

We don't sell your data to third-parties and we hate ads, so that leaves us only one option for paying the bills. Is your privacy worth a cup of coffee?

$p) { ?>
" . $p["name"] . ""; ?>

$ per month
"; } else if ($coffee > 0 && $coffee < 1) { echo "Less than one cup of coffee"; } else if ($coffee >= 5) { $toast = round($p["monthly"] / TOAST_AVG, 1); echo "$toast avocado toasts"; } else if (ceil($coffee) - $coffee <= .2 && ceil($coffee) - $coffee > 0) { echo ceil($coffee) . " cups of coffee"; } else if ($coffee >= 1 && $coffee < 6) { echo "$coffee cups of coffee"; } ?>

Assuming $ per coffee and $ per avocado toast.