fighting pathes for amd/dojo loading

Tobias Hintze 11 years ago
parent ec37d6be71
commit 578e08c9b4

@ -1,59 +1,72 @@
/*globals $,OC,fileDownloadPath,t,document,odf,webodfEditor,alert,require */
var officeMain = {
dojoConfig: {
locale: "C",
paths: {
"webodf/editor": "/owncloud/apps/office/js/editor",
"dijit": "/owncloud/apps/office/js/editor/dijit",
"dojox": "/owncloud/apps/office/js/editor/dojox",
"dojo": "/owncloud/apps/office/js/editor/dojo",
"resources": "/owncloud/apps/office/js/editor/resources"
onStartup: function() {
"use strict"; alert("ready A");
require(["dojo/ready"], function(ready) {
ready(function(){alert("ready B!");});
OC.addScript('office', 'webodf_bootstrap', function() {
require({}, ["dojo/ready"], function(ready) {
dojo.config = officeMain.dojoConfig;
alert("dojo loaded");
require({}, ["webodf/editor/Editor"], function(Editor) {
alert("Editor loaded: "+Editor);
onView: function(dir, file) {
"use strict";
(function no_op() {return {no_op:function(){}};}()).no_op(function() {
OC.addScript('office', 'webodf').done(function() {
OC.addScript('office', 'webodf_bootstrap').done(function() {
OC.addScript('office', 'boot_editor').done(function() {
var doclocation = fileDownloadPath(dir, file);
OC.addScript('office', 'webodf').done(function() {
OC.addScript('office', 'boot_editor').done(function() {
var doclocation = fileDownloadPath(dir, file);
// fade out files menu and add odf menu
$('.documentslist').fadeOut('slow').promise().done(function() {
// odf action toolbar
var odfToolbarHtml =
'<div id="odf-toolbar">' +
'<button id="odf_close">' + t('files_odfviewer', 'Close') +
// fade out files menu and add odf menu
$('.documentslist').fadeOut('slow').promise().done(function() {
// odf action toolbar
var odfToolbarHtml =
'<div id="odf-toolbar">' +
'<button id="odf_close">' + t('files_odfviewer', 'Close') +
// fade out file list and show WebODF canvas
$('table').fadeOut('slow').promise().done(function() {
var odfelement, odfcanvas, canvashtml = '<div id = "mainContainer" style="display: none;">'+
'<div id = "editor">'+
'<span id = "toolbar"></span>'+
'<div id = "container">'+
'<div id="canvas"></div>'+
// fade out file list and show WebODF canvas
$('table').fadeOut('slow').promise().done(function() {
var odfelement, odfcanvas, canvashtml = '<div id = "mainContainer" style="display: none;">'+
'<div id = "editor">'+
'<span id = "toolbar"></span>'+
'<div id = "container">'+
'<div id="canvas"></div>'+
// in case we are on the public sharing page we shall display the odf into the preview tag
// $('#preview').html(canvashtml);
// in case we are on the public sharing page we shall display the odf into the preview tag
// $('#preview').html(canvashtml);
collaborative: 0,
docUrl: doclocation,
callback: function() { alert('live!'); }
// odfelement = document.getElementById("odf-canvas");
// odfcanvas = new odf.OdfCanvas(odfelement);
// odfcanvas.load(doclocation);
// odfelement = document.getElementById("odf-canvas");
// odfcanvas = new odf.OdfCanvas(odfelement);
// odfcanvas.load(doclocation);
onClose: function() {
