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11 years ago
* ownCloud - Documents App
* @author Victor Dubiniuk
* @copyright 2014 Victor Dubiniuk
11 years ago
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later.
namespace OCA\Documents\Controller;
use \OCP\AppFramework\Controller;
use \OCP\IRequest;
use \OCP\AppFramework\Http;
use \OCP\AppFramework\Http\JSONResponse;
use \OCA\Documents\Db;
use \OCA\Documents\File;
use \OCA\Documents\Helper;
use OCA\Documents\Filter;
use \OC\Files\View;
11 years ago
class BadRequestException extends \Exception {
protected $body = "";
public function setBody($body){
$this->body = $body;
public function getBody(){
return $this->body;
11 years ago
class SessionController extends Controller{
protected $uid;
10 years ago
protected $logger;
protected $shareToken;
10 years ago
public function __construct($appName, IRequest $request, $logger, $uid){
parent::__construct($appName, $request);
$this->uid = $uid;
10 years ago
$this->logger = $logger;
* @NoAdminRequired
* @PublicPage
public function joinAsGuest($token, $name){
$uid = substr($name, 0, 16);
try {
$file = File::getByShareToken($token);
if ($file->isPasswordProtected() && !$file->checkPassword('')){
throw new \Exception('Not authorized');
$response = array_merge(
Db\Session::start($uid, $file),
[ 'status'=>'success' ]
} catch (\Exception $e){
$this->logger->warning('Starting a session failed. Reason: ' . $e->getMessage(), ['app' => $this->appName]);
$response = [ 'status'=>'error' ];
return $response;
* @NoAdminRequired
* @PublicPage
public function pollAsGuest($command, $args){
$this->shareToken = $this->request->getParam('token');
return $this->poll($command, $args);
* Store the document content to its origin
* @NoAdminRequired
* @PublicPage
public function saveAsGuest(){
$this->shareToken = $this->request->getParam('token');
return $this->save();
* @NoAdminRequired
public function join($fileId){
try {
$view = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getView();
$path = $view->getPath($fileId);
if ($view->isUpdatable($path)) {
$file = new File($fileId);
$response = Db\Session::start($this->uid, $file);
} else {
$info = $view->getFileInfo($path);
$response = [
'permissions' => $info['permissions'],
'id' => $fileId
$response = array_merge(
[ 'status'=>'success' ]
11 years ago
} catch (\Exception $e){
$this->logger->warning('Starting a session failed. Reason: ' . $e->getMessage(), [ 'app' => $this->appName ]);
$response = [ 'status'=>'error' ];
11 years ago
return $response;
11 years ago
* @NoAdminRequired
public function poll($command, $args){
$response = new JSONResponse();
$esId = isset($args['es_id']) ? $args['es_id'] : null;
$session = $this->loadSession($esId);
$memberId = isset($args['member_id']) ? $args['member_id'] : null;
$member = $this->loadMember($memberId);
switch ($command){
case 'sync_ops':
$seqHead = (string) isset($args['seq_head']) ? $args['seq_head'] : null;
if (!is_null($seqHead)){
$ops = isset($args['client_ops']) ? $args['client_ops'] : [];
$op = new Db\Op();
$currentHead = $op->getHeadSeq($esId);
try {
} catch (\Exception $e){
//Db error. Not critical
$session->syncOps($memberId, $currentHead, $seqHead, $ops)
$inactiveMembers = $member->updateByTimeout($esId);
foreach ($inactiveMembers as $inactive){
$op->removeCursor($esId, $inactive);
$op->removeMember($esId, $inactive);
} else {
// Error - no seq_head passed
throw new BadRequestException();
$ex = new BadRequestException();
implode(',', $this->request->getParams())
throw $ex;
} catch (BadRequestException $e){
[ 'err' => 'bad request:[' . $e->getBody() . ']' ]
return $response;
11 years ago
* Store the document content to its origin
* @NoAdminRequired
11 years ago
public function save(){
$response = new JSONResponse();
try {
$esId = $this->request->server['HTTP_WEBODF_SESSION_ID'];
$session = $this->loadSession($esId);
$memberId = $this->request->server['HTTP_WEBODF_MEMBER_ID'];
$currentMember = $this->loadMember($memberId, $esId);
// Extra info for future usage
// $sessionRevision = $this->request->server['HTTP_WEBODF_SESSION_REVISION'];
//NB ouch! New document content is passed as an input stream content
$stream = fopen('php://input','r');
if (!$stream){
throw new \Exception('New content missing');
$content = stream_get_contents($stream);
try {
if ($currentMember->getIsGuest()){
$file = File::getByShareToken($currentMember->getToken());
} else {
$file = new File($session->getFileId());
$view = $file->getOwnerView(true);
$path = $file->getPath(true);
} catch (\Exception $e){
//File was deleted or unshared. We need to save content as new file anyway
//Sorry, but for guests it would be lost :(
if ($this->uid){
$view = new View('/' . $this->uid . '/files');
$dir = \OC::$server->getConfig()->getUserValue($this->uid, 'documents', 'save_path', '');
$path = Helper::getNewFileName($view, $dir . 'New Document.odt');
} else {
throw $e;
11 years ago
$member = new Db\Member();
$members = $member->getActiveCollection($esId);
$memberIds = array_map(
return ($x['member_id']);
// Active users except current user
$memberCount = count($memberIds) - 1;
if ($view->file_exists($path)){
$currentHash = $view->hash('sha1', $path, false);
if (!Helper::isVersionsEnabled() && $currentHash !== $session->getGenesisHash()){
// Original file was modified externally. Save to a new one
$path = Helper::getNewFileName($view, $path, '-conflict');
11 years ago
$mimetype = $view->getMimeType($path);
} else {
11 years ago
$data = Filter::write($content, $mimetype);
if ($view->file_put_contents($path, $data['content'])){
// Not a last user
if ($memberCount>0){
// Update genesis hash to prevent conflicts
$this->logger->debug('Update hash', [ 'app' => $this->appName ]);
11 years ago
$session->updateGenesisHash($esId, sha1($data['content']));
} else {
// Last user. Kill session data
} catch (\Exception $e){
$this->logger->warning('Saving failed. Reason:' . $e->getMessage(), [ 'app' => $this->appName ]);
11 years ago
return $response;
11 years ago
protected function validateSession($session){
try {
if (is_null($this->shareToken)) {
new File($session->getFileId());
} else {
} catch (\Exception $e){
$this->logger->warning('Error. Session no longer exists. ' . $e->getMessage(), [ 'app' => $this->appName ]);
$ex = new BadRequestException();
implode(',', $this->request->getParams())
throw $ex;
protected function loadSession($esId){
if (!$esId){
throw new \Exception('Session id can not be empty');
$session = new Db\Session();
if (!$session->getEsId()){
throw new \Exception('Session does not exist');
return $session;
protected function loadMember($memberId, $expectedEsId = null){
if (!$memberId){
throw new \Exception('Member id can not be empty');
$member = new Db\Member();
//check if member belongs to the session
if (!is_null($expectedEsId) && $expectedEsId !== $member->getEsId()){
throw new \Exception($memberId . ' does not belong to session ' . $expectedEsId);
return $member;
11 years ago