "(Epävakaa)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Asiakirjat",
"Can't create document" : "Asiakirjan luominen epäonnistui",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Oikeutesi eivät riitä nimeämään tätä asiakirjaa uudelleen",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Kansio tallennettiin onnistuneesti.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Virhe kansiota vaihtaessa.",
"Saved" : "Tallennettu",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Muotosuodatuspalvelin ei ole käytettävissä tai sen asetukset ovat väärin",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Muuntaminen epäonnistui. Katso lisätietoja lokista.",
"Saving..." : "Tallennetaan...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Virhe ladattaessa dokumentteja.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Asiakirjoja ei löytynyt. Lähetä tai luo asiakirja aloittaaksesi!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Ei yhteyttä palvelimeen. Yritetään yhdistää uudelleen.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Tältä sivulta poistuminen muokkaustilassa saattaa aiheuttaa tallentamatonta tietoa. Käytä sivulta poistumisen sijaan \"Sulje\"-painiketta.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Asiakirjan lataaminen epäonnistui. Yritä avata asiakirja erillisellä odt:tä tukevalla sovelluksella. Tämä virhe voi myös tarkoittaa, että asiakirja ei ole enää jaettu tai asiakirja on poistettu äskettäin.",
"Save" : "Tallenna",
"Loading documents..." : "Ladataan asiakirjoja...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' on virheellinen nimi tiedostolle.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Tiedoston nimi ei voi olla tyhjä.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Virheellinen nimi, merkit '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ja '*' eivät ole sallittuja.",
"Align Left" : "Tasaa vasemmalle",
"Alignment" : "Tasaus",
"Align Right" : "Tasaa oikealle",
"Annotate" : "Kommentoi",
"Background" : "Tausta",
"Bold" : "Lihavoitu",
"Bottom" : "Alas",
"Cancel" : "Peru",
"Center" : "Keskelle",
"Clone" : "Kloonaa",
"Clone this Style" : "Kloonaa tämä tyyli",
"Close" : "Sulje",
"Color" : "Väri",
"Create" : "Luo",
"Decrease Indent" : "Vähennä sisennystä",
"Default Style" : "Oletustyyli",
"Delete" : "Poista",
"Family" : "Perhe",
"Font" : "Kirjasin",
"Font Effects" : "Kirjasintehosteet",
"Format" : "Muotoilu",
"Increase Indent" : "Lisää sisennystä",
"Insert Image" : "Lisää kuva",
"Invite Members" : "Kutsu jäseniä",
"Italic" : "Kursivoitu",
"Justified" : "Tasattu",
"Justify" : "Tasaa",
"Left" : "Vasemmalle",
"Loading" : "Ladataan",
"Members" : "Jäsenet",
"New Name:" : "Uusi nimi:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Avaa",
"Options" : "Valinnat",
"Paragraph..." : "Kappale...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Kappaletyylit",
"Redo" : "Tee uudelleen",
"Right" : "Oikealle",
"Size" : "Koko",
"Spacing" : "Välistys",
"Strikethrough" : "Yliviivattu",
"Style" : "Tyyli",
"Text" : "Teksti",
"Top" : "Ylös",
"Underline" : "Alleviivattu",
"Undo" : "Kumoa",
"Unknown Author" : "Tuntematon tekijä",
"Shared" : "Jaettu",
"Error" : "Virhe",
"Error while sharing" : "Virhe jaettaessa",
"Error while unsharing" : "Virhe jakoa peruttaessa",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Virhe oikeuksia muuttaessa",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Jaettu sinun ja ryhmän {group} kanssa käyttäjän {owner} toimesta",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Jaettu kanssasi käyttäjän {owner} toimesta",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Jaa käyttäjien tai ryhmien kanssa…",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Jaa käyttäjien, ryhmien tai etäkäyttäjien kanssa…",
"Share" : "Jaa",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Jaa toisia ownCloud-järjestelmiä käyttävien kesken käyttäen syntaksia käyttäjä",
"Share link" : "Jaa linkki",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Julkinen linkki vanhenee {days} päivän jälkeen sen luomisesta",
"Link" : "Linkki",
"Password protect" : "Suojaa salasanalla",
"Password" : "Salasana",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Valitse salasana julkiselle linkille",
"Allow editing" : "Salli muokkaus",
"Email link to person" : "Lähetä linkki sähköpostitse",
"Send" : "Lähetä",
"Set expiration date" : "Aseta päättymispäivä",
"Expiration" : "Erääntyminen",
"Expiration date" : "Päättymispäivä",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Tapahtui virhe. Yritä myöhemmin uudestaan",
"Adding user..." : "Lisätään käyttäjä...",
"group" : "ryhmä",
"remote" : "etä",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Jakaminen uudelleen ei ole salittu",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "{item} on jaettu {user} kanssa",
"Unshare" : "Peru jakaminen",
"notify by email" : "ilmoita sähköpostitse",
"can share" : "jaa",
"can edit" : "voi muokata",
"access control" : "Pääsyn hallinta",
"create" : "luo",
"change" : "muuta",
"delete" : "poista",
"Password protected" : "Salasanasuojattu",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Virhe purettaessa eräpäivää",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Virhe päättymispäivää asettaessa",
"Sending ..." : "Lähetetään...",
"Email sent" : "Sähköposti lähetetty",
"Warning" : "Varoitus",
"Edit" : "Muokkaa",
"guest" : "vieras",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word -tuki (vaatimuksena openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Paikallinen",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice on asennettu tälle palvelimelle. Polku suoritettavaan tiedostoon määritetään tiedoston config.php kohdassa preview_libreoffice_path",
"External" : "Ulkoinen",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice on asennettu erillisille palvelimelle, joka tarjoaa muotosuodatuspalvelimen ominaisuudet",
"Disabled" : "Ei käytössä",
"No MS Word support" : "Ei MS Word -tukea",
"Server URL" : "Palvelimen osoite",
"Apply and test" : "Toteuta ja testaa",
"New document" : "Uusi asiakirja",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Lähetys (enintään %s)",
"Upload" : "Lähetä",
"Save new documents to" : "Uusien asiakirjojen tallennussijainti",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Väärä salasana. Yritä uudelleen.",
"Guest %s" : "Vieras %s",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Tarkemmat toiminto-asetukset",
"(Unstable)" : "(Epävakaa)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Asiakirjat",
"Can't create document" => "Asiakirjan luominen epäonnistui",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Oikeutesi eivät riitä nimeämään tätä asiakirjaa uudelleen",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Kansio tallennettiin onnistuneesti.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Virhe kansiota vaihtaessa.",
"Saved" => "Tallennettu",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Muotosuodatuspalvelin ei ole käytettävissä tai sen asetukset ovat väärin",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Muuntaminen epäonnistui. Katso lisätietoja lokista.",
"Saving..." => "Tallennetaan...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Virhe ladattaessa dokumentteja.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Asiakirjoja ei löytynyt. Lähetä tai luo asiakirja aloittaaksesi!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Ei yhteyttä palvelimeen. Yritetään yhdistää uudelleen.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Tältä sivulta poistuminen muokkaustilassa saattaa aiheuttaa tallentamatonta tietoa. Käytä sivulta poistumisen sijaan \"Sulje\"-painiketta.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Asiakirjan lataaminen epäonnistui. Yritä avata asiakirja erillisellä odt:tä tukevalla sovelluksella. Tämä virhe voi myös tarkoittaa, että asiakirja ei ole enää jaettu tai asiakirja on poistettu äskettäin.",
"Save" => "Tallenna",
"Loading documents..." => "Ladataan asiakirjoja...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' on virheellinen nimi tiedostolle.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Tiedoston nimi ei voi olla tyhjä.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Virheellinen nimi, merkit '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ja '*' eivät ole sallittuja.",
"Align Left" => "Tasaa vasemmalle",
"Alignment" => "Tasaus",
"Align Right" => "Tasaa oikealle",
"Annotate" => "Kommentoi",
"Background" => "Tausta",
"Bold" => "Lihavoitu",
"Bottom" => "Alas",
"Cancel" => "Peru",
"Center" => "Keskelle",
"Clone" => "Kloonaa",
"Clone this Style" => "Kloonaa tämä tyyli",
"Close" => "Sulje",
"Color" => "Väri",
"Create" => "Luo",
"Decrease Indent" => "Vähennä sisennystä",
"Default Style" => "Oletustyyli",
"Delete" => "Poista",
"Family" => "Perhe",
"Font" => "Kirjasin",
"Font Effects" => "Kirjasintehosteet",
"Format" => "Muotoilu",
"Increase Indent" => "Lisää sisennystä",
"Insert Image" => "Lisää kuva",
"Invite Members" => "Kutsu jäseniä",
"Italic" => "Kursivoitu",
"Justified" => "Tasattu",
"Justify" => "Tasaa",
"Left" => "Vasemmalle",
"Loading" => "Ladataan",
"Members" => "Jäsenet",
"New Name:" => "Uusi nimi:",
"OK" => "OK",
"Open" => "Avaa",
"Options" => "Valinnat",
"Paragraph..." => "Kappale...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Kappaletyylit",
"Redo" => "Tee uudelleen",
"Right" => "Oikealle",
"Size" => "Koko",
"Spacing" => "Välistys",
"Strikethrough" => "Yliviivattu",
"Style" => "Tyyli",
"Text" => "Teksti",
"Top" => "Ylös",
"Underline" => "Alleviivattu",
"Undo" => "Kumoa",
"Unknown Author" => "Tuntematon tekijä",
"Shared" => "Jaettu",
"Error" => "Virhe",
"Error while sharing" => "Virhe jaettaessa",
"Error while unsharing" => "Virhe jakoa peruttaessa",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Virhe oikeuksia muuttaessa",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Jaettu sinun ja ryhmän {group} kanssa käyttäjän {owner} toimesta",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Jaettu kanssasi käyttäjän {owner} toimesta",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Jaa käyttäjien tai ryhmien kanssa…",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Jaa käyttäjien, ryhmien tai etäkäyttäjien kanssa…",
"Share" => "Jaa",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "Jaa toisia ownCloud-järjestelmiä käyttävien kesken käyttäen syntaksia käyttäjä",
"Share link" => "Jaa linkki",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "Julkinen linkki vanhenee {days} päivän jälkeen sen luomisesta",
"Link" => "Linkki",
"Password protect" => "Suojaa salasanalla",
"Password" => "Salasana",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Valitse salasana julkiselle linkille",
"Allow editing" => "Salli muokkaus",
"Email link to person" => "Lähetä linkki sähköpostitse",
"Send" => "Lähetä",
"Set expiration date" => "Aseta päättymispäivä",
"Expiration" => "Erääntyminen",
"Expiration date" => "Päättymispäivä",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "Tapahtui virhe. Yritä myöhemmin uudestaan",
"Adding user..." => "Lisätään käyttäjä...",
"group" => "ryhmä",
"remote" => "etä",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Jakaminen uudelleen ei ole salittu",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "{item} on jaettu {user} kanssa",
"Unshare" => "Peru jakaminen",
"notify by email" => "ilmoita sähköpostitse",
"can share" => "jaa",
"can edit" => "voi muokata",
"access control" => "Pääsyn hallinta",
"create" => "luo",
"change" => "muuta",
"delete" => "poista",
"Password protected" => "Salasanasuojattu",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Virhe purettaessa eräpäivää",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Virhe päättymispäivää asettaessa",
"Sending ..." => "Lähetetään...",
"Email sent" => "Sähköposti lähetetty",
"Warning" => "Varoitus",
"Edit" => "Muokkaa",
"guest" => "vieras",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "MS Word -tuki (vaatimuksena openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" => "Paikallinen",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/libreOffice on asennettu tälle palvelimelle. Polku suoritettavaan tiedostoon määritetään tiedoston config.php kohdassa preview_libreoffice_path",
"External" => "Ulkoinen",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "openOffice/libreOffice on asennettu erillisille palvelimelle, joka tarjoaa muotosuodatuspalvelimen ominaisuudet",
"Disabled" => "Ei käytössä",
"No MS Word support" => "Ei MS Word -tukea",
"Server URL" => "Palvelimen osoite",
"Apply and test" => "Toteuta ja testaa",
"New document" => "Uusi asiakirja",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Lähetys (enintään %s)",
"Upload" => "Lähetä",
"Save new documents to" => "Uusien asiakirjojen tallennussijainti",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Väärä salasana. Yritä uudelleen.",
"Guest %s" => "Vieras %s",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Tarkemmat toiminto-asetukset",
"(Unstable)" => "(Epävakaa)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Documents",
"Can't create document" : "Impossible de créer le document",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Vous n'avez pas les droits suffisants pour renommer ce document",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Dossier sauvegardé avec succès.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Une erreur est survenue lors du changement de dossier.",
"Saved" : "Sauvegardé",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Le serveur de filtre de format est en panne ou mal configuré",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "La conversion a échoué. Consultez le journal des erreurs pour plus dinformations.",
"Saving..." : "Enregistrement...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Échec du chargement des documents.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Aucun document na été trouvé. Veuillez en créer un nouveau ou en importer un existant afin de commencer !",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Aucune connexion au serveur. Tentative de reconnexion en cours.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Quitter cette page lorsqu'en mode \"Éditeur\" peut empêcher la sauvegarde des données. Il est recommandé d'utiliser le bouton \"Fermer\".",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Le chargement du document a échoué. Veuillez vérifier s'il peut être ouvert avec un éditeur odt externe. Il se peut également que le document ait été récemment supprimé ou retiré d'un partage.",
"Save" : "Sauvegarder",
"Loading documents..." : "Chargement des documents...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' n'est pas un nom de fichier valide.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Le nom de fichier ne peut être vide.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Ce nom n'est pas valide : les caractères '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' et '*' ne sont pas autorisés.",
"Align Left" : "Aligner à gauche",
"Alignment" : "Alignement",
"Align Right" : "Aligner à droite",
"Annotate" : "Annoter",
"Background" : "Arrière-plan",
"Bold" : "Gras",
"Bottom" : "Bas de page",
"Cancel" : "Annuler",
"Center" : "Centrer",
"Clone" : "Dupliquer",
"Clone this Style" : "Dupliquer ce style",
"Close" : "Fermer",
"Color" : "Couleur",
"Create" : "Créer",
"Decrease Indent" : "Réduire l'indentation",
"Default Style" : "Style par défaut",
"Delete" : "Supprimer",
"Family" : "Famille",
"Font" : "Police",
"Font Effects" : "Effets de police",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Augmenter l'indentation",
"Insert Image" : "Insérer une image",
"Invite Members" : "Inviter des membres",
"Italic" : "Italique",
"Justified" : "Justifié",
"Justify" : "Justifier",
"Left" : "Gauche",
"Loading" : "Chargement",
"Members" : "Membres",
"New Name:" : "Nouveau nom :",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Ouvrir",
"Options" : "Options",
"Paragraph..." : "Paragraphe…",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Styles de paragraphe",
"Redo" : "Répéter",
"Right" : "Droite",
"Size" : "Taille",
"Spacing" : "Espacement",
"Strikethrough" : "Barré",
"Style" : "Style",
"Text" : "Texte",
"Top" : "Haut de page",
"Underline" : "Souligné",
"Undo" : "Annuler",
"Unknown Author" : "Auteur inconnu",
"Shared" : "Partagé",
"Error" : "Erreur",
"Error while sharing" : "Erreur lors de la mise en partage",
"Error while unsharing" : "Erreur lors de l'annulation du partage",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Erreur lors du changement des permissions",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Partagé avec vous et le groupe {group} par {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Partagé avec vous par {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Partager avec des utilisateurs ou groupes...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Partager avec des utilisateurs, groupes, ou utilisateurs distants",
"Share" : "Partager",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Partagez avec des personnes sur d'autres ownClouds en utilisant la syntaxe",
"Share link" : "Partage par lien",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Ce lien public expirera au plus tard {days} jours après sa création.",
"Link" : "Lien",
"Password protect" : "Protéger par un mot de passe",
"Password" : "Mot de passe",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Choisissez un mot de passe pour le lien public",
"Allow editing" : "Permettre la modification",
"Email link to person" : "Envoyer le lien par courriel",
"Send" : "Envoyer",
"Set expiration date" : "Spécifier une date d'expiration",
"Expiration" : "Expiration",
"Expiration date" : "Date d'expiration",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Une erreur est survenue. Merci de réessayer",
"Adding user..." : "Ajout de l'utilisateur...",
"group" : "groupe",
"remote" : "distant",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Le repartage n'est pas autorisé",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Partagé dans {item} avec {user}",
"Unshare" : "Ne plus partager",
"notify by email" : "notifier par courriel",
"can share" : "peut partager",
"can edit" : "peut modifier",
"access control" : "contrôle d'accès",
"create" : "création",
"change" : "modification",
"delete" : "suppression",
"Password protected" : "Protégé par mot de passe",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Erreur lors de la suppression de la date d'expiration",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Erreur lors de la spécification de la date d'expiration",
"Sending ..." : "Envoi…",
"Email sent" : "E-mail envoyé",
"Warning" : "Attention",
"Edit" : "Éditer",
"guest" : "invité",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Prise en charge de MS Word (nécessite OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" : "Local",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/LibreOffice est installé sur ce serveur. Le chemin vers le binaire est fourni via preview_libreoffice_path dans config.php",
"External" : "Externe",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/LibreOffice est installé sur un serveur externe faisant fonctionner un serveur de filtre de format",
"Disabled" : "Désactivé",
"No MS Word support" : "Pas de prise en charge de MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domaine.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "URL du serveur",
"Apply and test" : "Appliquer et essayer",
"New document" : "Nouveau document",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Téléversement (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Téléverser",
"Save new documents to" : "Enregistrer les nouveaux documents sous",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Mot de passe erroné. Merci de réessayer.",
"Guest %s" : "Invité %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Ce lien a expiré ou n'a jamais existé. Pour plus de détails, veuillez contacter la personne qui a partagé ce lien avec vous.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Fonctionnalités avancées",
"(Unstable)" : "(instable)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);");

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Documents",
"Can't create document" : "Impossible de créer le document",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Vous n'avez pas les droits suffisants pour renommer ce document",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Dossier sauvegardé avec succès.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Une erreur est survenue lors du changement de dossier.",
"Saved" : "Sauvegardé",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Le serveur de filtre de format est en panne ou mal configuré",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "La conversion a échoué. Consultez le journal des erreurs pour plus dinformations.",
"Saving..." : "Enregistrement...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Échec du chargement des documents.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Aucun document na été trouvé. Veuillez en créer un nouveau ou en importer un existant afin de commencer !",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Aucune connexion au serveur. Tentative de reconnexion en cours.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Quitter cette page lorsqu'en mode \"Éditeur\" peut empêcher la sauvegarde des données. Il est recommandé d'utiliser le bouton \"Fermer\".",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Le chargement du document a échoué. Veuillez vérifier s'il peut être ouvert avec un éditeur odt externe. Il se peut également que le document ait été récemment supprimé ou retiré d'un partage.",
"Save" : "Sauvegarder",
"Loading documents..." : "Chargement des documents...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' n'est pas un nom de fichier valide.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Le nom de fichier ne peut être vide.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Ce nom n'est pas valide : les caractères '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' et '*' ne sont pas autorisés.",
"Align Left" : "Aligner à gauche",
"Alignment" : "Alignement",
"Align Right" : "Aligner à droite",
"Annotate" : "Annoter",
"Background" : "Arrière-plan",
"Bold" : "Gras",
"Bottom" : "Bas de page",
"Cancel" : "Annuler",
"Center" : "Centrer",
"Clone" : "Dupliquer",
"Clone this Style" : "Dupliquer ce style",
"Close" : "Fermer",
"Color" : "Couleur",
"Create" : "Créer",
"Decrease Indent" : "Réduire l'indentation",
"Default Style" : "Style par défaut",
"Delete" : "Supprimer",
"Family" : "Famille",
"Font" : "Police",
"Font Effects" : "Effets de police",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Augmenter l'indentation",
"Insert Image" : "Insérer une image",
"Invite Members" : "Inviter des membres",
"Italic" : "Italique",
"Justified" : "Justifié",
"Justify" : "Justifier",
"Left" : "Gauche",
"Loading" : "Chargement",
"Members" : "Membres",
"New Name:" : "Nouveau nom :",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Ouvrir",
"Options" : "Options",
"Paragraph..." : "Paragraphe…",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Styles de paragraphe",
"Redo" : "Répéter",
"Right" : "Droite",
"Size" : "Taille",
"Spacing" : "Espacement",
"Strikethrough" : "Barré",
"Style" : "Style",
"Text" : "Texte",
"Top" : "Haut de page",
"Underline" : "Souligné",
"Undo" : "Annuler",
"Unknown Author" : "Auteur inconnu",
"Shared" : "Partagé",
"Error" : "Erreur",
"Error while sharing" : "Erreur lors de la mise en partage",
"Error while unsharing" : "Erreur lors de l'annulation du partage",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Erreur lors du changement des permissions",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Partagé avec vous et le groupe {group} par {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Partagé avec vous par {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Partager avec des utilisateurs ou groupes...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Partager avec des utilisateurs, groupes, ou utilisateurs distants",
"Share" : "Partager",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Partagez avec des personnes sur d'autres ownClouds en utilisant la syntaxe",
"Share link" : "Partage par lien",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Ce lien public expirera au plus tard {days} jours après sa création.",
"Link" : "Lien",
"Password protect" : "Protéger par un mot de passe",
"Password" : "Mot de passe",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Choisissez un mot de passe pour le lien public",
"Allow editing" : "Permettre la modification",
"Email link to person" : "Envoyer le lien par courriel",
"Send" : "Envoyer",
"Set expiration date" : "Spécifier une date d'expiration",
"Expiration" : "Expiration",
"Expiration date" : "Date d'expiration",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Une erreur est survenue. Merci de réessayer",
"Adding user..." : "Ajout de l'utilisateur...",
"group" : "groupe",
"remote" : "distant",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Le repartage n'est pas autorisé",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Partagé dans {item} avec {user}",
"Unshare" : "Ne plus partager",
"notify by email" : "notifier par courriel",
"can share" : "peut partager",
"can edit" : "peut modifier",
"access control" : "contrôle d'accès",
"create" : "création",
"change" : "modification",
"delete" : "suppression",
"Password protected" : "Protégé par mot de passe",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Erreur lors de la suppression de la date d'expiration",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Erreur lors de la spécification de la date d'expiration",
"Sending ..." : "Envoi…",
"Email sent" : "E-mail envoyé",
"Warning" : "Attention",
"Edit" : "Éditer",
"guest" : "invité",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Prise en charge de MS Word (nécessite OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" : "Local",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/LibreOffice est installé sur ce serveur. Le chemin vers le binaire est fourni via preview_libreoffice_path dans config.php",
"External" : "Externe",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/LibreOffice est installé sur un serveur externe faisant fonctionner un serveur de filtre de format",
"Disabled" : "Désactivé",
"No MS Word support" : "Pas de prise en charge de MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domaine.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "URL du serveur",
"Apply and test" : "Appliquer et essayer",
"New document" : "Nouveau document",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Téléversement (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Téléverser",
"Save new documents to" : "Enregistrer les nouveaux documents sous",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Mot de passe erroné. Merci de réessayer.",
"Guest %s" : "Invité %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Ce lien a expiré ou n'a jamais existé. Pour plus de détails, veuillez contacter la personne qui a partagé ce lien avec vous.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Fonctionnalités avancées",
"(Unstable)" : "(instable)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Documents",
"Can't create document" => "Impossible de créer le document",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Vous n'avez pas les droits suffisants pour renommer ce document",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Dossier sauvegardé avec succès.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Une erreur est survenue lors du changement de dossier.",
"Saved" => "Sauvegardé",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Le serveur de filtre de format est en panne ou mal configuré",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "La conversion a échoué. Consultez le journal des erreurs pour plus dinformations.",
"Saving..." => "Enregistrement...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Échec du chargement des documents.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Aucun document na été trouvé. Veuillez en créer un nouveau ou en importer un existant afin de commencer !",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Aucune connexion au serveur. Tentative de reconnexion en cours.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Quitter cette page lorsqu'en mode \"Éditeur\" peut empêcher la sauvegarde des données. Il est recommandé d'utiliser le bouton \"Fermer\".",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Le chargement du document a échoué. Veuillez vérifier s'il peut être ouvert avec un éditeur odt externe. Il se peut également que le document ait été récemment supprimé ou retiré d'un partage.",
"Save" => "Sauvegarder",
"Loading documents..." => "Chargement des documents...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' n'est pas un nom de fichier valide.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Le nom de fichier ne peut être vide.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Ce nom n'est pas valide : les caractères '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' et '*' ne sont pas autorisés.",
"Align Left" => "Aligner à gauche",
"Alignment" => "Alignement",
"Align Right" => "Aligner à droite",
"Annotate" => "Annoter",
"Background" => "Arrière-plan",
"Bold" => "Gras",
"Bottom" => "Bas de page",
"Cancel" => "Annuler",
"Center" => "Centrer",
"Clone" => "Dupliquer",
"Clone this Style" => "Dupliquer ce style",
"Close" => "Fermer",
"Color" => "Couleur",
"Create" => "Créer",
"Decrease Indent" => "Réduire l'indentation",
"Default Style" => "Style par défaut",
"Delete" => "Supprimer",
"Family" => "Famille",
"Font" => "Police",
"Font Effects" => "Effets de police",
"Format" => "Format",
"Increase Indent" => "Augmenter l'indentation",
"Insert Image" => "Insérer une image",
"Invite Members" => "Inviter des membres",
"Italic" => "Italique",
"Justified" => "Justifié",
"Justify" => "Justifier",
"Left" => "Gauche",
"Loading" => "Chargement",
"Members" => "Membres",
"New Name:" => "Nouveau nom :",
"OK" => "OK",
"Open" => "Ouvrir",
"Options" => "Options",
"Paragraph..." => "Paragraphe…",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Styles de paragraphe",
"Redo" => "Répéter",
"Right" => "Droite",
"Size" => "Taille",
"Spacing" => "Espacement",
"Strikethrough" => "Barré",
"Style" => "Style",
"Text" => "Texte",
"Top" => "Haut de page",
"Underline" => "Souligné",
"Undo" => "Annuler",
"Unknown Author" => "Auteur inconnu",
"Shared" => "Partagé",
"Error" => "Erreur",
"Error while sharing" => "Erreur lors de la mise en partage",
"Error while unsharing" => "Erreur lors de l'annulation du partage",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Erreur lors du changement des permissions",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Partagé avec vous et le groupe {group} par {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Partagé avec vous par {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Partager avec des utilisateurs ou groupes...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Partager avec des utilisateurs, groupes, ou utilisateurs distants",
"Share" => "Partager",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "Partagez avec des personnes sur d'autres ownClouds en utilisant la syntaxe",
"Share link" => "Partage par lien",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "Ce lien public expirera au plus tard {days} jours après sa création.",
"Link" => "Lien",
"Password protect" => "Protéger par un mot de passe",
"Password" => "Mot de passe",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Choisissez un mot de passe pour le lien public",
"Allow editing" => "Permettre la modification",
"Email link to person" => "Envoyer le lien par courriel",
"Send" => "Envoyer",
"Set expiration date" => "Spécifier une date d'expiration",
"Expiration" => "Expiration",
"Expiration date" => "Date d'expiration",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "Une erreur est survenue. Merci de réessayer",
"Adding user..." => "Ajout de l'utilisateur...",
"group" => "groupe",
"remote" => "distant",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Le repartage n'est pas autorisé",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Partagé dans {item} avec {user}",
"Unshare" => "Ne plus partager",
"notify by email" => "notifier par courriel",
"can share" => "peut partager",
"can edit" => "peut modifier",
"access control" => "contrôle d'accès",
"create" => "création",
"change" => "modification",
"delete" => "suppression",
"Password protected" => "Protégé par mot de passe",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Erreur lors de la suppression de la date d'expiration",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Erreur lors de la spécification de la date d'expiration",
"Sending ..." => "Envoi…",
"Email sent" => "E-mail envoyé",
"Warning" => "Attention",
"Edit" => "Éditer",
"guest" => "invité",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "Prise en charge de MS Word (nécessite OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" => "Local",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/LibreOffice est installé sur ce serveur. Le chemin vers le binaire est fourni via preview_libreoffice_path dans config.php",
"External" => "Externe",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "openOffice/LibreOffice est installé sur un serveur externe faisant fonctionner un serveur de filtre de format",
"Disabled" => "Désactivé",
"No MS Word support" => "Pas de prise en charge de MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "scheme://domaine.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "URL du serveur",
"Apply and test" => "Appliquer et essayer",
"New document" => "Nouveau document",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Téléversement (max. %s)",
"Upload" => "Téléverser",
"Save new documents to" => "Enregistrer les nouveaux documents sous",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Mot de passe erroné. Merci de réessayer.",
"Guest %s" => "Invité %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Ce lien a expiré ou n'a jamais existé. Pour plus de détails, veuillez contacter la personne qui a partagé ce lien avec vous.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Fonctionnalités avancées",
"(Unstable)" => "(instable)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);";

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Documentos",
"Can't create document" : "Non é posíbel crear o documento",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Vostede non ten permisos para cambiarlle o nome a este documento",
"Directory saved successfully." : "O directorio foi gardado satisfactoriamente,.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Produciuse un erro ao cambiar o directorio.",
"Saved" : "Gardado",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "O servidor de filtro de formato está sen servizo ou mal configurado",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Produciuse un fallo na conversión. Comprobe o rexistro para obter máis detalles.",
"Saving..." : "Gardando...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Non foi posíbel cargar os documentos.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Non se atopou ningún documento. Envíe un documento para comezar!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Sen conexión co servidor. Tentando conectar de novo.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Deixar esta páxina no modo Editor pode provocar que non se garden os datos. Recomendámoslle que empregue o botón «Pechar» no seu canto.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Non foi posíbel cargar o documento. Comprobe se pode abrirse cun editor «odt» externo. Isto tamén pode deberse a que foi eliminado ou a que deixou de compartires recentemente.",
"Save" : "Gardar",
"Loading documents..." : "Cargando documentos...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "«.» é un nome de ficheiro incorrecto",
"File name cannot be empty." : "O nome de ficheiro non pode estar baleiro",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nome incorrecto, non se permite «\\», «/», «<», «>», «:», «\"», «|», «?» e «*».",
"Align Left" : "Aliñar á esquerda",
"Alignment" : "Aliñamento",
"Align Right" : "Aliñar á dereita",
"Annotate" : "Anotar",
"Background" : "Fondo",
"Bold" : "Negra",
"Bottom" : "Abaixo",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Center" : "Centrar",
"Clone" : "Clonar",
"Clone this Style" : "Clonar este estilo",
"Close" : "Pechar",
"Color" : "Cor",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Decrease Indent" : "Diminuír a sangría",
"Default Style" : "Estilo predeterminado",
"Delete" : "Eliminar",
"Family" : "Familia",
"Font" : "Tipo de letra",
"Font Effects" : "Efectos das letras",
"Format" : "Formato",
"Increase Indent" : "Aumentar a sangría",
"Insert Image" : "Inserir unha imaxe",
"Invite Members" : "Convidar a membros",
"Italic" : "Cursiva",
"Justified" : "Xustificado",
"Justify" : "Xustificar",
"Left" : "Esquerda",
"Loading" : "Cargando",
"Members" : "Membros",
"New Name:" : "Novo nome:",
"OK" : "Aceptar",
"Open" : "Abrir",
"Options" : "Opcións",
"Paragraph..." : "Parágrafo...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Estilos de parágrafo",
"Redo" : "Refacer",
"Right" : "Dereita",
"Size" : "Tamaño",
"Spacing" : "Espazado",
"Strikethrough" : "Riscado",
"Style" : "Estilo",
"Text" : "Texto",
"Top" : "Arriba",
"Underline" : "Subliñado",
"Undo" : "Desfacer",
"Unknown Author" : "Autor descoñecido",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
"Error" : "Erro",
"Error while sharing" : "Produciuse un erro ao compartir",
"Error while unsharing" : "Produciuse un erro ao deixar de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Produciuse un erro ao cambiar os permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Compartido con vostede e co grupo {group} por {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartido con vostede por {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Compartir con usuarios ou grupos ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Compartir con usuarios, grupos ou usuarios remotos ...",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Comparta con outra xente ou con outros ownClouds empregando a sintaxe «»",
"Share link" : "Ligazón para compartir",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "A ligazón pública caducará, a máis tardar, {days} días após a súa creación",
"Link" : "Ligazón",
"Password protect" : "Protexido con contrasinal",
"Password" : "Contrasinal",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Escolla un contrasinal para a ligazón pública",
"Allow editing" : "Permitir a edición",
"Email link to person" : "Enviar ligazón por correo",
"Send" : "Enviar",
"Set expiration date" : "Definir a data de caducidade",
"Expiration" : "Caducidade",
"Expiration date" : "Data de caducidade",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Produciuse un erro, ténteo de novo",
"Adding user..." : "Engadindo usuario...",
"group" : "grupo",
"remote" : "remoto",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Non se permite volver compartir",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Compartido en {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" : "Deixar de compartir",
"notify by email" : "notificar por correo",
"can share" : "pode compartir",
"can edit" : "pode editar",
"access control" : "control de acceso",
"create" : "crear",
"change" : "cambio",
"delete" : "eliminar",
"Password protected" : "Protexido con contrasinal",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Produciuse un erro ao retirar a data de caducidade",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Produciuse un erro ao definir a data de caducidade",
"Sending ..." : "Enviando...",
"Email sent" : "Correo enviado",
"Warning" : "Aviso",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"guest" : "convidado",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Compatibilidade con MS Word (require OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" : "Local",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice está instalado neste servidor. A ruta ao binario fornecese mediante preview_libreoffice_path en config.php",
"External" : "Externo",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice está instalado nun servidor externo executando un servidor de filtro de formato",
"Disabled" : "Desactivado",
"No MS Word support" : "Sen compatibilidade con MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://dominio.tld[:porto]",
"Server URL" : "URL do servidor",
"Apply and test" : "Aplicar e probar",
"New document" : "Novo documento",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Envío (máx. %s)",
"Upload" : "Enviar",
"Save new documents to" : "Gardar os novos documentos en",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contrasinal incorrecto. Ténteo de novo.",
"Guest %s" : "Convidado %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Esta ligazón caducou ou xa non existe. Póñase en contacto coa persoa que o compartiu con vostede para obter máis información.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Conxunto de funcións avanzadas",
"(Unstable)" : "(Inestábel)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Documentos",
"Can't create document" : "Non é posíbel crear o documento",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Vostede non ten permisos para cambiarlle o nome a este documento",
"Directory saved successfully." : "O directorio foi gardado satisfactoriamente,.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Produciuse un erro ao cambiar o directorio.",
"Saved" : "Gardado",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "O servidor de filtro de formato está sen servizo ou mal configurado",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Produciuse un fallo na conversión. Comprobe o rexistro para obter máis detalles.",
"Saving..." : "Gardando...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Non foi posíbel cargar os documentos.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Non se atopou ningún documento. Envíe un documento para comezar!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Sen conexión co servidor. Tentando conectar de novo.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Deixar esta páxina no modo Editor pode provocar que non se garden os datos. Recomendámoslle que empregue o botón «Pechar» no seu canto.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Non foi posíbel cargar o documento. Comprobe se pode abrirse cun editor «odt» externo. Isto tamén pode deberse a que foi eliminado ou a que deixou de compartires recentemente.",
"Save" : "Gardar",
"Loading documents..." : "Cargando documentos...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "«.» é un nome de ficheiro incorrecto",
"File name cannot be empty." : "O nome de ficheiro non pode estar baleiro",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nome incorrecto, non se permite «\\», «/», «<», «>», «:», «\"», «|», «?» e «*».",
"Align Left" : "Aliñar á esquerda",
"Alignment" : "Aliñamento",
"Align Right" : "Aliñar á dereita",
"Annotate" : "Anotar",
"Background" : "Fondo",
"Bold" : "Negra",
"Bottom" : "Abaixo",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Center" : "Centrar",
"Clone" : "Clonar",
"Clone this Style" : "Clonar este estilo",
"Close" : "Pechar",
"Color" : "Cor",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Decrease Indent" : "Diminuír a sangría",
"Default Style" : "Estilo predeterminado",
"Delete" : "Eliminar",
"Family" : "Familia",
"Font" : "Tipo de letra",
"Font Effects" : "Efectos das letras",
"Format" : "Formato",
"Increase Indent" : "Aumentar a sangría",
"Insert Image" : "Inserir unha imaxe",
"Invite Members" : "Convidar a membros",
"Italic" : "Cursiva",
"Justified" : "Xustificado",
"Justify" : "Xustificar",
"Left" : "Esquerda",
"Loading" : "Cargando",
"Members" : "Membros",
"New Name:" : "Novo nome:",
"OK" : "Aceptar",
"Open" : "Abrir",
"Options" : "Opcións",
"Paragraph..." : "Parágrafo...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Estilos de parágrafo",
"Redo" : "Refacer",
"Right" : "Dereita",
"Size" : "Tamaño",
"Spacing" : "Espazado",
"Strikethrough" : "Riscado",
"Style" : "Estilo",
"Text" : "Texto",
"Top" : "Arriba",
"Underline" : "Subliñado",
"Undo" : "Desfacer",
"Unknown Author" : "Autor descoñecido",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
"Error" : "Erro",
"Error while sharing" : "Produciuse un erro ao compartir",
"Error while unsharing" : "Produciuse un erro ao deixar de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Produciuse un erro ao cambiar os permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Compartido con vostede e co grupo {group} por {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Compartido con vostede por {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Compartir con usuarios ou grupos ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Compartir con usuarios, grupos ou usuarios remotos ...",
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Comparta con outra xente ou con outros ownClouds empregando a sintaxe «»",
"Share link" : "Ligazón para compartir",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "A ligazón pública caducará, a máis tardar, {days} días após a súa creación",
"Link" : "Ligazón",
"Password protect" : "Protexido con contrasinal",
"Password" : "Contrasinal",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Escolla un contrasinal para a ligazón pública",
"Allow editing" : "Permitir a edición",
"Email link to person" : "Enviar ligazón por correo",
"Send" : "Enviar",
"Set expiration date" : "Definir a data de caducidade",
"Expiration" : "Caducidade",
"Expiration date" : "Data de caducidade",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Produciuse un erro, ténteo de novo",
"Adding user..." : "Engadindo usuario...",
"group" : "grupo",
"remote" : "remoto",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Non se permite volver compartir",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Compartido en {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" : "Deixar de compartir",
"notify by email" : "notificar por correo",
"can share" : "pode compartir",
"can edit" : "pode editar",
"access control" : "control de acceso",
"create" : "crear",
"change" : "cambio",
"delete" : "eliminar",
"Password protected" : "Protexido con contrasinal",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Produciuse un erro ao retirar a data de caducidade",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Produciuse un erro ao definir a data de caducidade",
"Sending ..." : "Enviando...",
"Email sent" : "Correo enviado",
"Warning" : "Aviso",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"guest" : "convidado",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Compatibilidade con MS Word (require OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" : "Local",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice está instalado neste servidor. A ruta ao binario fornecese mediante preview_libreoffice_path en config.php",
"External" : "Externo",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "OpenOffice/LibreOffice está instalado nun servidor externo executando un servidor de filtro de formato",
"Disabled" : "Desactivado",
"No MS Word support" : "Sen compatibilidade con MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://dominio.tld[:porto]",
"Server URL" : "URL do servidor",
"Apply and test" : "Aplicar e probar",
"New document" : "Novo documento",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Envío (máx. %s)",
"Upload" : "Enviar",
"Save new documents to" : "Gardar os novos documentos en",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Contrasinal incorrecto. Ténteo de novo.",
"Guest %s" : "Convidado %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Esta ligazón caducou ou xa non existe. Póñase en contacto coa persoa que o compartiu con vostede para obter máis información.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Conxunto de funcións avanzadas",
"(Unstable)" : "(Inestábel)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Documentos",
"Can't create document" => "Non é posíbel crear o documento",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Vostede non ten permisos para cambiarlle o nome a este documento",
"Directory saved successfully." => "O directorio foi gardado satisfactoriamente,.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Produciuse un erro ao cambiar o directorio.",
"Saved" => "Gardado",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "O servidor de filtro de formato está sen servizo ou mal configurado",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Produciuse un fallo na conversión. Comprobe o rexistro para obter máis detalles.",
"Saving..." => "Gardando...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Non foi posíbel cargar os documentos.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Non se atopou ningún documento. Envíe un documento para comezar!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Sen conexión co servidor. Tentando conectar de novo.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Deixar esta páxina no modo Editor pode provocar que non se garden os datos. Recomendámoslle que empregue o botón «Pechar» no seu canto.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Non foi posíbel cargar o documento. Comprobe se pode abrirse cun editor «odt» externo. Isto tamén pode deberse a que foi eliminado ou a que deixou de compartires recentemente.",
"Save" => "Gardar",
"Loading documents..." => "Cargando documentos...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "«.» é un nome de ficheiro incorrecto",
"File name cannot be empty." => "O nome de ficheiro non pode estar baleiro",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nome incorrecto, non se permite «\\», «/», «<», «>», «:», «\"», «|», «?» e «*».",
"Align Left" => "Aliñar á esquerda",
"Alignment" => "Aliñamento",
"Align Right" => "Aliñar á dereita",
"Annotate" => "Anotar",
"Background" => "Fondo",
"Bold" => "Negra",
"Bottom" => "Abaixo",
"Cancel" => "Cancelar",
"Center" => "Centrar",
"Clone" => "Clonar",
"Clone this Style" => "Clonar este estilo",
"Close" => "Pechar",
"Color" => "Cor",
"Create" => "Crear",
"Decrease Indent" => "Diminuír a sangría",
"Default Style" => "Estilo predeterminado",
"Delete" => "Eliminar",
"Family" => "Familia",
"Font" => "Tipo de letra",
"Font Effects" => "Efectos das letras",
"Format" => "Formato",
"Increase Indent" => "Aumentar a sangría",
"Insert Image" => "Inserir unha imaxe",
"Invite Members" => "Convidar a membros",
"Italic" => "Cursiva",
"Justified" => "Xustificado",
"Justify" => "Xustificar",
"Left" => "Esquerda",
"Loading" => "Cargando",
"Members" => "Membros",
"New Name:" => "Novo nome:",
"OK" => "Aceptar",
"Open" => "Abrir",
"Options" => "Opcións",
"Paragraph..." => "Parágrafo...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Estilos de parágrafo",
"Redo" => "Refacer",
"Right" => "Dereita",
"Size" => "Tamaño",
"Spacing" => "Espazado",
"Strikethrough" => "Riscado",
"Style" => "Estilo",
"Text" => "Texto",
"Top" => "Arriba",
"Underline" => "Subliñado",
"Undo" => "Desfacer",
"Unknown Author" => "Autor descoñecido",
"Shared" => "Compartido",
"Error" => "Erro",
"Error while sharing" => "Produciuse un erro ao compartir",
"Error while unsharing" => "Produciuse un erro ao deixar de compartir",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Produciuse un erro ao cambiar os permisos",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Compartido con vostede e co grupo {group} por {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Compartido con vostede por {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Compartir con usuarios ou grupos ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Compartir con usuarios, grupos ou usuarios remotos ...",
"Share" => "Compartir",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "Comparta con outra xente ou con outros ownClouds empregando a sintaxe «»",
"Share link" => "Ligazón para compartir",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "A ligazón pública caducará, a máis tardar, {days} días após a súa creación",
"Link" => "Ligazón",
"Password protect" => "Protexido con contrasinal",
"Password" => "Contrasinal",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Escolla un contrasinal para a ligazón pública",
"Allow editing" => "Permitir a edición",
"Email link to person" => "Enviar ligazón por correo",
"Send" => "Enviar",
"Set expiration date" => "Definir a data de caducidade",
"Expiration" => "Caducidade",
"Expiration date" => "Data de caducidade",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "Produciuse un erro, ténteo de novo",
"Adding user..." => "Engadindo usuario...",
"group" => "grupo",
"remote" => "remoto",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Non se permite volver compartir",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Compartido en {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" => "Deixar de compartir",
"notify by email" => "notificar por correo",
"can share" => "pode compartir",
"can edit" => "pode editar",
"access control" => "control de acceso",
"create" => "crear",
"change" => "cambio",
"delete" => "eliminar",
"Password protected" => "Protexido con contrasinal",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Produciuse un erro ao retirar a data de caducidade",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Produciuse un erro ao definir a data de caducidade",
"Sending ..." => "Enviando...",
"Email sent" => "Correo enviado",
"Warning" => "Aviso",
"Edit" => "Editar",
"guest" => "convidado",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "Compatibilidade con MS Word (require OpenOffice/LibreOffice)",
"Local" => "Local",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "OpenOffice/LibreOffice está instalado neste servidor. A ruta ao binario fornecese mediante preview_libreoffice_path en config.php",
"External" => "Externo",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "OpenOffice/LibreOffice está instalado nun servidor externo executando un servidor de filtro de formato",
"Disabled" => "Desactivado",
"No MS Word support" => "Sen compatibilidade con MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "scheme://dominio.tld[:porto]",
"Server URL" => "URL do servidor",
"Apply and test" => "Aplicar e probar",
"New document" => "Novo documento",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Envío (máx. %s)",
"Upload" => "Enviar",
"Save new documents to" => "Gardar os novos documentos en",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Contrasinal incorrecto. Ténteo de novo.",
"Guest %s" => "Convidado %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Esta ligazón caducou ou xa non existe. Póñase en contacto coa persoa que o compartiu con vostede para obter máis información.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Conxunto de funcións avanzadas",
"(Unstable)" => "(Inestábel)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "מסמכים",
"Can't create document" : "לא ניתן ליצור מסמך",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "אין לך הרשאות לשנות את שם המשמך",
"Directory saved successfully." : "תיקייה נשמרה בהצלחה",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "שגיאה אירעה בזמן שינוי התיקייה",
"Saved" : "נשמר",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "המרה נכשלה. יש לבדוק לוג פעילות לפרטים.",
"Saving..." : "שמירה…",
"Failed to load documents." : "טעינת מסמך נכשלה",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "לא נמצאו מסמכים. יש להעלות או ליצור מסמך כדי להתחיל!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "אין תקשורת לשרת. מנסה להתחבר מחדש.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "עזיבת העמוד במצב עריכה עלולה ליצור נתונים לא שמורים. מומלץ להשתמש במקום בכפתור 'סגירה'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "טעינת המסמך נכשלה. יש לבדוק אם אפשר לפתוח את המסמך בעורך חיצוני. התופעה יכולה להעיד גם על כך שבוטל השיתוף של המסמך או על כך שהמסמך נמחק לאחרונה.",
"Save" : "שמירה",
"Loading documents..." : "המסמך בטעינה...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' הנו שם לא חוקי.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "שם קובץ אינו יכול להיות ריק",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "השם שגוי, אסור להשתמש בתווים '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ו־'*'.",
"Align Left" : "יישור שמאלה",
"Alignment" : "יישור",
"Align Right" : "יישור ימינה",
"Annotate" : "הוספת הערות",
"Background" : "רקע",
"Bold" : "הדגשה",
"Bottom" : "למטה",
"Cancel" : "ביטול",
"Center" : "למרכז",
"Clone" : "שכפול",
"Clone this Style" : "העתקת סגנון",
"Close" : "סגירה",
"Color" : "צבע",
"Create" : "יצירה",
"Decrease Indent" : "הקטנת שוליים",
"Default Style" : "סגנון ברירת מחדל",
"Delete" : "מחיקה",
"Family" : "משפחה",
"Font" : "גופן",
"Font Effects" : "אפקט גופן",
"Format" : "עיצוב",
"Increase Indent" : "הגדלת שוליים",
"Insert Image" : "הוספת תמונה",
"Invite Members" : "הזמנת חברים",
"Italic" : "הטייה",
"Justified" : "מיושר לשני צדדים",
"Justify" : "יישור לשני צדדים",
"Left" : "שמאלה",
"Loading" : "טעינה",
"Members" : "חברים",
"New Name:" : "שם חדש:",
"OK" : "אישור",
"Open" : "פתיחה",
"Options" : "אפשרויות",
"Paragraph..." : "פסקה",
"Paragraph Styles" : "סגנון פסקה",
"Redo" : "ביצוע שוב",
"Right" : "ימינה",
"Size" : "גודל",
"Spacing" : "ריווח",
"Strikethrough" : "קו מוחק",
"Style" : "סגנון",
"Text" : "טקסט",
"Top" : "עליון",
"Underline" : "קו תחתי",
"Undo" : "ביטול פעולה",
"Unknown Author" : "מחבר לא ידוע",
"Shared" : "שותף",
"Error" : "שגיאה",
"Error while sharing" : "שגיאה במהלך השיתוף",
"Error while unsharing" : "שגיאה במהלך ביטול השיתוף",
"Error while changing permissions" : "שגיאה במהלך שינוי ההגדרות",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "שותף אתך ועם הקבוצה {group} שבבעלות {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "שותף אתך על ידי {owner}",
"Share" : "שיתוף",
"Share link" : "קישור לשיתוף",
"Password protect" : "הגנה בססמה",
"Password" : "סיסמא",
"Email link to person" : "שליחת קישור בדוא״ל למשתמש",
"Send" : "שליחה",
"Set expiration date" : "הגדרת תאריך תפוגה",
"Expiration date" : "תאריך התפוגה",
"group" : "קבוצה",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "אסור לעשות שיתוף מחדש",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "שותף תחת {item} עם {user}",
"Unshare" : "הסר שיתוף",
"can share" : "ניתן לשתף",
"can edit" : "ניתן לערוך",
"access control" : "בקרת גישה",
"create" : "יצירה",
"delete" : "מחיקה",
"Password protected" : "מוגן בססמה",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "אירעה שגיאה בביטול תאריך התפוגה",
"Error setting expiration date" : "אירעה שגיאה בעת הגדרת תאריך התפוגה",
"Sending ..." : "מתבצעת שליחה ...",
"Email sent" : "הודעת הדוא״ל נשלחה",
"Warning" : "אזהרה",
"Edit" : "עריכה",
"guest" : "אורח",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word(דורש openOffice/libreOfficeתמיכת )",
"Local" : "מקומי",
"External" : "חיצוני",
"Server URL" : "נתיב השרת",
"Apply and test" : "ביצוע ובדיקה",
"New document" : "מסמך חדש",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "העלאה (מקסימום %s)",
"Upload" : "העלאה",
"Save new documents to" : "שמירת מסמך חדש אל",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "סיסמא שגויה. נא לנסות שוב"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "מסמכים",
"Can't create document" : "לא ניתן ליצור מסמך",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "אין לך הרשאות לשנות את שם המשמך",
"Directory saved successfully." : "תיקייה נשמרה בהצלחה",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "שגיאה אירעה בזמן שינוי התיקייה",
"Saved" : "נשמר",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "המרה נכשלה. יש לבדוק לוג פעילות לפרטים.",
"Saving..." : "שמירה…",
"Failed to load documents." : "טעינת מסמך נכשלה",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "לא נמצאו מסמכים. יש להעלות או ליצור מסמך כדי להתחיל!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "אין תקשורת לשרת. מנסה להתחבר מחדש.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "עזיבת העמוד במצב עריכה עלולה ליצור נתונים לא שמורים. מומלץ להשתמש במקום בכפתור 'סגירה'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "טעינת המסמך נכשלה. יש לבדוק אם אפשר לפתוח את המסמך בעורך חיצוני. התופעה יכולה להעיד גם על כך שבוטל השיתוף של המסמך או על כך שהמסמך נמחק לאחרונה.",
"Save" : "שמירה",
"Loading documents..." : "המסמך בטעינה...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' הנו שם לא חוקי.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "שם קובץ אינו יכול להיות ריק",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "השם שגוי, אסור להשתמש בתווים '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ו־'*'.",
"Align Left" : "יישור שמאלה",
"Alignment" : "יישור",
"Align Right" : "יישור ימינה",
"Annotate" : "הוספת הערות",
"Background" : "רקע",
"Bold" : "הדגשה",
"Bottom" : "למטה",
"Cancel" : "ביטול",
"Center" : "למרכז",
"Clone" : "שכפול",
"Clone this Style" : "העתקת סגנון",
"Close" : "סגירה",
"Color" : "צבע",
"Create" : "יצירה",
"Decrease Indent" : "הקטנת שוליים",
"Default Style" : "סגנון ברירת מחדל",
"Delete" : "מחיקה",
"Family" : "משפחה",
"Font" : "גופן",
"Font Effects" : "אפקט גופן",
"Format" : "עיצוב",
"Increase Indent" : "הגדלת שוליים",
"Insert Image" : "הוספת תמונה",
"Invite Members" : "הזמנת חברים",
"Italic" : "הטייה",
"Justified" : "מיושר לשני צדדים",
"Justify" : "יישור לשני צדדים",
"Left" : "שמאלה",
"Loading" : "טעינה",
"Members" : "חברים",
"New Name:" : "שם חדש:",
"OK" : "אישור",
"Open" : "פתיחה",
"Options" : "אפשרויות",
"Paragraph..." : "פסקה",
"Paragraph Styles" : "סגנון פסקה",
"Redo" : "ביצוע שוב",
"Right" : "ימינה",
"Size" : "גודל",
"Spacing" : "ריווח",
"Strikethrough" : "קו מוחק",
"Style" : "סגנון",
"Text" : "טקסט",
"Top" : "עליון",
"Underline" : "קו תחתי",
"Undo" : "ביטול פעולה",
"Unknown Author" : "מחבר לא ידוע",
"Shared" : "שותף",
"Error" : "שגיאה",
"Error while sharing" : "שגיאה במהלך השיתוף",
"Error while unsharing" : "שגיאה במהלך ביטול השיתוף",
"Error while changing permissions" : "שגיאה במהלך שינוי ההגדרות",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "שותף אתך ועם הקבוצה {group} שבבעלות {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "שותף אתך על ידי {owner}",
"Share" : "שיתוף",
"Share link" : "קישור לשיתוף",
"Password protect" : "הגנה בססמה",
"Password" : "סיסמא",
"Email link to person" : "שליחת קישור בדוא״ל למשתמש",
"Send" : "שליחה",
"Set expiration date" : "הגדרת תאריך תפוגה",
"Expiration date" : "תאריך התפוגה",
"group" : "קבוצה",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "אסור לעשות שיתוף מחדש",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "שותף תחת {item} עם {user}",
"Unshare" : "הסר שיתוף",
"can share" : "ניתן לשתף",
"can edit" : "ניתן לערוך",
"access control" : "בקרת גישה",
"create" : "יצירה",
"delete" : "מחיקה",
"Password protected" : "מוגן בססמה",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "אירעה שגיאה בביטול תאריך התפוגה",
"Error setting expiration date" : "אירעה שגיאה בעת הגדרת תאריך התפוגה",
"Sending ..." : "מתבצעת שליחה ...",
"Email sent" : "הודעת הדוא״ל נשלחה",
"Warning" : "אזהרה",
"Edit" : "עריכה",
"guest" : "אורח",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word(דורש openOffice/libreOfficeתמיכת )",
"Local" : "מקומי",
"External" : "חיצוני",
"Server URL" : "נתיב השרת",
"Apply and test" : "ביצוע ובדיקה",
"New document" : "מסמך חדש",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "העלאה (מקסימום %s)",
"Upload" : "העלאה",
"Save new documents to" : "שמירת מסמך חדש אל",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "סיסמא שגויה. נא לנסות שוב"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "מסמכים",
"Can't create document" => "לא ניתן ליצור מסמך",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "אין לך הרשאות לשנות את שם המשמך",
"Directory saved successfully." => "תיקייה נשמרה בהצלחה",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "שגיאה אירעה בזמן שינוי התיקייה",
"Saved" => "נשמר",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "המרה נכשלה. יש לבדוק לוג פעילות לפרטים.",
"Saving..." => "שמירה…",
"Failed to load documents." => "טעינת מסמך נכשלה",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "לא נמצאו מסמכים. יש להעלות או ליצור מסמך כדי להתחיל!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "אין תקשורת לשרת. מנסה להתחבר מחדש.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "עזיבת העמוד במצב עריכה עלולה ליצור נתונים לא שמורים. מומלץ להשתמש במקום בכפתור 'סגירה'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "טעינת המסמך נכשלה. יש לבדוק אם אפשר לפתוח את המסמך בעורך חיצוני. התופעה יכולה להעיד גם על כך שבוטל השיתוף של המסמך או על כך שהמסמך נמחק לאחרונה.",
"Save" => "שמירה",
"Loading documents..." => "המסמך בטעינה...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' הנו שם לא חוקי.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "שם קובץ אינו יכול להיות ריק",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "השם שגוי, אסור להשתמש בתווים '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ו־'*'.",
"Align Left" => "יישור שמאלה",
"Alignment" => "יישור",
"Align Right" => "יישור ימינה",
"Annotate" => "הוספת הערות",
"Background" => "רקע",
"Bold" => "הדגשה",
"Bottom" => "למטה",
"Cancel" => "ביטול",
"Center" => "למרכז",
"Clone" => "שכפול",
"Clone this Style" => "העתקת סגנון",
"Close" => "סגירה",
"Color" => "צבע",
"Create" => "יצירה",
"Decrease Indent" => "הקטנת שוליים",
"Default Style" => "סגנון ברירת מחדל",
"Delete" => "מחיקה",
"Family" => "משפחה",
"Font" => "גופן",
"Font Effects" => "אפקט גופן",
"Format" => "עיצוב",
"Increase Indent" => "הגדלת שוליים",
"Insert Image" => "הוספת תמונה",
"Invite Members" => "הזמנת חברים",
"Italic" => "הטייה",
"Justified" => "מיושר לשני צדדים",
"Justify" => "יישור לשני צדדים",
"Left" => "שמאלה",
"Loading" => "טעינה",
"Members" => "חברים",
"New Name:" => "שם חדש:",
"OK" => "אישור",
"Open" => "פתיחה",
"Options" => "אפשרויות",
"Paragraph..." => "פסקה",
"Paragraph Styles" => "סגנון פסקה",
"Redo" => "ביצוע שוב",
"Right" => "ימינה",
"Size" => "גודל",
"Spacing" => "ריווח",
"Strikethrough" => "קו מוחק",
"Style" => "סגנון",
"Text" => "טקסט",
"Top" => "עליון",
"Underline" => "קו תחתי",
"Undo" => "ביטול פעולה",
"Unknown Author" => "מחבר לא ידוע",
"Shared" => "שותף",
"Error" => "שגיאה",
"Error while sharing" => "שגיאה במהלך השיתוף",
"Error while unsharing" => "שגיאה במהלך ביטול השיתוף",
"Error while changing permissions" => "שגיאה במהלך שינוי ההגדרות",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "שותף אתך ועם הקבוצה {group} שבבעלות {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "שותף אתך על ידי {owner}",
"Share" => "שיתוף",
"Share link" => "קישור לשיתוף",
"Password protect" => "הגנה בססמה",
"Password" => "סיסמא",
"Email link to person" => "שליחת קישור בדוא״ל למשתמש",
"Send" => "שליחה",
"Set expiration date" => "הגדרת תאריך תפוגה",
"Expiration date" => "תאריך התפוגה",
"group" => "קבוצה",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "אסור לעשות שיתוף מחדש",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "שותף תחת {item} עם {user}",
"Unshare" => "הסר שיתוף",
"can share" => "ניתן לשתף",
"can edit" => "ניתן לערוך",
"access control" => "בקרת גישה",
"create" => "יצירה",
"delete" => "מחיקה",
"Password protected" => "מוגן בססמה",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "אירעה שגיאה בביטול תאריך התפוגה",
"Error setting expiration date" => "אירעה שגיאה בעת הגדרת תאריך התפוגה",
"Sending ..." => "מתבצעת שליחה ...",
"Email sent" => "הודעת הדוא״ל נשלחה",
"Warning" => "אזהרה",
"Edit" => "עריכה",
"guest" => "אורח",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "MS Word(דורש openOffice/libreOfficeתמיכת )",
"Local" => "מקומי",
"External" => "חיצוני",
"Server URL" => "נתיב השרת",
"Apply and test" => "ביצוע ובדיקה",
"New document" => "מסמך חדש",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "העלאה (מקסימום %s)",
"Upload" => "העלאה",
"Save new documents to" => "שמירת מסמך חדש אל",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "סיסמא שגויה. נא לנסות שוב"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "दस्तावेज़ ",
"Failed to load documents." => "दस्तावेज़ लोड करने में असफल रहा। ",
"Share" => "साझा करें",
"Save" => "सहेजें",
"Cancel" => "रद्द करें ",
"Close" => "बंद करें ",
"Open" => "खोलें",
"Upload" => "अपलोड ",
"Password" => "पासवर्ड",
"Advanced feature-set" => "उन्नत विशेषता-सेट ",
"(Unstable)" => "(अस्थायी) "
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Dokumenti",
"Can't create document" : "Dokument nije moguće kreirati",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Nije vam dopušteno preimenovati ovaj dokument",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Direktorij uspješno spremljen.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Pogreška pri mijenjaju direktorija.",
"Saved" : "Spremljeno",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Poslužitelj za filtriranje formata je pao ili je pogrešno konfiguriran",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Pretvorba nije uspjela. Za detalje provjerite zapisnik.",
"Saving..." : "Spremanje...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Učitavanje dokumenata nije uspjelo",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Nikakvi dokumenti nisu nađeni. Za početak, učitajte ili kreirajte neki dokument!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Nema kontakta s poslužiteljem.Ponovno pokušajte uspostaviti vezu",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Napuštanje ove stranice u načinu rada za uređivanje može rezultirati nespremljenim podacima.Umjesto toga, preporučuje se pritisnuti gumb 'Zatvorite'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Učitavanje ovog dokumenta nije uspjelo. MOlimo provjerite može li ga se otvoritis nekim vanjskim odt uređivačem. To također može značiti da je njegovo dijeljenjezaustavljeno ili da je izbrisan.",
"Save" : "Spremite",
"Loading documents..." : "Učitavanje dokumenata...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' je neispravan naziv datoteke",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Naziv datoteke ne može biti prazan",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Neispravan naziv, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' i '*' nisu dopušteni.",
"Align Left" : "Poravnanje slijeva",
"Alignment" : "Poravnanje",
"Align Right" : "Poravnanje sdesna",
"Annotate" : "Stavite primjedbu",
"Background" : "Pozadina",
"Bold" : "Podebljano",
"Bottom" : "Dno",
"Cancel" : "Odustanite",
"Center" : "Centar",
"Clone" : "Klonirajte",
"Clone this Style" : "KLonirajte ovaj stil",
"Close" : "Zatvorite",
"Color" : "Boja",
"Create" : "Kreirajte",
"Decrease Indent" : "Smanjite uvlaku",
"Default Style" : "Zadani stil",
"Delete" : "Izbrišite",
"Family" : "Obitelj",
"Font" : "Font",
"Font Effects" : "Efekti fonta",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Povećajte uvlaku",
"Insert Image" : "Umetnite sliku",
"Invite Members" : "Pozovite članove",
"Italic" : "Kurziv",
"Justified" : "Obostrano",
"Justify" : "Poravnajte obostrano",
"Left" : "Lijevo",
"Loading" : "Učitavanje",
"Members" : "Članovi",
"New Name:" : "Novi naziv:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Otvorite",
"Options" : "Mogućnosti",
"Paragraph..." : "Odlomak",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Stil odlomka",
"Redo" : "Ponovite poništeno",
"Right" : "Desno",
"Size" : "Veličina",
"Spacing" : "Razmak",
"Strikethrough" : "Precrtano",
"Style" : "Stil",
"Text" : "Tekst",
"Top" : "Vrh",
"Underline" : "Podcrtano",
"Undo" : "Poništite",
"Unknown Author" : " Autor nepoznat",
"Shared" : "Resurs podijeljen",
"Error" : "Pogreška",
"Error while sharing" : "Pogreška pri dijeljenju",
"Error while unsharing" : "Pogreška pri prestanku dijeljenja",
"Error while changing permissions" : "POgreška pri mijenjanju dozvola",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Dijeljeno s vama i grupom {group} vlasnika {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "S vama podijelio {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Podijeli sa korisnicima ili grupama ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Podijeli sa korisnicima, grupama ili udaljenim korisnicima ...",
"Share" : "Dijelite zajedničke resurse",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Podijelite sa korisnicima drugoga ownClouda koristeći format",
"Share link" : "Podijelite vezu",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : " Javna veza ističe najkasnije {days} dana nakon što je kreirana",
"Link" : "Poveznica",
"Password protect" : "Zaštititi lozinkom",
"Password" : "Lozinka",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Odaberite lozinku za javnu vezu",
"Allow editing" : "Omogući uređivanje",
"Email link to person" : "Pošaljite osobi vezu e-poštom",
"Send" : "Pošaljite",
"Set expiration date" : "Odredite datum isteka",
"Expiration" : "Istjeće",
"Expiration date" : "Datum isteka",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Dogodila se pogreška. Molimo Vas, pokušajte ponovno. ",
"Adding user..." : "Dodavanje korisnika...",
"group" : "Grupa",
"remote" : "na daljinu",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Ponovno dijeljenje nije dopušteno",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Podijeljeno u {item} sa {user}",
"Unshare" : "Prestanite dijeliti",
"notify by email" : "Obavijestite e-poštom",
"can share" : "Dijeljenje moguće",
"can edit" : "Uređivanje moguće",
"access control" : "Kontrola pristupa",
"create" : "Kreirajte",
"change" : "promijeni",
"delete" : "Izbrišite",
"Password protected" : "Lozinka zaštićena",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Pogrešno uklanjanje postavke datuma isteka",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Pogrešno učitavanje postavke datuma isteka",
"Sending ..." : "Slanje...",
"Email sent" : "E-pošta je poslana",
"Warning" : "Upozorenje",
"Edit" : "Uređivanje",
"guest" : "Gost",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word podrška (obavezan openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Lokalno",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice je instaliran na ovom poslužitelju. Put do binarnogomogućen je putem preview_libreoffice_path u config.php",
"External" : "Vanjsko",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice je instaliran na vanjskom poslužitelju koji pokreće poslužiteljza filtriranje formata",
"Disabled" : "Onemogućeno",
"No MS Word support" : "Nema podrške za MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "shema: //domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "URL poslužitelja",
"Apply and test" : "Primijenite i testirajte",
"New document" : "Novi dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Učitavanje (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Učitavanje",
"Save new documents to" : "Novi dokument spremite na",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Pogrešna lozinka. Molimo pokušajte ponovno",
"Guest %s" : "Gost %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Ova veza je istekla ili nikad nije postojala. Za detalje, molimo kontaktirajte osobu kojaju je s vama podijelila.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Napredan skup značajki",
"(Unstable)" : "(Nestabilno)"
"nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;");

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Dokumenti",
"Can't create document" : "Dokument nije moguće kreirati",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Nije vam dopušteno preimenovati ovaj dokument",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Direktorij uspješno spremljen.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Pogreška pri mijenjaju direktorija.",
"Saved" : "Spremljeno",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Poslužitelj za filtriranje formata je pao ili je pogrešno konfiguriran",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Pretvorba nije uspjela. Za detalje provjerite zapisnik.",
"Saving..." : "Spremanje...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Učitavanje dokumenata nije uspjelo",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Nikakvi dokumenti nisu nađeni. Za početak, učitajte ili kreirajte neki dokument!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Nema kontakta s poslužiteljem.Ponovno pokušajte uspostaviti vezu",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Napuštanje ove stranice u načinu rada za uređivanje može rezultirati nespremljenim podacima.Umjesto toga, preporučuje se pritisnuti gumb 'Zatvorite'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Učitavanje ovog dokumenta nije uspjelo. MOlimo provjerite može li ga se otvoritis nekim vanjskim odt uređivačem. To također može značiti da je njegovo dijeljenjezaustavljeno ili da je izbrisan.",
"Save" : "Spremite",
"Loading documents..." : "Učitavanje dokumenata...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' je neispravan naziv datoteke",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Naziv datoteke ne može biti prazan",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Neispravan naziv, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' i '*' nisu dopušteni.",
"Align Left" : "Poravnanje slijeva",
"Alignment" : "Poravnanje",
"Align Right" : "Poravnanje sdesna",
"Annotate" : "Stavite primjedbu",
"Background" : "Pozadina",
"Bold" : "Podebljano",
"Bottom" : "Dno",
"Cancel" : "Odustanite",
"Center" : "Centar",
"Clone" : "Klonirajte",
"Clone this Style" : "KLonirajte ovaj stil",
"Close" : "Zatvorite",
"Color" : "Boja",
"Create" : "Kreirajte",
"Decrease Indent" : "Smanjite uvlaku",
"Default Style" : "Zadani stil",
"Delete" : "Izbrišite",
"Family" : "Obitelj",
"Font" : "Font",
"Font Effects" : "Efekti fonta",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Povećajte uvlaku",
"Insert Image" : "Umetnite sliku",
"Invite Members" : "Pozovite članove",
"Italic" : "Kurziv",
"Justified" : "Obostrano",
"Justify" : "Poravnajte obostrano",
"Left" : "Lijevo",
"Loading" : "Učitavanje",
"Members" : "Članovi",
"New Name:" : "Novi naziv:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Otvorite",
"Options" : "Mogućnosti",
"Paragraph..." : "Odlomak",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Stil odlomka",
"Redo" : "Ponovite poništeno",
"Right" : "Desno",
"Size" : "Veličina",
"Spacing" : "Razmak",
"Strikethrough" : "Precrtano",
"Style" : "Stil",
"Text" : "Tekst",
"Top" : "Vrh",
"Underline" : "Podcrtano",
"Undo" : "Poništite",
"Unknown Author" : " Autor nepoznat",
"Shared" : "Resurs podijeljen",
"Error" : "Pogreška",
"Error while sharing" : "Pogreška pri dijeljenju",
"Error while unsharing" : "Pogreška pri prestanku dijeljenja",
"Error while changing permissions" : "POgreška pri mijenjanju dozvola",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Dijeljeno s vama i grupom {group} vlasnika {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "S vama podijelio {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Podijeli sa korisnicima ili grupama ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Podijeli sa korisnicima, grupama ili udaljenim korisnicima ...",
"Share" : "Dijelite zajedničke resurse",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Podijelite sa korisnicima drugoga ownClouda koristeći format",
"Share link" : "Podijelite vezu",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : " Javna veza ističe najkasnije {days} dana nakon što je kreirana",
"Link" : "Poveznica",
"Password protect" : "Zaštititi lozinkom",
"Password" : "Lozinka",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Odaberite lozinku za javnu vezu",
"Allow editing" : "Omogući uređivanje",
"Email link to person" : "Pošaljite osobi vezu e-poštom",
"Send" : "Pošaljite",
"Set expiration date" : "Odredite datum isteka",
"Expiration" : "Istjeće",
"Expiration date" : "Datum isteka",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Dogodila se pogreška. Molimo Vas, pokušajte ponovno. ",
"Adding user..." : "Dodavanje korisnika...",
"group" : "Grupa",
"remote" : "na daljinu",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Ponovno dijeljenje nije dopušteno",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Podijeljeno u {item} sa {user}",
"Unshare" : "Prestanite dijeliti",
"notify by email" : "Obavijestite e-poštom",
"can share" : "Dijeljenje moguće",
"can edit" : "Uređivanje moguće",
"access control" : "Kontrola pristupa",
"create" : "Kreirajte",
"change" : "promijeni",
"delete" : "Izbrišite",
"Password protected" : "Lozinka zaštićena",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Pogrešno uklanjanje postavke datuma isteka",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Pogrešno učitavanje postavke datuma isteka",
"Sending ..." : "Slanje...",
"Email sent" : "E-pošta je poslana",
"Warning" : "Upozorenje",
"Edit" : "Uređivanje",
"guest" : "Gost",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word podrška (obavezan openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Lokalno",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice je instaliran na ovom poslužitelju. Put do binarnogomogućen je putem preview_libreoffice_path u config.php",
"External" : "Vanjsko",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice je instaliran na vanjskom poslužitelju koji pokreće poslužiteljza filtriranje formata",
"Disabled" : "Onemogućeno",
"No MS Word support" : "Nema podrške za MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "shema: //domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "URL poslužitelja",
"Apply and test" : "Primijenite i testirajte",
"New document" : "Novi dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Učitavanje (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Učitavanje",
"Save new documents to" : "Novi dokument spremite na",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Pogrešna lozinka. Molimo pokušajte ponovno",
"Guest %s" : "Gost %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Ova veza je istekla ili nikad nije postojala. Za detalje, molimo kontaktirajte osobu kojaju je s vama podijelila.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Napredan skup značajki",
"(Unstable)" : "(Nestabilno)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;"

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Dokumenti",
"Can't create document" => "Dokument nije moguće kreirati",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Nije vam dopušteno preimenovati ovaj dokument",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Direktorij uspješno spremljen.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Pogreška pri mijenjaju direktorija.",
"Saved" => "Spremljeno",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Poslužitelj za filtriranje formata je pao ili je pogrešno konfiguriran",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Pretvorba nije uspjela. Za detalje provjerite zapisnik.",
"Saving..." => "Spremanje...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Učitavanje dokumenata nije uspjelo",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Nikakvi dokumenti nisu nađeni. Za početak, učitajte ili kreirajte neki dokument!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Nema kontakta s poslužiteljem.Ponovno pokušajte uspostaviti vezu",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Napuštanje ove stranice u načinu rada za uređivanje može rezultirati nespremljenim podacima.Umjesto toga, preporučuje se pritisnuti gumb 'Zatvorite'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Učitavanje ovog dokumenta nije uspjelo. MOlimo provjerite može li ga se otvoritis nekim vanjskim odt uređivačem. To također može značiti da je njegovo dijeljenjezaustavljeno ili da je izbrisan.",
"Save" => "Spremite",
"Loading documents..." => "Učitavanje dokumenata...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' je neispravan naziv datoteke",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Naziv datoteke ne može biti prazan",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Neispravan naziv, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' i '*' nisu dopušteni.",
"Align Left" => "Poravnanje slijeva",
"Alignment" => "Poravnanje",
"Align Right" => "Poravnanje sdesna",
"Annotate" => "Stavite primjedbu",
"Background" => "Pozadina",
"Bold" => "Podebljano",
"Bottom" => "Dno",
"Cancel" => "Odustanite",
"Center" => "Centar",
"Clone" => "Klonirajte",
"Clone this Style" => "KLonirajte ovaj stil",
"Close" => "Zatvorite",
"Color" => "Boja",
"Create" => "Kreirajte",
"Decrease Indent" => "Smanjite uvlaku",
"Default Style" => "Zadani stil",
"Delete" => "Izbrišite",
"Family" => "Obitelj",
"Font" => "Font",
"Font Effects" => "Efekti fonta",
"Format" => "Format",
"Increase Indent" => "Povećajte uvlaku",
"Insert Image" => "Umetnite sliku",
"Invite Members" => "Pozovite članove",
"Italic" => "Kurziv",
"Justified" => "Obostrano",
"Justify" => "Poravnajte obostrano",
"Left" => "Lijevo",
"Loading" => "Učitavanje",
"Members" => "Članovi",
"New Name:" => "Novi naziv:",
"OK" => "OK",
"Open" => "Otvorite",
"Options" => "Mogućnosti",
"Paragraph..." => "Odlomak",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Stil odlomka",
"Redo" => "Ponovite poništeno",
"Right" => "Desno",
"Size" => "Veličina",
"Spacing" => "Razmak",
"Strikethrough" => "Precrtano",
"Style" => "Stil",
"Text" => "Tekst",
"Top" => "Vrh",
"Underline" => "Podcrtano",
"Undo" => "Poništite",
"Unknown Author" => " Autor nepoznat",
"Shared" => "Resurs podijeljen",
"Error" => "Pogreška",
"Error while sharing" => "Pogreška pri dijeljenju",
"Error while unsharing" => "Pogreška pri prestanku dijeljenja",
"Error while changing permissions" => "POgreška pri mijenjanju dozvola",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Dijeljeno s vama i grupom {group} vlasnika {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "S vama podijelio {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Podijeli sa korisnicima ili grupama ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Podijeli sa korisnicima, grupama ili udaljenim korisnicima ...",
"Share" => "Dijelite zajedničke resurse",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "Podijelite sa korisnicima drugoga ownClouda koristeći format",
"Share link" => "Podijelite vezu",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => " Javna veza ističe najkasnije {days} dana nakon što je kreirana",
"Link" => "Poveznica",
"Password protect" => "Zaštititi lozinkom",
"Password" => "Lozinka",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Odaberite lozinku za javnu vezu",
"Allow editing" => "Omogući uređivanje",
"Email link to person" => "Pošaljite osobi vezu e-poštom",
"Send" => "Pošaljite",
"Set expiration date" => "Odredite datum isteka",
"Expiration" => "Istjeće",
"Expiration date" => "Datum isteka",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "Dogodila se pogreška. Molimo Vas, pokušajte ponovno. ",
"Adding user..." => "Dodavanje korisnika...",
"group" => "Grupa",
"remote" => "na daljinu",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Ponovno dijeljenje nije dopušteno",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Podijeljeno u {item} sa {user}",
"Unshare" => "Prestanite dijeliti",
"notify by email" => "Obavijestite e-poštom",
"can share" => "Dijeljenje moguće",
"can edit" => "Uređivanje moguće",
"access control" => "Kontrola pristupa",
"create" => "Kreirajte",
"change" => "promijeni",
"delete" => "Izbrišite",
"Password protected" => "Lozinka zaštićena",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Pogrešno uklanjanje postavke datuma isteka",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Pogrešno učitavanje postavke datuma isteka",
"Sending ..." => "Slanje...",
"Email sent" => "E-pošta je poslana",
"Warning" => "Upozorenje",
"Edit" => "Uređivanje",
"guest" => "Gost",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "MS Word podrška (obavezan openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" => "Lokalno",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/libreOffice je instaliran na ovom poslužitelju. Put do binarnogomogućen je putem preview_libreoffice_path u config.php",
"External" => "Vanjsko",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "openOffice/libreOffice je instaliran na vanjskom poslužitelju koji pokreće poslužiteljza filtriranje formata",
"Disabled" => "Onemogućeno",
"No MS Word support" => "Nema podrške za MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "shema: //domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "URL poslužitelja",
"Apply and test" => "Primijenite i testirajte",
"New document" => "Novi dokument",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Učitavanje (max. %s)",
"Upload" => "Učitavanje",
"Save new documents to" => "Novi dokument spremite na",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Pogrešna lozinka. Molimo pokušajte ponovno",
"Guest %s" => "Gost %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Ova veza je istekla ili nikad nije postojala. Za detalje, molimo kontaktirajte osobu kojaju je s vama podijelila.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Napredan skup značajki",
"(Unstable)" => "(Nestabilno)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;";

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Dokumentumok",
"Can't create document" : "A dokumentum nem hozható létre",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Nincs joga ahhoz, hogy átnevezze ezt a dokumentumot",
"Directory saved successfully." : "A mappát sikeresen elmentettük.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Hiba történt a másik mappára történő áttérés közben.",
"Saved" : "Elmentve",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "A formátumszűrő szerver nem üzemel, vagy rosszul van konfigurálva",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Az átalakítás nem sikerült. Ellenőrizze a naplóállományban a részleteket!",
"Saving..." : "Mentés...",
"Failed to load documents." : "A dokumentum betőltése sikertelen",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Itt nincs semmi. Töltsön fel, vagy hozzon létre egy dokumentumot!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Nincs kapcsolat a kiszolgálóval. Újra próbálunk csatlakozni.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Ha elhagyja ezt az oldalt, miközben Szerkesztés módban van, akkor előfordulhat, hogy nem minden adat mentődik el. Érdemes inkább a 'Bezár' gombbal befejezni az oldal szerkesztését.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "A dokumentum betöltése sikertelen. Próbálja külső odt szerkeszővel megnyitni. Ez hiba jelentheti azt is, hogy már nincs megosztva, vagy már törölve lett a dokumentum.",
"Save" : "Mentés",
"Loading documents..." : "Dokumentumok betöltése...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' érvénytelen, mint fájlnév.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "A fájlnév nem lehet semmi.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Érvénytelen elnevezés. Ezek a karakterek nem használhatók: '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' és '*'",
"Align Left" : "Balra igazítás",
"Alignment" : "Igazítás",
"Align Right" : "Jobbra igazítás",
"Annotate" : "Megjegyzés beírása",
"Background" : "Háttér",
"Bold" : "Félkövér",
"Bottom" : "Alsó",
"Cancel" : "Mégsem",
"Center" : "Közép",
"Clone" : "Másolás",
"Clone this Style" : "Stílus másolása",
"Close" : "Bezárás",
"Color" : "Szín",
"Create" : "Létrehozás",
"Decrease Indent" : "Bekezdés csökkentése",
"Default Style" : "Alapértelmezett stílus",
"Delete" : "Törlés",
"Family" : "Család",
"Font" : "Betűtípus",
"Font Effects" : "Betűtípus-hatások",
"Format" : "Formátum",
"Increase Indent" : "Bekezdés növelése",
"Insert Image" : "Kép beillesztése",
"Invite Members" : "Együttműködők meghívása",
"Italic" : "Dőlt",
"Justified" : "Sorkizárt",
"Justify" : "Sorkizár",
"Left" : "Bal",
"Loading" : "Betöltés",
"Members" : "Együttműködők",
"New Name:" : "Új név:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Megnyitás",
"Options" : "Opciók",
"Paragraph..." : "Bekezdés...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Bekezdés stílusok",
"Redo" : "Mégse vonjuk vissza",
"Right" : "Jobb",
"Size" : "Méret",
"Spacing" : "Ritkítás",
"Strikethrough" : "Áthúzott",
"Style" : "Stílus",
"Text" : "szöveg",
"Top" : "Felső",
"Underline" : "Aláhúzás",
"Undo" : "Visszavonás",
"Unknown Author" : "Ismeretlen szerző",
"Shared" : "Megosztott",
"Error" : "Hiba",
"Error while sharing" : "Nem sikerült létrehozni a megosztást",
"Error while unsharing" : "Nem sikerült visszavonni a megosztást",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Nem sikerült módosítani a jogosultságokat",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Megosztotta Önnel és a(z) {group} csoporttal: {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Megosztotta Önnel: {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Megosztás felhasználókkal vagy csoportokkal ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Megosztás felhasználókkal, csoportokkal vagy távoli felhasználókkal ...",
"Share" : "Megosztás",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Megosztás más ownCloud szerverekkel, a következő formátum használatával felhasznalo@pé",
"Share link" : "Megosztás hivatkozással",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "A nyilvános link érvényessége legkorábban {days} nappal a létrehozása után jár csak le",
"Link" : "Link",
"Password protect" : "Jelszóval is védem",
"Password" : "Jelszó",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Válasszon egy jelszót a nyilvános linkhez",
"Allow editing" : "Szerkesztés engedélyezése",
"Email link to person" : "Email címre küldjük el",
"Send" : "Küldjük el",
"Set expiration date" : "Legyen lejárati idő",
"Expiration" : "Lejárat",
"Expiration date" : "A lejárati idő",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Hiba történt. Kérjük, próbáld újra!",
"Adding user..." : "Felhasználó hozzáadása...",
"group" : "csoport",
"remote" : "távoli",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Ezt az állományt csak a tulajdonosa oszthatja meg másokkal",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Megosztva {item}-ben {user}-rel",
"Unshare" : "A megosztás visszavonása",
"notify by email" : "e-mail értesítés",
"can share" : "megosztható",
"can edit" : "módosíthat",
"access control" : "jogosultság",
"create" : "létrehoz",
"change" : "változtatás",
"delete" : "törlés",
"Password protected" : "Jelszóval van védve",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Nem sikerült a lejárati időt törölni",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Nem sikerült a lejárati időt beállítani",
"Sending ..." : "Küldés ...",
"Email sent" : "Az e-mail elküldve!",
"Warning" : "Figyelmeztetés",
"Edit" : "Szerkesztés",
"guest" : "vendég",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word támogatás (openOffice/libreOffice-t igényel)",
"Local" : "Helyi",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "Az openOffice/libreOffice telepítve van ezen a kiszolgálón. A program elérési útvonala a config.php preview_libreoffice_path paraméterében adható meg.",
"External" : "Külső",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "Az openOffice/libreOffice egy másik kiszolgálón van telepítve, ott zajlik a formátum átalakítása",
"Disabled" : "Kikapcsolva",
"No MS Word support" : "Nincs MS Word-támogatás",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "protokoll://teljes.gép.név[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Szerver URL",
"Apply and test" : "A beállítás kipróbálása",
"New document" : "Új dokumentum",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Feltöltés (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Feltöltés",
"Save new documents to" : "Az új dokumentumokat ide mentse:",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Hibás jelszó. Próbálkozzon újra!",
"Guest %s" : "Vendég: %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Ez a link vagy lejárt vagy sohasem létezett. Kérdezze meg azt, aki megosztotta Önnel ezt a linket.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Haladó funkciók",
"(Unstable)" : "(nem stabil)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Dokumentumok",
"Can't create document" : "A dokumentum nem hozható létre",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Nincs joga ahhoz, hogy átnevezze ezt a dokumentumot",
"Directory saved successfully." : "A mappát sikeresen elmentettük.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Hiba történt a másik mappára történő áttérés közben.",
"Saved" : "Elmentve",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "A formátumszűrő szerver nem üzemel, vagy rosszul van konfigurálva",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Az átalakítás nem sikerült. Ellenőrizze a naplóállományban a részleteket!",
"Saving..." : "Mentés...",
"Failed to load documents." : "A dokumentum betőltése sikertelen",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Itt nincs semmi. Töltsön fel, vagy hozzon létre egy dokumentumot!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Nincs kapcsolat a kiszolgálóval. Újra próbálunk csatlakozni.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Ha elhagyja ezt az oldalt, miközben Szerkesztés módban van, akkor előfordulhat, hogy nem minden adat mentődik el. Érdemes inkább a 'Bezár' gombbal befejezni az oldal szerkesztését.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "A dokumentum betöltése sikertelen. Próbálja külső odt szerkeszővel megnyitni. Ez hiba jelentheti azt is, hogy már nincs megosztva, vagy már törölve lett a dokumentum.",
"Save" : "Mentés",
"Loading documents..." : "Dokumentumok betöltése...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' érvénytelen, mint fájlnév.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "A fájlnév nem lehet semmi.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Érvénytelen elnevezés. Ezek a karakterek nem használhatók: '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' és '*'",
"Align Left" : "Balra igazítás",
"Alignment" : "Igazítás",
"Align Right" : "Jobbra igazítás",
"Annotate" : "Megjegyzés beírása",
"Background" : "Háttér",
"Bold" : "Félkövér",
"Bottom" : "Alsó",
"Cancel" : "Mégsem",
"Center" : "Közép",
"Clone" : "Másolás",
"Clone this Style" : "Stílus másolása",
"Close" : "Bezárás",
"Color" : "Szín",
"Create" : "Létrehozás",
"Decrease Indent" : "Bekezdés csökkentése",
"Default Style" : "Alapértelmezett stílus",
"Delete" : "Törlés",
"Family" : "Család",
"Font" : "Betűtípus",
"Font Effects" : "Betűtípus-hatások",
"Format" : "Formátum",
"Increase Indent" : "Bekezdés növelése",
"Insert Image" : "Kép beillesztése",
"Invite Members" : "Együttműködők meghívása",
"Italic" : "Dőlt",
"Justified" : "Sorkizárt",
"Justify" : "Sorkizár",
"Left" : "Bal",
"Loading" : "Betöltés",
"Members" : "Együttműködők",
"New Name:" : "Új név:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Megnyitás",
"Options" : "Opciók",
"Paragraph..." : "Bekezdés...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Bekezdés stílusok",
"Redo" : "Mégse vonjuk vissza",
"Right" : "Jobb",
"Size" : "Méret",
"Spacing" : "Ritkítás",
"Strikethrough" : "Áthúzott",
"Style" : "Stílus",
"Text" : "szöveg",
"Top" : "Felső",
"Underline" : "Aláhúzás",
"Undo" : "Visszavonás",
"Unknown Author" : "Ismeretlen szerző",
"Shared" : "Megosztott",
"Error" : "Hiba",
"Error while sharing" : "Nem sikerült létrehozni a megosztást",
"Error while unsharing" : "Nem sikerült visszavonni a megosztást",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Nem sikerült módosítani a jogosultságokat",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Megosztotta Önnel és a(z) {group} csoporttal: {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Megosztotta Önnel: {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Megosztás felhasználókkal vagy csoportokkal ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Megosztás felhasználókkal, csoportokkal vagy távoli felhasználókkal ...",
"Share" : "Megosztás",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Megosztás más ownCloud szerverekkel, a következő formátum használatával felhasznalo@pé",
"Share link" : "Megosztás hivatkozással",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "A nyilvános link érvényessége legkorábban {days} nappal a létrehozása után jár csak le",
"Link" : "Link",
"Password protect" : "Jelszóval is védem",
"Password" : "Jelszó",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Válasszon egy jelszót a nyilvános linkhez",
"Allow editing" : "Szerkesztés engedélyezése",
"Email link to person" : "Email címre küldjük el",
"Send" : "Küldjük el",
"Set expiration date" : "Legyen lejárati idő",
"Expiration" : "Lejárat",
"Expiration date" : "A lejárati idő",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Hiba történt. Kérjük, próbáld újra!",
"Adding user..." : "Felhasználó hozzáadása...",
"group" : "csoport",
"remote" : "távoli",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Ezt az állományt csak a tulajdonosa oszthatja meg másokkal",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Megosztva {item}-ben {user}-rel",
"Unshare" : "A megosztás visszavonása",
"notify by email" : "e-mail értesítés",
"can share" : "megosztható",
"can edit" : "módosíthat",
"access control" : "jogosultság",
"create" : "létrehoz",
"change" : "változtatás",
"delete" : "törlés",
"Password protected" : "Jelszóval van védve",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Nem sikerült a lejárati időt törölni",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Nem sikerült a lejárati időt beállítani",
"Sending ..." : "Küldés ...",
"Email sent" : "Az e-mail elküldve!",
"Warning" : "Figyelmeztetés",
"Edit" : "Szerkesztés",
"guest" : "vendég",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Word támogatás (openOffice/libreOffice-t igényel)",
"Local" : "Helyi",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "Az openOffice/libreOffice telepítve van ezen a kiszolgálón. A program elérési útvonala a config.php preview_libreoffice_path paraméterében adható meg.",
"External" : "Külső",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "Az openOffice/libreOffice egy másik kiszolgálón van telepítve, ott zajlik a formátum átalakítása",
"Disabled" : "Kikapcsolva",
"No MS Word support" : "Nincs MS Word-támogatás",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "protokoll://teljes.gép.név[:port]",
"Server URL" : "Szerver URL",
"Apply and test" : "A beállítás kipróbálása",
"New document" : "Új dokumentum",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Feltöltés (max. %s)",
"Upload" : "Feltöltés",
"Save new documents to" : "Az új dokumentumokat ide mentse:",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Hibás jelszó. Próbálkozzon újra!",
"Guest %s" : "Vendég: %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Ez a link vagy lejárt vagy sohasem létezett. Kérdezze meg azt, aki megosztotta Önnel ezt a linket.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Haladó funkciók",
"(Unstable)" : "(nem stabil)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Dokumentumok",
"Can't create document" => "A dokumentum nem hozható létre",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Nincs joga ahhoz, hogy átnevezze ezt a dokumentumot",
"Directory saved successfully." => "A mappát sikeresen elmentettük.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Hiba történt a másik mappára történő áttérés közben.",
"Saved" => "Elmentve",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "A formátumszűrő szerver nem üzemel, vagy rosszul van konfigurálva",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Az átalakítás nem sikerült. Ellenőrizze a naplóállományban a részleteket!",
"Saving..." => "Mentés...",
"Failed to load documents." => "A dokumentum betőltése sikertelen",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Itt nincs semmi. Töltsön fel, vagy hozzon létre egy dokumentumot!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Nincs kapcsolat a kiszolgálóval. Újra próbálunk csatlakozni.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Ha elhagyja ezt az oldalt, miközben Szerkesztés módban van, akkor előfordulhat, hogy nem minden adat mentődik el. Érdemes inkább a 'Bezár' gombbal befejezni az oldal szerkesztését.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "A dokumentum betöltése sikertelen. Próbálja külső odt szerkeszővel megnyitni. Ez hiba jelentheti azt is, hogy már nincs megosztva, vagy már törölve lett a dokumentum.",
"Save" => "Mentés",
"Loading documents..." => "Dokumentumok betöltése...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' érvénytelen, mint fájlnév.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "A fájlnév nem lehet semmi.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Érvénytelen elnevezés. Ezek a karakterek nem használhatók: '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' és '*'",
"Align Left" => "Balra igazítás",
"Alignment" => "Igazítás",
"Align Right" => "Jobbra igazítás",
"Annotate" => "Megjegyzés beírása",
"Background" => "Háttér",
"Bold" => "Félkövér",
"Bottom" => "Alsó",
"Cancel" => "Mégsem",
"Center" => "Közép",
"Clone" => "Másolás",
"Clone this Style" => "Stílus másolása",
"Close" => "Bezárás",
"Color" => "Szín",
"Create" => "Létrehozás",
"Decrease Indent" => "Bekezdés csökkentése",
"Default Style" => "Alapértelmezett stílus",
"Delete" => "Törlés",
"Family" => "Család",
"Font" => "Betűtípus",
"Font Effects" => "Betűtípus-hatások",
"Format" => "Formátum",
"Increase Indent" => "Bekezdés növelése",
"Insert Image" => "Kép beillesztése",
"Invite Members" => "Együttműködők meghívása",
"Italic" => "Dőlt",
"Justified" => "Sorkizárt",
"Justify" => "Sorkizár",
"Left" => "Bal",
"Loading" => "Betöltés",
"Members" => "Együttműködők",
"New Name:" => "Új név:",
"OK" => "OK",
"Open" => "Megnyitás",
"Options" => "Opciók",
"Paragraph..." => "Bekezdés...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Bekezdés stílusok",
"Redo" => "Mégse vonjuk vissza",
"Right" => "Jobb",
"Size" => "Méret",
"Spacing" => "Ritkítás",
"Strikethrough" => "Áthúzott",
"Style" => "Stílus",
"Text" => "szöveg",
"Top" => "Felső",
"Underline" => "Aláhúzás",
"Undo" => "Visszavonás",
"Unknown Author" => "Ismeretlen szerző",
"Shared" => "Megosztott",
"Error" => "Hiba",
"Error while sharing" => "Nem sikerült létrehozni a megosztást",
"Error while unsharing" => "Nem sikerült visszavonni a megosztást",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Nem sikerült módosítani a jogosultságokat",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Megosztotta Önnel és a(z) {group} csoporttal: {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Megosztotta Önnel: {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Megosztás felhasználókkal vagy csoportokkal ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Megosztás felhasználókkal, csoportokkal vagy távoli felhasználókkal ...",
"Share" => "Megosztás",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "Megosztás más ownCloud szerverekkel, a következő formátum használatával felhasznalo@pé",
"Share link" => "Megosztás hivatkozással",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "A nyilvános link érvényessége legkorábban {days} nappal a létrehozása után jár csak le",
"Link" => "Link",
"Password protect" => "Jelszóval is védem",
"Password" => "Jelszó",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Válasszon egy jelszót a nyilvános linkhez",
"Allow editing" => "Szerkesztés engedélyezése",
"Email link to person" => "Email címre küldjük el",
"Send" => "Küldjük el",
"Set expiration date" => "Legyen lejárati idő",
"Expiration" => "Lejárat",
"Expiration date" => "A lejárati idő",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "Hiba történt. Kérjük, próbáld újra!",
"Adding user..." => "Felhasználó hozzáadása...",
"group" => "csoport",
"remote" => "távoli",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Ezt az állományt csak a tulajdonosa oszthatja meg másokkal",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Megosztva {item}-ben {user}-rel",
"Unshare" => "A megosztás visszavonása",
"notify by email" => "e-mail értesítés",
"can share" => "megosztható",
"can edit" => "módosíthat",
"access control" => "jogosultság",
"create" => "létrehoz",
"change" => "változtatás",
"delete" => "törlés",
"Password protected" => "Jelszóval van védve",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Nem sikerült a lejárati időt törölni",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Nem sikerült a lejárati időt beállítani",
"Sending ..." => "Küldés ...",
"Email sent" => "Az e-mail elküldve!",
"Warning" => "Figyelmeztetés",
"Edit" => "Szerkesztés",
"guest" => "vendég",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "MS Word támogatás (openOffice/libreOffice-t igényel)",
"Local" => "Helyi",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "Az openOffice/libreOffice telepítve van ezen a kiszolgálón. A program elérési útvonala a config.php preview_libreoffice_path paraméterében adható meg.",
"External" => "Külső",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "Az openOffice/libreOffice egy másik kiszolgálón van telepítve, ott zajlik a formátum átalakítása",
"Disabled" => "Kikapcsolva",
"No MS Word support" => "Nincs MS Word-támogatás",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "protokoll://teljes.gép.név[:port]",
"Server URL" => "Szerver URL",
"Apply and test" => "A beállítás kipróbálása",
"New document" => "Új dokumentum",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Feltöltés (max. %s)",
"Upload" => "Feltöltés",
"Save new documents to" => "Az új dokumentumokat ide mentse:",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Hibás jelszó. Próbálkozzon újra!",
"Guest %s" => "Vendég: %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Ez a link vagy lejárt vagy sohasem létezett. Kérdezze meg azt, aki megosztotta Önnel ezt a linket.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Haladó funkciók",
"(Unstable)" => "(nem stabil)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
"Save" => "Պահպանել",
"Close" => "Փակել",
"Delete" => "Ջնջել"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
"Saved" => "Salveguardate",
"Can't create document" => "Non pote crear le documento",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Tu non ha le permissiones pro renominar iste documento",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Un error occurreva durante que tu modificava le directorio.",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Directorio salveguardate con successo.",
"Documents" => "Documentos",
"Saving..." => "Salveguardante...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Il falleva cargar documentos.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Il non trovava alcun documentos. Incarga o crea un documento pro initiar!",
"Share" => "Compartir",
"Save" => "Salveguardar",
"Loading documents..." => "Cargante documentos...",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Le nomine de file non pote esser vacue.",
"Align Left" => "Alinea a sinistra",
"Alignment" => "Alineamento",
"Align Right" => "Alinea a dextera",
"Cancel" => "Cancellar",
"Close" => "Clauder",
"Color" => "Color",
"Create" => "Crear",
"Default Style" => "Stilo predefinite",
"Delete" => "Deler",
"Family" => "Familia",
"Insert Image" => "Inserta imagine",
"Invite Members" => "Invita Membros",
"Left" => "Sinistra",
"Loading" => "Cargante",
"Members" => "Membros",
"New Name:" => "Nove nomine",
"OK" => "Ok",
"Open" => "Aperi",
"Options" => "Optiones",
"Redo" => "Refacer",
"Size" => "Dimension",
"Style" => "Stilo",
"Text" => "Texto",
"Undo" => "Annulla",
"Unknown Author" => "Autor incognite",
"Edit" => "Modificar",
"guest" => "hospite",
"External" => "Externe",
"Server URL" => "URL de servitor",
"Apply and test" => "Applica e essaya",
"New document" => "Nove documento",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Incargar (max. %s)",
"Upload" => "Incargar",
"Save new documents to" => "Salveguardar nove documento in",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Contrasigno errate. Pro favor essaya de novo.",
"Password" => "Contrasigno",
"Guest %s" => "Hospite %s",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Insimul de characteristicas avantiate"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Dokumen",
"Can't create document" : "Tidak dapat membuat dokumen",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengubah nama dokumen ini",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Direktori berhasil disimpan.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Terjadi kesalahan saatt mengubah direktori.",
"Saved" : "Disimpan",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Server penyaring format mati atau salah konfigurasi",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Konversi gagal. Lihat log untuk rincian.",
"Saving..." : "Menyimpan...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Gagal untuk memuat dokumen.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Tidak ada dokumen yang ditemukan. Unggah atau buat sebuah dokumen untuk memulai!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Tidak tersambung ke server. Coba untuk menyambungkan ulang.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Meninggalkan halaman ini dalam mode Penyunting menyebabkan data tidak disimpan. Direkomendasikan untuk menggunakan tombol 'Tutup' sebagai gantinya.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Gagal memuat dokumen ini. Silakan periksa apakah ini dapat dibuka dengan penyunting odt eksternal. Dokumen ini mungkin saja sudah tidak dibagikan kepada Anda atau sudah dihapus baru-baru ini.",
"Save" : "Simpan",
"Loading documents..." : "Memuat dokumen...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' bukan nama berkas yang valid.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Nama berkas tidak boleh kosong.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nama tidak valid, karakter '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' dan '*' tidak diizinkan.",
"Align Left" : "Rata kiri",
"Alignment" : "Rata Kiri Kanan",
"Align Right" : "Rata kanan",
"Annotate" : "Keterangan",
"Background" : "Latar belakang",
"Bold" : "Tebal",
"Bottom" : "Tombol",
"Cancel" : "Batal",
"Center" : "Tengah",
"Clone" : "Duplikat",
"Clone this Style" : "Duplikat gaya ini",
"Close" : "Tutup",
"Color" : "Warna",
"Create" : "Buat",
"Decrease Indent" : "Perkecil Indentasi",
"Default Style" : "Gaya bawaan",
"Delete" : "Hapus",
"Family" : "Keluarga",
"Font" : "Huruf",
"Font Effects" : "Efek huruf",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Perbesar Indentasi",
"Insert Image" : "Sisipkan Gambar",
"Invite Members" : "Undang Anggota",
"Italic" : "Miring",
"Justified" : "Rata Kiri Kanan",
"Justify" : "Ratakan",
"Left" : "Kiri",
"Loading" : "Memuat",
"Members" : "Anggota",
"New Name:" : "Nama Baru",
"OK" : "Oke",
"Open" : "Buka",
"Options" : "Opsi",
"Paragraph..." : "Paragraf...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Gaya Paragraf",
"Redo" : "Batal",
"Right" : "Kanan",
"Size" : "Ukuran",
"Spacing" : "Spasi",
"Strikethrough" : "Coret",
"Style" : "Gaya",
"Text" : "Teks",
"Top" : "Atas",
"Underline" : "Garis bawah",
"Undo" : "Batal",
"Unknown Author" : "Penulis tidak diketahui",
"Shared" : "Dibagikan",
"Error" : "Kesalahan",
"Error while sharing" : "Kesalahan saat membagikan",
"Error while unsharing" : "Kesalahan saat membatalkan pembagian",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Kesalahan saat mengubah izin",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Dibagikan dengan anda dan grup {group} oleh {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Dibagikan dengan anda oleh {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Bagikan dengan pengguna atau grup ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Bagikan dengan pengguna, grup atau pengguna remote ...",
"Share" : "Bagikan",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Bagikan dengan orang lain di ownCloud menggunakan sintaks",
"Share link" : "Bagikan tautan",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Tautan publik akan kadaluarsa tidak lebih dari {days} hari setelah ini dibuat",
"Link" : "Tautan",
"Password protect" : "Lindungi dengan sandi",
"Password" : "Sandi",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Tetapkan sandi untuk tautan publik",
"Allow editing" : "Izinkan penyuntingan",
"Email link to person" : "Emailkan tautan ini ke orang",
"Send" : "Kirim",
"Set expiration date" : "Atur tanggal kedaluwarsa",
"Expiration" : "Kedaluwarsa",
"Expiration date" : "Tanggal kedaluwarsa",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Terjadi masalah. Mohon coba kembali",
"Adding user..." : "Menambahkan pengguna...",
"group" : "grup",
"remote" : "remote",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Berbagi ulang tidak diizinkan",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Dibagikan dalam {item} dengan {user}",
"Unshare" : "Batalkan berbagi",
"notify by email" : "notifikasi via email",
"can share" : "dapat berbagi",
"can edit" : "dapat disunting",
"access control" : "kontrol akses",
"create" : "buat",
"change" : "ubah",
"delete" : "hapus",
"Password protected" : "Sandi dilindungi",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Kesalahan saat menghapus tanggal kedaluwarsa",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Kesalahan saat mengatur tanggal kedaluwarsa",
"Sending ..." : "Mengirim ...",
"Email sent" : "Email terkirim",
"Warning" : "Peringatan",
"Edit" : "Edit",
"guest" : "pengunjung",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Dukungan MS Word (memerlukan openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Lokal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice sudah terinstal pada server ini. Jalur lokasi biner disediakan via preview_libreoffice_path didalam config.php",
"External" : "Eksternal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice sudah terinstal pada server eksternal menjalankan server penyaring format",
"Disabled" : "Dinonaktifkan",
"No MS Word support" : "Tidak ada dukungan MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "URL Server",
"Apply and test" : "Terapkan dan uji coba",
"New document" : "Dokumen Baru",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Unggah (maks. %s)",
"Upload" : "Unggah",
"Save new documents to" : "Simpan dokumen ke",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Sandi salah. Silakan ulangi.",
"Guest %s" : "Pengunjung %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Tautan ini sudah kadaluarsa atau tidak pernah ada. Silahkan hubungi orang yang berbagi dengan Anda untuk lebih rinci.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Set fitur lanjutan",
"(Unstable)" : "(Tidak stabil)"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Dokumen",
"Can't create document" : "Tidak dapat membuat dokumen",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengubah nama dokumen ini",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Direktori berhasil disimpan.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Terjadi kesalahan saatt mengubah direktori.",
"Saved" : "Disimpan",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Server penyaring format mati atau salah konfigurasi",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Konversi gagal. Lihat log untuk rincian.",
"Saving..." : "Menyimpan...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Gagal untuk memuat dokumen.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Tidak ada dokumen yang ditemukan. Unggah atau buat sebuah dokumen untuk memulai!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Tidak tersambung ke server. Coba untuk menyambungkan ulang.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Meninggalkan halaman ini dalam mode Penyunting menyebabkan data tidak disimpan. Direkomendasikan untuk menggunakan tombol 'Tutup' sebagai gantinya.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Gagal memuat dokumen ini. Silakan periksa apakah ini dapat dibuka dengan penyunting odt eksternal. Dokumen ini mungkin saja sudah tidak dibagikan kepada Anda atau sudah dihapus baru-baru ini.",
"Save" : "Simpan",
"Loading documents..." : "Memuat dokumen...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' bukan nama berkas yang valid.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Nama berkas tidak boleh kosong.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nama tidak valid, karakter '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' dan '*' tidak diizinkan.",
"Align Left" : "Rata kiri",
"Alignment" : "Rata Kiri Kanan",
"Align Right" : "Rata kanan",
"Annotate" : "Keterangan",
"Background" : "Latar belakang",
"Bold" : "Tebal",
"Bottom" : "Tombol",
"Cancel" : "Batal",
"Center" : "Tengah",
"Clone" : "Duplikat",
"Clone this Style" : "Duplikat gaya ini",
"Close" : "Tutup",
"Color" : "Warna",
"Create" : "Buat",
"Decrease Indent" : "Perkecil Indentasi",
"Default Style" : "Gaya bawaan",
"Delete" : "Hapus",
"Family" : "Keluarga",
"Font" : "Huruf",
"Font Effects" : "Efek huruf",
"Format" : "Format",
"Increase Indent" : "Perbesar Indentasi",
"Insert Image" : "Sisipkan Gambar",
"Invite Members" : "Undang Anggota",
"Italic" : "Miring",
"Justified" : "Rata Kiri Kanan",
"Justify" : "Ratakan",
"Left" : "Kiri",
"Loading" : "Memuat",
"Members" : "Anggota",
"New Name:" : "Nama Baru",
"OK" : "Oke",
"Open" : "Buka",
"Options" : "Opsi",
"Paragraph..." : "Paragraf...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Gaya Paragraf",
"Redo" : "Batal",
"Right" : "Kanan",
"Size" : "Ukuran",
"Spacing" : "Spasi",
"Strikethrough" : "Coret",
"Style" : "Gaya",
"Text" : "Teks",
"Top" : "Atas",
"Underline" : "Garis bawah",
"Undo" : "Batal",
"Unknown Author" : "Penulis tidak diketahui",
"Shared" : "Dibagikan",
"Error" : "Kesalahan",
"Error while sharing" : "Kesalahan saat membagikan",
"Error while unsharing" : "Kesalahan saat membatalkan pembagian",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Kesalahan saat mengubah izin",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Dibagikan dengan anda dan grup {group} oleh {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Dibagikan dengan anda oleh {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Bagikan dengan pengguna atau grup ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Bagikan dengan pengguna, grup atau pengguna remote ...",
"Share" : "Bagikan",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Bagikan dengan orang lain di ownCloud menggunakan sintaks",
"Share link" : "Bagikan tautan",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Tautan publik akan kadaluarsa tidak lebih dari {days} hari setelah ini dibuat",
"Link" : "Tautan",
"Password protect" : "Lindungi dengan sandi",
"Password" : "Sandi",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Tetapkan sandi untuk tautan publik",
"Allow editing" : "Izinkan penyuntingan",
"Email link to person" : "Emailkan tautan ini ke orang",
"Send" : "Kirim",
"Set expiration date" : "Atur tanggal kedaluwarsa",
"Expiration" : "Kedaluwarsa",
"Expiration date" : "Tanggal kedaluwarsa",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Terjadi masalah. Mohon coba kembali",
"Adding user..." : "Menambahkan pengguna...",
"group" : "grup",
"remote" : "remote",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "Berbagi ulang tidak diizinkan",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Dibagikan dalam {item} dengan {user}",
"Unshare" : "Batalkan berbagi",
"notify by email" : "notifikasi via email",
"can share" : "dapat berbagi",
"can edit" : "dapat disunting",
"access control" : "kontrol akses",
"create" : "buat",
"change" : "ubah",
"delete" : "hapus",
"Password protected" : "Sandi dilindungi",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Kesalahan saat menghapus tanggal kedaluwarsa",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Kesalahan saat mengatur tanggal kedaluwarsa",
"Sending ..." : "Mengirim ...",
"Email sent" : "Email terkirim",
"Warning" : "Peringatan",
"Edit" : "Edit",
"guest" : "pengunjung",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Dukungan MS Word (memerlukan openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Lokal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice sudah terinstal pada server ini. Jalur lokasi biner disediakan via preview_libreoffice_path didalam config.php",
"External" : "Eksternal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice sudah terinstal pada server eksternal menjalankan server penyaring format",
"Disabled" : "Dinonaktifkan",
"No MS Word support" : "Tidak ada dukungan MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "URL Server",
"Apply and test" : "Terapkan dan uji coba",
"New document" : "Dokumen Baru",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Unggah (maks. %s)",
"Upload" : "Unggah",
"Save new documents to" : "Simpan dokumen ke",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Sandi salah. Silakan ulangi.",
"Guest %s" : "Pengunjung %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Tautan ini sudah kadaluarsa atau tidak pernah ada. Silahkan hubungi orang yang berbagi dengan Anda untuk lebih rinci.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Set fitur lanjutan",
"(Unstable)" : "(Tidak stabil)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Dokumen",
"Can't create document" => "Tidak dapat membuat dokumen",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengubah nama dokumen ini",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Direktori berhasil disimpan.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Terjadi kesalahan saatt mengubah direktori.",
"Saved" => "Disimpan",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Server penyaring format mati atau salah konfigurasi",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Konversi gagal. Lihat log untuk rincian.",
"Saving..." => "Menyimpan...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Gagal untuk memuat dokumen.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Tidak ada dokumen yang ditemukan. Unggah atau buat sebuah dokumen untuk memulai!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Tidak tersambung ke server. Coba untuk menyambungkan ulang.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Meninggalkan halaman ini dalam mode Penyunting menyebabkan data tidak disimpan. Direkomendasikan untuk menggunakan tombol 'Tutup' sebagai gantinya.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Gagal memuat dokumen ini. Silakan periksa apakah ini dapat dibuka dengan penyunting odt eksternal. Dokumen ini mungkin saja sudah tidak dibagikan kepada Anda atau sudah dihapus baru-baru ini.",
"Save" => "Simpan",
"Loading documents..." => "Memuat dokumen...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' bukan nama berkas yang valid.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Nama berkas tidak boleh kosong.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nama tidak valid, karakter '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' dan '*' tidak diizinkan.",
"Align Left" => "Rata kiri",
"Alignment" => "Rata Kiri Kanan",
"Align Right" => "Rata kanan",
"Annotate" => "Keterangan",
"Background" => "Latar belakang",
"Bold" => "Tebal",
"Bottom" => "Tombol",
"Cancel" => "Batal",
"Center" => "Tengah",
"Clone" => "Duplikat",
"Clone this Style" => "Duplikat gaya ini",
"Close" => "Tutup",
"Color" => "Warna",
"Create" => "Buat",
"Decrease Indent" => "Perkecil Indentasi",
"Default Style" => "Gaya bawaan",
"Delete" => "Hapus",
"Family" => "Keluarga",
"Font" => "Huruf",
"Font Effects" => "Efek huruf",
"Format" => "Format",
"Increase Indent" => "Perbesar Indentasi",
"Insert Image" => "Sisipkan Gambar",
"Invite Members" => "Undang Anggota",
"Italic" => "Miring",
"Justified" => "Rata Kiri Kanan",
"Justify" => "Ratakan",
"Left" => "Kiri",
"Loading" => "Memuat",
"Members" => "Anggota",
"New Name:" => "Nama Baru",
"OK" => "Oke",
"Open" => "Buka",
"Options" => "Opsi",
"Paragraph..." => "Paragraf...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Gaya Paragraf",
"Redo" => "Batal",
"Right" => "Kanan",
"Size" => "Ukuran",
"Spacing" => "Spasi",
"Strikethrough" => "Coret",
"Style" => "Gaya",
"Text" => "Teks",
"Top" => "Atas",
"Underline" => "Garis bawah",
"Undo" => "Batal",
"Unknown Author" => "Penulis tidak diketahui",
"Shared" => "Dibagikan",
"Error" => "Kesalahan",
"Error while sharing" => "Kesalahan saat membagikan",
"Error while unsharing" => "Kesalahan saat membatalkan pembagian",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Kesalahan saat mengubah izin",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Dibagikan dengan anda dan grup {group} oleh {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Dibagikan dengan anda oleh {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Bagikan dengan pengguna atau grup ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Bagikan dengan pengguna, grup atau pengguna remote ...",
"Share" => "Bagikan",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "Bagikan dengan orang lain di ownCloud menggunakan sintaks",
"Share link" => "Bagikan tautan",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "Tautan publik akan kadaluarsa tidak lebih dari {days} hari setelah ini dibuat",
"Link" => "Tautan",
"Password protect" => "Lindungi dengan sandi",
"Password" => "Sandi",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Tetapkan sandi untuk tautan publik",
"Allow editing" => "Izinkan penyuntingan",
"Email link to person" => "Emailkan tautan ini ke orang",
"Send" => "Kirim",
"Set expiration date" => "Atur tanggal kedaluwarsa",
"Expiration" => "Kedaluwarsa",
"Expiration date" => "Tanggal kedaluwarsa",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "Terjadi masalah. Mohon coba kembali",
"Adding user..." => "Menambahkan pengguna...",
"group" => "grup",
"remote" => "remote",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Berbagi ulang tidak diizinkan",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Dibagikan dalam {item} dengan {user}",
"Unshare" => "Batalkan berbagi",
"notify by email" => "notifikasi via email",
"can share" => "dapat berbagi",
"can edit" => "dapat disunting",
"access control" => "kontrol akses",
"create" => "buat",
"change" => "ubah",
"delete" => "hapus",
"Password protected" => "Sandi dilindungi",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Kesalahan saat menghapus tanggal kedaluwarsa",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Kesalahan saat mengatur tanggal kedaluwarsa",
"Sending ..." => "Mengirim ...",
"Email sent" => "Email terkirim",
"Warning" => "Peringatan",
"Edit" => "Edit",
"guest" => "pengunjung",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "Dukungan MS Word (memerlukan openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" => "Lokal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/libreOffice sudah terinstal pada server ini. Jalur lokasi biner disediakan via preview_libreoffice_path didalam config.php",
"External" => "Eksternal",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "openOffice/libreOffice sudah terinstal pada server eksternal menjalankan server penyaring format",
"Disabled" => "Dinonaktifkan",
"No MS Word support" => "Tidak ada dukungan MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "URL Server",
"Apply and test" => "Terapkan dan uji coba",
"New document" => "Dokumen Baru",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Unggah (maks. %s)",
"Upload" => "Unggah",
"Save new documents to" => "Simpan dokumen ke",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Sandi salah. Silakan ulangi.",
"Guest %s" => "Pengunjung %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Tautan ini sudah kadaluarsa atau tidak pernah ada. Silahkan hubungi orang yang berbagi dengan Anda untuk lebih rinci.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Set fitur lanjutan",
"(Unstable)" => "(Tidak stabil)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=1; plural=0;";

@ -1 +0,0 @@

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
"Saving..." => "Er að vista ...",
"Share" => "Deila",
"Save" => "Vista",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' er ekki leyfilegt nafn.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Nafn skráar má ekki vera tómt",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Ógilt nafn, táknin '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' og '*' eru ekki leyfð.",
"Cancel" => "Hætta við",
"Close" => "Loka",
"Create" => "Búa til",
"Delete" => "Eyða",
"OK" => "Í lagi",
"Open" => "Opna",
"Options" => "Stillingar",
"Size" => "Stærð",
"Text" => "Texti",
"Edit" => "Breyta",
"Upload" => "Senda inn",
"Password" => "Lykilorð"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "Documenti",
"Can't create document" : "Impossibile creare il documento",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Non hai i permessi per rinominare questo documento",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Cartella salvata correttamente.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Si è verificato un errore durante il cambio di cartella.",
"Saved" : "Salvato",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Il formato del filtro del server è inattivo o configurato in modo errato",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Conversione non riuscita. Controlla i log per i dettagli.",
"Saving..." : "Salvataggio in corso...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Caricamento documenti non riuscito.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Nessun documento trovato. Carica o crea un documento per iniziare!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Nessuna connessione al server. Riprova a connetterti.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Lasciare questa pagina nella modalità potrebbe causare il mancato salvataggio dei dati. Si consiglia invece di utilizzare il pulsante 'Chiudi'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Caricamento del documento non riuscito. Controlla se può essere aperto con un editor odt esterno. Ciò può anche significare che è stato tolto dalla condivisione o che è stato eliminato recentemente.",
"Save" : "Salva",
"Loading documents..." : "Caricamento documenti...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' non è un nome file valido.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Il nome del file non può essere vuoto.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nome non valido, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' e '*' non sono consentiti.",
"Align Left" : "Allineamento a sinistra",
"Alignment" : "Allineamento",
"Align Right" : "Allineamento a destra",
"Annotate" : "Annota",
"Background" : "Sfondo",
"Bold" : "Grassetto",
"Bottom" : "In basso",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
"Center" : "Centrato",
"Clone" : "Clona",
"Clone this Style" : "Clona questo stile",
"Close" : "Chiudi",
"Color" : "Colore",
"Create" : "Crea",
"Decrease Indent" : "Riduci rientro",
"Default Style" : "Stile predefinito",
"Delete" : "Elimina",
"Family" : "Famiglia",
"Font" : "Carattere",
"Font Effects" : "Effetti carattere",
"Format" : "Formato",
"Increase Indent" : "Aumenta rientro",
"Insert Image" : "Inserisci immagine",
"Invite Members" : "Invita membri",
"Italic" : "Corsivo",
"Justified" : "Giustificato",
"Justify" : "Giustifica",
"Left" : "Sinistra",
"Loading" : "Caricamento",
"Members" : "Membri",
"New Name:" : "Nuovo nome:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Apri",
"Options" : "Opzioni",
"Paragraph..." : "Paragrafo...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Stili paragrafo",
"Redo" : "Rifai",
"Right" : "Destra",
"Size" : "Dimensione",
"Spacing" : "Spaziatura",
"Strikethrough" : "Barrato",
"Style" : "Stile",
"Text" : "Testo",
"Top" : "In alto",
"Underline" : "Sottolineato",
"Undo" : "Annulla",
"Unknown Author" : "Autore sconosciuto",
"Shared" : "Condiviso",
"Error" : "Errore",
"Error while sharing" : "Errore durante la condivisione",
"Error while unsharing" : "Errore durante la rimozione della condivisione",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Errore durante la modifica dei permessi",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Condiviso con te e con il gruppo {group} da {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Condiviso con te da {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Condividi con utenti o gruppi...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Condividi con utenti, gruppi o utenti remoti...",
"Share" : "Condividi",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Condividi con persone su altri ownCloud utilizzando la sintassi",
"Share link" : "Condividi collegamento",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Il collegamento pubblico scadrà non più tardi di {days} giorni dopo la sua creazione",
"Link" : "Collegamento",
"Password protect" : "Proteggi con password",
"Password" : "Password",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Scegli una password per il collegamento pubblico",
"Allow editing" : "Consenti la modifica",
"Email link to person" : "Invia collegamento tramite email",
"Send" : "Invia",
"Set expiration date" : "Imposta data di scadenza",
"Expiration" : "Scadenza",
"Expiration date" : "Data di scadenza",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Si è verificato un errore. Prova ancora",
"Adding user..." : "Aggiunta utente in corso...",
"group" : "gruppo",
"remote" : "remota",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "La ri-condivisione non è consentita",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Condiviso in {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" : "Rimuovi condivisione",
"notify by email" : "notifica tramite email",
"can share" : "può condividere",
"can edit" : "può modificare",
"access control" : "controllo d'accesso",
"create" : "crea",
"change" : "cambia",
"delete" : "elimina",
"Password protected" : "Protetta da password",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Errore durante la rimozione della data di scadenza",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Errore durante l'impostazione della data di scadenza",
"Sending ..." : "Invio in corso...",
"Email sent" : "Email inviata",
"Warning" : "Avviso",
"Edit" : "Modifica",
"guest" : "ospite",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Supporto MS Word (richiede openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Locale",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice è installato su questo server. Il percorso al binario è fornito tramite preview_libreoffice_path in config.php",
"External" : "Esterno",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice è installato su un server esterno che esegue un servizio di filtro del formato",
"Disabled" : "Disabilitato",
"No MS Word support" : "Nessun supporto per MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://dominio.tld[:porta]",
"Server URL" : "URL del server",
"Apply and test" : "Applica e prova",
"New document" : "Nuovo documento",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Caricamento (massimo %s)",
"Upload" : "Carica",
"Save new documents to" : "Salva i nuovi documenti in",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Password errata. Riprova.",
"Guest %s" : "Ospite %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Questo collegamento è scaduto o non è mai esistito. Contatta la persona che lo ha condiviso per i dettagli.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Funzionalità avanzate",
"(Unstable)" : "(Non stabile)"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "Documenti",
"Can't create document" : "Impossibile creare il documento",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "Non hai i permessi per rinominare questo documento",
"Directory saved successfully." : "Cartella salvata correttamente.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "Si è verificato un errore durante il cambio di cartella.",
"Saved" : "Salvato",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "Il formato del filtro del server è inattivo o configurato in modo errato",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "Conversione non riuscita. Controlla i log per i dettagli.",
"Saving..." : "Salvataggio in corso...",
"Failed to load documents." : "Caricamento documenti non riuscito.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "Nessun documento trovato. Carica o crea un documento per iniziare!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "Nessuna connessione al server. Riprova a connetterti.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "Lasciare questa pagina nella modalità potrebbe causare il mancato salvataggio dei dati. Si consiglia invece di utilizzare il pulsante 'Chiudi'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "Caricamento del documento non riuscito. Controlla se può essere aperto con un editor odt esterno. Ciò può anche significare che è stato tolto dalla condivisione o che è stato eliminato recentemente.",
"Save" : "Salva",
"Loading documents..." : "Caricamento documenti...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' non è un nome file valido.",
"File name cannot be empty." : "Il nome del file non può essere vuoto.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "Nome non valido, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' e '*' non sono consentiti.",
"Align Left" : "Allineamento a sinistra",
"Alignment" : "Allineamento",
"Align Right" : "Allineamento a destra",
"Annotate" : "Annota",
"Background" : "Sfondo",
"Bold" : "Grassetto",
"Bottom" : "In basso",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
"Center" : "Centrato",
"Clone" : "Clona",
"Clone this Style" : "Clona questo stile",
"Close" : "Chiudi",
"Color" : "Colore",
"Create" : "Crea",
"Decrease Indent" : "Riduci rientro",
"Default Style" : "Stile predefinito",
"Delete" : "Elimina",
"Family" : "Famiglia",
"Font" : "Carattere",
"Font Effects" : "Effetti carattere",
"Format" : "Formato",
"Increase Indent" : "Aumenta rientro",
"Insert Image" : "Inserisci immagine",
"Invite Members" : "Invita membri",
"Italic" : "Corsivo",
"Justified" : "Giustificato",
"Justify" : "Giustifica",
"Left" : "Sinistra",
"Loading" : "Caricamento",
"Members" : "Membri",
"New Name:" : "Nuovo nome:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "Apri",
"Options" : "Opzioni",
"Paragraph..." : "Paragrafo...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "Stili paragrafo",
"Redo" : "Rifai",
"Right" : "Destra",
"Size" : "Dimensione",
"Spacing" : "Spaziatura",
"Strikethrough" : "Barrato",
"Style" : "Stile",
"Text" : "Testo",
"Top" : "In alto",
"Underline" : "Sottolineato",
"Undo" : "Annulla",
"Unknown Author" : "Autore sconosciuto",
"Shared" : "Condiviso",
"Error" : "Errore",
"Error while sharing" : "Errore durante la condivisione",
"Error while unsharing" : "Errore durante la rimozione della condivisione",
"Error while changing permissions" : "Errore durante la modifica dei permessi",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Condiviso con te e con il gruppo {group} da {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "Condiviso con te da {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" : "Condividi con utenti o gruppi...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Condividi con utenti, gruppi o utenti remoti...",
"Share" : "Condividi",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Condividi con persone su altri ownCloud utilizzando la sintassi",
"Share link" : "Condividi collegamento",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Il collegamento pubblico scadrà non più tardi di {days} giorni dopo la sua creazione",
"Link" : "Collegamento",
"Password protect" : "Proteggi con password",
"Password" : "Password",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "Scegli una password per il collegamento pubblico",
"Allow editing" : "Consenti la modifica",
"Email link to person" : "Invia collegamento tramite email",
"Send" : "Invia",
"Set expiration date" : "Imposta data di scadenza",
"Expiration" : "Scadenza",
"Expiration date" : "Data di scadenza",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "Si è verificato un errore. Prova ancora",
"Adding user..." : "Aggiunta utente in corso...",
"group" : "gruppo",
"remote" : "remota",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "La ri-condivisione non è consentita",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Condiviso in {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" : "Rimuovi condivisione",
"notify by email" : "notifica tramite email",
"can share" : "può condividere",
"can edit" : "può modificare",
"access control" : "controllo d'accesso",
"create" : "crea",
"change" : "cambia",
"delete" : "elimina",
"Password protected" : "Protetta da password",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "Errore durante la rimozione della data di scadenza",
"Error setting expiration date" : "Errore durante l'impostazione della data di scadenza",
"Sending ..." : "Invio in corso...",
"Email sent" : "Email inviata",
"Warning" : "Avviso",
"Edit" : "Modifica",
"guest" : "ospite",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "Supporto MS Word (richiede openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" : "Locale",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice è installato su questo server. Il percorso al binario è fornito tramite preview_libreoffice_path in config.php",
"External" : "Esterno",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice è installato su un server esterno che esegue un servizio di filtro del formato",
"Disabled" : "Disabilitato",
"No MS Word support" : "Nessun supporto per MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://dominio.tld[:porta]",
"Server URL" : "URL del server",
"Apply and test" : "Applica e prova",
"New document" : "Nuovo documento",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Caricamento (massimo %s)",
"Upload" : "Carica",
"Save new documents to" : "Salva i nuovi documenti in",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "Password errata. Riprova.",
"Guest %s" : "Ospite %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "Questo collegamento è scaduto o non è mai esistito. Contatta la persona che lo ha condiviso per i dettagli.",
"Advanced feature-set" : "Funzionalità avanzate",
"(Unstable)" : "(Non stabile)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "Documenti",
"Can't create document" => "Impossibile creare il documento",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "Non hai i permessi per rinominare questo documento",
"Directory saved successfully." => "Cartella salvata correttamente.",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "Si è verificato un errore durante il cambio di cartella.",
"Saved" => "Salvato",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "Il formato del filtro del server è inattivo o configurato in modo errato",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "Conversione non riuscita. Controlla i log per i dettagli.",
"Saving..." => "Salvataggio in corso...",
"Failed to load documents." => "Caricamento documenti non riuscito.",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "Nessun documento trovato. Carica o crea un documento per iniziare!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "Nessuna connessione al server. Riprova a connetterti.",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "Lasciare questa pagina nella modalità potrebbe causare il mancato salvataggio dei dati. Si consiglia invece di utilizzare il pulsante 'Chiudi'.",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "Caricamento del documento non riuscito. Controlla se può essere aperto con un editor odt esterno. Ciò può anche significare che è stato tolto dalla condivisione o che è stato eliminato recentemente.",
"Save" => "Salva",
"Loading documents..." => "Caricamento documenti...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' non è un nome file valido.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Il nome del file non può essere vuoto.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nome non valido, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' e '*' non sono consentiti.",
"Align Left" => "Allineamento a sinistra",
"Alignment" => "Allineamento",
"Align Right" => "Allineamento a destra",
"Annotate" => "Annota",
"Background" => "Sfondo",
"Bold" => "Grassetto",
"Bottom" => "In basso",
"Cancel" => "Annulla",
"Center" => "Centrato",
"Clone" => "Clona",
"Clone this Style" => "Clona questo stile",
"Close" => "Chiudi",
"Color" => "Colore",
"Create" => "Crea",
"Decrease Indent" => "Riduci rientro",
"Default Style" => "Stile predefinito",
"Delete" => "Elimina",
"Family" => "Famiglia",
"Font" => "Carattere",
"Font Effects" => "Effetti carattere",
"Format" => "Formato",
"Increase Indent" => "Aumenta rientro",
"Insert Image" => "Inserisci immagine",
"Invite Members" => "Invita membri",
"Italic" => "Corsivo",
"Justified" => "Giustificato",
"Justify" => "Giustifica",
"Left" => "Sinistra",
"Loading" => "Caricamento",
"Members" => "Membri",
"New Name:" => "Nuovo nome:",
"OK" => "OK",
"Open" => "Apri",
"Options" => "Opzioni",
"Paragraph..." => "Paragrafo...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "Stili paragrafo",
"Redo" => "Rifai",
"Right" => "Destra",
"Size" => "Dimensione",
"Spacing" => "Spaziatura",
"Strikethrough" => "Barrato",
"Style" => "Stile",
"Text" => "Testo",
"Top" => "In alto",
"Underline" => "Sottolineato",
"Undo" => "Annulla",
"Unknown Author" => "Autore sconosciuto",
"Shared" => "Condiviso",
"Error" => "Errore",
"Error while sharing" => "Errore durante la condivisione",
"Error while unsharing" => "Errore durante la rimozione della condivisione",
"Error while changing permissions" => "Errore durante la modifica dei permessi",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Condiviso con te e con il gruppo {group} da {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "Condiviso con te da {owner}",
"Share with users or groups …" => "Condividi con utenti o gruppi...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "Condividi con utenti, gruppi o utenti remoti...",
"Share" => "Condividi",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "Condividi con persone su altri ownCloud utilizzando la sintassi",
"Share link" => "Condividi collegamento",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "Il collegamento pubblico scadrà non più tardi di {days} giorni dopo la sua creazione",
"Link" => "Collegamento",
"Password protect" => "Proteggi con password",
"Password" => "Password",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "Scegli una password per il collegamento pubblico",
"Allow editing" => "Consenti la modifica",
"Email link to person" => "Invia collegamento tramite email",
"Send" => "Invia",
"Set expiration date" => "Imposta data di scadenza",
"Expiration" => "Scadenza",
"Expiration date" => "Data di scadenza",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "Si è verificato un errore. Prova ancora",
"Adding user..." => "Aggiunta utente in corso...",
"group" => "gruppo",
"remote" => "remota",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "La ri-condivisione non è consentita",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Condiviso in {item} con {user}",
"Unshare" => "Rimuovi condivisione",
"notify by email" => "notifica tramite email",
"can share" => "può condividere",
"can edit" => "può modificare",
"access control" => "controllo d'accesso",
"create" => "crea",
"change" => "cambia",
"delete" => "elimina",
"Password protected" => "Protetta da password",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "Errore durante la rimozione della data di scadenza",
"Error setting expiration date" => "Errore durante l'impostazione della data di scadenza",
"Sending ..." => "Invio in corso...",
"Email sent" => "Email inviata",
"Warning" => "Avviso",
"Edit" => "Modifica",
"guest" => "ospite",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "Supporto MS Word (richiede openOffice/libreOffice)",
"Local" => "Locale",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/libreOffice è installato su questo server. Il percorso al binario è fornito tramite preview_libreoffice_path in config.php",
"External" => "Esterno",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "openOffice/libreOffice è installato su un server esterno che esegue un servizio di filtro del formato",
"Disabled" => "Disabilitato",
"No MS Word support" => "Nessun supporto per MS Word",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "scheme://dominio.tld[:porta]",
"Server URL" => "URL del server",
"Apply and test" => "Applica e prova",
"New document" => "Nuovo documento",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "Caricamento (massimo %s)",
"Upload" => "Carica",
"Save new documents to" => "Salva i nuovi documenti in",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "Password errata. Riprova.",
"Guest %s" => "Ospite %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "Questo collegamento è scaduto o non è mai esistito. Contatta la persona che lo ha condiviso per i dettagli.",
"Advanced feature-set" => "Funzionalità avanzate",
"(Unstable)" => "(Non stabile)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
"Documents" : "ドキュメント",
"Can't create document" : "文書を生成することができません",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "ドキュメント名を変更する権限がありません",
"Directory saved successfully." : "ディレクトリの保存に成功しました。",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "ディレクトリの変更中にエラーが発生しました。",
"Saved" : "保存されました",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "フォーマットフィルターサーバーが稼働していないか設定ミス",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "変換に失敗しました。詳細についてはログを確認してください。",
"Saving..." : "保存中...",
"Failed to load documents." : "ドキュメントのロードに失敗しました。",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "ドキュメントはありません。アップロードもしくは新規に作成してください!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "サーバーに接続されていません。再接続してください。",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "このページを編集モードのままにしておくと、保存されないデータが出てきます。その代わりに「閉じる」ボタンを使うことをお勧めします。",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "ドキュメントの読み込みに失敗しました。外部の odtエディターで開けるかどうか確認してください。これは、ドキュメントが最近、非共有になっているか削除されているのかもしれません。",
"Save" : "保存",
"Loading documents..." : "ドキュメントを読込中...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' は無効なファイル名です。",
"File name cannot be empty." : "ファイル名を空にすることはできません。",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "無効な名前、'\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?', '*' は使用できません。",
"Align Left" : "左揃え",
"Alignment" : "配置",
"Align Right" : "右揃え",
"Annotate" : "注釈",
"Background" : "背景",
"Bold" : "ボールド",
"Bottom" : "下",
"Cancel" : "キャンセル",
"Center" : "中央",
"Clone" : "複製",
"Clone this Style" : "このスタイルを複製",
"Close" : "閉じる",
"Color" : "色",
"Create" : "作成",
"Decrease Indent" : "インデントを減らす",
"Default Style" : "デフォルトスタイル",
"Delete" : "削除",
"Family" : "家族",
"Font" : "フォント",
"Font Effects" : "フォント効果",
"Format" : "書式",
"Increase Indent" : "インデントを増やす",
"Insert Image" : "画像を挿入",
"Invite Members" : "メンバーを招待",
"Italic" : "イタリック",
"Justified" : "両端揃え",
"Justify" : "両端揃え",
"Left" : "左",
"Loading" : "読込中",
"Members" : "メンバー",
"New Name:" : "新しい名前:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "開く",
"Options" : "オプション",
"Paragraph..." : "段落...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "段落スタイル",
"Redo" : "やり直し",
"Right" : "右",
"Size" : "サイズ",
"Spacing" : "間隔",
"Strikethrough" : "取消線",
"Style" : "スタイル",
"Text" : "TTY TDD",
"Top" : "上",
"Underline" : "下線",
"Undo" : "元に戻す",
"Unknown Author" : "不明な作者",
"Shared" : "共有中",
"Error" : "エラー",
"Error while sharing" : "共有でエラー発生",
"Error while unsharing" : "共有解除でエラー発生",
"Error while changing permissions" : "権限変更でエラー発生",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "あなたと {owner} のグループ {group} で共有中",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} と共有中",
"Share with users or groups …" : "ユーザーもしくはグループと共有 ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "ユーザー、グループもしくはリモートユーザーと共有 ...",
"Share" : "共有",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "次の形式で指定して他のownCloudのユーザーと、共有",
"Share link" : "URLで共有",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "URLによる共有は、作成してから {days} 日以内に有効期限切れになります",
"Link" : "リンク",
"Password protect" : "パスワード保護を有効化",
"Password" : "パスワード",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "URLによる共有のパスワードを入力",
"Allow editing" : "編集許可",
"Email link to person" : "メールリンク",
"Send" : "送信",
"Set expiration date" : "有効期限を設定",
"Expiration" : "期限切れ",
"Expiration date" : "有効期限",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "エラーが発生しました。もう一度トライしてください。",
"Adding user..." : "ユーザーを追加しています...",
"group" : "グループ",
"remote" : "リモート",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "再共有は許可されていません",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "{item} 内で {user} と共有中",
"Unshare" : "共有解除",
"notify by email" : "メールで通知",
"can share" : "共有可",
"can edit" : "編集を許可",
"access control" : "アクセス権限",
"create" : "作成",
"change" : "更新",
"delete" : "削除",
"Password protected" : "パスワード保護",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "有効期限の未設定エラー",
"Error setting expiration date" : "有効期限の設定でエラー発生",
"Sending ..." : "送信中...",
"Email sent" : "メールを送信しました",
"Warning" : "警告",
"Edit" : "編集",
"guest" : "ゲスト",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Wordサポート (OpenOffice/LibreOfficeが必要)",
"Local" : "ローカル",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice はこのサーバーにインストールされています。バイナリへのパスは、config.php の preview_libreoffice_path で指定することができます。",
"External" : "外部",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice は、フォーマットフィルターサーバーが動作している外部サーバーにインストールされています。",
"Disabled" : "無効",
"No MS Word support" : "MS Wordはサポートしていません。",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "サーバーURL",
"Apply and test" : "適用してテスト",
"New document" : "新しいドキュメント",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "アップロード ( 最大 %s )",
"Upload" : "アップロード",
"Save new documents to" : "新規ドキュメントの保存先:",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "間違ったパスワード。もう一度入力してください。",
"Guest %s" : "ゲスト %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "このリンクは期限が切れているか、すでに存在しません。詳細は、それを共有した方に連絡していください。",
"Advanced feature-set" : "高度な機能セット",
"(Unstable)" : "(不安定)"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
{ "translations": {
"Documents" : "ドキュメント",
"Can't create document" : "文書を生成することができません",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" : "ドキュメント名を変更する権限がありません",
"Directory saved successfully." : "ディレクトリの保存に成功しました。",
"An error occurred while changing directory." : "ディレクトリの変更中にエラーが発生しました。",
"Saved" : "保存されました",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" : "フォーマットフィルターサーバーが稼働していないか設定ミス",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." : "変換に失敗しました。詳細についてはログを確認してください。",
"Saving..." : "保存中...",
"Failed to load documents." : "ドキュメントのロードに失敗しました。",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" : "ドキュメントはありません。アップロードもしくは新規に作成してください!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." : "サーバーに接続されていません。再接続してください。",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." : "このページを編集モードのままにしておくと、保存されないデータが出てきます。その代わりに「閉じる」ボタンを使うことをお勧めします。",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." : "ドキュメントの読み込みに失敗しました。外部の odtエディターで開けるかどうか確認してください。これは、ドキュメントが最近、非共有になっているか削除されているのかもしれません。",
"Save" : "保存",
"Loading documents..." : "ドキュメントを読込中...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." : "'.' は無効なファイル名です。",
"File name cannot be empty." : "ファイル名を空にすることはできません。",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." : "無効な名前、'\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?', '*' は使用できません。",
"Align Left" : "左揃え",
"Alignment" : "配置",
"Align Right" : "右揃え",
"Annotate" : "注釈",
"Background" : "背景",
"Bold" : "ボールド",
"Bottom" : "下",
"Cancel" : "キャンセル",
"Center" : "中央",
"Clone" : "複製",
"Clone this Style" : "このスタイルを複製",
"Close" : "閉じる",
"Color" : "色",
"Create" : "作成",
"Decrease Indent" : "インデントを減らす",
"Default Style" : "デフォルトスタイル",
"Delete" : "削除",
"Family" : "家族",
"Font" : "フォント",
"Font Effects" : "フォント効果",
"Format" : "書式",
"Increase Indent" : "インデントを増やす",
"Insert Image" : "画像を挿入",
"Invite Members" : "メンバーを招待",
"Italic" : "イタリック",
"Justified" : "両端揃え",
"Justify" : "両端揃え",
"Left" : "左",
"Loading" : "読込中",
"Members" : "メンバー",
"New Name:" : "新しい名前:",
"OK" : "OK",
"Open" : "開く",
"Options" : "オプション",
"Paragraph..." : "段落...",
"Paragraph Styles" : "段落スタイル",
"Redo" : "やり直し",
"Right" : "右",
"Size" : "サイズ",
"Spacing" : "間隔",
"Strikethrough" : "取消線",
"Style" : "スタイル",
"Text" : "TTY TDD",
"Top" : "上",
"Underline" : "下線",
"Undo" : "元に戻す",
"Unknown Author" : "不明な作者",
"Shared" : "共有中",
"Error" : "エラー",
"Error while sharing" : "共有でエラー発生",
"Error while unsharing" : "共有解除でエラー発生",
"Error while changing permissions" : "権限変更でエラー発生",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "あなたと {owner} のグループ {group} で共有中",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} と共有中",
"Share with users or groups …" : "ユーザーもしくはグループと共有 ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "ユーザー、グループもしくはリモートユーザーと共有 ...",
"Share" : "共有",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "次の形式で指定して他のownCloudのユーザーと、共有",
"Share link" : "URLで共有",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "URLによる共有は、作成してから {days} 日以内に有効期限切れになります",
"Link" : "リンク",
"Password protect" : "パスワード保護を有効化",
"Password" : "パスワード",
"Choose a password for the public link" : "URLによる共有のパスワードを入力",
"Allow editing" : "編集許可",
"Email link to person" : "メールリンク",
"Send" : "送信",
"Set expiration date" : "有効期限を設定",
"Expiration" : "期限切れ",
"Expiration date" : "有効期限",
"An error occured. Please try again" : "エラーが発生しました。もう一度トライしてください。",
"Adding user..." : "ユーザーを追加しています...",
"group" : "グループ",
"remote" : "リモート",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "再共有は許可されていません",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "{item} 内で {user} と共有中",
"Unshare" : "共有解除",
"notify by email" : "メールで通知",
"can share" : "共有可",
"can edit" : "編集を許可",
"access control" : "アクセス権限",
"create" : "作成",
"change" : "更新",
"delete" : "削除",
"Password protected" : "パスワード保護",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "有効期限の未設定エラー",
"Error setting expiration date" : "有効期限の設定でエラー発生",
"Sending ..." : "送信中...",
"Email sent" : "メールを送信しました",
"Warning" : "警告",
"Edit" : "編集",
"guest" : "ゲスト",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" : "MS Wordサポート (OpenOffice/LibreOfficeが必要)",
"Local" : "ローカル",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" : "openOffice/libreOffice はこのサーバーにインストールされています。バイナリへのパスは、config.php の preview_libreoffice_path で指定することができます。",
"External" : "外部",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" : "openOffice/libreOffice は、フォーマットフィルターサーバーが動作している外部サーバーにインストールされています。",
"Disabled" : "無効",
"No MS Word support" : "MS Wordはサポートしていません。",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" : "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" : "サーバーURL",
"Apply and test" : "適用してテスト",
"New document" : "新しいドキュメント",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "アップロード ( 最大 %s )",
"Upload" : "アップロード",
"Save new documents to" : "新規ドキュメントの保存先:",
"Wrong password. Please retry." : "間違ったパスワード。もう一度入力してください。",
"Guest %s" : "ゲスト %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." : "このリンクは期限が切れているか、すでに存在しません。詳細は、それを共有した方に連絡していください。",
"Advanced feature-set" : "高度な機能セット",
"(Unstable)" : "(不安定)"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
"Documents" => "ドキュメント",
"Can't create document" => "文書を生成することができません",
"You don't have permission to rename this document" => "ドキュメント名を変更する権限がありません",
"Directory saved successfully." => "ディレクトリの保存に成功しました。",
"An error occurred while changing directory." => "ディレクトリの変更中にエラーが発生しました。",
"Saved" => "保存されました",
"Format filter server is down or misconfigured" => "フォーマットフィルターサーバーが稼働していないか設定ミス",
"Conversion failed. Check log for details." => "変換に失敗しました。詳細についてはログを確認してください。",
"Saving..." => "保存中...",
"Failed to load documents." => "ドキュメントのロードに失敗しました。",
"No documents were found. Upload or create a document to get started!" => "ドキュメントはありません。アップロードもしくは新規に作成してください!",
"No connection to server. Trying to reconnect." => "サーバーに接続されていません。再接続してください。",
"Leaving this page in Editor mode might cause unsaved data. It is recommended to use 'Close' button instead." => "このページを編集モードのままにしておくと、保存されないデータが出てきます。その代わりに「閉じる」ボタンを使うことをお勧めします。",
"Failed to load this document. Please check if it can be opened with an external odt editor. This might also mean it has been unshared or deleted recently." => "ドキュメントの読み込みに失敗しました。外部の odtエディターで開けるかどうか確認してください。これは、ドキュメントが最近、非共有になっているか削除されているのかもしれません。",
"Save" => "保存",
"Loading documents..." => "ドキュメントを読込中...",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' は無効なファイル名です。",
"File name cannot be empty." => "ファイル名を空にすることはできません。",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "無効な名前、'\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?', '*' は使用できません。",
"Align Left" => "左揃え",
"Alignment" => "配置",
"Align Right" => "右揃え",
"Annotate" => "注釈",
"Background" => "背景",
"Bold" => "ボールド",
"Bottom" => "下",
"Cancel" => "キャンセル",
"Center" => "中央",
"Clone" => "複製",
"Clone this Style" => "このスタイルを複製",
"Close" => "閉じる",
"Color" => "色",
"Create" => "作成",
"Decrease Indent" => "インデントを減らす",
"Default Style" => "デフォルトスタイル",
"Delete" => "削除",
"Family" => "家族",
"Font" => "フォント",
"Font Effects" => "フォント効果",
"Format" => "書式",
"Increase Indent" => "インデントを増やす",
"Insert Image" => "画像を挿入",
"Invite Members" => "メンバーを招待",
"Italic" => "イタリック",
"Justified" => "両端揃え",
"Justify" => "両端揃え",
"Left" => "左",
"Loading" => "読込中",
"Members" => "メンバー",
"New Name:" => "新しい名前:",
"OK" => "OK",
"Open" => "開く",
"Options" => "オプション",
"Paragraph..." => "段落...",
"Paragraph Styles" => "段落スタイル",
"Redo" => "やり直し",
"Right" => "右",
"Size" => "サイズ",
"Spacing" => "間隔",
"Strikethrough" => "取消線",
"Style" => "スタイル",
"Text" => "TTY TDD",
"Top" => "上",
"Underline" => "下線",
"Undo" => "元に戻す",
"Unknown Author" => "不明な作者",
"Shared" => "共有中",
"Error" => "エラー",
"Error while sharing" => "共有でエラー発生",
"Error while unsharing" => "共有解除でエラー発生",
"Error while changing permissions" => "権限変更でエラー発生",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "あなたと {owner} のグループ {group} で共有中",
"Shared with you by {owner}" => "{owner} と共有中",
"Share with users or groups …" => "ユーザーもしくはグループと共有 ...",
"Share with users, groups or remote users …" => "ユーザー、グループもしくはリモートユーザーと共有 ...",
"Share" => "共有",
"Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" => "次の形式で指定して他のownCloudのユーザーと、共有",
"Share link" => "URLで共有",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "URLによる共有は、作成してから {days} 日以内に有効期限切れになります",
"Link" => "リンク",
"Password protect" => "パスワード保護を有効化",
"Password" => "パスワード",
"Choose a password for the public link" => "URLによる共有のパスワードを入力",
"Allow editing" => "編集許可",
"Email link to person" => "メールリンク",
"Send" => "送信",
"Set expiration date" => "有効期限を設定",
"Expiration" => "期限切れ",
"Expiration date" => "有効期限",
"An error occured. Please try again" => "エラーが発生しました。もう一度トライしてください。",
"Adding user..." => "ユーザーを追加しています...",
"group" => "グループ",
"remote" => "リモート",
"Resharing is not allowed" => "再共有は許可されていません",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "{item} 内で {user} と共有中",
"Unshare" => "共有解除",
"notify by email" => "メールで通知",
"can share" => "共有可",
"can edit" => "編集を許可",
"access control" => "アクセス権限",
"create" => "作成",
"change" => "更新",
"delete" => "削除",
"Password protected" => "パスワード保護",
"Error unsetting expiration date" => "有効期限の未設定エラー",
"Error setting expiration date" => "有効期限の設定でエラー発生",
"Sending ..." => "送信中...",
"Email sent" => "メールを送信しました",
"Warning" => "警告",
"Edit" => "編集",
"guest" => "ゲスト",
"MS Word support (requires openOffice/libreOffice)" => "MS Wordサポート (OpenOffice/LibreOfficeが必要)",
"Local" => "ローカル",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on this server. Path to binary is provided via preview_libreoffice_path in config.php" => "openOffice/libreOffice はこのサーバーにインストールされています。バイナリへのパスは、config.php の preview_libreoffice_path で指定することができます。",
"External" => "外部",
"openOffice/libreOffice is installed on external server running a format filter server" => "openOffice/libreOffice は、フォーマットフィルターサーバーが動作している外部サーバーにインストールされています。",
"Disabled" => "無効",
"No MS Word support" => "MS Wordはサポートしていません。",
"scheme://domain.tld[:port]" => "scheme://domain.tld[:port]",
"Server URL" => "サーバーURL",
"Apply and test" => "適用してテスト",
"New document" => "新しいドキュメント",
"Upload (max. %s)" => "アップロード ( 最大 %s )",
"Upload" => "アップロード",
"Save new documents to" => "新規ドキュメントの保存先:",
"Wrong password. Please retry." => "間違ったパスワード。もう一度入力してください。",
"Guest %s" => "ゲスト %s",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details." => "このリンクは期限が切れているか、すでに存在しません。詳細は、それを共有した方に連絡していください。",
"Advanced feature-set" => "高度な機能セット",
"(Unstable)" => "(不安定)"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=1; plural=0;";

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