You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

409 lines
12 KiB

/*globals $,OC,fileDownloadPath,t,document,odf,alert,require,dojo,runtime,Handlebars */
$.widget('oc.documentGrid', {
options : {
context : '.documentslist',
documents : {},
sessions : {},
members : {}
render : function(fileId){
var that = this;
documentsMain.renderComplete = true;
_load : function (fileId){
_render : function (data){
var that = this,
documents = data && data.documents || this.options.documents,
sessions = data && data.sessions || this.options.sessions,
members = data && data.members || this.options.members,
hasDocuments = false
$(this.options.context + ' .document:not(.template,.progress)').remove();
if (documentsMain.loadError) {
$(this.options.context).after('<div id="errormessage">'
+ '<p>' + documentsMain.loadErrorMessage + '</p><p>'
+ documentsMain.loadErrorHint
+ '</p></div>'
$.widget('oc.documentOverlay', {
options : {
parent : 'document.body'
_create : function (){
show : function(){
hide : function(){
var documentsMain = {
isEditorMode : false,
isViewerMode: false,
ready :false,
fileName: null,
baseName: null,
canShare : false,
canEdit: false,
loadError : false,
loadErrorMessage : '',
loadErrorHint : '',
renderComplete: false, // false till page is rendered with all required data about the document(s)
toolbar : '<div id="ocToolbar"><div id="ocToolbarInside"></div><span id="toolbar" class="claro"></span></div>',
// generates docKey for given fileId
_generateDocKey: function(wopiFileId) {
var ocurl = OC.generateUrl('apps/richdocuments/wopi/files/{file_id}', {file_id: wopiFileId});
if (richdocuments_canonical_webroot) {
if (!richdocuments_canonical_webroot.startsWith('/'))
richdocuments_canonical_webroot = '/' + richdocuments_canonical_webroot;
ocurl = ocurl.replace(OC.webroot, richdocuments_canonical_webroot);
return ocurl;
UI : {
/* Editor wrapper HTML */
container : '<div id="mainContainer" class="claro">' +
viewContainer: '<div id="revViewerContainer" class="claro">' +
'<div id="revViewer"></div>' +
revHistoryContainerTemplate: '<div id="revPanelContainer" class="loleaflet-font">' +
'<div id="revPanelHeader">' +
'<h2>Revision History</h2>' +
'<span>{{filename}}</span>' +
'<a class="closeButton"><img src={{closeButtonUrl}} width="22px" height="22px"></a>' +
'</div>' +
'<div id="revisionsContainer" class="loleaflet-font">' +
'<ul></ul>' +
'</div>' +
'<input type="button" id="show-more-versions" class="loleaflet-font" value="{{moreVersionsLabel}}" />' +
revHistoryItemTemplate: '<li>' +
'<a href="{{downloadUrl}}" class="downloadVersion has-tooltip" title="' + t('richdocuments', 'Download this revision') + '"><img src="{{downloadIconUrl}}" />' +
'<a class="versionPreview"><span class="versiondate has-tooltip" title="{{formattedTimestamp}}">{{relativeTimestamp}}</span></a>' +
'<a href="{{restoreUrl}}" class="restoreVersion has-tooltip" title="' + t('richdocuments', 'Restore this revision') + '"><img src="{{restoreIconUrl}}" />' +
'</a>' +
/* Previous window title */
mainTitle : '',
/* Number of revisions already loaded */
revisionsStart: 0,
init : function(){
documentsMain.UI.mainTitle = parent.document.title;
showViewer: function(fileId, title){
// remove previous viewer, if open, and set a new one
if (documentsMain.isViewerMode) {
$('#revViewerContainer').prepend($('<div id="revViewer">'));
var ocurl = documentsMain._generateDocKey(fileId);
// WOPISrc - URL that loolwsd will access (ie. pointing to ownCloud)
var wopiurl = window.location.protocol + '//' + + ocurl;
// urlsrc - the URL from discovery xml that we access for the particular
// document; we add various parameters to that.
// The discovery is available at
// https://<loolwsd-server>:9980/hosting/discovery
var urlsrc = documentsMain.urlsrc +
"WOPISrc=" + wopisrc +
"&title=" + encodeURIComponent(title) +
"&lang=" + OC.getLocale().replace('_', '-') + // loleaflet expects a BCP47 language tag syntax
"&closebutton=1" +
if (!documentsMain.canEdit || action === "view") {
urlsrc += "&permission=readonly";
// access_token - must be passed via a form post
var access_token = encodeURIComponent(documentsMain.token);
// form to post the access token for WOPISrc
var form = '<form id="loleafletform" name="loleafletform" target="loleafletframe" action="' + urlsrc + '" method="post">' +
'<input name="access_token" value="' + access_token + '" type="hidden"/></form>';
// iframe that contains the Collabora Online
var frame = '<iframe id="loleafletframe" name= "loleafletframe" allowfullscreen style="width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;" />';
// Listen for App_LoadingStatus as soon as possible
$('#loleafletframe').ready(function() {
var editorInitListener = function(e) {
var msg = JSON.parse(;
if (msg.MessageId === 'App_LoadingStatus') {
window.removeEventListener('message', editorInitListener, false);
window.addEventListener('message', editorInitListener, false);
// And start listening to incoming post messages
window.addEventListener('message', function(e){
if (documentsMain.isViewerMode) {
try {
var msg = JSON.parse(;
var msgId = msg.MessageId;
var args = msg.Values;
var deprecated = !!args.Deprecated;
} catch(exc) {
msgId =;
if (msgId === 'UI_Close' || msgId === 'close' /* deprecated */) {
// If a postmesage API is deprecated, we must ignore it and wait for the standard postmessage
// (or it might already have been fired)
if (deprecated)
} else if (msgId === 'UI_FileVersions' || msgId === 'rev-history' /* deprecated */) {
if (deprecated)
} else if (msgId === 'UI_SaveAs') {
// TODO it's not possible to enter the
// filename into the OC.dialogs.filepicker; so
// it will be necessary to use an own tree
// view or something :-(
//OC.dialogs.filepicker(t('richdocuments', 'Save As'),
// function(val) {
// console.log(val);
// documentsMain.WOPIPostMessage($('#loleafletframe')[0], Action_SaveAs', {'Filename': val});
// }, false, null, true);
OC.dialogs.prompt(t('richdocuments', 'Please enter the filename to store the document as.'),
t('richdocuments', 'Save As'),
function(result, value) {
if (result === true) {
documentsMain.WOPIPostMessage($('#loleafletframe')[0], 'Action_SaveAs', {'Filename': value});
t('richdocuments', 'New filename'),
// Tell the LOOL iframe that we are ready now
documentsMain.WOPIPostMessage($('#loleafletframe')[0], 'Host_PostmessageReady', {});
// LOOL Iframe is ready, turn off our overlay
// This should ideally be taken off when we receive App_LoadingStatus, but
// for backward compatibility with older lool, lets keep it here till we decide
// to break older lools
// submit that
hideEditor : function(){
// Fade out editor
$('#mainContainer').fadeOut('fast', function() {
9 years ago
parent.document.title = documentsMain.UI.mainTitle;
showProgress : function(message){
if (!message){
message = '&nbsp;';
$('.documentslist .progress div').text(message);
$('.documentslist .progress').show();
hideProgress : function(){
$('.documentslist .progress').hide();
notify : function(message){;
setTimeout(OC.Notification.hide, 10000);
onStartup: function() {
var fileId;
// Does anything indicate that we need to autostart a session?
fileId = getURLParameter('fileid').replace(/^\W*/, '');;
if (fileId) {
documentsMain.ready = true;
WOPIPostMessage: function(iframe, msgId, values) {
if (iframe) {
var msg = {
'MessageId': msgId,
'Values': values
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(msg), '*');
prepareSession : function(){
documentsMain.isEditorMode = true;
initSession: function() {
documentsMain.urlsrc = richdocuments_urlsrc;
documentsMain.fullPath = richdocuments_path;
documentsMain.token = richdocuments_token;
documentsMain.canShare = typeof OC.Share !== 'undefined' && richdocuments_permissions & OC.PERMISSION_SHARE;
// fade out file list and show the cloudsuite
$('#content-wrapper').fadeOut('fast').promise().done(function() {
documentsMain.fileId = richdocuments_fileId;
documentsMain.fileName = richdocuments_title;
documentsMain.canEdit = Boolean(richdocuments_permissions & OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE);
documentsMain.loadDocument(documentsMain.fileName, documentsMain.fileId);
11 years ago
view : function(id){
9 years ago
OC.addScript('richdocuments', 'viewer/viewer', function() {
var path = $('li[data-id='+ id +']>a').attr('href');
odfViewer.isDocuments = true;
loadDocument: function(title, fileId) {
documentsMain.UI.showEditor(title, fileId, 'write');
onEditorShutdown : function (message){;
if (documentsMain.isEditorMode){
documentsMain.isEditorMode = false;
parent.location.hash = "";
} else {
setTimeout(OC.Notification.hide, 7000);
onClose: function() {
documentsMain.isEditorMode = false;
parent.location.hash = "";
parent.document.title = documentsMain.UI.mainTitle;
parent.postMessage('close', '*');
onCloseViewer: function() {
$('#revisionsContainer *').off();
documentsMain.isViewerMode = false;
documentsMain.UI.revisionsStart = 0;
show: function(fileId){
documentsMain.UI.showProgress(t('richdocuments', 'Loading documents…'));'render', fileId);
11 years ago
$(document).ready(function() {
if (!OCA.Files) {
OCA.Files = {};
OCA.Files.App = {};
OCA.Files.App.fileList = FileList;
if (!OC.Share) {
OC.Share = {};
window.Files = FileList; = $('.documentslist').documentGrid();
documentsMain.overlay = $('<div id="documents-overlay" class="icon-loading"></div><div id="documents-overlay-below" class="icon-loading-dark"></div>').documentOverlay();
$('li.document a').tipsy({fade: true, live: true});