
Purchase a month of service. If you are a new user, enter a username, password, and email to register with. If you are an existing user, enter your login username and password, check the renewal box, and enter a valid email address.

You have selected the renew option, but the username you gave does not exist.
"; } else if ($_GET['err'] == "usernameinvalid") { echo "
That username is not available. Please choose another.
"; } else if ($_GET['err'] == "renewpasswrong") { echo "
The password is incorrect.
"; } else if ($_GET['err'] == "bademail") { echo "
The email address is not in a valid format. Try again.
"; } else if ($_GET['err'] == "shortpassword") { echo "
Your password is too short. It needs to be at least 8 characters long.
"; } else if ($_GET['err'] == "commonpassword") { echo "
Your chosen password is in a public list of 1,000,000 common passwords, and is therefore insecure. Choose a better one.
"; } ?>

By pressing the Next button, you agree to these terms.
Note: The next page needs to load third-party clearnet code from Stripe to process your payment. If you don't want that, email dsm@netsyms.com and mention your preferred methods.