/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var lasttrackingcode = ""; function locationArrayToString(location) { var locarray = []; if (location.street != "" && location.street != null) { locarray.push(location.street); } if (location.city != "" && location.city != null) { locarray.push(location.city); } if (location.state != "" && location.state != null) { locarray.push(location.state); } if (location.zip != "" && location.zip != null) { locarray.push(location.zip); } if (location.country != "" && location.country != "US" && location.country != null) { locarray.push(location.country); } return locarray.join(", "); } function trackingStatusToNiceString(status, icon) { if (typeof icon == 'undefined' || icon !== true) { var icon = false; } switch (status) { case "UNKNOWN": return (icon ? ' ' : '') + "Unknown"; case "PRE_TRANSIT": return (icon ? ' ' : '') + "Pre-transit"; case "TRANSIT": return (icon ? ' ' : '') + "In Transit"; case "DELIVERED": return (icon ? ' ' : '') + "Delivered"; case "RETURNED": return (icon ? ' ' : '') + "Returned"; case "FAILURE": return (icon ? ' ' : '') + "Failure"; default: return status; } } function openTrackingHistory(code) { var refresh = false; if (typeof code == "undefined") { trackingcode = lasttrackingcode; refresh = true; } else { trackingcode = code; } lasttrackingcode = trackingcode; var requestfinished = false; var trackingdialogopen = false; $.ajax({ url: SETTINGS.trackingapi, dataType: 'json', data: { code: trackingcode }, timeout: 15 * 1000, success: function (resp) { if (trackingdialogopen) { app.dialog.close(); trackingdialogopen = false; } requestfinished = true; if (resp.status == "OK") { var infocontext = resp; infocontext.current.location.display = locationArrayToString(infocontext.current.location); infocontext.current.date = timestampToDateTimeString(infocontext.current.date); infocontext.current.status = trackingStatusToNiceString(infocontext.current.status, true); infocontext.addresses.from = locationArrayToString(infocontext.addresses.from); infocontext.addresses.to = locationArrayToString(infocontext.addresses.to); for (var i = 0; i < infocontext.history.length; i++) { infocontext.history[i].location.display = locationArrayToString(infocontext.history[i].location); infocontext.history[i].date = timestampToDateTimeString(infocontext.history[i].date); infocontext.history[i].status = trackingStatusToNiceString(infocontext.history[i].status, true); } // Keep last five tracking codes in history var history = localStorage.getItem("trackingcodehistory"); if (history == null) { history = []; } else { history = JSON.parse(history); } if (infocontext.code != "" && !history.includes(infocontext.code)) { history.push(infocontext.code); } while (history.length > 5) { history.shift(); } localStorage.setItem("trackingcodehistory", JSON.stringify(history)); if (refresh) { router.navigate("/toolbox/track/info", { context: infocontext, reloadCurrent: true }); } else { router.navigate("/toolbox/track/info", { context: infocontext }); } } else { app.dialog.alert(resp.message, "Error"); } }, error: function (jqXHR, status, errorThrown) { if (trackingdialogopen) { app.dialog.close(); trackingdialogopen = false; } requestfinished = true; app.dialog.alert("There was a network issue while tracking the item. Please try again.", "Error"); } }); // Open a loading message if there's a delay or we're refreshing the page if (refresh) { app.dialog.preloader("Tracking..."); trackingdialogopen = true; } else { setTimeout(function () { if (!requestfinished) { app.dialog.preloader("Tracking..."); trackingdialogopen = true; } }, 750); } } function scanTrackingBarcode() { scanBarcode(function (code) { playSound("scan"); if (code != "" && code.length > 5) { openTrackingHistory(code); } else { app.dialog.alert("That's not a valid tracking code.", "Error"); } }, function (error) { app.dialog.alert(error, "Error"); }); } $("#trackbtn").click(function () { var code = $("input[name=trackingcode]").val(); if (code != "" && code.length > 5) { openTrackingHistory(code); } else { app.dialog.alert("That's not a valid tracking code.", "Error"); } }); $("input[name=trackingcode]").on('keypress', function (e) { if (event.key === "Enter") { $("#trackbtn").click(); } });