[tx-robot] updated from transifex

Jenkins for ownCloud 8 年前
父节点 6dff57f99a
当前提交 271076a8ec

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online: Cannot resolve the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Host \"%s\" kann nicht aufgelöst werden.",
"Collabora Online: Cannot connect to the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Zum Host \"%s\" kann keine Verbindung aufgebaut werden.",
"Collabora Online: SSL certificate is not installed." : "Collabora Online: SSL-Zertifikat ist nicht installiert.",
"Please ask your administrator to add ca-chain.cert.pem to the ca-bundle.crt, for example \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\" . The exact error message was: " : "Bitte deinen Administrator die ca-chain.cert.pem zum ownCloud ca-bundle.crt hinzuzufügen. Z.B. \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\". Die genaue Fehlermeldung war:",
"Collabora Online unknown error: " : "Collabora Online unbekannter Fehler: ",
"Collabora Online: Unable to read discovery.xml from \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Fehler beim Lesen der discovery.xml von \"%s\".",
"Collabora Online: discovery.xml from \"%s\" is not a well-formed XML string." : "Collabora Online: discovery.xml von \"%s\" ist nicht korrekt als XML-Zeichenfolge formatiert.",

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"Collabora Online: Cannot resolve the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Host \"%s\" kann nicht aufgelöst werden.",
"Collabora Online: Cannot connect to the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Zum Host \"%s\" kann keine Verbindung aufgebaut werden.",
"Collabora Online: SSL certificate is not installed." : "Collabora Online: SSL-Zertifikat ist nicht installiert.",
"Please ask your administrator to add ca-chain.cert.pem to the ca-bundle.crt, for example \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\" . The exact error message was: " : "Bitte deinen Administrator die ca-chain.cert.pem zum ownCloud ca-bundle.crt hinzuzufügen. Z.B. \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\". Die genaue Fehlermeldung war:",
"Collabora Online unknown error: " : "Collabora Online unbekannter Fehler: ",
"Collabora Online: Unable to read discovery.xml from \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Fehler beim Lesen der discovery.xml von \"%s\".",
"Collabora Online: discovery.xml from \"%s\" is not a well-formed XML string." : "Collabora Online: discovery.xml von \"%s\" ist nicht korrekt als XML-Zeichenfolge formatiert.",

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online: Cannot resolve the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Host \"%s\" kann nicht aufgelöst werden.",
"Collabora Online: Cannot connect to the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Zum Host \"%s\" kann keine Verbindung aufgebaut werden.",
"Collabora Online: SSL certificate is not installed." : "Collabora Online: SSL-Zertifikat ist nicht installiert.",
"Please ask your administrator to add ca-chain.cert.pem to the ca-bundle.crt, for example \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\" . The exact error message was: " : "Bitten Sie Ihren Administrator die ca-chain.cert.pem zum ownCloud ca-bundle.crt hinzuzufügen. Z.B. \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\". Die genaue Fehlermeldung war:",
"Collabora Online unknown error: " : "Collabora Online unbekannter Fehler: ",
"Collabora Online: Unable to read discovery.xml from \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Fehler beim Lesen der discovery.xml von \"%s\".",
"Collabora Online: discovery.xml from \"%s\" is not a well-formed XML string." : "Collabora Online: discovery.xml von \"%s\" ist nicht korrekt als XML-Zeichenfolge formatiert.",

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"Collabora Online: Cannot resolve the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Host \"%s\" kann nicht aufgelöst werden.",
"Collabora Online: Cannot connect to the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Zum Host \"%s\" kann keine Verbindung aufgebaut werden.",
"Collabora Online: SSL certificate is not installed." : "Collabora Online: SSL-Zertifikat ist nicht installiert.",
"Please ask your administrator to add ca-chain.cert.pem to the ca-bundle.crt, for example \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\" . The exact error message was: " : "Bitten Sie Ihren Administrator die ca-chain.cert.pem zum ownCloud ca-bundle.crt hinzuzufügen. Z.B. \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\". Die genaue Fehlermeldung war:",
"Collabora Online unknown error: " : "Collabora Online unbekannter Fehler: ",
"Collabora Online: Unable to read discovery.xml from \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Fehler beim Lesen der discovery.xml von \"%s\".",
"Collabora Online: discovery.xml from \"%s\" is not a well-formed XML string." : "Collabora Online: discovery.xml von \"%s\" ist nicht korrekt als XML-Zeichenfolge formatiert.",

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online: Cannot resolve the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: impossibile risolvere l'host \"%s\".",
"Collabora Online: Cannot connect to the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: impossibile connettersi all'host \"%s\".",
"Collabora Online: SSL certificate is not installed." : "Collabora Online: il certificato SSL non è installato.",
"Please ask your administrator to add ca-chain.cert.pem to the ca-bundle.crt, for example \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\" . The exact error message was: " : "Chiedi al tuo amministratore di aggiungere ca-chain.cert.pem al ca-bundle.crt, ad esempio \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\" . Il messaggio di errore esatto era:",
"Collabora Online unknown error: " : "Errore sconosciuto di Collabora Online:",
"Collabora Online: Unable to read discovery.xml from \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: impossibile leggere il file discovery.xml da \"%s\".",
"Collabora Online: discovery.xml from \"%s\" is not a well-formed XML string." : "Collabora Online: discovery.xml da \"%s\" non è una stringa XML corretta.",

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"Collabora Online: Cannot resolve the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: impossibile risolvere l'host \"%s\".",
"Collabora Online: Cannot connect to the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: impossibile connettersi all'host \"%s\".",
"Collabora Online: SSL certificate is not installed." : "Collabora Online: il certificato SSL non è installato.",
"Please ask your administrator to add ca-chain.cert.pem to the ca-bundle.crt, for example \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\" . The exact error message was: " : "Chiedi al tuo amministratore di aggiungere ca-chain.cert.pem al ca-bundle.crt, ad esempio \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\" . Il messaggio di errore esatto era:",
"Collabora Online unknown error: " : "Errore sconosciuto di Collabora Online:",
"Collabora Online: Unable to read discovery.xml from \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: impossibile leggere il file discovery.xml da \"%s\".",
"Collabora Online: discovery.xml from \"%s\" is not a well-formed XML string." : "Collabora Online: discovery.xml da \"%s\" non è una stringa XML corretta.",

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collabora Online: Cannot resolve the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Kan host \"%s\" niet bepalen.",
"Collabora Online: Cannot connect to the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Kan niet verbinden met host \"%s\".",
"Collabora Online: SSL certificate is not installed." : "Collabora Online: het SSL certificaat is niet geïnstalleerd.",
"Please ask your administrator to add ca-chain.cert.pem to the ca-bundle.crt, for example \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\" . The exact error message was: " : "Vraag uw beheerder om ca-chain.cert.pem toe te voegen aan ownCloud's ca-bundle.crt, bijvoorbeeld \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\" . De exacte foutmelding was: ",
"Collabora Online unknown error: " : "Collabora Online onbekende fout: ",
"Collabora Online: Unable to read discovery.xml from \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Kan discovery.xml niet lezen van \"%s\".",
"Collabora Online: discovery.xml from \"%s\" is not a well-formed XML string." : "Collabora Online: discovery.xml van \"%s\" is geen goed geformuleerde XML string.",

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"Collabora Online: Cannot resolve the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Kan host \"%s\" niet bepalen.",
"Collabora Online: Cannot connect to the host \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Kan niet verbinden met host \"%s\".",
"Collabora Online: SSL certificate is not installed." : "Collabora Online: het SSL certificaat is niet geïnstalleerd.",
"Please ask your administrator to add ca-chain.cert.pem to the ca-bundle.crt, for example \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\" . The exact error message was: " : "Vraag uw beheerder om ca-chain.cert.pem toe te voegen aan ownCloud's ca-bundle.crt, bijvoorbeeld \"cat /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem >> <server-installation>/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt\" . De exacte foutmelding was: ",
"Collabora Online unknown error: " : "Collabora Online onbekende fout: ",
"Collabora Online: Unable to read discovery.xml from \"%s\"." : "Collabora Online: Kan discovery.xml niet lezen van \"%s\".",
"Collabora Online: discovery.xml from \"%s\" is not a well-formed XML string." : "Collabora Online: discovery.xml van \"%s\" is geen goed geformuleerde XML string.",
